Valeria Quintero-Carreño's research while affiliated with National Cancer Institute and other places

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Publications (4)

Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: Where Are We?
  • Literature Review
  • Full-text available

January 2024


41 Reads


1 Citation

Oncology Reviews

Abraham Hernández-Blanquisett


Valeria Quintero-Carreño


María Cristina Martínez-Ávila




Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal neoplasms worldwide; it is aggressive in nature and has a poor prognosis. The overall survival rate for pancreatic cancer is low. Most patients present non-specific symptoms in the advanced stages, which generally leads to late diagnosis, at which point there is no option for curative surgery. The treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer includes systemic therapy, in some cases radiotherapy, and more recently, molecular targeted therapies, which can positively impact cancer control and improve quality of life. This review provides an overview of the molecular landscape of pancreatic cancer based on the most recent literature, as well as current treatment options for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer.


Shoulder X‐ray: in the right upper lobe, a well‐circumscribed mass is observed (orange arrow).
Chest CT: (A, C) axial view, (B) coronal view, (D) sagittal view; revealing an oval well‐circumscribed mass projected at the right lung apex.
(A) Pelvis MRI coronal STIR sequence, (B) Pelvis MRI T1‐FSE sequence revealing a focal lesion in the lateral and inferior aspect of the right greater trochanter, which replaces the bone marrow, with apparent cortical disruption and associated bone marrow edema, which presents diffuse and homogeneous enhancement after the administration of intravenous contrast medium (green arrows). (C) MRI lower leg coronal T2 images, (D) MRI lower leg coronal STIR FSE sequence, (E) MRI lower leg sagittal DP FSE sequence identifying in the proximal diaphysis of the right tibia, of intramedullary location, a lesion that generates bone marrow replacement, with compromise of the posterior cortical of the tibia and exophytic component. The diameters of the lesion are longitudinal: 50.2 mm, transverse: 25 mm and anteroposterior 33 mm, its upper border is 44 mm from the tibial eminence and its lower margin is 26.6 cm from the tibiotalar joint as reference points (green arrows).
Painful shoulder and scapula as initial presentation of advanced lung adenocarcinoma

October 2022


46 Reads

Clinical Case Reports

Clinical Case Reports

Lung adenocarcinoma is a common cancer; even though it has a strong association with previous smoking, there has been described nonsmokers‐related cases. Symptoms varies from asymptomatic to hemoptysis or pleural effusion. We describe a case of a patient who presented with painful scapula as primary manifestation of advanced pulmonary malignancy.

Sexual dysfunction as a challenge in treated breast cancer: in-depth analysis and risk assessment to improve individual outcomes

August 2022


32 Reads


12 Citations

The increasing number of breast cancer survivors has led to a greater emphasis on issues related to quality of life (QoL). Up to 75% of women treated for breast cancer (BC) report sexual disorders. However, most oncologists are not trained to recognize which patients are at high-risk of developing sexual disorders. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is common in patients with BC; we found that patients without FSD prior to BC treatment are at risk of developing FSD after treatment. Treatment of early BC relies on the combination of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy. All these treatments have side effects or sequelae identified as high-risk factors for the development of FSD. The choice of less toxic treatments in each modality could reduce the risk of FSD in some cases, without affecting the risk of recurrence or effectiveness. A comprehensive approach of BC must consider FSD as a determinant factor of QoL in survivors.

Regional overview of laws against asbestos production in Latin America and the Caribbean. Do they adhere to the 2007 WHO/ILO recommendations?
Bills for the prohibition of asbestos in Colombia. Adapted from: Observatorio de Redes y Acción Colectiva Universidad del Rosario. Asbesto ¿un peligro silencioso? Parte 2: Intentos de prohibición del uso de asbesto en Colombia. 2019; 50-54.
Asbestos and Cancer in Latin America and the Caribbean: We May have won Some Battles, but Definitely not the War

July 2022


50 Reads


3 Citations

Only six countries have banned the industrial use of asbestos in Latin America and the Caribbean. In fact, the industrial use of asbestos appears to be growing in this region. Asbestos is one of the most dangerous natural substances in the world, it is contained in several types of rocks (such as serpentinites, mafic and ultramafic rocks) but fibers can be released to the atmosphere both by natural and antropogenic sources. Six countries have banned the industrial use of asbestos in this region, we expected that laws established before 2007 would be less adherent to the 2007 WHO/ILO recommendations. In contrast, the Chilean law of 2001 is one of those that most adheres to international recommendations along with the Colombian law of 2021. Which means that the newest laws are not necessarily the strongest. This article aims to draw a regional overview of the laws against asbestos production in Latin America and the Caribbean, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each national policy. We recommend that countries that have already banned asbestos consider updating and strengthening their existing laws and develop clinical guidelines for the management, monitoring, and rehabilitation of asbestos-related diseases. The challenge of asbestos goes far beyond a prohibition law.

Citations (2)

... More specifically, PFPT is considered as a first-line treatment for GSM in BCS as it is non-invasive, improves vaginal and urinary function, can be combined with other treatments, has a low risk of side effects and leads to symptom relief [1,2]. However, PFPT is not widely used as a GSM treatment option and is not widespread either among patients or their caregivers [3,4]. ...


Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause in Greek Breast-Cancer Survivors: A Cross-Sectional Study
Sexual dysfunction as a challenge in treated breast cancer: in-depth analysis and risk assessment to improve individual outcomes
Frontiers in Oncology

Frontiers in Oncology

... The lack of scientific and technological advancements in research data contributes to the accumulation of billions of tons of this waste across continents inhabited by humans. The issue of asbestos waste extends to North [8], South America [9], Europe [10,11], Asia [12], Africa [13], and Australia [14], underscoring its global nature and the absence of effective waste recycling technologies. The failure to recycle asbestos waste results in an estimated 255,000 annual deaths [15]. ...

Asbestos and Cancer in Latin America and the Caribbean: We May have won Some Battles, but Definitely not the War
Journal of Public Health Research

Journal of Public Health Research