V Güth's research while affiliated with University of Münster and other places

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Publications (28)

The 'Entlastungsgang'. A hip unloading gait as a new conservative therapy for hip pain in the adult
  • Article

August 1999


34 Reads


47 Citations

Gait & Posture

J Schröter


V Güth


M Overbeck




W Winkelmann

'Entlastungsgang' is a gait modification aiming to unload the hip joint by producing a modified Duchenne-limp (straight spinal column, additional lifting of the pelvis on the side of the swinging leg and a consecutive side shift of the pelvis) and a wide stance gait. Sixteen patients suffering from hip pain caused mainly by hip dysplasia were investigated. They received daily gait training for 12 h combined with intensive physical therapy as in-patients for 3-4 weeks. The external muscle torque acting on the hip joint was determined by 3D-gait analysis before, during and after the gait training. We found a reduction of the muscle torque after gait training to 77.2% of the initial value. At an average follow up of 12 months we found a persisting reduction of the muscle torque to 87. 0% at spontaneous gait that was further reduced to 81.3% of the initial value. The hip score for two components of the Merle d'Aubigne and Postel score for pain and walking was significantly improved from 7.4 to 10.8 points.


Die sonographische Beinlängen und Beinlängendifferenzmessung

September 1995


9 Reads


9 Citations

Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

Eine neu entwickelte Meßeinheit zur sonographischen Beinlängen- und Beinlängendifferenzmessung wird dargestellt. Die Meßpunkte im Bereich des Hüft-. Knie- und oberen Sprunggelenkes werden sonographisch mit einem 5- oder 7.5-MHz Schallkopf abgebildet. Die ventrale Acetabulumkante. der Hüftkopfscheitelpunkt sowie der laterale Knie- und ventrale obere Sprunggelenkspalt stellen sich als genaue und gut reproduzierbare anatomische Meßpunkte dar. Die Spina iliaca anterior superior sowie die Trodhanter major Spitze sind aufgrund mangelnder Reproduzierbarkeil von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Mit Hilfe der Meßeinheit können die jeweiligen Abstände der Meßpunkte bestimmt werden. die Differenzen entsprechen der Bein-. Oberschenkelund Unterschenkellänge. Die Genauigkeitsprüfung der Meßeinheit anhand von Leichenuntersuchungen und Probanden zeigt. daß eine hohe Präzision bei der sonographischen Längennestimmung erzielt wird. Aufgrund der fehlenden Strahlenbelastung sowie der hohen Meßgenauigkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit bietet sich der Einsatz der Sonographie zur routinemäßigen Beinlängen und Beinlängendifferenzmessung an.

Ein optoelektronisches Verfahren zur Bewegungs- und Haltungsanalyse

February 1986


15 Reads


4 Citations

Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

Das beschriebene Verfahren wurde zur quantitativen Beurteilung von Korperhaltungen und Bewegungsablaufen entwickelt. Es basiert auf dem Erfassen der Komponenten des Kraftvektors zwischen Fus und Laufbahn sowie der Position der markierten Gelenkdrehachsen bzw. sonstigen Mespunkten. Der Verlauf des Kraftvektors und die Entfernung der Gelenkachsen geben wichtige Informationen zur Beurteilung der Belastung von Gelenken beim Gehen bzw. bei verschiedenen Korperhaltungen. The discribed procedure has been developed for the quantitative estimation of human postures and motions. The system is based upon the detection of the components of the force vector between the foot and the ground and also the position of the marked pints of rotation of the joints or of the markes above the spine. The course of this vector of force in conjunction with the distance of the pints of rotation permits conclusions to be drawn about stress of joints during walking or different posture.

Ganganalyse beim Cerebralparetiker - Beziehungen zwischen Störungen der Muskelkoordination und Ganganomalien

June 1985


9 Reads


4 Citations

Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

Um die Ursache der auffälligen Wirbelsäulen- und Bekkenbewegungen des Cerebralparetikers beim Gehen zu untersuchen, wurden elektromyographische Untersuchungen und Bewegungsanalysen von insgesamt 35 Patienten und 32 gesunden Probanden ausgewertet mit folgenden Ergebnissen: • Das Ausmaß der Wirbelsäulenbewegungen (Duchennehinken) ist beim Cerebralparetiker signifikant größer als beim Gesunden. Die Beckenschwankungen scheinen ebenfalls beim Cerebralparetiker vergrößert zu sein (nicht signifikant). • Die elektromyographische Durchschnittsaktivität der Hüftabduktoren ist beim Spastiker nicht nennenswert vermindert, die der Hüftadduktoren nicht verstärkt. Hinweise auf eine Atrophie der Hüftabduktoren oder Hypertrophie der Adduktoren ergaben sich ebenfalls nicht. • Es besteht keine Korrelation zwischen den elektromyographisch faßbaren Koordinationsstörungen der gesamten unteren Extremität und dem Ausmaß der pathologischen Bewegungen. • Es besteht eine deutliche Korrelation zwischen den Koordinationsstörungen speziell der Hüftab- und -adduktoren und dem Ausmaß der pathologischen Bewegungen. Dieses Ausmaß ist um so geringer, je schlechter die Koordination dieser zwei Muskelgruppen ist. Aus den Punkten a-c läßt sich die Ursache des Duchenne- und Trendelenburghinken des Cerebralparetikers nicht ableiten, auch Punkt d läßt keine Erklärung zu. Im Gegenteil läßt er vermuten, daß die schlechte zeitliche Koordination bzw. die damit verbundene elektromyographische Daueraktivität von Hüftab- und -adduktoren eine stabilisierende Wirkung auf Becken und Rumpf hat. Als wahrscheinlichste Ursache des verstärkten Duchennehinkens nehmen wir jetzt die verstärkten Seitwärtsbewegungen des Beckens während der Standphase an. Diese Hypothese wird Gegenstand der jetzt geplanten Untersuchungen sein.

Comparison of pre- and postoperative electromyograms in children with cerebral palsy

May 1985


12 Reads


11 Citations

Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology

In 15 patients the EMG of the glutaeus medius muscle and of different muscles of the thigh and the shank was investigated by a standard program pre- and postoperatively. The following operations were performed: Tenotomy or transposition of adductors Tenotomy or transposition of kneeflexors Achillotenotomy. In most of the patients more than one operation were done simultaneously. In 12 patients the EMG was investigated on two different times without an operation between them. Furtheron the results of these investigations were compared with the results of earlier (already published) investigations of 113 cerebral palsied patients and 45 healthy probands. The electromyographic variables of the different groups were compared by the STUDENT-Test. In addition, a classification of the pecularities of the EMG was done by discriminant analysis taking in consideration the most characteristic signs of the EMG. The results show that all signs concerning the pattern of coordination of the pre- and postoperative muscular activities do not show any distinct differences. Moreover the comparison of the pre- and postoperative EMG shows that they are often similar also in details. Differences are only seen in the relation of the magnitude of activities of the muscles. These changes are expression of the normalization of the relation of agonists and antagonists. They can be explained by a change of the mechanical premisses. Planning myoplastic operations one must keep in mind the possibility that the timing of muscle activity will not be influenced by the operation and that the success of the operation is caused by an improvement of the biomechanical premisses along without change of the pattern of muscle innervation. The comparison of pre- and postoperative electromyograms is described in many papers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14). The question was whether the results of operations can be predicted by electromyography (EMG) or not. Furtheron the investigation should inform about the effectivity of the operation. We are interested in the influence of the following factors: 1. Is the reflectory activity of the muscles influenced by changes of the tension during operations? 2. Does the pattern of muscle activity show reaction upon the changed mechanical conditions of work? 3. Is the result of myoplastic operations only due to the improvement of the mechanical conditions of work? The results of the pre- and postoperative electromyographical investigations published by other authors are different. Partial changes in muscle activity are described corresponding to the results of the operation. On the first place accomodations of the extent of activity to the mechanical requirement according to clinical observations are seen. The result of operations is a normalisation of the pattern of activity e.g. Stotz (1979). More over it was assumed that the better is the timing of activity before operation the better is the prognosis of the operations e.g. Sutherland et al. (1969). But it happened that there were often found no changes of the activity of the muscles after the operation. The question if there is an important correlation between the change of the conditions of mechanical work and the change of muscular activity is answered in different ways. In most papers it is stated that the effect of the operation on the pattern of activity shown by the EMG is variable. A special difficulty results in the fact that in most cases several muscles are operated simultaneously. This paper deals mainly with the question if myoplastic operations result in a changing of performance of the coordination of muscle activity and if the quality of the preoperative coordination correlates with the success of the operation.

Ätiologie der Hüftverrenkung bei Kindern mit zerebraler Bewegungsstörung und Möglichkeiten konservativer Behandlung mit Dreh-, Spreizschalen und Elektrostimulation

April 1985


7 Reads


4 Citations

Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

Hüftluxationen bei spastischen Lähmungen betreffen fast immer schwerbehinderte Kinder. Sie bahnen sich bereits im Kleinkindesalter an. Zwei Verfahren, nämlich die Elektroreizbehandlung der kleinen Glutäen und die Behandlung mit einfachen, die Fehlhaltung korrigierenden Beinschalen werden vorgestellt. Die Nachuntersuchung ergab bei 33 der 42 Kinder mit Schalenbehandlung und bei 26 der 32 Kinder mit Elektrotherapie eine positive Beeinflussung des Hüftbefundes. Die Behandlung mit Elektrotherapie stellt ein Novum dar, da sie in der Vergangenheit bei dieser Patientengruppe als kontraindiziert galt. Sie hat jedoch ihre Grundlage in der Tatsche, daß die Glutealmuskulatur keine Spastizität aufzuweisen pflegt. In jedem Fall muß die Therapie langfristig über Jahre hinweg erfolgen, was an die Kooperationsfähigkeit der Familie gesteigerte Ansprüche stellt.

The investigation of walking of patients with cerebral palsy by the electromyogram (EMG) using surface electrodes

March 1984


7 Reads


3 Citations

Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology

The electromyogram of 14 muscles of the hip and les was picked up by surface electrodes when investigating 113 patients with spastic diplegia and 45 healthy persons. The signal was amplified and recorded simultaneously the effective values were calculated and stored by a digital processor for further evaluation. The results of a half - quantitative estimation of the EMG and the derived other variables with patients and healthy persons were compared by the statistical Student - test. Most of the variables significantly differ from each other. Then we calculated the correlation coefficients between the different variables obtained during walking and maximal activation of the muscles with following results: 1) If one variable is quite different from its standard value, all other variables of this patient are nearly the same. That means that the variables depend upon each other. 2) The electromyographical behaviour of the different muscles is similar. 3) The variables of the healthy persons show the same correlations as those of the patients. That means that the EMG - symptoms seen in the patient in an intensive manner are also seen in the healthy person, but in a weaker form. Using the results of the student - test and the calculation of correlation we selected those variables being most characteristic for the patients. With these variables we calculated a discriminant analysis. The result shows that it is possible to distinguish healthy persons and CP - patients only by EMG with an error of less than 5%.

Citations (9)

... The accurate quantification of skeletal motion is not only important for the assessment of abnormal gait patterns caused by skeletal disorders such as cerebral palsy (Röhrle et al., 1987;Bowsher et al., 1993), but also plays a key role in predicting musculoskeletal loading (Heller et al., 2001(Heller et al., , 2003Taylor et al., 2004Taylor et al., , 2006 and the functional evaluation of therapy outcomes (Cappozzo, 1983). Marker-based motion capture has therefore become a common approach for the collection of kinematic data (Leardini et al., 1999), with clinical applications focused on using skin markers to derive internal bone motion (Benoit et al., 2005;Stagni et al., 2005). ...


The SCoRE residual: A quality index to assess the accuracy of joint estimations
Gait characteristics and muscle and joint forces in children with cerebral palsy
  • Citing Article
  • December 1987

Journal of Biomechanics

... Riddle and Roaf [26], Henssge [27], Butterworth and James [28], Redford et al. [29], and Alexander and Season [30] studied myoelectric activity in the case of an unloaded spine. In contrast, Güth et al. [31] and Güth and Abbink [32] assessed the EMG activity of gait assisted with and without braces. In their trials, Hertle and Jentschura [33], Le Febvre et al. [34], Brussatis [35], andŻuk [36] implemented different types of loaded positions. ...

Vergleichende elektromyographische und kinesiologische Untersuchungen an kongenitalen und idiopathischen Skoliosen
  • Citing Article
  • April 1980

Zeitschrift fur Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

... Although the cause and consequences of a dropped foot cannot be considered solely at the ankle, describing ankle muscle activity may provide useful information for the development of a clinical tool to direct and evaluate treatment. Earlier researchers have studied the timing and amplitude of muscle activity during walking in normal and hemiplegic patients [9,10], but little work has been done to categorise different types of abnormality in hemi- plegia. Dietz showed that, whereas in normal subjects increased ankle torque during stance phase was concurrent with activity in triceps surae, in some cases of equinus abnormality, no relation was observed [5]. ...

Electromyographic investigations of gait in cerebral palsied children
  • Citing Article
  • November 1979

Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology

... It is important to note that brace treatment in later adulthood must be accompanied by a specific daily physical exercise programme. It can be argued that brace wearing does not affect the postural muscles, when in the contrary postural muscle activity is increased while brace wearing [62,63]. However, the reduction of mobility while wearing the brace may reduce bone mass, especially in postmenopausal women [64][65][66]. ...

[Investigation of gait of patients with idiopathic scoliosis and the influence of the Milwaukee brace on gait (author's transl)]
  • Citing Article
  • February 1978

Zeitschrift für Orthopädie

... Da verkürzte und kontrakte Adduktoren eine Luxationsgefahr für das Hüftgelenk darstellen [1], wird die Adduktorentenotomie neben der Therapie auch zur Prophylaxe einer Hüftgelenksluxation empfohlen [2,12]. Konservative Maßnahmen wie Oberschenkelspreizgipse [13], Lagerungsschalen zur Hüftabspreizung [14] und die Physiotherapie auf neurophysiologischer Grundlage werden ergänzend angewandt. Eine Therapie ohne postoperative Gewichtsübernahme wirkt am Beispiel der Adduktorentenotomie allerdings nur begrenzt luxationsprophylaktisch [1], da der aufrechte Gang ein starker Stimulus für die luxationsverhindernde Entwicklung der Hüftabduktoren und -extensoren darstellt [1,15,16]. ...

[Etiology of hip dislocation in children with cerebral movement disorders and possibilities of conservative treatment using rotating and spreading plates and electrostimulation].
  • Citing Article

Zeitschrift für Orthopädie

... Another piece of evidence regarding the exposure of possible compensatory mechanisms with the help of EMG assessment is by comparing EMG data before and after an orthopedic surgery. Earlier studies supported that the EMG patterns in children are some kind of "fingerprint" (Gueth et al. 1985) and are not expected to change after an orthopedic surgery, since this intervention aims to correct bony and soft tissue deformities which do not belong to the primary causes that could influence EMG (Perry and Hoffer 1977;Gueth et al. 1985;Brunt and Scarborough 1988;DeLuca 1991;Lee et al. 1992). However, there are several indications that the EMG of children with CP can adapt when using orthosis (Romkes et al. 2006). ...

Comparison of pre- and postoperative electromyograms in children with cerebral palsy
  • Citing Article
  • May 1985

Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology

... The analysis of EMG signal amplitude is a common method, but is influenced by anthropometrics, precise electrode placement, and body tissue impedance. Additionally, normalization techniques typically require individuals to perform a maximal volitional contraction, which is not reliable in young children because of limited cognitive capabilities, and may not truly represent maximal contraction in individuals with neurologic impairment [Gueth et al., 1984]. Frequency analysis of EMG signals using the continuous wavelet transform allows the dynamic EMG signal to be decomposed into its individual frequency components as a function of time. ...

The investigation of walking of patients with cerebral palsy by the electromyogram (EMG) using surface electrodes
  • Citing Article
  • March 1984

Electromyography and Clinical Neurophysiology

... Meanwhile, Güth and Abbink [26] found differences of bioelectrical activity in the paravertebral muscles in the case of non-aggressive curvatures during static and dynamic loading of the upper limbs. When performing maximal isometric work, the differences in bioelectrical activity between the convex and concave sides are smaller, which suggests that in idiopathic scoliosis, the etiological agent must not be muscle weakness on the side of the concave curvature. ...

[Electromyographical and kinesiological investigations: Comparison of congenital and idiopathic scoliosis (author's transl)].
  • Citing Article
  • May 1980

Zeitschrift für Orthopädie

... ese coordination patterns were observed within the first half of the stance phase, with difference in lumbar/pelvic coordination preceding the difference in the pelvic/thigh coordination pattern (Figures 3(a) and 3(d)). It was previously thought that these patterns were a symptom of the Duchenne limp, which was frequently seen in patients with hip OA [15,32]. e Duchenne limp is a movement performed in order to compensate for weakened hip abductor muscles [15,32]. ...

The 'Entlastungsgang'. A hip unloading gait as a new conservative therapy for hip pain in the adult
  • Citing Article
  • August 1999

Gait & Posture