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Publications (16)

Politeness and Negotiation Strategies in Handling Customers: Conflict-Resolution
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2022


414 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Puspalatha C Suppiah






Figure 1: Fintech Categories in Malaysia (Source: Fintech News Malaysia)
Summary of Concepts, Dimensions and Attributes for the Theoretical Model

March 2022


578 Reads

This paper aims to investigate the factors determining a fintech firm's survivability using Evolutionary Game Theory. This paper will examine the survivability of fintech firms in Malaysia, focusing on three characteristics: industry-specific, firm-specific, and fintech-specific. Independent variables denote industry-specific characteristics such as regulatory support and pressure intensity. Three independent variables define firm-specific characteristics: firm size, management team size, and internationalization scope. The business model and fintech capabilities represent fintech-specific characteristics. This study will look at the moderator variable (fintech experience) to determine if it changes the relationship between firm-specific characteristics and the survival of fintech businesses. Fintech is evolving and now provides a broad range of business services on a global scale. However, fintech research is still in its infancy and is limited, particularly in fintech firm survivability. Most of the study discusses fintech adoption in terms of technology and user perceptions. As a result, a theory-driven theoretical model suitable for analysing the survivability of fintech and fintech firms is an absolute necessity. This study will employ a quantitative approach with the questionnaire survey method in data collection. The population of this study involves 233 fintech companies as the unit of analysis. Based on the population, a sample will be selected using stratified random sampling, and 177 companies will be chosen from a population of 233. For this research, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 and Amos Graphics version 24 will perform data coding and analysis. Analysis of Moments Structure (AMOS) software will be used in Structural Modelling Equation (SEM) because it can quickly, accurately, and effectively look at how latent constructs are linked together.

Figure 2. Inverted U-shaped relationship between ICT and CoC
Descriptive Statistics
Correlation analysis
Panel Unit-root test
ICT Development and CoC
The Influence of ICT on the Control of Corruption: A Study Using Panel Data From ASEAN Countries

June 2021


1,487 Reads


6 Citations

International Journal of Public Administration

International Journal of Public Administration

Corruption might occur in many places within the government. Information and communication technology (ICT) can be used to create a more open and transparent government enabling the control of corruption (CoC). The research presented in this paper aims to analyze the effect of ICT on CoC in open government. Using panel data of ASEAN countries over 33 years from 1984 to 2016, this study examined the data utilizing panel auto-regressive distributed lags (ARDL). The results of this study reinforce the existing literature on the positive effects of ICT on CoC. However, the assumed relationship is more complicated than often assumed. This study shows the presence of a quadratic (non-linear) inverted u-shaped relationship between the ICT development and CoC, which implies that there is no further opportunity for ICT alone to reduce corruption once a threshold is reached. ICT might even be used to facilitate corruption. Hence, ICT needs to be complemented by institutional and organizational measures and education to fight corruption.

IMPAK PANDEMIK COVID-19 TERHADAP GOLONGAN ASNAF: KERANGKA KERJA KONSEPTUAL Pandemic Impact of Covid-19 Toward Asnaf Group: A Conceptual Framework

March 2021


299 Reads

Abstrak: Pandemik COVID-19 telah menggusarkan penduduk dunia dengan jumlah jangkitan merebak dengan kadar pantas dan memberi kesan yang amat buruk terhadap sosioekonomi hampir semua individu. Malaysia tidak terkecuali dengan keadaan ini apabila hampir semua industri terkesan dengan COVID-19 yang juga memberi kesan kepada individu di seluruh negara. Peruntukan dana berjuta ringgit telah diberikan kepada individu yang memerlukan, antaranya adalah golongan asnaf. Golongan asnaf merupakan mereka yang serba kekurangan dalam menampung kehidupan seharian. Dengan fenomena COVID-19, keadaan hidup mereka makin terjejas. Oleh itu, artikel ini akan menjana perspektif impak pandemik COVID-19 ke atas sosioekonomi golongan asnaf bagi membantu penghasilan instrumen penerangan berbentuk kerangka kerja konseptual yang boleh membantu kajian di masa hadapan.

The Malay Sultanates as the Impetus for the Formation of Malaysia

January 2021


832 Reads


3 Citations

This paper investigates the history of the Malay Sultanates. The study on the Malay Sultanates will effectively assist us in understanding the concept of Federation because it served as the impetus for the emergence of the Malay States which constitute what Malaysia is today. It is found that Malaysia was not a creation from the alleged social contract established by the so called `forefathers’ in many popular writings but it was the Malay Sultanates who had delegated some of their powers and executive rights for the formation of a strong central government

Figure 2: Triangle mean graph vs triangular.
Figure 2 shows a graph of the mean triangle against Triangular with 1 = minimum value, 2 = intermediate value, and 3 = maximum value. The data obtained from Likert scale were analyzed using Microsoft Excel program. All data is converted into Triangular Fuzzy Number. The seven-point Fuzzy scale was used in this study.
Figure 3: Overall procedures of FDM
List of experts involved in FDM technique.
Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) Malaysia

January 2021


254 Reads

International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education

Research supervision is an academic activity that are planned and executed to enhance learning and maximize learning experience in the first-degree level of Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) Malaysia. The study aims to identify and rank the elements in Supervision Process construct for The Synergistic Psycho-Social Model (SyPSM) based on expert consensus. The expert consists of 15 experts from all ITEs, and possess variety of expertise in research supervision for first degree level. In addition, the chosen expert equipped with 10 years of experience in their respective fields. The study utilizes Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) technique to analyse the data. The findings indicate that all 13 elements in Supervision Practice construct were accepted. These elements were accepted since the threshold (d) value is less than 0.2, the Fuzzy A score is > 0.5 and percentage of expert group consensus is more than 75%. In conclusion, the research has successfully identified elements for supervision process construct based on FDM analysis and "Ensure that the report on analysis result is the real result from conducted research" element is the priority to produce main framework of elements in developing The Synergistic Psycho-Social Model (SyPSM).

Pencegahan Penyakit Berjangkit (Covid 19), Kesan dan Hikmahnya Menurut Perspektif Islam Prevention of Infectious Disease (COVID-19), the Effects and Insights from the Perspective of Islam

January 2020


1,708 Reads


6 Citations

Abstrak Penyakit berjangkit merupakan suatu penyakit yang sudah lama berlaku sejak zaman Nabi SAW lagi dan bukanlah perkara baru. Islam juga telah menetapkan kaedah, langkah pencegahan dan menjelaskan juga kesan serta hikmah di sebalik ujian ini. Perihal ini boleh dilihat dalam sumber rujukan Islam seperti al-Quran, Hadis dan sebagainya. Justeru kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dalil dan kaedah dari sumber Islam yang dimaksudkan berkaitan penyakit berjangkit seperti Covid 19, menjelaskan langkah-langkah pencegahan dari penyakit merbahaya ini, kesan dan hikmahnya menurut perspektif Islam. Reka bentuk kajian ini ialah kualitatif dengan menggunakan metodee pengumpulan data melalui kepustakaan manakala analisis dokumen digunakan bagi metodee analisis data. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa agama Islam merupakan agama syumul yang memandu manusia ke jalan yang benar termasuk juga dalam mendepani wabak berbahaya seperti Covid 19 dengan membawakan dalil-dalil dari sumber Islam sebagai panduan termasuk langkah pencegahan, kesan dan juga hikmah yang tersembunyi di sebalik wabak pandemik dunia Covid 19 ini. Abstract Infectious diseases have been happening for a long time since the time of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and it is not a new thing. Islam has also established methods, preventive measures and explained the effects and insights behind this challenge. The evidence can be seen in Islamic authorize sources such as the Quran, Hadith and others. Thus, this study aims to find out the propositions and methods from Islamic authorize sources that are related to infectious diseases such as Covid-19, explaining the preventive measures from this dangerous disease, its effects and insights according to the Islamic perspective. The research design of this study is qualitative by using data collection methods through the library while documents analysis is used for data analysis method. The results showed that Islam is a comprehensive religion that guides people to the right path, including in the face of dangerous pandemic such as Covid-19 by bringing arguments from Islamic authorize sources as a guidance including preventive measures, effects and insights from pandemic Covid-19. Sumber Islam ialah sumber yang syumul yang memberi panduan kehidupan buat manusia dalam semua aspek termasuk juga dalam aspek kesihatan seperti dalam mendepani penyakit Covid 19. Islam menetapkan beberapa kaedah yang boleh diambil dalam menyelesaikan Hadis-hadis yang saling bercanggah berkenaan perihal penyakit berjangkit di dalam Islam. Antara manhaj atau metode yang boleh digunakan ialah menyatukan dan mengharmonikan, al-naskh, pentarjihan, tawaquf dan lain-lain. Dalam konteks Hadis bagi kajian ini, manhaj yang boleh digunakan ialah menyatukan dan mengharmonikan. Berdasarkan contoh Hadis-hadis berikut:

Figure 1. Ribbed Slabs
Figure 6. Comparison between S1-100 experiment and ABAQUS
Numerical Analysis of Punching Shear Failure of Self-Compacting Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SCFRC) Ribbed Slabs Nurulain Hanida Mohamad Fodzi

This paper deals with behavior and capacity of punching shear resistance for ribbed slabs produce from self-compacting fiber reinforced concrete (SCFRC) by application of nonlinear finite element method. The analysis will be achieve by using ABAQUS software. The nonlinear finite element analysis by ABAQUS will be compare with the experimental results. Results and conclusions may be useful for establishing recommendation and need to be acknowledge.

Visual Merchandising and Customers' Impulse Buying Behavior: A Case of a Fashion Specialty Store

June 2019


7,804 Reads


19 Citations

International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability

Visual merchandising is an extremely important element as the first visual cue that affects buying behaviour of customers. This study aims to identify determinants of visual merchandising that influence customers' impulse buying behaviour. This study focuses on five elements of visual merchandising which are window display, mannequin display, floor merchandising, promotional signage and lighting. Investigation was conducted at a popular fashion specialty store in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A total of 150 customers' feedback was collected. Results of statistical data analysis show that three out of five visual merchandising elements are important in influencing the customers' impulse buying behaviour. Window display, mannequin display and promotional signage are positively related and identified as determinants of effective visual merchandising for impulse buying decision at the women fashion specialty store. The research outcome extends understanding on the adverse effect of visual merchandising on customers' behaviour.

Citations (6)

... W Seman et al. (2021) claimed that physical spaces play the most important role in developing or selecting a flood evacuation centre to bring satisfaction to the occupant. However, due to the government's use of public facilities such as schools, mosques, and community halls as temporary evacuation centres, many evacuees have complained that the majority of the evacuation centres in Malaysia's flood-prone areas are unsuitable in terms of space, physical facilities, management, and other factors (Suhardi, 2017;W Seman et al., 2021). The study by Zahari and Hashim (2018), on the other hand, indicated that there is no implementation of standards or guidelines for flood relief shelters in Malaysia. ...


An Assessment to Determine the Typology of Spaces for a Flood Evacuation Centre in Malaysia
Developing Criteria of Design Guidelines for Public Spaces Serving as Evacuation Centers in Malaysia

... Persuasion is a process that tries to alter, change, or enhance the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviours of the target audience through the transmission of a message that reflects the persuader's point of view in a typically implicit manner (Berger & Stanchi, 2018;Krishnan et al., 2021;Kaur et al., 2022). Essentially, persuaders employ tactics to present a set of attitudes or behaviours that addressees should adopt for their country, community, or safety (Lestari, 2018). ...

Politeness and Negotiation Strategies in Handling Customers: Conflict-Resolution

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

... Dalam konteks di Malaysia, Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) yang dilaksanakan ini adalah satu perkara yang pernah terjadi pada zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW terjadinya penyakit kusta. Pengasingan dan kuarantin adalah perkara yang dilakukan dan merupakan perkara yang baik untuk mengelakkan berlakunya kemudharatan wabak COVID-19 yang berjangkit ini (Safie & Mohamed, 2020). ...

Pencegahan Penyakit Berjangkit (Covid 19), Kesan dan Hikmahnya Menurut Perspektif Islam Prevention of Infectious Disease (COVID-19), the Effects and Insights from the Perspective of Islam

... Darusalam, M. Janssen, K. Sohag, N. Omar, J. Said, M.I. Merhi, I. Adam, M. Fazekas (Darusalam, Janssen, Sohag, Omar, Said, 2021;Merhi, 2022;Adam, Fazekas, 2021) turned out to be useful as well. ...

The Influence of ICT on the Control of Corruption: A Study Using Panel Data From ASEAN Countries
International Journal of Public Administration

International Journal of Public Administration

... As a conclusion, poverty reduction is a critical component of food security policy since poor people spend a huge percentage of income on food, making them vulnerable to high food prices, and many poor people earn a large portion of their income from farming, leaves them susceptible to reduces in agricultural production [14,15,16]. Apart from the fact that most developed countries ratified the Covenant on Economic, Cultural, and Social Rights over 40 years ago, food insecurity rates demonstrate that current social protection measures are insufficient [17,18,19,20]. The primary goal of this study is to discover the types of relationships that agricultural growth and food security have on poverty in high-income countries. ...

The Malay Sultanates as the Impetus for the Formation of Malaysia

... The use of visually appealing designs and other visual merchandising stimuli can play a critical role in satisfying consumer experiences and influencing impulsive buying behaviour (Sachitra and Konara, 2023). Determinants of visual merchandising, such as window displays, mannequin displays, floor merchandising, promotional signage, and lighting, have been found to influence customers' impulse buying behaviour (Iberahim et al., 2019). Overall, visual merchandising has the potential to significantly impact consumers' brand attitude and purchase intention (Park et al., 2014). ...

Visual Merchandising and Customers' Impulse Buying Behavior: A Case of a Fashion Specialty Store

International Journal of Service Management and Sustainability