Ting Zuo's research while affiliated with Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya (RVSKVV) and other places

Publications (9)

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The youth in post-land reform Zimbabwe are engaged in struggles for land ownership, access and control. This article focuses on youth struggles from the grassroots to the national level. The struggles for land emanate from a number of factors among which are: elite alienation, the state’s failure to exercise its constitutional mandate of a broad-ba...
There is no doubt that Zimbabwe's Fast Track Land Reform Program resulted in repeasantization. As several studies point out, it also resulted in accumulation from below by a majority of the resettled peasantry. Our study focuses on an area where counter-agrarian reform is in motion and accumulation from below is constrained. In this location, we ar...
This paper analyses the potential welfare impacts West Africa tends to encounter from liberalising agricultural export subsidies and domestic support in developed and developing countries according to the reform proposals of the Doha Development Agenda. We base our analysis on the July framework scenario which considers a tiered formula that adopts...
Ethnic minorities have always been an integrated part of development reality. Taking Nu people, one of the 56 ethnic minorities in China, for case study, the present article is an attempt to examine the multiple discourses concerning ethnic minority development in the country. Evidence based analysis is conducted to reveal the existence of three ma...
This article focuses on analyzing the potential welfare impacts the West African region will experience from reforming agricultural export subsidies and domestic support in developed and developing countries under the Doha Development Agenda. Results indicate that consumers of nearly all of the commodities analyzed will encounter welfare losses, wh...
Conference Paper
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Set in six rural communities in southern Hebei Province of China, the present study focuses on rural farmersâ?? access to, interests about and management of internet information. With the perspective of farmers, this empirical study attempts to understand the potential effects of information technology on agricultural information system and to capt...
As environment arises to be an overarching development concern around the globe, the confrontation of ethnic minority culture and environment development ranks itself as one of the overarching debates in the field. On the basis of a case study in rural ethnic minority community in southeast China, the present paper encompasses an examination of maj...


... The agricultural challenges of climate change in Zimbabwe need to be understood within the wider context of the national political economy and the centrality to that of land and, hence, agriculture (Chipato et al. 2020). The legacy of the colonial land grab and the establishment of a massive settlerbased large-scale commercial agricultural system on the most productive land continues to cast its shadow on Zimbabwean politics and society. ...
... Informal land leases/subdivisions can take various forms, depending on the specific context and local customs. In some cases, land may be leased for agricultural purposes, allowing individuals or communities to cultivate crops or graze livestock (Mudimu et al, 2020). Informal rental land lease emerges as a result of a number of factors such as the growing population, and demand for land amongst other factors. ...
... There are several ways that studies address these issues and bring their analysis further; many use alternative databases -Nuetah, Xin, and Zuo (2010) use the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Agricultural Trade Policy Simulation Model (ATPSM), 4 which is a partial equilibrium model, and Fontagné, Mitaritonna, and Laborde (2008) have built their own partial equilibrium models to maximize the available data. Many studies also rely on national or subnational general equilibrium models. ...
... Minority populations in China include both indigenous populations as well as people who immigrated from other geographic regions. Their average education levels and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills are significantly lower than the national average, and most of the populations have language and reading barriers that have prevented them from accessing modern information technology and devices (Fu, Zuo and Lenihan 2011). ...
... Furthermore, there is no consensus yet about the extent to which decoupled payments are capitalized in land values In recent years, a considerable number of articles have analyzed the effects of multilateral trade liberalization that focus on market access, export subsidies, and domestic support and that evaluate these effects with a particular focus on developing countries Martin, 2006, 2005;Anderson and Valenzuela, 2007;Bouët et al., 2005;Bureau et al., 2006;Martin and Anderson, 2008;McCalla and Nash, 2007b). Notwithstanding general trade liberalization, some analyses continue to focus on the effects of domestic support versus export subsidies (Nuetah et al., 2011), domestic support versus tariffs (Tamini et al., 2012), and agricultural tariffs versus subsidies (Hoekman et al., 2004). (Dimaranan et al., 2004;Rae and Strutt, 2003), in particular, examine the effects of domestic support on developing countries. ...
... On the other hand, a group of professional e-merchants has been generated to complete the classification of local agricultural products on their own and to form scale sales on e-commerce platforms to reduce sales costs [81]. In addition, the development of the Internet has reduced the information asymmetry between farmers and buyers, helped farmers gain access to fairer information resources, improved the efficiency of agricultural trade, and increased farmers' income, thus reducing the URG [82]. The following hypothesis was proposed: Hypothesis 2 (H2). ...
... Variables affecting the economic welfare of maize producers and consumers in Kenya were selected according to the economic theory and empirical studies on trade liberalization effects on the economic welfare, and other policy Abodi et al. documents (e.g., Stockbridge et al., 2003;Nzuma, 2007;Nzuma & Sarker, 2010;Nuetah et al., 2011;Biswas & Sengupta, 2015;Schmitz & Lewis, 2015;Parajuli & Zhang, 2016;Mulenga et al., 2017). The following variables were considered: the quantity of maize produced and consumed, price elasticity of maize supply and demand, maize import tariff rate, maize import quantity, and border and domestic price of maize. ...