Ting Wang's research while affiliated with East China Normal University and other places

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Publications (33)

Fig. 4. FCT statistics with Web Search workload in real-time by invoking the Traffic Generator tool during the run of ns-3.
Fig. 5. FCT statistics under different workloads
PET: Multi-agent Independent PPO-based Automatic ECN Tuning for High-Speed Data Center Networks
  • Preprint
  • File available

May 2024

Kai Cheng


Ting Wang


Xiao Du




Haibin Cai

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN)-based congestion control schemes have been widely adopted in high-speed data center networks (DCNs), where the ECN marking threshold plays a determinant role in guaranteeing a packet lossless DCN. However, existing approaches either employ static settings with immutable thresholds that cannot be dynamically self-adjusted to adapt to network dynamics, or fail to take into account many-to-one traffic patterns and different requirements of different types of traffic, resulting in relatively poor performance. To address these problems, this paper proposes a novel learning-based automatic ECN tuning scheme, named PET, based on the multi-agent Independent Proximal Policy Optimization (IPPO) algorithm. PET dynamically adjusts ECN thresholds by fully considering pivotal congestion-contributing factors, including queue length, output data rate, output rate of ECN-marked packets, current ECN threshold, the extent of incast, and the ratio of mice and elephant flows. PET adopts the Decentralized Training and Decentralized Execution (DTDE) paradigm and combines offline and online training to accommodate network dynamics. PET is also fair and readily deployable with commodity hardware. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that, compared with state-of-the-art static schemes and the learning-based automatic scheme, our PET achieves better performance in terms of flow completion time, convergence rate, queue length variance, and system robustness.


CERT-DF: A Computing-Efficient and Robust Distributed Deep Forest Framework with Low Communication Overhead

December 2023


8 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

As an alternative to the deep learning model, deep forest outperforms deep neural networks in many aspects with fewer hyperparameters and better robustness. To improve the computing performance of deep forest, ForestLayer proposes an efficient task-parallel algorithm S-FTA at a fine sub-forest granularity, but the granularity of the sub-forest cannot be adaptively adjusted. BLB-gcForest further proposes an adaptive sub-forest splitting algorithm to dynamically adjust the sub-forest granularity. However, with distributed storage, its BLB method needs to scan the whole dataset when sampling, which generates considerable communication overhead. Moreover, BLB-gcForest's tree-based vector aggregation produces extensive redundant transfers and significantly degrades the system's performance in vector aggregation stage. To deal with these existing issues and further improve the computing efficiency and scalability of the distributed deep forest, in this paper, we propose a novel Computing-Efficient and RobusT distributed Deep Forest framework, named CERT-DF. CERT-DF integrates three customized schemes, namely, block-level pre-sampling, two-stage pre-aggregation, and system-level backup. Specifically, CERT-DF adopts the block-level pre-sampling method to implement data blocks' local sampling eliminating frequent data remote access and maximizing parallel efficiency, applies the two-stage pre-aggregation method to adjust the class vector aggregation granularity to greatly decrease the communication overhead, and leverages the system-level backup method to enhance the system's disaster tolerance and immensely accelerate task recovery with minimal system resource overhead. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on multiple datasets show that our CERT-DF significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches with higher computing efficiency, lower system resource overhead, and better system robustness while ensuring good accuracy.

Fig. 2. The overall framework of FedSAC algorithm
Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks

August 2023


57 Reads

With the growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), maintaining power grid stability has become a significant challenge. To address this issue, EV charging control strategies have been developed to manage the switch between vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and grid-to-vehicle (G2V) modes for EVs. In this context, multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) has proven its effectiveness in EV charging control. However, existing MADRL-based approaches fail to consider the natural power flow of EV charging/discharging in the distribution network and ignore driver privacy. To deal with these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that combines multi-EV charging/discharging with a radial distribution network (RDN) operating under optimal power flow (OPF) to distribute power flow in real time. A mathematical model is developed to describe the RDN load. The EV charging control problem is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to find an optimal charging control strategy that balances V2G profits, RDN load, and driver anxiety. To effectively learn the optimal EV charging control strategy, a federated deep reinforcement learning algorithm named FedSAC is further proposed. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed algorithm in terms of the diversity of the charging control strategy, the power fluctuations on RDN, the convergence efficiency, and the generalization ability.

Toward Optimal Load Prediction and Customizable Autoscaling Scheme for Kubernetes

June 2023


696 Reads


3 Citations


Most enterprise customers now choose to divide a large monolithic service into large numbers of loosely-coupled, specialized microservices, which can be developed and deployed separately. Docker, as a light-weight virtualization technology, has been widely adopted to support diverse microservices. At the moment, Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, and open-source orchestration platform for managing these containerized microservice applications. To adapt to frequently changing user requests, it offers an automated scaling method, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), that can scale itself based on the system’s current workload. The native reactive auto-scaling method, however, is unable to foresee the system workload scenario in the future to complete proactive scaling, leading to QoS (quality of service) violations, long tail latency, and insufficient server resource usage. In this paper, we suggest a new proactive scaling scheme based on deep learning approaches to make up for HPA’s inadequacies as the default autoscaler in Kubernetes. After meticulous experimental evaluation and comparative analysis, we use the Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model with higher prediction accuracy and efficiency as the prediction model, supplemented by a stability window mechanism to improve the accuracy and stability of the prediction model. Finally, with the third-party custom autoscaling framework, Custom Pod Autoscaler (CPA), we packaged our custom autoscaling algorithm into a framework and deployed the framework into the real Kubernetes cluster. Comprehensive experiment results prove the feasibility of our autoscaling scheme, which significantly outperforms the existing Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) approach.

A Comprehensive Survey of Few-shot Learning: Evolution, Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities

February 2023


162 Reads


113 Citations

ACM Computing Surveys

Few-shot learning (FSL) has emerged as an effective learning method and shows great potential. Despite the recent creative works in tackling FSL tasks, learning valid information rapidly from just a few or even zero samples remains a serious challenge. In this context, we extensively investigated 200+ FSL papers published in top journals and conferences in the past three years, aiming to present a timely and comprehensive overview of the most recent advances in FSL with a fresh perspective, and to provide an impartial comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of existing work. To avoid conceptual confusion, we first elaborate and contrast a set of relevant concepts including few-shot learning, transfer learning, and meta-learning. Then, we inventively extract prior knowledge related to few-shot learning in the form of a pyramid, which summarizes and classifies previous work in detail from the perspective of challenges. Furthermore, to enrich this survey, we present in-depth analysis and insightful discussions of recent advances in each subsection. What’s more, taking computer vision as an example, we highlight the important application of FSL, covering various research hotspots. Finally, we conclude the survey with unique insights into technology trends and potential future research opportunities to guide FSL follow-up research.

Parameterized Deep Reinforcement Learning With Hybrid Action Space for Edge Task Offloading

January 2023


9 Reads

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Multi-access edge computing (MEC) has emerged as a promising solution that can enable low-end terminal devices to run large complex applications by offloading their tasks to edge servers. The task offloading strategy, determining how to offload tasks, remains the most critical issue of MEC. Traditional offloading approaches either suffer from high computational complexity or poor self-adjustability to dynamic changes in the edge environment. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) provides an effective way to tackle these issues. However, most existing DRL-based methods solely consider either a continuous or a discrete action space, where the limited action space results in accuracy loss and restricts the optimality of offloading decisions. Nevertheless, the edge task offloading problem in practice often confronts both discrete and continuous actions. In this paper, we propose a tailored Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)-based method, named Hybrid-PPO, enhanced by the parameterized discrete-continuous hybrid action space. Assisted with Hybrid-PPO, we further design a novel DRL-based multi-server multi-task collaborative partial task offloading scheme adhering to a series of specifically built formal models. Experimental results prove that our approach achieves high offloading efficiency and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art offloading schemes in terms of convergence rate, energy cost, time cost, and generalizability under various network conditions.

Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks

January 2023


54 Reads


1 Citation

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

With the growing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs), maintaining power grid stability has become a significant challenge. To address this issue, EV charging control strategies have been developed to manage the switch between vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and grid-to-vehicle (G2V) modes for EVs. In this context, multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) has proven its effectiveness in EV charging control. However, existing MADRL-based approaches fail to consider the natural power flow of EV charging/discharging in the distribution network and ignore driver privacy. To deal with these problems, this paper proposes a novel approach that combines multi-EV charging/discharging with a radial distribution network (RDN) operating under optimal power flow (OPF) to distribute power flow in real time. A mathematical model is developed to describe the RDN load. The EV charging control problem is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to find an optimal charging control strategy that balances V2G profits, RDN load, and driver anxiety. To effectively learn the optimal EV charging control strategy, a federated deep reinforcement learning algorithm named FedSAC is further proposed. Comprehensive simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our proposed algorithm in terms of the diversity of the charging control strategy, the power fluctuations on RDN, the convergence efficiency, and the generalization ability.

Citations (17)

... Configuring Hadoop for launching containers necessitates the userʹs insight and expertise. Inspired by work in [16,17], we implement an adaptiveConfig policy that interacts with YARN to obtain workload and cluster status. The configuration parameters are initiated at the onset of the cluster; YARN reads the job history server to obtain each jobs status information, such as submission timestamps, resources required etc. Next it reads the yarn-site.xml ...


Towards Improving YARN performance for Frugal Heterogeneous SBC-based Edge Clusters
Towards Efficient Workflow Scheduling Over Yarn Cluster Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2023

... Nevertheless, their work lacks consideration for computation efficiency, power control, or joint offloading mechanisms. Yang et al. [32] proposed an MRL-based task offloading approach to minimize task completion time and average energy consumption. Their method involves dividing a task into subtasks and computing each subtask either locally or in an edge server through offloading. ...

Towards Efficient Task Offloading at the Edge Based on Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Space
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2023

... The attainment of successful solutions for power-storage flow management is at the forefront of the key drivers enhancing power-flow management performance in microgrids and V2G. This is due to the critical role played by energy-storage systems in maintaining renewable energy integration and localized balancing/regulatory services in decentralized and autonomous power-distribution networks [1,7,8]. Accordingly, there has been a sustained effort to attain active and efficient solutions; a taxonomy and summary of state-of-the-art approaches is given in [9], later expanded into [10], focusing on intelligent control solutions, given the success of approaches in this area. ...

Federated Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles Charging Control on Distribution Networks

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

... This topic has been thoroughly explored, and the usage scope of various methods is presented in [36]. There are surveys, such as [37], which discuss the relationship between orchestration and ML, and many aim to optimize the number of resources based on accurate predictions of incoming traffic [38]. A common thread among these studies is the use of ML techniques to optimally determine the number of resources. ...

Toward Optimal Load Prediction and Customizable Autoscaling Scheme for Kubernetes


... Few-shot learning (Aggarwal et al., 2023;Luo et al., 2023;Song et al., 2023) aims to adapt to new tasks by training a new classifier with only a small set of labeled image sample, and even generalizing to unseen query examples. From this research, effectively leveraging prior knowledge and adaptively training a network with limited labeled samples for new tasks is an increasingly significant challenge. ...

A Comprehensive Survey of Few-shot Learning: Evolution, Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

ACM Computing Surveys

... In [14], the authors propose a two-game theory-aided RL TSC algorithm leveraging Nash equilibrium and reinforcement learning. In [15], the authors propose the PDA-TSC method, introducing mixed pressure, which enables RL agents to simultaneously analyze the impacts of stationary and moving vehicles on intersections. Finally, in [16] the authors present a spatio-temporal multi-agent RL (STMARL) framework for multi-intersection traffic light control. ...

MonitorLight: Reinforcement Learning-based Traffic Signal Control Using Mixed Pressure Monitoring
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2022

... On the one hand, modern cloud data centers are usually equipped with a large collection of computation-or dataintensive applications, such as complex image processing, scientific computing, big data processing [1], [2], [3], [4], distributed storage [5], [6], [7], and artificial intelligence (AI) model training [8], which have thereby spawned many distributed computing frameworks, like MapReduce [9], Spark [10], and Flink [11], aiming to deliver high performance computing [12], [13], [14]. However, such distributed computing paradigms continuously generate a large amount of many-to-one partition-aggregate traffic patterns with high fan-in, which inevitably results in intractable incast issues accompanied by persistent queue build-up, increased delay, jitter, and even packet loss [15]. Thus, how to design an incast-aware congestion control scheme becomes an imperative concern for the high-speed DCN. ...

Rethinking Data Center Networks: Machine Learning Enables Network Intelligence
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Journal of Communications and Information Networks

... Indeed, when CSI is available, one can employ power control methods to counteract errors during the aggregation process and improve the performance of OTA FL systems [33]- [35]. Additionally, second-order methods [36], [37], such as the Newton method, can be integrated with the OTA FL training to accelerate the convergence. ...

Over-the-Air Federated Learning via Second-Order Optimization

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

... The aim is to partition the unique FL architecture into smaller-scale groups and conduct FL model training independently within each group. Reference [18] proposes a new data-driven device grouping method based on the similarity of feature maps extracted from IoT devices. This effectively addresses the issue of weight divergence during training with non-IID data. ...

Towards Fast and Accurate Federated Learning with Non-IID Data for Cloud-Based IoT Applications
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers