Timothy M. Merlis's research while affiliated with Princeton University and other places

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Publications (82)

Climate sensitivity and relative humidity changes in global storm-resolving model simulations of climate change
  • Article

June 2024


26 Reads

Science Advances

Timothy M Merlis


Kai-Yuan Cheng





Stephan Fueglistaler

The climate simulation frontier of a global storm-resolving model (GSRM; or k -scale model because of its kilometer-scale horizontal resolution) is deployed for climate change simulations. The climate sensitivity, effective radiative forcing, and relative humidity changes are assessed in multiyear atmospheric GSRM simulations with perturbed sea-surface temperatures and/or carbon dioxide concentrations. Our comparisons to conventional climate model results can build confidence in the existing climate models or highlight important areas for additional research. This GSRM’s climate sensitivity is within the range of conventional climate models, although on the lower end as the result of neutral, rather than amplifying, shortwave feedbacks. Its radiative forcing from carbon dioxide is higher than conventional climate models, and this arises from a bias in climatological clouds and an explicitly simulated high-cloud adjustment. Last, the pattern and magnitude of relative humidity changes, simulated with greater fidelity via explicitly resolving convection, are notably similar to conventional climate models.


(a) Comparison of the daily precipitation intensity percentile distribution for 20°S–20°N between X‐SHiELD (black), IMERG (blue), both coarsened to ≈100 km, and CMIP6 models (solid red for the multi‐model mean and dotted red for the individual models). (b) Coarsening's effect on the precipitation distribution in X‐SHiELD and IMERG. (c) Comparison of the response to SST warming (+4K) for X‐SHiELD's native (solid), coarsening to ≈25 km (dashed), and coarsening to ≈100 km (dotted). Open circles represent the 99.9 percentile. Green and yellow lines shows the 7%/K and 0%/K lines, respectively. X‐SHiELD output and IMERG data set are shown for the year 2020, and CMIP6 output are shown for 1979–2011.
Changes in the global precipitation distribution, expressed as a percent change relative to the control simulation normalized by the (a) imposed warming (4K) or (b) CO2 fractional increase (4 for CMIP6 models and ≈3.12 for X‐SHiELD). Black solid (dashed) line is for the first (second) year of X‐SHiELD (using the 25‐km coarsened output). Red solid line is for the CMIP6 multi‐model mean and red dotted lines are for the individual models' long‐term mean response. Shading represent one standard deviation from the multi‐model mean, accounting for both interannual variability and inter‐model spread. Green and yellow dotted lines show the 7%/K and 0%/K, respectively. Open circles represent the 99.9 percentile of the individual CMIP6 models (red) and different X‐SHiELD years (black).
Changes in the precipitation distribution as in Figure 2, but for (a, b) global ocean and (c, d) global land regions.
Changes in the precipitation distribution as in Figure 2, but for (a, b) tropical (30°S–30°N) land and (c, d) northern hemisphere (30°N–60°N) midlatitude land.
The Precipitation Response to Warming and CO2 Increase: A Comparison of a Global Storm Resolving Model and CMIP6 Models
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


94 Reads


1 Citation

Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

Plain Language Summary The main tool to investigate and make projections of the response of the climate system to warming is global climate models. These models usually have ∼100 km horizontal resolution and as a result need parameterizations in order to account for small‐scale processes. These parameterizations are a large source of uncertainty. Advancements in computational capabilities and technology allow us to run global models with high enough resolutions, called global storm‐resolving models (GSRMs), that some important small‐scale processes are explicitly resolved. In this study, we use two‐year‐long integrations of an atmosphere GSRM in present‐day and warmer climates and compare the precipitation response to more traditional global climate models. We find that the precipitation response of the GSRM lies within the range of the traditional models, except for the low percentiles of precipitation. A closer examination indicates that the main source of differences between the GSRM and traditional models occurs in midlatitude land regions, where the GSRM predicts more extensive drying of low precipitation percentiles compared to the traditional models. The GSRM also has an increase in precipitation extremes with warming that is somewhat weaker than that of traditional global climate models.


Response of the Current Climate to Land‐Ocean Contrasts in Parameterized Cumulus Entrainment

February 2024


15 Reads


1 Citation

Cumulus entrainment substantially regulates the earth's climate but remains poorly constrained in global climate models. Recent studies have shown that cumulus bulk entrainment (or dilution) is particularly sensitive to continentality, with the entrainment rate in simulated maritime cumuli nearly double that of continental cumuli. This study examines the impacts of such land–ocean entrainment contrasts on the current climate using 21‐year simulations with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's High‐Resolution Atmospheric Model (HIRAM). In response to a 25% reduction in the HIRAM entrainment parameter c0 over land, precipitation over tropical land regions increases by up to 40%. Along with directly facilitating enhanced convective precipitation, this c0 reduction induces an increase in soil moisture, which may contribute to a further enhancement of convective precipitation over land. A 25% c0 reduction over the oceans leads to more widespread modifications of convection patterns, with the strongest signal in the tropical Pacific. Deep convection shifts upstream (eastward) there, inducing enhanced large‐scale ascent over the central Pacific with compensating subsidence and reduced humidity and precipitation over the western Pacific (WP). Land–ocean variations in c0 project onto the Pacific Walker circulation, with the 25% land reduction strengthening it by 4% and the 25% ocean reduction weakening it by 14%. These changes are driven by variations in convective and large‐scale stratiform heating over the Pacific. While reduced c0 over land enhances diabatic heating in the Maritime Continent to strengthen the Walker circulation, reduced c0 over the oceans decreases diabatic heating in the WP to weaken the Walker circulation.

Polar feedbacks in radiative-advective equilibrium from an air mass transformation perspective

January 2024


15 Reads

We develop a novel single-column model of clear-sky radiative-advective equilibrium where advective heating is internally determined by relaxing the column temperature and humidity toward fixed midlatitude profiles, consistent with an air-mass transformation perspective. The model reproduces observed polar temperature and advective heating rate profiles, and also captures many of the climate-change responses found in climate models. Exploring the model's physics, we show that the surface-based temperature inversion develops by ceding energy downwards to the surface, which then radiates this energy to space; we name this the ``surface radiator fin'' effect. We use the model to address three outstanding questions regarding polar climate change: (i) What mechanisms control polar lapse-rate change? (ii) What determines the known compensation between changes in dry and moist energy transport? and (iii) What is the most physically consistent way to decompose forcing and feedbacks at the poles? In answer to these questions, we show that: (i) Three mechanisms control the lapse-rate response to warming: weakening of the surface radiator fin, increased radiative cooling by free-tropospheric water vapor emission, and relaxation toward the external profile anomaly; all three increase the lapse rate as climate warms. (ii) Compensation between dry and moist advective heating results from a delicate balance between changes in the boundary layer and the free troposphere, with no constraints imposing precise compensation. (iii) Remote advective influence on the poles should be considered a forcing, while lapse-rate and advective heating changes should not be treated as separate feedbacks but rather as part of the temperature feedback.

The daily mean forcing pattern of CO2 doubling on (a) 23 Jan 2009, near the onset of a major mid‐winter SSW event, and (b) 4 Aug 2009, when there are strong cloud masking effects in the western North Pacific from intensifying typhoon Morakot. The black contour shows longwave cloud radiative effect (CRE) of 120 Wm⁻².
(a) The seasonality of climatological temperature at the South and North Pole. The pressure levels relevant to temperature modification experiments (30, 500, 700 hPa) and the tropopause (250 hPa) are plotted in gray horizontal lines for reference (see Sections 3.1 and 3.3 for details). (b) The broadband, instantaneous CO2 forcing at the TOA based on the climatological profile and temperature modification experiments of the South Pole (Section 3.1). (c) Same as (b) but for the North Pole (Section 3.3). Note that the range of y‐axis in (b) and (c) is different.
Forcing attribution based on optical depth grouping (introduced in Section 3.2) for Antarctica and the Arctic. (a) The grouped weighting function W(z) [Equation 6] of annual‐mean Antarctic climate with control CO2 for absorption lines with emission layer in the stratosphere (red), troposphere (blue), and window (yellow). The broadband W(z) (sum of all groups) is shown in black. (b) Same as (a) but for the change of W(z) from CO2 doubling. (c)–(d) The TOA forcing of 2 × CO2 of temperature modification experiments for Antarctica sounding in June and December. (e)–(h) Same as (a)–(d) but for the Arctic. See Sections 3.1 and 3.3 for experiment design. The pressure levels relevant to temperature modification experiments (30, 500, 700 hPa) and the tropopause (250 hPa) are plotted in gray horizontal lines for reference.
All‐sky 2 × CO2 forcing with a tropical‐mean sounding (circles) and tropical‐mean sounding but with isothermal stratosphere with cold point temperature above 100 hPa (triangles) for (a) broadband forcing, (b) non‐CO2 absorption band center (bands other than 630–700 cm⁻¹), and (c) CO2 absorption band center (630–700 cm⁻¹). Color marks the cloud ice mixing ratio from less to more with blue to red. The horizontal axis is the CRE of the specified band. The black marker where the CRE equals zero is the clear‐sky forcing.
The Cause of Negative CO2 Forcing at the Top‐Of‐Atmosphere: The Role of Stratospheric Versus Tropospheric Temperature Inversions

January 2024


84 Reads


1 Citation

Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

Plain Language Summary Carbon dioxide (CO2), as an important greenhouse gas, is known to reduce the Earth's longwave emission, provoking a positive forcing that increases the net flow of energy into the Earth system. In this study, we discuss the cause of negative forcing, where CO2 increases longwave emission that happens most commonly in Antarctica and in some rare conditions in the Arctic and tropics. In contrast to conventional arguments that a near‐surface temperature increase with altitude is key to a negative CO2 forcing, we show that the stratospheric temperature and, in the tropics, clouds play a more important role. The results are based on temperature modification experiments and an analysis of the vertical structure of atmospheric emission changes. While a negative forcing does not mean the surface would cool since there are other important adjustments involved in the re‐establishment of energy balance, the results show the values of resolving the spectral dimension of radiation to quantify the radiative sensitivity to the near‐surface and stratosphere temperature structure.

Kilometer-scale global warming simulations and active sensors reveal changes in tropical deep convection

December 2023


68 Reads


8 Citations

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

Changes in tropical deep convection with global warming are a leading source of uncertainty for future climate projections. A comparison of the responses of active sensor measurements of cloud ice to interannual variability and next-generation global storm-resolving model (also known as k-scale models) simulations to global warming shows similar changes for events with the highest column-integrated ice. The changes reveal that the ice loading decreases outside the most active convection but increases at a rate of several percent per Kelvin surface warming in the most active convection. Disentangling thermodynamic and vertical velocity changes shows that the ice signal is strongly modulated by structural changes of the vertical wind field towards an intensification of strong convective updrafts with warming, suggesting that changes in ice loading are strongly influenced by changes in convective velocities, as well as a path toward extracting information about convective velocities from observations.

Kilometer-scale global warming simulations and active sensors reveal changes in tropical deep convection

November 2023


71 Reads

Changes in tropical deep convection with global warming are a leading source of uncertainty for future climate projections. A comparison of the responses of active sensor measurements of cloud ice to interannual variability and next-generation global storm-resolving model (also known as k-scale models) simulations to global warming shows similar changes for events with the highest column-integrated ice. The changes reveal that the ice loading decreases outside the most active convection but increases at a rate of several percent per Kelvin surface warming in the most active convection. Disentangling thermodynamic and vertical velocity changes shows that the ice signal is strongly modulated by structural changes of the vertical wind field towards an intensification of strong convective updrafts with warming, suggesting that changes in ice loading are strongly influenced by changes in convective velocities as well as a path toward extracting information about convective velocities from observations.

Zonal‐mean, annual‐mean radiative feedbacks diagnosed from the full general circulation model output including detailed information of the simulated atmospheric and cryospheric response (orange) and estimated analytically given only, for projected changes, the surface temperature response in each Coupled Model Intercomparison Project model (blue). Climate responses used in the feedback calculations are computed from the difference between the piControl and abrupt 4×CO2 simulations, and feedbacks are locally defined. The solid line is the ensemble mean, and the shaded envelope is two standard deviations. The y‐axis range is the same to facilitate comparison among panels. Left Feedbacks are presented following the relative humidity framework, in which temperature feedbacks include the fixed‐RH specific humidity changes associated with the component temperature changes (Held & Shell, 2012). Right Conventional Planck, lapse rate, water vapor, and surface albedo feedbacks.
Zonal‐mean, ensemble‐mean seasonal radiative feedbacks (left) diagnosed from the full general circulation model output and (right) estimated analytically. Feedbacks are locally defined, and they are presented following the conventional framework to emphasize the meridional and seasonal structure of the lapse rate feedback.
Annual‐mean, ensemble‐mean radiative feedbacks (left) diagnosed from the full general circulation model output and (right) estimated analytically. Feedbacks are locally defined, and they are presented following the conventional framework.
Relationship between global feedbacks diagnosed from general circulation models and estimated analytically. Feedbacks are presented following the relative humidity framework. The 1:1 line is shown for reference. The correlation r is displayed on each plot, and (*) denotes significant correlations at the 1% level. The ensemble mean is indicated by a star.
A Semi‐Analytical Model for Water Vapor, Temperature, and Surface‐Albedo Feedbacks in Comprehensive Climate Models

November 2023


45 Reads


2 Citations

Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

Plain Language Summary Given an increase in carbon dioxide concentration, individual radiative feedbacks stabilize or amplify the climate response. When diagnosed from comprehensive climate models, these feedbacks exhibit considerable variability, yet, single atmospheric columns have been successfully used as minimal models to quantify the effect of temperature and water vapor changes on global climate. Here, we bring together these perspectives by developing an analytical model for radiative feedbacks that, for projected changes, knows only of local surface temperature. That is, thermodynamic expressions for atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and sea‐ice albedo are combined with radiative kernels, which characterize the top‐of‐atmosphere radiative response to a small perturbation, to yield estimates of radiative feedbacks independent of the simulated atmospheric and cryospheric changes from a climate model. The analytical model captures the equator‐to‐pole and seasonal feedback structure, including in the ice‐covered polar regions, as well as the global feedback across an ensemble of global climate models. This research thus provides a framework for a quantitative understanding of radiative feedbacks from simple physics combined with geographic patterns of surface warming.

The Role of Diffusivity Changes on The Pattern of Warming in Energy Balance Models

October 2023


30 Reads

Journal of Climate

Atmospheric macroturbulence transports energy down the equator-to-pole gradient. This is represented by diffusion in energy balance models (EBMs), and EBMs have proven valuable to understanding and quantifying the pattern of surface temperature change. They typically assume climate-state independent diffusivity, chosen to well represent the current climate, and find that this is sufficient to emulate warming response in general circulation models (GCMs). Meanwhile, model diagnoses of GCM simulations have shown that the diffusivity changes with climate. There is also ongoing development for diffusivity theories based on atmospheric dynamics. Here, we examine the role that changes in diffusivity play in the large-scale equator-to-pole contrast in surface warming in EBMs, building on previous analytic EBM theories for polar amplified warming. New analytic theories for two formulations of climate-state dependent diffusivity capture the results of numerical EBM solutions. For reasonable choices of parameter values, the success of the new analytic theories reveals why the change of diffusivity is limited in response to radiative forcing and does not eliminate polar amplified warming.

Non‐Uniqueness in ITCZ Latitude Due To Radiation‐Circulation Coupling in an Idealized GCM

October 2023


69 Reads

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

An idealized aquaplanet moist global atmospheric model with realistic radiative transfer but no clouds and no convective parameterization is found to possess multiple climate equilibria. When forced symmetrically about the equator, in some cases the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) migrates to an off‐equatorial equilibrium position. Mechanism denial experiments prescribing relative humidity imply that radiation‐circulation coupling is essential to this instability. The cross‐equatorial asymmetry occurs only when the underlying slab ocean is sufficiently deep and the atmosphere's spectral dynamical core is sufficiently coarse (∼T170 or less with our control parameters). At higher resolutions, initializing with an asymmetric state indicates metastability with very slow (thousands of days) return to hemispheric symmetry. There is some sensitivity to the model timestep, which affects the time required to transition to the asymmetric state, with little effect on the equilibrium climate. The instability is enhanced when the planetary boundary layer scheme favors deeper layers or by a prescribed meridional heat transport away from the equator within the slab. The instability is not present when the model is run with a convective parameterization scheme commonly utilized in idealized moist models. We argue that the instability occurs when the asymmetric heating associated with a spontaneous ITCZ shift drives a circulation that rises poleward of the perturbed ITCZ. These results serve as a warning of the potential for instability and non‐uniqueness of climate that may complicate studies with idealized models of the tropical response to perturbations in forcing.

Citations (54)

... The use of kilometer-scale (k-scale) global storm-resolving models (GSRMs) on global domains has emerged as a promising frontier of modeling Earth's atmosphere (1,2). The implications of this new class of models for climate change are in their nascent stage (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). GSRMs are being developed by numerous modeling centers, and several models in this class have participated in a recent intercomparison ("DYAMOND") of 40-day integrations initialized from analyzed atmospheric states (9). ...


Climate sensitivity and relative humidity changes in global storm-resolving model simulations of climate change
The Precipitation Response to Warming and CO2 Increase: A Comparison of a Global Storm Resolving Model and CMIP6 Models
Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

... This high-cloud adjustment is an intriguing response given the k-scale model simulates the deep convection responsible for these clouds and its LW ERF differs from GCM behavior (18). Previous GSRM analyses have found increased high clouds in response to SST warming (3,21), but this is the first example of a similar cloud response to increased CO 2 without any SST change. ...

Kilometer-scale global warming simulations and active sensors reveal changes in tropical deep convection

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

... This constant relative humidity assumption was at the heart of Manabe and Weatherald's 1967 quantification of the climate sensitivity (24,25) by assuming a radiative convective equilibrium (RCE) and they found a sensitivity of 2.36 K. Contemporary singlecolumn RCE estimates of climate sensitivity remain near 2 K (26-28). That X-SHiELD does not strongly depart from conventional GCMs, which are, in turn, broadly consistent with expectations of a constant relative humidity atmosphere with a stabilizing feedback from enhanced warming aloft in the tropics (29), brings our attention to X-SHiELD's atmospheric temperature and relative humidity changes under warming. ...

A Semi‐Analytical Model for Water Vapor, Temperature, and Surface‐Albedo Feedbacks in Comprehensive Climate Models
Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

... For radiative forcing contribution, the global mean value is around −0.30 W m −2 decade −1 (figure 2(a)), consistent with previous estimations [14]. The contribution in the tropics and Arctic is relatively stronger and weaker compared with the global mean value, due to the atmospheric state dependency of the forcing [29,30]. Compared to the overall OLR change, the radiative forcing contribution is much less and of the opposite sign in the Arctic. ...

The global patterns of instantaneous CO2 forcing at the top-of-atmosphere and surface
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Journal of Climate

... The rate of increase is constrained by the energy balance to ≈3% K 1 (e.g., Allen & Ingram, 2002;Jeevanjee & Romps, 2018;Pendergrass, 2020;Pendergrass & Hartmann, 2014a), but these changes can be translated into different changes of the daily precipitation distribution (e.g., Pall et al., 2007;Sugiyama et al., 2010). Generally speaking, while precipitation extremes increase with a rate close to the Clausius-Clapeyron scaling (CC scaling, ≈7% K 1 ) or higher (e.g., Bao et al., 2024;O'Gorman, 2015;O'Gorman & Schneider, 2009), intermediate and low precipitation percentiles experience a weaker increase or a decrease in response to warming (e.g., Chadwick et al., 2022;Giorgi et al., 2019;Labonté & Merlis, 2023;Sugiyama et al., 2010;Thackeray et al., 2018). ...

Evaluation of Changes in Dry and Wet Precipitation Extremes in Warmer Climates Using a Passive Water Vapor Modeling Approach
  • Citing Article
  • December 2022

Journal of Climate

... The use of kilometer-scale (k-scale) global storm-resolving models (GSRMs) on global domains has emerged as a promising frontier of modeling Earth's atmosphere (1,2). The implications of this new class of models for climate change are in their nascent stage (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). GSRMs are being developed by numerous modeling centers, and several models in this class have participated in a recent intercomparison ("DYAMOND") of 40-day integrations initialized from analyzed atmospheric states (9). ...

Impact of Warmer Sea Surface Temperature on the Global Pattern of Intense Convection: Insights From a Global Storm Resolving Model
Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

... These changes in the mean meridional flux are anticipated by theories that posit a wider and weaker Hadley cell in a warmer climate Frierson et al., 2007;Levine and Schneider, 2011;Vallis et al., 2015). Further, the response of the Hadley circulation to greenhouse gas radiative forcing is spatially complex and involves intricate compensations between varied responses of the mean flow to external radiative forcing (Kim et al., 2022). ...

Weak Hadley cell intensity changes due to compensating effects of tropical and extratropical radiative forcing

npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

... The key feature that allows the CH2O-CHOO TRAIN to run efficiently is the one-dimensional (latitudinal) moist energy balance climate model (MEBM) (Flannery, 1984;Frierson et al., 2006;Hill et al., 2022;Roe et al., 2015;Siler et al., 2018). This component of the CH2O-CHOO TRAIN distinguishes it from other long-term carbon cycle models, such as the GEOCARB series and COPSE (Berner, 1994(Berner, , 2006Bergman, 2004;Lenton et al., 2018) that do not account for spatial patterns in climate nor its response to pCO 2 . ...

Symmetric and Antisymmetric Components of Polar-Amplified Warming
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Journal of Climate

... Poleward AHT and its response to external forcing is often approximated by the (linear) downgradient diffusion of moist static energy (MSE) at the surface, where surface MSE is defined as the sum of sensible and latent energy (Flannery1984; Hwang and Frierson 2010;Hwang et al. 2011;Rose et al. 2014;Roe et al. 2015;Merlis and Henry 2018;Armour et al. 2019;Merlis et al. 2022). Importantly, the temperature and AHT response to external forcing can be predicted reasonably well using a moist energy balance model (MEBM) with a spatially invariant diffusion coefficient ( D ) diagnosed from the climatological relationship between AHT and the MSE gradient. ...

Changes in Poleward Atmospheric Energy Transport over a Wide Range of Climates: Energetic and Diffusive Perspectives and A Priori Theories
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Journal of Climate

... While one may argue that by neglecting the iterations on central pressure we are neglecting a physically important mechanism, we find no monotonically increasing difference between V p computed using our algorithm and V p computed using the algorithm of BE02 with identical S w and exchange coefficients. In addition, V p is not a quantity that can be observed, but instead must be estimated from environmental conditions using different algorithms or even formulas, all subject to different assumptions (Rousseau-Rizzi et al., 2022). Hence, here we do not aim for a perfect correspondence between our PI algorithm and that of BE02, but one sufficient to warrant its use here. ...

The Connection between Carnot and CAPE Formulations of TC Potential Intensity
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Journal of Climate