Thurston C. Lacalli's research while affiliated with University of Victoria and other places

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Publications (83)

A hypothetical neurocircuit designed to illustrate how a pathway modulated by EM field-based extra-connectomal effects, whether consciously perceived of otherwise, could come to dominate over parallel pathways with no such modulation. The exercise repeats one in a previous paper, see Lacalli (2023), from which the figure is modified, for details. The starting point is two parallel pathways (1 and 2) with similar output, one modulated by EM field effects (blue waves) transmitted from one neuronal cluster (T, blue arrow) to another (R, blue neurons) that responds to it by modulating pathway 2, either by reinforcing or suppressing it in comparison with pathway 1. If the effect is a reinforcement that proves adaptive, then from generation to generation natural selection can refine and strengthen the effect until pathway 1 is rendered essentially irrelevant. If the signal is also one that is consciously perceived, conscious sensations will then be an integral component (InC) of pathway 2. But there is no individual agency here, as the diagram provides no route by which the individual can monitor the changing nature of the experience and act on it accordingly. Only the balance between pathways is changed, and that has occurred in evolutionary time, from generation to generation, not in real time. The result is a conscious pathway, essentially reflex-like, where the conscious component is more than an epiphenomenon, but the individual lacks agency, meaning the ability to adjust its behavior in real time in response to a consciously perceived sensation. Hence the qualitative character of the sensation, i.e., how it is “felt” by the individual, is irrelevant.
Three ways that consciousness could, in principle, exert an influence on behavioral control: as intrinsic components of reflex pathway (InCs) as in Figure 1, via consciously conditioned reflexes (CCRs), and through memory-dependent pathways that enable deliberate choices to be made (DCs). The first two (the conscious “reflexes”) are essentially reflex pathways that have been modified by conscious inputs, but differ in whether the effect occurs in evolutionary time across generations (InCs), or in developmental time as the brain and behavior develop (CCRs). DC dependence on memory, for species lacking language, would presumably involve visual, olfactory and mechanosensory records of past events, which raises the question of how these various types of conscious experience would be encoded, and whether the qualia involved would in some cases optimized for this purpose rather than some other.
The three modes of behavioral control from Figure 2 showing how in each case time scale enters into the action system consisting of an evolving individual (I) and its environment where external events (EEs) impinge on the system in different ways. For InCs, the EEs act through natural selection (the red loop in each case) to affect the way the conscious signal evolves, but despite the individual being the proximate agent of action, it is otherwise a passive participant in the process. For CCRs, the individual has an active relationship with the EEs in real time, during brain development and possibly later on an ongoing basis, an option that allows the contents of its consciousness to evolve according to how they are perceived by the individual but without conferring agency. DCs do confer agency, and differ from the previous two categories in that the individual now stores information on the conscious sensations associated with past events in memory (M) and possesses a mechanism, here represented as incorporating a self-like entity (S) for accessing and assessing that information. EEs in this case have inputs to both memory and the self, but the interaction, which was for CCRs external to the individual and operated in the time scale of that interaction, is now internalized and proceeds at the speed of neurophysiological events. It is this feature, as well as the ability to compare past and present in real time, that is the defining feature of DCs, distinguishing them from CCRs, where the past is always and only in the past.
Tipper, shown here in her old harness. The learning process required to put on a new one, of a somewhat different design, shows, by its time course, that it could be explained by simple conditioning subject to conscious inputs. This does not prove the case, but provides justification for the emphasis given in this account to consciously conditioned reflexes (CCRs) as a way of adjusting and refining routine behaviors. Photo credit © M. McNay.
Mental causation: an evolutionary perspective
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April 2024


12 Reads

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

Thurston Lacalli

The relationship between consciousness and individual agency is examined from a bottom-up evolutionary perspective, an approach somewhat different from other ways of dealing with the issue, but one relevant to the question of animal consciousness. Two ways are identified that would decouple the two, allowing consciousness of a limited kind to exist without agency: (1) reflex pathways that incorporate conscious sensations as an intrinsic component (InCs), and (2) reflexes that are consciously conditioned and dependent on synaptic plasticity but not memory (CCRs). Whether InCs and CCRs exist as more than hypothetical constructs is not clear, and InCs are in any case limited to theories where consciousness depends directly on EM field-based effects. Consciousness with agency, as we experience it, then belongs in a third category that allows for deliberate choice of alternative actions (DCs), where the key difference between this and CCR-level pathways is that DCs require access to explicit memory systems whereas CCRs do not. CCRs are nevertheless useful from a heuristic standpoint as a conceptual model for how conscious inputs could act to refine routine behaviors while allowing evolution to optimize phenomenal experience (i.e., qualia) in the absence of individual agency, a somewhat counterintuitive result. However, so long as CCRs are not a required precondition for the evolution of memory-dependent DC-level processes, the later could have evolved first. If so, the adaptive benefit of consciousness when it first evolved may be linked as much to the role it plays in encoding memories as to any other function. The possibility that CCRs are more than a theoretical construct, and have played a role in the evolution of consciousness, argues against theories of consciousness focussed exclusively on higher-order functions as the appropriate way to deal with consciousness as it first evolved, as it develops in the early postnatal period of life, or with the conscious experiences of animals other than ourselves. An evolutionary perspective also resolves the problem of free will, that it is best treated as a property of a species rather than the individuals belonging to that species whereas, in contrast, agency is an attribute of individuals.


APikaia gracilens, from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, a schematic drawing showing the main features discussed here: the small head and associated appendages, possibly gill-related, the series of putative somites, and the dorsal organ (shaded). The animal is portrayed with a pronounced bend in the body as if a wave of muscle contraction were propagating along it, but whether the body could flex in this way is a matter of conjecture (see [6] for a discussion). Figure 2 shows the head region in more detail. B An overview of the enteropneust nervous system, from [26], showing fibers from the extensive proboscis plexus projecting caudally through the collar cord (cc). The junctions (J1 and 2) between the three subdivisions of the body correspond in molecular terms with landmarks in the vertebrate brain, J1 with the zona limitans and J2 with the mid-hindbrain boundary [22], which means the neurogenic domain between these (in blue) is equivalent to the dien-mesencephalon of chordates as defined in molecular terms [12] while the neurons occupying the region immediately forward of J1 (in purple) correspond to types localized to the vertebrate hypothalamus. The trunk marks the beginning of the zone expressing Hox genes as shown. C The front of an amphioxus larva for comparison showing what is effectively the brain, i.e., the cerebral vesicle (cv), whose anterior and posterior parts map as shown to the vertebrate hypothalamus (hyp) and the basal dien-mesencephalon (tegmentum), which are colored to match their hemichordate counterparts in B. In amphioxus, the junction between the anterior and posterior cv occurs at the infundibular organ (red), which marks a major change in organization [28], implying very different evolutionary histories for the regions forward of this point and caudal to it. In contrast, the transition from the posterior cv to the rest of the nerve cord is more gradual, with Hox expression beginning at about the midpoint of somite 2
The anterior end of Pikaia, oriented with the mouth facing down, modified from Fig. 8C of [5]. The anterior appendages (ap) are generally interpreted as gills or gill-related structures, and repeat in register with the anterior segments (pink). The pharynx, dorsal organ and ventral blood vessel are shown in outline. The point of the diagram is to show that there is no evidence for appendages positioned forward of the putative somite series, so if the latter indicates the beginning of the trunk, the region constituting what is effectively the head of Pikaia is exceedingly small
A, B Alternative ways to organize and innervate body musculature, modified from Ruppert’s Figs. 6–8 (see [9]). A represents a vermiform ancestral coelomate that moves (or burrows) by means of propagating waves of contraction that travel along the body. The muscles responsible (m1) are an intrinsic part of the outer mesothelium of the coelom (c), and are innervated by intraepithelial nerves (representative nerve fibers are shown in section as small open circles). B The situation in chordate somites, where the myotomal muscles (m2) lie along the inner surface of the coelom. To innervate these requires a fold or invagination of the neurogenic epithelium to bring the nerves (arrows) within contact range of the muscles. In effect this produces a rudimentary nerve cord that can then be shallow or deep as required. The region indicated by asterisks is a continuation of the coelomic cavity, as in chordates the muscles extend into the coelom in this way. My assumption is, that if Pikaia is a chordate, its musculature would necessarily be arranged in a similar fashion, along the inner surface of the coelom. Tissues are color-coded here and in subsequent figures: neural tissues and non-neural ectoderm in blue, mesoderm in pink (for epithelia and connective tissue) and red (for muscles), endoderm in yellow. C The specific example Ruppert uses to illustrate his point: the collar cord (cc) of an enteropneust, modified from Fig. 3 in [9]. The main coelomic cavity (c) belongs to the mesocoel, while the perihaemal coeloms (phc) are diverticula arising from the metacoel that project forward on either side of the medial blood vessel (bv). As explained in the text, the perihaemal coeloms are then ideally positioned to serve as models for the first somites
A How somites might first have originated, as diverticula from the anterior medial wall of the metacoel (mt), in a fashion similar to the formation of the perihaemal diverticula in Fig. 3C, which are then replicated in series. The animal is modeled on the Cambrian fossil Gyaltsenglossus [38], a supposed hemichordate that is enteropneust-like in its vermiform body, but also bears a crown of tentacles which, assuming they are homologs of pterobranch tentacles, would be supported as shown by the mesocoel (ms). Contractions of the three nascent somites (in red), which would be paired, would flex the body side to side. B Swimming by flexing: a swimming sequence for the Spanish Dancer, Heterobranchus sanguineus, traced at 1 s intervals. Arrow indicates the point of maximal dorsoventral flexure, but this motion also allows the expanded margins of the mantle to take advantage of water currents. Currents account for most of the translational motion observed in this sequence, as the flexures themselves serve mainly to alter body posture.
Source: Wavelength Snorkeling Great Barrier Reef AVI,
Three proposals for the source of the dorsal organ (do) and its relationship to other axial structures that Pikaia may possess. A Option 1: that it forms prior to neurulation, which may then not occur, and from mesoderm in the same fashion as the notochord, or it is a notochord, so that its contents, whether cells or secretions, would be mesodermal in origin. Any neural component would lie above it, so the only access deeper structures would have to innervation would be by means of muscle extensions (arrow), in the same way that neuromuscular connections are made in amphioxus. B Option 2: that it forms after neurulation as a secondary invagination positioned above the nerve cord (*). It is shown here (in blue) as ectodermal in origin, so its contents would be ectodermal secretions, or it might have a cuticular lining. A variant of this option would be to have neurulation followed by a dorsal expansion of the coelomic system to produce a similar chamber of mesodermal origin, so it would be pink in the figure, and the contents would be connective tissue and matrix. C Option 3: the dorsal organ is the neural tube, much expanded in size, which then innervates the somites while contributing to body support either because of its intrinsic structural strength, or because hydrostatic forces make it turgid, or a combination of the two. This is the least conventional of the three options but, as discussed in the text, there are reasons for giving it serious consideration
The Cambrian fossil Pikaia, and the origin of chordate somites

February 2024


229 Reads


1 Citation


The Middle Cambrian fossil Pikaia has a regular series of vertical bands that, assuming chordate affinities, can be interpreted as septa positioned between serial myotomes. Whether Pikaia has a notochord and nerve cord is less certain, as the dorsal organ, which has no obvious counterpart in living chordates, is the only clearly defined axial structure extending the length of the body. Without a notochord to serve as a reference point, the location of the nerve cord is then conjectural, which begs the question of how a dorsal neural center devoted to somite innervation would first have arisen from a more diffuse ancestral plexus of intraepithelial nerves. This question is examined using hemichordates as a reference point, first for the information they provide on the organization of the ancestral deuterostome nervous system, and second, extending the analysis of E. E. Ruppert, to explain why neural infoldings like the enteropneust collar cord would first have evolved. Both implicate the medial surface of the anterior-most part of the metacoel as the likely site for the evolution of the first somites. The analysis highlights the importance of the somatobranchial condition in chordates, meaning the linkage between the anterior trunk, hox1 expression, and the beginning of the gill series and somites. This feature is arguably a valid criterion by which to assess extinct taxa from the Cambrian that resemble chordates (e.g., vetulicolians and yunnanozoans), but may be unrelated to them. In a more speculative vein, the nature of the dorsal organ is discussed, including the possibility that it is an expanded neural tube combining neural and support functions in one structure.

A consciousness machine configured, in this example, as the minimum required for consciousness to evolve given a neurophysical input (NPI). The internal workings of the machine, comprising the evolving neural structures and circuitry that make consciousness possible, are separated from the ontological realm, of physical rules and constraints on which life depends, where the input in question is that subcomponent of physical influences specifically required for consciousness to emerge from an otherwise non-conscious brain. How the emerging contents of consciousness are then elaborated and refined depends on natural selection, with each cycle (each turn of the “wheel”) moving the system, meaning the breeding population as a whole, through one generation. The descending half of the cycle (arrows on the right, in blue for conscious neural pathways) represents the effects of emerging contents on behavior, while the ascending half of the cycle (red arrows on the left) represents the effects on brain structure and circuitry in the next generation due to the differential effect of emerging consciousness on survival and reproductive success. To complete the cycle, it is essential that there be a link between emerging consciousness and behavior (the arrow labeled LTB, the link to behavior), but the nature of this link, whether simple or complex, or endowed with agency or not, is not specified. The LTB may itself depend on an external input from the ontological realm as indicated by the dashed purple arrow, or it may not. If the latter, meaning that the LTB is entirely algorithmic in nature, the dashed arrow would vanish. Specific neurocircuitry features are not shown except for the selector circuits (SCs). SCs are the subset of neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) responsible for selecting a given category of experience rather than some other, meaning they exert a direct causal influence on the nature of the experience that is evoked by a given stimulus. And, since the machine itself is an evolving system, its internal mechanisms will change over time, as will the contents which, if simple to begin with, will become increasingly complex.
Avoiding the epiphenomenal trap: how a link to behavior might evolve given neurophysical assumptions, that consciousness depends on a EM field effects that can propagate across 3D space. Since the fields are supposed here to play a role in both generating contents and affecting behavior, this example would correspond to the workings of a consciousness machine, as in Figure 1, with external inputs to both emerging contents and the LTB. The starting point for this thought experiment is an integrative center (C1) with redundant sensory input (sensory neurons, sn, are shown with projecting cilia, and the direction of transmission by arrows) via two pathways that are assumed, in the absence of any effects ascribed to consciousness, to be functionally equivalent. Pathway 2 then differs from pathway 1 in incorporating a cluster of neurons (blue arrow) able to produce EM field effects capable of being consciously perceived that propagate (concentric blue arrow) and preferentially affect a separate subset of neurons (in blue) belonging to a second integrative center, C2. In fact the functions ascribed to C1 and C2 could be combined in a single center so the distances involved would be much reduced, but for purposes of illustration it is easier to separate them. C2 could then in principle act upstream of C1, as shown, or downstream (at the asterisk), without altering the argument. Suppose then that sensory inputs to pathway 2 can, under suitable conditions, generate a field effect that modulates C2 input, thereby altering the combined output of both pathways by changing the balance between them. If pathway 2, operating in conscious mode, produced a more adaptive outcome than pathway 1 acting alone, the optimal balance between the two would be one favoring pathway 2, which would then be strengthened generation by generation. This could involve adjustments to the character of the signal, making its dominant components an optimally selected subset of all possible EM field effects. A conscious experience of a specific kind will then have evolved, but the decisions made in consequence of this process will have been made by evolution acting over a series of generations, not by the individual in real time. The result, which applies to all such schemes so far as I can determine, is a form of consciousness without agency, where the individual lacks the ability to consciously control its own behavior in real time.
Three examples of how the consciousness machine might be reconfigured to accommodate an algorithmic self endowed with agency. (A) is configured for a neurophysical theory, so there is an external input as in Figure 1, but the LTB is now replaced by an algorithmic SELF. (B) is configured as a fully algorithmic theory with no external inputs, so the ultimate source of consciousness is algorithmic and internal to the machine. (C) is a more complicated version of (B) whose SELF is modeled on a proposal by Marchetti (2022) among others, where the self first interacts with representations of sensory processing to produce contents and, by being aware of those contents, initiates actions. There are many other ways the internal workings of the machine could be configured, the point of the figure being simply to show the formal equivalence between selves with agency across theories, regardless of whether the ultimate source of consciousness is neurophysical or algorithmic. As an aside, there is a second distinction to be made among all theories where a learning process is required for the self to acquire agency. If learning in such cases depends on a physical interaction with something external to the individual, there is in effect a physical input to the machine directed at the box labeled SELF. This is different in character from the field-dependent inputs shown in the figures, but there is a formal equivalence that begs the question of whether the learning process required for a self with agency could be accomplished in the absence of any such interaction, implying a virtual learning process where interactions with the external world were modeled using algorithms. I will defer judgment on this point, seeing no reason why evolution should opt for a virtual mechanisms given the easy access a developing brain has to sensory inputs from the real world, but it remains a question worth consideration.
A schematic representation of how development and evolution work together to generate consciousness. Both real time (i.e., developmental) and evolutionary timescales must be included, and these are separable as shown. For the former, a key issue is that the developing brain must be capable of some form of real-time phenomenal experience (PE) in advance of the actions by which agency (Ag) can be “learned” through the real-time feedback mechanisms (F) on which that learning process depends. There are two asymmetries here that operate in real time, during brain development, that (1) Ag depends on PE but not the reverse, so the arrow connecting these is unidirectional, and (2) that Ag is adjusted and refined by real-time feedback while the subset of PEs on which this process depends operate as fixed reference points that can be altered and refined only in evolutionary time. Any conscious contents subject to alteration by late embryonic or post-natal feedback processes would then be precluded from being PEs, which would, by definition, be limited to consciously perceived sensations (i.e., qualia) that, once the neurocircuitry mechanisms required to evoke them are in place, remain subsequently unchanged by the real-time experiences of the individual. The evolutionary side of the story (in red) indicates the role genomic change plays, generation by generation, in changing both the character of PEs and the feedback mechanisms required for agency to develop. A complication is that, in evolutionary time, emergent phenomenal experience and emergent agency are co-dependent, because neither can evolve without the other. But this does not contradict the real-time asymmetry in the dependence of Ag on PEs, because for evolution, all of development is a single point in time (see text for further discussion). The key point then is that having two timescales allows phenomenal experiences and agency to evolve together while being, in effect, insulated from one another. This is an important insight in reductionist terms, justifying the separation of one large problem, of investigating consciousness as a whole, into two, of investigating phenomenal experience on the one hand and agency on the other.
Consciousness and its hard problems: separating the ontological from the evolutionary

July 2023


137 Reads


2 Citations

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

Few of the many theories devised to account for consciousness are explicit about the role they ascribe to evolution, and a significant fraction, by their silence on the subject, treat evolutionary processes as being, in effect, irrelevant. This is a problem for biological realists trying to assess the applicability of competing theories of consciousness to taxa other than our own, and across evolutionary time. Here, as an aid to investigating such questions, a consciousness “machine” is employed as conceptual device for thinking about the different ways ontology and evolution contribute to the emergence of a consciousness composed of distinguishable contents. A key issue is the nature of the evolutionary innovations required for any kind of consciousness to exist, specifically whether this is due to the underappreciated properties of electromagnetic (EM) field effects, as in neurophysical theories, or, for theories where there is no such requirement, including computational and some higher-order theories (here, as a class, algorithmic theories), neural connectivity and the pattern of information flow that connectivity encodes are considered a sufficient explanation for consciousness. In addition, for consciousness to evolve in a non-random way, there must be a link between emerging consciousness and behavior. For the neurophysical case, an EM field-based scenario shows that distinct contents can be produced in the absence of an ability to consciously control action, i.e., without agency. This begs the question of how agency is acquired, which from this analysis would appear to be less of an evolutionary question than a developmental one. Recasting the problem in developmental terms highlights the importance of real-time feedback mechanisms for transferring agency from evolution to the individual, the implication being, for a significant subset of theories, that agency requires a learning process repeated once in each generation. For that subset of theories the question of how an evolved consciousness can exist will then have two components, of accounting for conscious experience as a phenomenon on the one hand, and agency on the other. This reduces one large problem to two, simplifying the task of investigation and providing what may prove an easier route toward their solution.

On the origins and evolution of qualia: An experience-space perspective

August 2022


88 Reads


7 Citations

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience

This paper elaborates on a proposal for mapping a configuration space for selector circuits (SCs), defined as the subset of neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) responsible for evoking particular qualia, to its experiential counterpart, experience-space (E-space), as part of an investigation into the nature of conscious experience as it first emerged in evolution. The dimensionality of E-space, meaning the degrees of freedom required to specify the properties of related sets of qualia, is at least two, but the utility of E-space as a hypothetical construct is much enhanced by assuming it is a large dimensional space, with at least several times as many dimensions as there are categories of qualia to occupy them. Phenomenal consciousness can then be represented as having originated as one or more multidimensional ur-experiences that combined multiple forms of experience together. Taking this as a starting point, questions concerning evolutionary sequence can be addressed, including how the quale best suited to a given sensory modality would have been extracted by evolution from a larger set of possibilities, a process referred to here as dimensional sorting, and how phenomenal consciousness would have been experienced in its earliest manifestations. There is a further question as to whether the E-space formulation is meaningful in analytical terms or simply a descriptive device in graphical form, but in either case it provides a more systematic way of thinking about early stages in the evolution of consciousness than relying on narrative and conjecture alone.

FIGURE 2 | Selected animal and chemical patterns: stripes, spots, and digits. (A). The Drosophila pair-rule pattern. Left: an embryo at stage 5 (length 505 μm, anterior to the left), nearing the completion of cellularization; nuclei in blue, even-skipped (eve) protein in red, with an enhancer tag (green) showing specificity for some stripes rather than others, a clear demonstration of stripe-specific control over eve expression. Right: detail of the eve transcript pattern; stripe spacing (centre-to-centre distance) is ca. 40 μm. (B). Chemical patterns, showing arrays of spots (left) and labyrinthine stripes (right) produced by the TuIS (thiourea-iodate-sulfite) reaction in a gel medium, a variant of the better known CIMA reaction. Spacing between pattern elements is ca. 2 mm; see Horvath et al. (2009) for details. (C). The ornate boxfish, Aracana ornata, native to waters off South Australia; female (left) and male (right) showing mixed stripe and spotted patterns characteristic of boxfishes, which often vary between the sexes despite, presumably, a common underlying mechanism. (D). Digit development in mouse embryos, showing patterns of the marker Sox9 in wild type limb (top) and the expanded fan of digits produced by the homozygous Gli3 null mutant (bottom). The pattern here is realized as a series of cartilaginous elements, but is a result of a one-dimensional periodicity along the limb margin that lays down a two-dimensional pattern as the limb grows (Hiscock et al., 2017), a 1D to 2D transition comparable to that seen in Micrasterias. The number of digits increases further in Hox11/13 mutants, but the underlying pattern results from Turing-type interactions between the protein products of Bmp, Sox9 and Wnt genes; see Raspopovic et al. (2014) for details; Onimaru et al. (2016), Stewart et al. (2017), Newman et al. (2018) for evolutionary perspectives. Photo credits: (A, left) Thomas Gregor, (A, right) Erik Clark, (B) Istvan Szalai, (C) the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, (D) Rushikesh Sheth and Marian Ros.
Patterning, From Conifers to Consciousness: Turing’s Theory and Order From Fluctuations

May 2022


242 Reads


7 Citations

This is a brief account of Turing’s ideas on biological pattern and the events that led to their wider acceptance by biologists as a valid way to investigate developmental pattern, and of the value of theory more generally in biology. Periodic patterns have played a key role in this process, especially 2D arrays of oriented stripes, which proved a disappointment in theoretical terms in the case of Drosophila segmentation, but a boost to theory as applied to skin patterns in fish and model chemical reactions. The concept of “order from fluctuations” is a key component of Turing’s theory, wherein pattern arises by selective amplification of spatial components concealed in the random disorder of molecular and/or cellular processes. For biological examples, a crucial point from an analytical standpoint is knowing the nature of the fluctuations, where the amplifier resides, and the timescale over which selective amplification occurs. The answer clarifies the difference between “inelegant” examples such as Drosophila segmentation, which is perhaps better understood as a programmatic assembly process, and “elegant” ones expressible in equations like Turing’s: that the fluctuations and selection process occur predominantly in evolutionary time for the former, but in real time for the latter, and likewise for error suppression, which for Drosophila is historical, in being lodged firmly in past evolutionary events. The prospects for a further extension of Turing’s ideas to the complexities of brain development and consciousness is discussed, where a case can be made that it could well be in neuroscience that his ideas find their most important application.

An evolutionary perspective on chordate brain organization and function: insights from amphioxus, and the problem of sentience

December 2021


51 Reads


13 Citations

The similarities between amphioxus and vertebrate brains, in their regional subdivision, cell types and circuitry, make the former a useful benchmark for understanding the evolutionary innovations that shaped the latter. Locomotory control systems were already well developed in basal chordates, with the ventral neuropile of the dien-mesencephalon serving to set levels of activity and initiate locomotory actions. A chief deficit in amphioxus is the absence of complex vertebrate-type sense organs. Hence, much of vertebrate story is one of progressive improvement both to these and to sensory experience more broadly. This has two aspects: (i) anatomical and neurocircuitry innovations in the organs of special sense and the brain centres that process and store their output, and (ii) the emergence of primary consciousness, i.e. sentience. With respect to the latter, a bottom up, evolutionary perspective has a different focus from a top down human-centric one. At issue: the obstacles to the emergence of sentience in the first instance, the sequence of addition of new contents to evolving consciousness, and the homology relationship between them. A further question, and a subject for future investigation, is how subjective experience is optimized for each sensory modality. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Systems neuroscience through the lens of evolutionary theory’.

Consciousness as a Product of Evolution: Contents, Selector Circuits, and Trajectories in Experience Space

October 2021


48 Reads


6 Citations

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience

Conscious experience can be treated as a complex unified whole, but to do so is problematic from an evolutionary perspective if, like other products of evolution, consciousness had simple beginnings, and achieved complexity only secondarily over an extended period of time as new categories of subjective experience were added and refined. The premise here is twofold, first that these simple beginnings can be investigated regardless of whether the ultimate source of subjective experience is known or understood, and second, that of the contents known to us, the most accessible for investigation will be those that are, or appear, most fundamental, in the sense that they resist further deconstruction or analysis. This would include qualia as they are usually defined, but excludes more complex experiences (here, formats) that are structured, or depend on algorithmic processes and/or memory. Vision and language for example, would by this definition be formats. More formally, qualia, but not formats, can be represented as points, lines, or curves on a topological experience space, and as domains in a configuration space representing a subset of neural correlates of consciousness, the selector circuits (SCs), responsible for ensuring that a particular experience is evoked rather than some other. It is a matter of conjecture how points in SC-space map to experience space, but both will exhibit divergence, insuring that a minimal distance separates points in experience space representing different qualia and the SCs that evoke them. An analysis of how SCs evolve over time is used to highlight the importance of understanding patterns of descent among putative qualia, i.e., their homology across species, and whether this implies descent from an ancestral experience, or ur-quale, that combines modes of experience that later came to be experienced separately. The analysis also provides insight into the function of consciousness as viewed from an evolutionary perspective, defined here in terms of the access it allows to regions of SC-space that would otherwise be unavailable to real brains, to produce consciously controlled behaviors that could otherwise not occur.

The early life history of amphioxus compared with a representative aquatic vertebrate, Xenopus in this case. The embryonic stage (in pink) produces a hatching larva (at H), followed by a pelagic feeding phase (blue) that metamorphoses (M) to a juvenile that is essentially a small adult with adult habits (yellow). Embryogenesis in Xenopus also produces a larva, but is here shown in yellow because it corresponds less with the amphioxus larva than the juvenile in size and anatomical complexity, and the term larva is problematic anyway if, as here, the stages in question likely have independent evolutionary origins. Two trends are evident. First, that vertebrate eggs and embryos are orders of magnitude larger in volume, and so can be far more fully developed at hatching, and second, that this allows features that can only develop progressively in amphioxus to be incorporated into embryogenesis in vertebrates. The focus in this account is the telencephalon and its putative amphioxus homolog, whose periods of development, inferred for amphioxus from data reported by Benito-Gutierrez et al. (2021), are shown by the red bars.
Innovation Through Heterochrony: An Amphioxus Perspective on Telencephalon Origin and Function

June 2021


84 Reads


6 Citations

Heterochrony has played a key role in the evolution of invertebrate larval types, producing “head larvae” in diverse taxa, where anterior structures are accelerated and specialized at the expense of more caudal ones. For chordates, judging from amphioxus, the pattern has been more one of repeated acceleration of adult features so that they function earlier in development, thus converting the ancestral larva, whether it was a head larva or not, into something progressively more chordate-like. Recent molecular data on gene expression patterns in the anterior nerve cord of amphioxus point to a similar process being involved in the origin of the telencephalon. As vertebrates evolved, a combination of acceleration and increasing egg size appears here to have allowed the development of a structure that would originally have emerged only gradually in the post-embryonic phase of the life history to be compressed into embryogenesis. The question then is what, in functional terms, makes the telencephalon so important to the survival of post-embryonic ancestral vertebrates that this was adaptively advantageous. A better understanding of the function this brain region performs in amphioxus may help provide the answer.

Amphioxus neuroglia: Molecular characterization and evidence for early compartmentalization of the developing nerve cord

February 2021


99 Reads


16 Citations



Thurston C. Lacalli





Amphioxus has astroglia‐ and radial glia‐like cells. Neurons and glia arise from different precursor populations. Multipotent radial glia‐like progenitors were likely present in the last common ancestor of deuterostomes. Neurons and glia arise from different precursor populations. Multipotent radial glia‐like progenitors were likely present in the last common ancestor of deuterostomes. Glial cells play important roles in the development and homeostasis of metazoan nervous systems. However, while their involvement in the development and function in the central nervous system (CNS) of vertebrates is increasingly well understood, much less is known about invertebrate glia and the evolutionary history of glial cells more generally. An investigation into amphioxus glia is therefore timely, as this organism is the best living proxy for the last common ancestor of all chordates, and hence provides a window into the role of glial cell development and function at the transition of invertebrates and vertebrates. We report here our findings on amphioxus glia as characterized by molecular probes correlated with anatomical data at the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) level. The results show that amphioxus glial lineages express genes typical of vertebrate astroglia and radial glia, and that they segregate early in development, forming what appears to be a spatially separate cell proliferation zone positioned laterally, between the dorsal and ventral zones of neural cell proliferation. Our study provides strong evidence for the presence of vertebrate‐type glial cells in amphioxus, while highlighting the role played by segregated progenitor cell pools in CNS development. There are implications also for our understanding of glial cells in a broader evolutionary context, and insights into patterns of precursor cell deployment in the chordate nerve cord.

Citations (78)

... This account extends an evolutionary argument developed in a previous paper (Lacalli, 2023) that yielded two conclusions, most easily demonstrated for the subset of theories dependent on electromagnetic (EM) field effects: (1) that the events responsible for agency as a component of an evolving consciousness and those governing the character of phenomenal experience are separable and can be investigated as such, and (2) that it is possible to evolve a form of consciousness that is not epiphenomenal, but nevertheless fails to confer agency at the level of the individual. Using these results as a starting point, my intent here is to explore the concept of agency further to better understand the relationship between consciousness and agency and how that relationship could, in principle, have changed as consciousness evolved. ...


Mental causation: an evolutionary perspective
Consciousness and its hard problems: separating the ontological from the evolutionary
Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

... Given the need to integrate multiple sensory inputs with ongoing motor responses in a unified and coherent manner, some level of consciousness must have arisen "when simple reflexives evolved into a unified 'inner world,' or 'qualia,' or the subjective feeling of things" (Feinberg and Mallatt, 2016;Feinberg and Mallatt, 2020). A number of authors agree with this assumption (Edelman, 2003;Griffin and Speck, 2004;Irwin, 2020;Lacalli, 2020Lacalli, , 2022. ...

On the origins and evolution of qualia: An experience-space perspective

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience

... In the fruit fly embryo, positional information along the anterior-posterior axis is orchestrated through a sequential cascade involving three primary maternal inputs, a select number of gap genes, and the pair-rule genes. The conventional perspective suggests that the information flow through this cascade entails a gradual refinement, with noisy inputs ultimately generating a precise and reproducible pattern [34,35], in the spirit of the Waddington landscape [36]. ...

Patterning, From Conifers to Consciousness: Turing’s Theory and Order From Fluctuations
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

... On one hand, the insect group is mainly enriched in testis-specific genes, possibly reflecting the highly variable and specialized ciliary structure of their reproductive traits [44,45], and consistent with the GSEA results. On the other hand, neural-specific genes are strongly over-represented in the vertebrate group, also in line with their observed enrichment for neuronal functional categories and the overall increased complexity of the vertebrate brain [46,47]. All together, this analysis suggests that at least part of this molecular diversification is likely to result in functional evolution, and might have been differentially used in vertebrates and insects to shape some of their distinct tissue-related traits. ...

An evolutionary perspective on chordate brain organization and function: insights from amphioxus, and the problem of sentience
Philosophical Transactions B

Philosophical Transactions B

... The figure is schematic and agnostic about the nature of the neurocircuits involved, whether localized or spread diffusely across larger cortical networks, nor should it be taken to imply that functions shown as formally separate need necessarily be carried out by separate groups of neurons rather than a single group, or even a single neuron. One category of circuits is singled out: the selector circuits (SCs, see Lacalli, 2021), equivalent to the differences makers of consciousness (DMCs) of Klein et al. (2020). These are the subset of neural correlates of consciousness (NCCs) responsible for selecting a particular kind of subjective experience rather than some other, and so, in one form or another, are an essential feature of any explanation for consciousness that depends on neurocircuitry. ...

Consciousness as a Product of Evolution: Contents, Selector Circuits, and Trajectories in Experience Space

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience

... Diversity of cell types in the amphioxus brain is also supported by exquisitely detailed descriptions of cell morphologies in late amphioxus larva and adult brains using electron microscopy (EM) (Lacalli et al., 1994;Lacalli, 1996;Wicht and Lacalli, 2005). A great effort is being made to match these cellular morphologies to the reported gene expression patterns Bozzo et al., 2021;Lacalli, 2021). However, these studies have been performed at very different developmental stages, when there are marked differences in neural tube size and shape, making this exercise very difficult. ...

Innovation Through Heterochrony: An Amphioxus Perspective on Telencephalon Origin and Function
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

... Other vertebrate glial markers searched for and used to identify glia in invertebrates include glutamine synthetase (Gs) in the lobster (Panulirus argus) [79] and Aplysia [80], S100 calcium-binding protein B (S100b) in the giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergi) [81] and flatworm (Christensenella minuta) [82], transporters for glutamate (Eaat), GABA (Gat), and glucose (Glut) in planaria (Schmidtea mediterranea) [25] (Fig. 6). Expression of Eaat, Gs, Gfap/vimentin/If genes was explored in the lancelet, documenting glia in the Cephalochordata [83]. Sco-spondin (Sspo), an extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein, the main component of the Reissner's fiber [84], is another glial marker. ...

Amphioxus neuroglia: Molecular characterization and evidence for early compartmentalization of the developing nerve cord
  • Citing Article
  • February 2021


... Given the need to integrate multiple sensory inputs with ongoing motor responses in a unified and coherent manner, some level of consciousness must have arisen "when simple reflexives evolved into a unified 'inner world,' or 'qualia,' or the subjective feeling of things" (Feinberg and Mallatt, 2016;Feinberg and Mallatt, 2020). A number of authors agree with this assumption (Edelman, 2003;Griffin and Speck, 2004;Irwin, 2020;Lacalli, 2020Lacalli, , 2022. ...

Evolving Consciousness: Insights From Turing, and the Shaping of Experience

... The cephalochordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma) is now considered the closest living proxy for the ancestral chordate condition, and hence is of considerable interest from a comparative and evolutionary standpoint [1,2]. Similarities among chordates in CNS structure and function are supported by gene expression patterns [3][4][5], which show that the anterior brain-like region of the amphioxus nerve cord is regionally subdivided in much the same way as the vertebrate brain, while catalogues of the neuronal cell types and circuits, best known from the early larva [6,7], indicate a comparable localization of basic sensorimotor functions. A key landmark in amphioxus is the infundibular organ, which marks a transition from the amphioxus homologue of the hypothalamus to that of a combined dien-mesencephalon whose basal part, corresponding to the anterior reticular formation, houses a centre for setting levels of activity and initiating locomotory actions in response to mechanosensory stimuli [8]. ...

The origin of dopaminergic systems in chordate brains: insights from amphioxus
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

... Arising somewhat later and independently were the vertebrates (Cowen, 1995) and coleoid cephalopods (Nixon and Young, 2003)-groups that also have nervous systems sufficiently hierarchical and complex for consciousness. The earliest vertebrates probably had concentrated sensory centers in their midbrains, hence consciousness may have been mediated by the midbrain in that group (Lacalli, 2018). Subsequent evolution relocated details of sensory perception and motor control to higher brain centers, now considered a neuroanatomical necessity for animals that perceive qualia at a high level of resolution and manage motion with fine motor control. ...

Amphioxus neurocircuits, enhanced arousal, and the origin of vertebrate consciousness
  • Citing Article
  • March 2018

Consciousness and Cognition