Tayo Koleoso's scientific contributions

Publications (8)

I got my start in software engineering (and really, serious computer business) at 15 years old, with Oracle 8i SQL. Yes, I’ve been an old man from a young age, technologically speaking. Playing with SQL* Plus, trying (and failing) my first Oracle SQL certification exam, before I even started university, taught me the value of getting SQL right. Don...
This is the entire reason Quarkus exists: to serve your microservices needs, to slake your lust for a microservice framework that doesn’t take 30 seconds to start, to whisper sweet serverless nothings into your cloudy ear… OK I’ll stop now. We’re not going to go through too much of the rudiments of microservices in Java. After going through this ch...
Typically, technical textbooks save the “packaging and deployment” talk for last, like vegetables on a dinner plate full of meat. I’m bringing it up front, because when we’re talking Quarkus, the deployment options are like half the point. This will be worth your while.
Quarkus is the latest entrant into the microservice arena, brought to you by our friends over at Redhat. Now it’s not like there aren’t enough microservice frameworks out there, but ladies and gentlemen, this one’s different. This is one of the precious few microservice frameworks engineered from the ground up for… [drum roll] the cloud.
I’ll admit, I was one of those. I was a data access purist: I like my DAOs chilled, my PreparedStatements prepared, and my SQL handwritten with the care and tenderness of a lover. The world moved on to Hibernate, Java Persistence API (JPA), and everything in between; I clung to my “SQL IS THE LAW” doctrine. Then came Spring Boot Data JPA. And even...
As the old saying goes, “Teach a man to fish, and dependency injection will keep fresh fish coming,” dependency injection is the lifeblood of any serious enterprise Java application.
Okay, don’t start snoring just yet! I know testing isn’t the sexiest thing, but we must talk about it. Because “testing is important” and “it’s the hallmark of mature code and software engineers,” or “if you don’t write about testing, we’ll launch you out of a cannon and set a flamethrower to your book’s manuscript.”
Harness the power of Quarkus, the supersonic subatomic cloud-native Java platform from Red Hat. This book covers everything you need to know to get started with the platform, which has been engineered from the ground up for superior performance and cloud-native deployment. You’ll start with an overview of the Quarkus framework and its features. Nex...


... Pada penelitian ini framework yang digunakan adalah Quakurs, dimana Quarkus merupakan framework Java yang dirancang secara khusus untuk bekerja dengan optimal melalui Kubernetes dengan menghasilkan waktu start up dan waktu response yang lebih cepat ketika request pertama [21]. ...