Tamar Sapir's research while affiliated with Weizmann Institute of Science and other places

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Publications (95)

Altered Extracellular Matrix Structure and Elevated Stiffness in a Brain Organoid Model for Disease
  • Preprint

January 2024


37 Reads

Maayan Karlinski Zur


Bidisha Bhattacharya


Sivan Ben Dror




The viscoelasticity of tissues impacts their shape, as well as the growth and differentiation of their cells. Nevertheless, little is known about changes in viscoelastic properties during brain malformations. Lissencephaly is a severe malformation of cortical development caused by LIS1 mutations, which results in a lack of cortical convolutions. Here, we show that human-derived brain organoids with LIS1 mutation are stiffer than control ones at multiple developmental times. This stiffening is accompanied by abnormal ECM expression and organization, as well as elevated water content, as measured by diffusion-weighted MRI. Proteolytic cleavage of ECM components by short-term treatment with the catalytic subunit of MMP9 reduced the stiffening and water diffusion levels of mutated organoids to control levels. Finally, based on the molecular and rheological properties obtained, we generated a computational microstructure mechanical model that can successfully predict mechanical changes that follow differential ECM localization and integrity in the developing brain. Overall, our study reveals that LIS1 is essential for the expression and organization of ECM proteins during brain development, and its mutation leads to a substantial viscoelastic change. To our knowledge, this is the first study to elucidate how tissue mechanics change in disease states using human brain organoids.


HNRNPU's multi-tasking is essential for proper cortical development

July 2023


16 Reads


Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (HNRNPU) is a nuclear protein that plays a crucial role in various biological functions, such as RNA splicing and chromatin organization. HNRNPU/scaffold attachment factor A (SAF-A) activities are essential for regulating gene expression, DNA replication, genome integrity, and mitotic fidelity. These functions are critical to ensure the robustness of developmental processes, particularly those involved in shaping the human brain. As a result, HNRNPU is associated with various neurodevelopmental disorders (HNRNPU-related neurodevelopmental disorder, HNRNPU-NDD) characterized by developmental delay and intellectual disability. Our research demonstrates that the loss of HNRNPU function results in the death of both neural progenitor cells and post-mitotic neurons, with a higher sensitivity observed in the former. We reported that HNRNPU truncation leads to the dysregulation of gene expression and alternative splicing of genes that converge on several signaling pathways, some of which are likely to be involved in the pathology of HNRNPU-related NDD.

LIS1 dosage affects gene expression
a LIS1 colocalizes with NANOG and OCT4 in the nucleus. Pre-implantation embryos (n = 3) from embryonic day 3.5 were immunostained with anti-NANOG, anti-OCT4, and anti-LIS1 antibodies (scale bar, 20 μm). b Phase-contrast and fluorescent images of Lis1 F/- ERT2 mESCs cultured in 2iL media with or without 4-OHT. Lis1 F/- ERT2 and mESCs overexpressing LIS-GFP treated with 4-OHT using alternative naïve (5iL) media conditions. Images are representative of at least two independent experiments (scale bar,100 μm). c A heatmap of 2654 differentially expressed genes across samples with different Lis1 gene dosages in Lis1 F/- ERT2 (F/- ERT) derived mESCs cultured in 5i+LIF media. The data are shown on a Z-score scale of the variance stabilizing transformation on normalized reads. d Analysis of gene set over-representation test for four clusters obtained from the k-means clustering (k1, k2, k3, and k4) shows that different levels of LIS1 modulate the expression of genes enriched in specific Gene Ontology Biological Process (GO-BP) terms. e LIS1 levels in mouse (upper panel) and human lines (lower panel). Mouse lines: LIS1-GFP overexpression (OE) on the background of F/- ERT2, before and after 4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4OHT) addition (n = 3). Lower panel: LIS1-GFP over expression (OE), LIS1 heterozygous (+/−) and lissencephaly-associated intronic mutation LIS1-int6*/* (n = 3). f) A heatmap of 927 differentially expressed genes across samples with different LIS1 gene dosages in hESCs Samples come from two independent media conditions; human naïve, NHSM, and tHENSM. The data are shown on a Z-score scale of the variance stabilizing transformation on normalized reads. g Gene set over-representation test analysis showing the comparison of dose-dependent upregulated and downregulated k-means clusters (k1 and k2) in hESCs enriched for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms. h, i Representative immunofluorescence images of immunostainings conducted in WIBR3 (control), LIS1 +/−, and LIS1-OE (GFP) cultured in tHENSM media (n = 3) using anti- E-CADHERIN, and pan-LEFTY (LEFTY-A and LEFTY-B) antibodies, respectively (scale bar,100 μm. Inset represents 2.5x zoom; scale bar 25 μm).
Novel LIS1-interacting proteins include a repertoire of RNA-binding proteins
a A schematic illustration of the strategy used to identify LIS1-interacting proteins in mESCs. The cytoplasmic and the nuclear fractions from each genotype (F/-; Floxed/-, hypomorph allele, WT; Wild Type, and OE; LIS1-dsRED overexpression) were separated. LIS1 was immunoprecipitated (IP) using anti-LIS1 antibodies followed by mass spectrometry (total n = 4 for each genotype). b A heatmap of the RISC complex and P-body proteins derived from the mass spectrometry results. c A heatmap of splicing factors and nuclear speck proteins identified as significant LIS1 interactors. For (b, c), the scale represents razor and unique peptides detected averaged across replicates for each protein in each fraction per genotype. d The top 50 LIS1 interactors in Drosophila melanogaster. The size of the protein name corresponds to the total number of peptides obtained in LIS1 IP for each mouse orthologue. e Validation of the interaction between endogenous LIS1 and AGO2 in the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions in hESCs as determined by coimmunoprecipitation followed by western blotting. f The interaction between LIS1 and AGO2 is maintained independent of RNA. Total whole cell extract used for immunoprecipitation was treated with Benzonase to ensure the complete absence of RNA. e, f The immunoprecipitations were performed with the indicated antibodies, and IgG was used as a control for the IP with the input (15%) as shown. g Schematic illustration of the strategy to identify AGO2-independent LIS1 interacting proteins in AGO1-4 KO (AGO1/2/3/4 knockout) and AGO2-dependent (doxycycline-inducible AGO2 in AGO1-4 KO; Dox.AGO2) mESCs. LIS1 IP in combined nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions was performed in AGO1-4 KO and Dox.AGO2 followed by mass spectrometry (n = 4). h A volcano plot for the ratios of peptide intensities of proteins detected with mass spectrometry in LIS1 IP versus control (IgG, nonspecific peptides) in Dox. AGO2AGO1-4KO. i A volcano plot for the ratios of peptide intensities of proteins detected in mass spectrometry with LIS1 IP in AGO1-4 KO and Dox.AGO2, respectively. For (h, i), limma-generated log2 foldchange and adjusted p-values for multiple comparisons from the DEP package¹⁰⁹ were used. The proteins with a log2 foldchange ≥ 2 and an adjusted p-value ≤ 0.01 were considered significant and are highlighted in red.
LIS1 RNA-binding properties and splicing regulation
a LIS1 seCLIP-seq reproducible peaks (n = 40165) categorized by functional genomic regions. Peak regions identified by CLIPper peak caller with log2 fold change ≥ 3, adjusted p-value ≤ 0.001 were considered significant. b Coverage profile plot for the mean (±SEM) LIS1 seCLIP-seq reads distribution across exons. Brown lines represent two individual replicates for LIS1, and blue lines indicate the input (SMI; size-matched input). c Homer enriched motifs of LIS1 seCLIP peaks. Top and bottom are the four motifs enriched with the most significant p-values predicted by each of the homer known motif search and de novo motif search algorithms, respectively. d, e LIS1 eClip read coverage in Lefty2 1st intron (d.) and E-cadherin 2nd intron (e.) Red tracks- merged biological seCLIP-seq replicates (IP), Light blue tracks- input (SMI). f Intron level quantification of splicing efficiency in LIS1 Overexpressing line (LIS1 OE, red), Wild-type (WT, green), and Lis1 F/- (F/-, blue) with respect to the LIS1 seCLIP-seq clusters (the experiment includes n = 4 RNA-seq replicates for each genotype). All the comparisons were significant across each genotype in each cluster group. Boxplots show median and lower or upper quartiles; whiskers show inner fences. Kruskal–Wallis test, followed by two-sided Dunn’s all-paired test for multiple comparisons, p-values for all the comparisons are reported in extended Supplementary Data 6a–f. g A volcano plot of differentially retained introns between OE and F/- derived from MAJIQ alternative intron usage analysis. Significant upregulated events are in red, and (ΔPSI ≥ 0.2, p-value ≤ 0.05) and downregulated events (ΔPSI ≤ −0.2, p-value ≤ 0.05) are in blue. Events with retained introns and p-value ≤ 0.05 are highlighted in purple. The remaining events with a p-value ≤ 0.05 are dark gray. Light gray indicates events with a p-value ≥ 0.05. Adjusted p-values from MAJIQ’s two-sided Wilcoxon test were used to determine significance. Gene symbols for the de novo events are shown (n = 8 RNA-seq replicates for each genotype). h LIS1 seCLIP signal in regions with differentially spliced events annotated to cassette exons with a retained intron (MAJIQ ΔPSI ≥ 0.2). The red line indicates LSVs, which were found to be higher in LIS1OE, whereas the blue line indicates such events that are lower in LIS1 OE (red; n = 320, blue; n = 280).
Increased LIS1 expression drives the expression of miRs
a A heatmap of the top 85 DE mature miRs in the comparison between LIS1 overexpressing line (OE) and Lis1 F/- (F/-) mESCs with Wild-type (WT) is shown. The data are shown on a Z-score scale of the variance stabilizing transformation on normalized reads. bMeg3-Mirg locus. Top to bottom tracks: small RNA-seq signal (OE in red and F/- in blue); seCLIP-seq (IP in red and input in blue); bulk RNA-seq (OE in red and F/- in blue); ATAC-seq (OE in red and F/- in blue). All tracks are normalized. Of note, the Meg3 promoter region shows significant differential accessibility between the OE and F/- samples. The plot shows the merged track for replicates of each mESCs non-isogenic clone. c A heatmap of differentially expressed miR host genes from bulk RNA-seq. The data are shown on a Z-score scale of the variance stabilizing transformation on normalized reads. d Metagene plot of LIS1 seCLIP-seq coverage as a function of distance from all pre-miRs in the mouse genome. e Expression (log2 DESeq2 baseMean) of miRs as a function of their distance from the closest LIS1 seCLIP-seq peak. Red; LIS1 seCLIP-seq peaks in the distance <2000 bp (n = 221), Orange; LIS1 seCLIP-seq peaks with a distance > 2000bp, the peak resides in the introns of noncoding genes (n = 40), Yellow; LIS1 seCLIP-seq peaks with a distance > 2000bp, the peaks reside in the introns of protein-coding genes (n = 502), Green; all other miRs (n = 419). Boxplots show median and lower or upper quartiles; whiskers show inner fences; violin plots show outer fences. Kruskal–Wallis test and a two-sided Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons were performed, p-values: **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, ns-non significant (full comparisons are found in Supplementary Data 6c).
The effects of LIS1 or AGO2 expression on AGO1-4 KO background
a Western blot of AGO2, LIS1, and α-Tubulin in extracts from AGO1-4 KO, AGO1-4 KO LIS1-GFP (or LIS1 OE), Dox.AGO2, or Dox.AGO2 LIS1 OE. Cells were either treated or not treated with Doxycycline (Dox). b Quantification of LIS1 and AGO2 expression levels (n = 3, Data are presented as mean values ± SEM.). One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test for multiple comparisons, p-values: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, ns-non significant. c A heatmap showing the increase in mature miRs’ expression due to LIS1 overexpression (AGO1-4 KO LIS1-OE) compared to AGO1-4 KO. DESeq2 normalized reads with log2 foldchange ≥ 0.5 and adjusted p-values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. d A heatmap showing the increase in mature miR expression due to LIS1 overexpression in AGO1-4 KO LIS1-OE compared to Dox.AGO2, Dox. AGO2 LIS1-OE and AGO1-4 KO from the DESeq2 analysis in (c). For (c. and d.), the data are shown on a Z-score scale of the variance stabilizing transformation on normalized reads. e qRT-PCR for a subset of mature miRs involved in regulating ECM and mechanosensitive genes (n = 4), boxes show median and lower or upper quartiles; whiskers show inner fences. Kruskal–Wallis test, and a two-sided Dunn’s all-paired test for multiple comparisons, were performed; p-values are reported in Supplementary Data 6d.


LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2023


117 Reads


1 Citation

Nature Communications

Lissencephaly-1 (LIS1) is associated with neurodevelopmental diseases and is known to regulate the molecular motor cytoplasmic dynein activity. Here we show that LIS1 is essential for the viability of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), and it governs the physical properties of these cells. LIS1 dosage substantially affects gene expression, and we uncovered an unexpected interaction of LIS1 with RNA and RNA-binding proteins, most prominently the Argonaute complex. We demonstrate that LIS1 overexpression partially rescued the extracellular matrix (ECM) expression and mechanosensitive genes conferring stiffness to Argonaute null mESCs. Collectively, our data transforms the current perspective on the roles of LIS1 in post-transcriptional regulation underlying development and mechanosensitive processes.


Figure 1. HNRNPU +/À stem cell lines successfully differentiate into human cortical organoids with significant size reduction (A) Two isogenic HNRNPU +/À mutant stem cell lines were generated by SynthegoTM and representative phase contrast images of stem cell populations are shown. (B) Both HNRNPU +/À stem cell lines show approximately 25% reduction in hnRNPU mRNA (left) and protein (right) expression compared to internal controls. * = p< 0.05. NS = not statistically significant. (C) HNRNPU +/À hCOs show significant size reduction emerging by DIV10 and continuing through 45 days in vitro. * = p< 0.05. (D) D11, M20 and PGP1 exhibit VZ-like proliferative zones at DIV25 (left) and widespread neuronal expression (right) at DIV45 with evidence of subpopulations of GABAergic neurons. Data are represented as mean GSEM.
Figure 2. HNRNPU +/À hCOs show disruption in ribosomal proteins and neurodevelopmental processes (A) Upregulated genes in HNRNPU +/À hCOs enriched for neurodevelopmental ontologies, including neurogenesis, morphogenesis and differentiation. (B) Downregulated genes enriched for functional annotations including DNA-binding and RNA-binding. (C) UMAP visualization of annotated clusters across all five samples for D11, M20 and PGP1. 'npc' = neuronal progenitor. 'nsc' = neural stem cell. 'hmi' = high metabolic intermediate progenitor. 'scpn' = sub-cortical projection neuron. 'opc' = oligodendrocyte precursor. (D) Compositional analysis shows significant reduction (* = p< 0.05) in NPC and HMI populations for both D11 and M20 hCOs. Significant or trending significant (* = p< 0.06) increases in SCPN and GABAergic populations for both D11 and M20 hCOs. (E and F) show burden of dysregulated genes increased in precursor populations versus more mature neuronal population. Number of DEGs generated using 47 cells per cluster per sample to control for cell number and sample bias. FDR-correct pvalues and a log 2 fold change threshold of 0.25 were used. Final DEGs averaged across 10 simulations to minimize impact of selection bias. Precursor populations were the four most (M20) or four of the five most (D11) impacted populations. Data are represented as mean GSEM.
Figure 3. Consistent dysregulation between DIV45 HNRNPU +/À hCOs and E13 Hnrnpu fl/-mouse cortices
Figure 4. Transcriptomic signature of HNRNPU-related disorder diverges in perinatal mice (A) Evidence of reduced transcriptomic dysregulation in perinatal Hnrnpu fl/-cortices. Both heterozygous and homozygous mice segregate in PC space in RNA-sequencing of embryonic cortices, but heterozygous samples do not segregate at a perinatal time point. ''F'' = female. ''M'' = male. (B) Both Hnrnpu fl/-and Hnrnpu fl/fl cortices show most significant geometric mean enrichment is in genes differentially expressed in opposing directions at embryonic and perinatal time points. (C) Downregulated genes in DIV45 HNRNPU +/À hCOs are significantly enriched in gene sets that were identified as upregulated in both Hnrnpu fl/-and Hnrnpu fl/fl P1 cortices.
Evidence of shared transcriptomic dysregulation of HNRNPU-related disorder between human organoids and embryonic mice

December 2022


67 Reads


4 Citations


Generating effective therapies for neurodevelopmental disorders has remained elusive. An emerging drug discovery approach for neurodevelopmental disorders is to characterize transcriptome wide dysregulation in an appropriate model system and screen therapeutics based on their capacity to restore functionally relevant expression patterns. We characterized transcriptomic dysregulation in a human model of HNRNPU-related disorder to explore the potential of such a paradigm. We identified widespread dysregulation in functionally relevant pathways and then compared dysregulation in a human model to transcriptomic differences in embryonic and perinatal mice to determine whether dysregulation in an in vitro human model is partially replicated in an in vivo model of HNRNPU-related disorder. Strikingly, we find enrichment of co-dysregulation between 45-day-old human organoids and embryonic, but not perinatal, mice from distinct models of HNRNPU-related disorder. Thus, hnRNPU deficient human organoids may only be suitable to model transcriptional dysregulation in certain cell types within a specific developmental time window.

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (HNRNPU) safeguards the developing mouse cortex

July 2022


122 Reads


19 Citations

Nature Communications

HNRNPU encodes the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U, which participates in RNA splicing and chromatin organization. Microdeletions in the 1q44 locus encompassing HNRNPU and other genes and point mutations in HNRNPU cause brain disorders, including early-onset seizures and severe intellectual disability. We aimed to understand HNRNPU’s roles in the developing brain. Our work revealed that HNRNPU loss of function leads to rapid cell death of both postmitotic neurons and neural progenitors, with an apparent higher sensitivity of the latter. Further, expression and alternative splicing of multiple genes involved in cell survival, cell motility, and synapse formation are affected following Hnrnpu’s conditional truncation. Finally, we identified pharmaceutical and genetic agents that can partially reverse the loss of cortical structures in Hnrnpu mutated embryonic brains, ameliorate radial neuronal migration defects and rescue cultured neural progenitors’ cell death.

Figure 4. Lissencephaly manifests with a reduction in the normal brain folds. (a) A schematic of a lissencephalic and a normal brain. (b-d) Mutations in LIS1 result in a more severe phenotype in the caudal part of the brain (b), whereas mutations in DCX affect more the rostral part of the brain (c), as shown in comparison with the normal brain (d).
Brain Organization and Human Diseases

May 2022


148 Reads


7 Citations


The cortex is a highly organized structure that develops from the caudal regions of the segmented neural tube. Its spatial organization sets the stage for future functional arealization. Here, we suggest using a developmental perspective to describe and understand the etiology of common cortical malformations and their manifestation in the human brain.

LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways

March 2022


46 Reads


1 Citation

Lissencephaly-1 ( LIS1 ) is associated with neurodevelopmental diseases and is known to regulate the activity of the molecular motor cytoplasmic dynein. Here we show that LIS1 is essential for the viability of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), and it regulates the physical properties of these cells. LIS1 dosage substantially affects gene expression, and we uncovered an unexpected interaction of LIS1 with RNA and RNA-binding proteins, most prominently the Argonaute complex. We demonstrate that LIS1 overexpression partially rescued the expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) and mechanosensitive genes conferring stiffness to Argonaute null mESCs. Collectively, our data transforms the current perspective on the roles of LIS1 in post- transcriptional regulation underlying development and mechanosensitive processes.

Use of iPSC-derived brain organoids to study human brain evolution

January 2021


82 Reads


1 Citation

Recent advances in stem cell, genome editing, and iPSC technologies have made it possible to study human brain evolution using this iPSC-derived brain organoids as a model system. In this chapter, we will explore the evolution of the human brain and the central nervous system and discuss what we can learn from genomic comparisons studies. We will also examine the model organisms used to study gene expression and cell biology and delve into the new world of iPSC-derived brain organoids and what this new model system can tell us about human brain evolution.

Building Bridges Between the Clinic and the Laboratory: A Meeting Review – Brain Malformations: A Roadmap for Future Research

September 2019


239 Reads


3 Citations

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

In the middle of March 2019, a group of scientists and clinicians (as well as those who wear both hats) gathered in the green campus of the Weizmann Institute of Science to share recent scientific findings, to establish collaborations, and to discuss future directions for better diagnosis, etiology modeling and treatment of brain malformations. One hundred fifty scientists from twenty-two countries took part in this meeting. Thirty-eight talks were presented and as many as twenty-five posters were displayed. This review is aimed at presenting some of the highlights that the audience was exposed to during the three-day meeting.

Citations (59)

... In addition, our group recently reported that LIS1 is involved in regulating gene expression at several levels, including gene transcription, RNA splicing, and regulation of miRs. These changes were either dependent or independent of the Argonaute complex41 . Thus, we also conducted a small RNA-sequencing analysis which revealed 274 DE miRs(Supplementary Fig. S7, Supplementary Table S6). ...


Altered Extracellular Matrix Structure and Elevated Stiffness in a Brain Organoid Model for Disease
LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways

Nature Communications

... Saf-a knockout mouse models show embryonic lethality 36 , whilst conditional deletion in the developing brain leads to rapid cell death of both postmitotic neurons and neural progenitors 37 . Saf-a haploinsufficiency also affects the expression of the neuropeptides arginine vasopressin (Avp) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (Vip) resulting in changes in metabolic activity 38 and cell type specific changes in transcription 39,40 . SAF-A is also clinically relevant, as patients with mutations in the gene have neurodevelopmental disorders 17,[41][42][43] . ...

Evidence of shared transcriptomic dysregulation of HNRNPU-related disorder between human organoids and embryonic mice


... It has been reported to be involved in splicing 26,27 , X-inactivation 28,29 , mitosis [30][31][32][33] and is important for regulating 3D chromatin structure 7,34,35 through interacting with RNA 2,35 . Saf-a knockout mouse models show embryonic lethality 36 , whilst conditional deletion in the developing brain leads to rapid cell death of both postmitotic neurons and neural progenitors 37 . Saf-a haploinsufficiency also affects the expression of the neuropeptides arginine vasopressin (Avp) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (Vip) resulting in changes in metabolic activity 38 and cell type specific changes in transcription 39,40 . ...

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (HNRNPU) safeguards the developing mouse cortex

Nature Communications

... c.57G > T(pGlu19Asp) that changes the amino acid sequence in the resulting protein, making it functionally pathogenic. Seckel syndrome is a very rare and challenging neurological impairment that results in reduced brain dimensions and severe intellectual disability due to microcephaly, along with short stature [20]. Recently, multiple genetic studies have reported the probable role of RTTN variants in microcephaly syndromes [21]. ...

Brain Organization and Human Diseases


... Recent findings show the importance of LIS1 as a premium RNA binding protein (RBP) in several post-transcriptional and RNA metabolic processes (Kshirsagar et al. 2022). Biochemically, around 30 percent of the LIS1 protein is nuclear in multiple cell types, including mouse blastocysts, embryonic stem cells (ESCs), neurons, and glia, implying that the LIS1 protein may also function in the nucleus. ...

LIS1 RNA-binding orchestrates the mechanosensitive properties of embryonic stem cells in AGO2-dependent and independent ways
  • Citing Preprint
  • March 2022

... Moreover, molecular engineering in mouse-primate-human iPSC lines and brain organoids models now allow for functional genetic screens to explore molecular and cellular effects of evolving genes (Kanton et al. 2019;Trujillo et al. 2021) and their phenotypic contribution (Dannemann et al. 2020). Linking these technologies enables workflows for a large-scale identification and mechanistic dissection of human evolution from molecular to cellular levels that can be probed in genetically engineered rodent and primate models (Pollen et al. 2023;Reiner et al. 2021). ...

Use of iPSC-derived brain organoids to study human brain evolution
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2021

... However, the classifications of MCDs are mainly based on the neurological outcome and neuroimaging data. Furthermore, specific genetic mutations or events can impact the cortical development by affecting different cell types and/or different developmental phases, thus causing various MCDs (Sapir et al., 2019;Klingler et al., 2021). In this review we focus on the neural progenitor cells and their role in generation of neurons and supporting neuronal migration. ...

Building Bridges Between the Clinic and the Laboratory: A Meeting Review – Brain Malformations: A Roadmap for Future Research

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

... These proteins display increased palmitoylation independently of protein expression in vivo. The validated substrates fall into 9 classes, which, strikingly, are related to phenotypes observed in PPT1 knockout (KO) mice and CLN1 patients, including seizures, decreased synapse density, mitochondrial dysfunction, synaptic vesicle endocytic deficits, impaired long-term potentiation (LTP), and retinal degeneration [22][23][24][25][26][27]. Notably, PPT1 depalmitoylation sites on validated substrates are frequently cysteine residues that participate in disulfide bonds, suggesting that a novel function of palmitoylation may be to mediate these interactions. ...

The Interactome of Palmitoyl-Protein Thioesterase 1 (PPT1) Affects Neuronal Morphology and Function

Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

... Np9 can also directly bind to another ubiquitin ligase and p53 negative regulator, MDM2, to inhibit its ubiquitin ligase activity toward p53 and support the transactivation of genes by p53 [21]. Chan et al. reported that the depletion of Np9 increased the sensitivity of NCCIT teratocarcinoma cells to bleomycin and cisplatin [22]. Np9 was found to be essential for the migration of NCCIT teratocarcinoma cells using a wound closure assay: reduced expression of Np9 resulted in cells migrating into the wound at a slower rate. ...

The HERV-K accessory protein Np9 controls viability and migration of teratocarcinoma cells


... At the same time, CD26 can regulate and enhance the expression of T-cells during signal transduction pathway activity [112]. In addition, there is evidence of its involvement in immune memory cells, specifically in regulating and balancing CD4 T-cells and providing an appropriate immune response when immunological treat occur [113,114]. In regard to the clinical utility of this biomarker, CD26 has been investigated towards ischemia-reperfusion injury in the kidneys and its potential role in suppression of apoptosis and inflammation. ...

Complement C3 Affects Rac1 Activity in the Developing Brain

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience