Takeshi Takashima's research while affiliated with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and other places

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Publications (106)

Relativistic electron flux growth during storm and non-storm periods as observed by ARASE and GOES satellites
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2023


64 Reads


1 Citation

Earth Planets and Space






Satoko Nakamura

Variations of relativistic electron fluxes (E ≥ 1 MeV) and wave activity in the Earth magnetosphere are studied to determine the contribution of different acceleration mechanisms of the outer radiation belt electrons: ULF mechanism, VLF mechanism, and adiabatic acceleration. The electron fluxes were measured by Arase satellite and geostationary GOES satellites. The ULF power index is used to characterize the magnetospheric wave activity in the Pc5 range. To characterize the VLF wave activity in the magnetosphere, we use data from PWE instrument of Arase satellite. We consider some of the most powerful magnetic storms during the Arase era: May 27–29, 2017; September 7–10, 2017; and August 25–28, 2018. Also, non-storm intervals with a high solar wind speed before and after these storms for comparison are analyzed. Magnitudes of relativistic electron fluxes during these magnetic storms are found to be greater than that during non-storm intervals with high solar wind streams. During magnetic storms, the flux intensity maximum shifts to lower L-shells compared to intervals without magnetic storms. For the considered events, the substorm activity, as characterized by AE index, is found to be a necessary condition for the increase of relativistic electron fluxes, whereas a high solar wind speed alone is not sufficient for the relativistic electron growth. The enhancement of relativistic electron fluxes by 1.5–2 orders of magnitude is observed 1–3 days after the growth of the ULF index and VLF emission power. The growth of VLF and ULF wave powers coincides with the growth of substorm activity and occurs approximately at the same time. Both mechanisms operate at the first phase of electron acceleration. At the second phase of electron acceleration, the mechanism associated with the injection of electrons into the region of the magnetic field weakened by the ring current and their subsequent betatron acceleration during the magnetic field restoration can work effectively.


Figure 4
Relativistic electron flux growth during storm and non-storm periods as observed by ARASE and GOES satellites

April 2023


89 Reads

Variations of relativistic electron fluxes and wave activity in the Earth magnetosphere are studied in order to determine the contribution of different acceleration mechanisms of the outer radiation belt electrons: ULF mechanism, VLF mechanism, and adiabatic acceleration. The electron fluxes were measured by Arase satellite and geostationary GOES satellites. The ULF power index is used to characterize the wave activity of the magnetosphere in the Pc5 range. To characterize VLF wave activity in the magnetosphere, we use data from Arase satellite (PWE instrument). We consider strongest magnetic storms during the Arase satellite era: May 27-29, 2017; September 7-10, 2017; and August 25-28, 2018. Also, non-storm intervals with a high solar wind speed before and after these storms are considered as well. The magnitudes of relativistic electron fluxes during these magnetic storms (with an average solar wind speed) are found to be greater than that during non-storm intervals with a high solar wind streams. The substorm activity, as characterized AE index, is found to be a necessary condition for the increase of relativistic electron fluxes, whereas a high solar wind speed alone is not always necessary for the relativistic electron growth. The enhancement of relativistic electron fluxes by 1.5-2 orders of magnitude is observed 1-3 days after the ULF index growth and growth of the VLF radiation power. The analysis shows that the growth of VLF and ULF wave activity occurs approximately at the same time and coincides with the growth of substorm activity. Therefore, it is not easy to separate the contribution of these acceleration mechanisms over time. These mechanisms can act on a first phase of electron acceleration. During magnetic storms, the flux intensity maximum shifts to lower L-shells compared to intervals without magnetic storms. The acceleration mechanism associated with the injection of electrons into the region of the magnetic field weakened by the ring current and their subsequent betatron acceleration during the restoration of the magnetic field can work effectively at the second phase of electron acceleration.

Space Radiation

February 2023


19 Reads

Variations of space radiation include galactic cosmic rays, solar energetic particles, and trapped radiation in the magnetosphere that have large impacts on human activity in space. Space radiation may cause significant risk of astronauts and cause anomaly of satellites. In this chapter, we review the recent advance in trapped radiation research. The importance of nonlinear wave–particle interactions is shown, which cause enhancements and loss of trapped electron flux. Several forecast efforts on the trapped radiation are also reviewed in this chapter.

FIGURE 1 (A) The solar wind velocity Vsw (km/s), (B) the solar wind dynamic pressure Psw (nPa), (C) the southward component Bz (nT) of the interplanetary magnetic field, and (D) the geomagnetic index SYM-H (nT), all plotted using data form the OMNIWeb database. (E) The SML auroral electrojet index (nT; data from the SuperMAG database), (F) the location of the dayside magnetopause L MP (R E ; calculated following the model of Shue et al. (1998), using data from the OMNIWeb database) and (G) the MLT-averaged location of the plasmapause L PP (R E ; black line; calculated following the model of O'Brien & Moldwin (2003), using data from the OMNIWeb database) plotted over the logarithm of the electron density n e (cm −3 ; colored plot; calculated following Kurth et al. (2015), using data from the EMFISIS database; binned for dT = 3 h, dL = 0.25 R E ). All plots correspond to the time period of 1/7/2019 to 15/10/2019.
FIGURE 2 (A) The MLT-averaged amplitude of Very Low Frequency (VLF) lower-band whistler-mode chorus waves (pT; calculated following Li et al. (2013), using data from the POES and Metop database; binned for dT = 3 h, dL = 0.5 R E ), for the time period of 1/7/2019 to 15/10/2019. The bottom panels (C,E) present the logarithm of the Pc4-5 range (2-25 mHz) Ultra-Low Frequency (ULF) wave compressional magnetic (PSD B ) and azimuthal electric (PSD E ) component of the Power Spectral Density (calculated following Katsavrias et al. (2022), using data from the THEMIS database, binned for dT = 6 h, dL* = 0.5 R E ), for the time period of 1/7/2019 to 15/10/2019. The panels on the left (B,D) present the mean Power Spectral density (nT 2 /Hz for PSD B , (mV/m) 2 /Hz for PSD E ) for the whole time period (black dashed curves), and for the duration of the fastest streams of each one of the four studied CIR groups separately (colored curves; legend over panel B).
FIGURE 3 The logarithm of electron flux intensity [(MeV cm 2 sr s) −1 ] for seed [E ≈ 0.3 MeV, panels (A,B)], relativistic [E ≈ 1.8 MeV (C,D)] and ultra-relativistic electrons [E ≈ 4.2 MeV (E,F), E ≈ 7.7 MeV (G), E ≈ 9.9 MeV (H)] using data from Van Allen Probe A for L = 2.5-5.5 R E and from Galileo spacecraft for L = 5.5-8.5 R E , binned for dT = 3 h, dL = 0.25 R E , for the time period of 1/7/2019 to 15/10/2019. The selected energy channels of each spacecraft are mentioned on the right.
FIGURE 4 The radial profiles of the electron Phase Space Density (PSD), using data from the Van Allen Probe A and the Arase satellite for L* = 3-5.8 R E (on the left of the vertical dashed lines) and from the THEMIS A, D, and E satellites for L* = 5.8-7.8 R E (on the right of the vertical dashed lines) for selected dates of the third CIR group, during 28/8-4/9/2019. From top to bottom, the values of K = 0.03, 0.09, and 0.15 G 1/2 R E are presented [panels (A,B,C), (D,E,F), and (G,H,I), respectively]. From left to right, the values of μ = 100, 1,000, and 5,000 MeV/G are presented [panels (A,D,G), (B,E,H), and (C,F,I), respectively]. The fastest CIR of the third CIR group arrives on 30/8, 12:00. The THEMIS PSD is presented here divided by a factor of two for μ = 100 MeV/G and divided by a factor of six for μ = 1,000 MeV/G. These values were selected based on the K = 0.03 G 1/2 R E plots, in order to achieve a good alignment of the curves.
An event of extreme relativistic and ultra-relativistic electron enhancements following the arrival of consecutive corotating interaction regions: Coordinated observations by Van Allen Probes, Arase, THEMIS and Galileo satellites

August 2022


103 Reads


3 Citations

Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

During July to October of 2019, a sequence of isolated Corotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) impacted the magnetosphere, for four consecutive solar rotations, without any interposed Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections. Even though the series of CIRs resulted in relatively weak geomagnetic storms, the net effect of the outer radiation belt during each disturbance was different, depending on the electron energy. During the August-September CIR group, significant multi-MeV electron enhancements occurred, up to ultra-relativistic energies of 9.9 MeV in the heart of the outer Van Allen radiation belt. These characteristics deemed this time period a fine case for studying the different electron acceleration mechanisms. In order to do this, we exploited coordinated data from the Van Allen Probes, the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms Mission (THEMIS), Arase and Galileo satellites, covering seed, relativistic and ultra-relativistic electron populations, investigating their Phase Space Density (PSD) profile dependence on the values of the second adiabatic invariant K, ranging from near-equatorial to off equatorial mirroring populations. Our results indicate that different acceleration mechanisms took place for different electron energies. The PSD profiles were dependent not only on the μ value, but also on the K value, with higher K values corresponding to more pronounced local acceleration by chorus waves. The 9.9 MeV electrons were enhanced prior to the 7.7 MeV, indicating that different mechanisms took effect on different populations. Finally, all ultra-relativistic enhancements took place below geosynchronous orbit, emphasizing the need for more Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) missions.

Mesospheric ionization during substorm growth phase

June 2022


64 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Many studies have been conducted about the impact of energetic charged particles on the atmosphere during geomagnetically active times, while quiet time effects are poorly understood. We identified two energetic electron precipitation (EEP) events during the growth phase of moderate substorms and estimated the mesospheric ionization rate for an EEP event for which the most comprehensive dataset from ground-based and space-born instruments was available. The mesospheric ionization signature reached below 70 km altitude and continued for ~15 min until the substorm onset, as observed by the PANSY radar and imaging riometer at Syowa Station in the Antarctic region. We also used energetic electron flux observed by the Arase and POES 15 satellites as the input for the air-shower simulation code PHITS to quantitatively estimate the mesospheric ionization rate. The calculated ionization level due to the precipitating electrons is consistent with the observed value of cosmic noise absorption. The possible spatial extent of EEP is estimated to be ~8 h MLT in longitude and ~1.5° in latitude from a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation REPPU and the precipitating electron observations by the POES satellite, respectively. Such a significant duration and spatial extent of EEP events suggest a non-negligible contribution of the growth phase EEP to the mesospheric ionization. Combining the cutting-edge observations and simulations, we shed new light on the space weather impact of the EEP events during geomagnetically quiet times, which is important to understand the possible link between the space environment and climate.

Statistical Survey of Arase Satellite Data Sets in Conjunction With the Finnish Riometer Network

April 2022


67 Reads


1 Citation

During disturbed geomagnetic conditions, the energetic particles in the inner magnetosphere are known to undergo precipitation loss due to interaction with various plasma waves. This study, investigates the energetic particle precipitation events statistically using coordinate observations from the ground riometer network and the inner‐magnetospheric satellite mission, Arase. We have compared cosmic noise absorption (CNA) data obtained from the Finnish ground riometer network located in the auroral/sub‐auroral latitudes with the comprehensive data set of omnidirectional electron/proton flux and plasma waves in ELF/VLF frequency range from the Arase satellite during the overpass intervals. The study period includes one and a half years of data between March 2017 and September 2018 covering Arase conjunctions with the riometer stations from all magnetic local time sectors. The relation between the plasma flux/waves observed at the satellite with the riometer absorptions are investigated statistically for CNA (absorption >0.5 dB) and non‐CNA (absorption <0.5 dB) cases separately. During CNA events, Arase observed elevated electron flux in the medium energy range (2–100 keV), and plasma wave activity in the whistler‐mode frequency range (0.5–3 kHz) of the spectra. Our study provides an estimate of the statistical dependence of the electron flux and plasma wave observations at Arase with the ground reality of actual precipitation.

Mission design of DESTINY + : Toward active asteroid (3200) Phaethon and multiple small bodies

April 2022


139 Reads


40 Citations

Acta Astronautica

DESTINY+ is an upcoming JAXA Epsilon medium-class mission to fly by the Geminids meteor shower parent body (3200) Phaethon. It will be the world’s first spacecraft to escape from a near-geostationary transfer orbit into deep space using a low-thrust propulsion system. In doing so, DESTINY+ will demonstrate a number of technologies that include a highly efficient ion engine system, lightweight solar array panels, and advanced asteroid flyby observation instruments. These demonstrations will pave the way for JAXA’s envisioned low-cost, high-frequency space exploration plans. Following the Phaethon flyby observation, DESTINY+ will visit additional asteroids as its extended mission. The mission design is divided into three phases: a spiral-shaped apogee-raising phase, a multi-lunar-flyby phase to escape Earth, and an interplanetary and asteroids flyby phase. The main challenges include the optimization of the many-revolution low-thrust spiral phase under operational constraints; the design of a multi-lunar-flyby sequence in a multi-body environment; and the design of multiple asteroid flybys connected via Earth gravity assists. This paper shows a novel, practical approach to tackle these complex problems, and presents feasible solutions found within the mass budget and mission constraints. Among them, the baseline solution is shown and discussed in depth; DESTINY+ will spend two years raising its apogee with ion engines, followed by four lunar gravity assists, and a flyby of asteroids (3200) Phaethon and (155140) 2005 UD. Finally, the flight operations plan for the spiral phase and the asteroid flyby phase are presented in detail.

Citations (65)

... Intense enhancements of relativistic electron fluxes in the outer radiation belt occurs over a range of timescales, from minutes to months . These enhancements result from various acceleration processes acting over various timescales, including wave-particle interactions with Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves W. Li et al., 2014;Reeves et al., 2013;Xiao et al., 2014) and Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) waves (Belakhovsky et al., 2023;Dai et al., 2013;Mann et al., 2013;Zong et al., 2009), radial diffusive transport (Brautigam & Albert, 2000;L.-F. Li et al., 2020;Liu et al., 2016;Tu et al., 2012), and coherent radial transport mechanisms such as shock-induced injections (Blake et al., 1992;X. ...


Rapid Relativistic Electron Enhancements During Van Allen Probes Era
Relativistic electron flux growth during storm and non-storm periods as observed by ARASE and GOES satellites

Earth Planets and Space

... The range resolution in the mesospheric observation at 40-100 km altitude is 600 m in winter, and these data are obtained every ∼4 min (Sato et al., 2014). We used the altitude-resolved mesospheric echo power as a proxy for the increase in the electron density (Kataoka et al., 2019;Murase et al., 2022;Nishiyama et al., 2015;Tanaka et al., 2019). ...

Mesospheric ionization during substorm growth phase
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate

... Behera et al. (2016Behera et al. ( , 2017 showed that CNAs were found to occur not only on the night side, but also on the noon and evening sides. Recently, Thomas et al. (2022) have statistically shown using conjugate observations between the Arase satellite and ground riometers over Finland that during ground CNA events, Arase observed elevated electron flux in the medium energy range (2-100 keV) and plasma wave activity in the whistler-mode frequency range (0.5-3 kHz) of the spectra. ...

Statistical Survey of Arase Satellite Data Sets in Conjunction With the Finnish Riometer Network
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

... Planned missions are as follows: (1) The NASA-led Lucy mission: The scientific objective of the Lucy mission is to conduct fly-bys of seven Trojan asteroids (including a pair of binaries) in Jupiter's orbit between 2023 and 2033 [23]. (2) The JAXA-led Destiny + mission: The science objective of the Destiny+ mission is to fly by asteroids 3200 Phaethon and 2005 UD in 2028 [24]. (3) The NASA-led OSIRIS-APEX mission: The OSIRIS-APEX mission is an expansion of OSIRIS-Rex. ...

Mission design of DESTINY + : Toward active asteroid (3200) Phaethon and multiple small bodies
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Acta Astronautica

... Solar eruptions cause various phenomena such as geomagnetic storms and solar energetic particle (SEP) events (solar radiation storms) in the solar-terrestrial environments (Riley et al., 2018;Miyake et al., 2019;Cliver et al., 2022;Kusano, 2023). Some of these phenomena are referred to as extreme events, on the basis of their large magnitude and infrequently. ...

PSTEP: project for solar–terrestrial environment prediction

Earth Planets and Space

... The detection of extreme solar events, for example CMEs and solar flares, requires the detection of high-energy electrons and ions. Therefore, a high-energy particle instrument will be used with heritage from BepiColombo's high-energy particle instrument (HEP) [55]. The instrument has two sensors to detect both electrons and ions. ...

Pre-flight Calibration and Near-Earth Commissioning Results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) Onboard MMO (Mio)

Space Science Reviews

... RBSP-B, residing on the dayside, measures highly dynamic flux values, observing both depletions and enhancements throughout the event. Previous studies have shown, that measurements from the MEPe and MagEIS 34 instruments agree well with each other 35,36 . By looking at physical conjunctions between Arase and the Van Allen Probes during their two-year overlap, we find that the HOPE and MEPe instruments agree extraordinarily well with each other as well (see Supplementary Figs. ...

Preliminary Statistical Comparisons of Spin‐Averaged Electron Data From Arase and Van Allen Probes Instruments
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

... Lattice studies of Yang-Mills confinement with G x = SU (N ) have shown that the transition is first-order for N ≥ 3 and becomes increasingly strong with larger N [42,43]. Leveraging these lattice studies for SU (N ) and some other groups, computed the gravitational wave spectrum and demonstrated that the frequency peak could lie within the sensitivity range of proposed future detectors such as DECIGO [82,83] and Big Bang Observer (BBO) [84,85] for confinement scales between 1-1000 GeV, particularly for large values of N ≫ 3. However, for the signal to be potentially detectable the initial dark gluon density must be the dominant energy component at confinement. ...

Current status of space gravitational wave antenna DECIGO and B-DECIGO

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics

... In this way, we will have information about the location of the emission and its spectrum. An example of this approach is the sounding rocket experiment Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI; Ishikawa et al., 2014) and the upcoming PhoENiX mission (Narukage, 2019). ...

Satellite mission: PhoENiX (Physics of Energetic and Non-thermal plasmas in the X (= magnetic reconnection) region)
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2020

... The Arase (formerly ERG) mission consists of a single spacecraft crossing the belts with a moderately inclined orbit of approximately ∼31°and a highly elliptical trajectory. Its orbit has an approximate apogee of 32,110 km and a perigee of 460 km (Miyoshi, Shinohara, & Jun, 2018;Miyoshi, Shinohara, Takashima, et al., 2018). Figure 1 shows an example of a typical REP event observed by CALET. ...

Geospace exploration project ERG

Earth Planets and Space