T.Yu. Yudeeva's research while affiliated with Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry and other places

Publications (4)

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The review of the literature describes the clinical features of bipolar affective disorder (BAD). Difficulties in diagnosing BAD due to the complex clinical picture that cause untimely diagnosis and the formation of an unfavorable course of the disease are examined in detail. The data on mental disorders it is necessary to differentiate BAD from ar...
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The literature review provides the results of epidemiological studies of bipolar affective disorder (BAD). Biological risk factors and adverse course of BAD are considered in detail, including genetic ones (BAD is defined as a genetically determined disorder that has common non-specific genetic risk factors with depressive and schizophrenic spectru...
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The paper presents the results of confirmatory factor analysis of the Perfectionism Inventory in the sample of 625 subjects (which included patients with affective spectrum disorders and healthy controls from the general population). Three factorial structure of the instrument has been identified: 1) perceived evaluations concerns along with unfavo...


... Семейно-ориентированная психотерапия Не менее важной составляющей в структуре нарушений, приводящих к снижению уровня социального функционирования, являются дисфункциональные внутрисемейные взаимоотношения и стигматизация, исходящая от близких и родственников, а также самостигматизация [22,23]. ...