T. Passot's research while affiliated with Université Côte d'Azur and other places

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Publications (216)

Impact of pressure anisotropy on the cascade rate of Hall-MHD turbulence with bi-adiabatic ions
  • Preprint

June 2024


8 Reads






Pierre-Louis Sulem

The impact of ion pressure anisotropy on the energy cascade rate of Hall-MHD turbulence with bi-adiabatic ions and isothermal electrons is evaluated in three-dimensional direct numerical simulations, using the exact law derived in Simon and Sahraoui (2022). It is shown that pressure anisotropy can enhance or reduce the cascade rate, depending on the scales, in comparison with the prediction of the exact law with isotropic pressure, by an amount that correlates well with pressure anisotropy $a_p=\frac{p_\perp}{p_\parallel}\neq1$ developing in simulations initialized with an isotropic pressure (${a_p}_0=1$). A simulation with an initial pressure anisotropy, ${a_p}_0=4$, confirms this trend, yielding a stronger impact on the cascade rate, both in the inertial range and at larger scales, close to the forcing. Furthermore, a Fourier-based numerical method to compute the exact laws in numerical simulations in the full $(\ell_\perp,\ell_\parallel)$ scale separation plane is presented.


Influence of ion-to-electron temperature ratio on tearing instability and resulting subion-scale turbulence in a low- β e collisionless plasma

March 2024


8 Reads


2 Citations

Physics of Plasmas

A two-field gyrofluid model including ion finite Larmor radius (FLR) corrections, magnetic fluctuations along the ambient field, and electron inertia is used to study two-dimensional reconnection in a low βe collisionless plasma, in a plane perpendicular to the ambient field. Both moderate and large values of the ion-to-electron temperature ratio τ are considered. The linear growth rate of the tearing instability is computed for various values of τ, confirming the convergence to reduced electron magnetohydrodynamics predictions in the large τ limit. Comparisons with analytical estimates in several limit cases are also presented. The nonlinear dynamics leads to a fully developed turbulent regime that appears to be sensitive to the value of the parameter τ. For τ = 100, strong large-scale velocity shears trigger Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, leading to the propagation of the turbulence through the separatrices, together with the formation of eddies of size of the order of the electron skin depth. In the τ = 1 regime, the vortices are significantly smaller and their accurate description requires that electron FLR effects be taken into account.

Turbulent Regimes in Collisions of 3D Alfvén-wave Packets
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2022


57 Reads


5 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

Using three-dimensional gyrofluid simulations, we revisit the problem of Alfvén-wave (AW) collisions as building blocks of the Alfvénic turbulent cascade and their interplay with magnetic reconnection at magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) scales. Depending on the large-scale value of the nonlinearity parameter χ 0 (the ratio between the AW linear propagation time and nonlinear turnover time), different regimes are observed. For strong nonlinearities ( χ 0 ∼ 1), turbulence is consistent with a dynamically aligned, critically balanced cascade—fluctuations exhibit a scale-dependent alignment sin θ k ⊥ ∝ k ⊥ − 1 / 4 , resulting in a k ⊥ − 3 / 2 spectrum and k ∥ ∝ k ⊥ 1 / 2 spectral anisotropy. At weaker nonlinearities (small χ 0 ), a spectral break marking the transition between a large-scale weak regime and a small-scale k ⊥ − 11 / 5 tearing-mediated range emerges, implying that dynamic alignment occurs also for weak nonlinearities. At χ 0 < 1 the alignment angle θ k ⊥ shows a stronger scale dependence than in the χ 0 ∼ 1 regime, namely sin θ k ⊥ ∝ k ⊥ − 1 / 2 at χ 0 ∼ 0.5, and sin θ k ⊥ ∝ k ⊥ − 1 at χ 0 ∼ 0.1. Dynamic alignment in the weak regime also modifies the large-scale spectrum, scaling approximately as k ⊥ − 3 / 2 for χ 0 ∼ 0.5 and as k ⊥ − 1 for χ 0 ∼ 0.1. A phenomenological theory of dynamically aligned turbulence at weak nonlinearities that can explain these spectra and the transition to the tearing-mediated regime is provided; at small χ 0 , the strong scale dependence of the alignment angle combines with the increased lifetime of turbulent eddies to allow tearing to onset and mediate the cascade at scales that can be larger than those predicted for a critically balanced cascade by several orders of magnitude. Such a transition to tearing-mediated turbulence may even supplant the usual weak-to-strong transition.


Turbulent regimes in collisions of 3D Alfv\'en-wave packets

July 2022


12 Reads


1 Citation

Using 3D gyrofluid simulations, we revisit the problem of Alfven-wave (AW) collisions as building blocks of the Alfvenic cascade and their interplay with magnetic reconnection at magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) scales. Depending on the large-scale nonlinearity parameter $\chi_0$ (the ratio between AW linear propagation time and nonlinear turnover time), different regimes are observed. For strong nonlinearities ($\chi_0\sim1$), turbulence is consistent with a dynamically aligned, critically balanced cascade -- fluctuations exhibit a scale-dependent alignment $\sin\theta_k\propto k_\perp^{-1/4}$, a $k_\perp^{-3/2}$ spectrum and $k_\|\propto k_\perp^{1/2}$ spectral anisotropy. At weaker nonlinearities (small $\chi_0$), a spectral break marking the transition between a large-scale weak regime and a small-scale $k_\perp^{-11/5}$ tearing-mediated range emerges, implying that dynamic alignment occurs also for weak nonlinearities. At $\chi_0<1$ the alignment angle $\theta_{k_\perp}$ shows a stronger scale dependence than in the $\chi_0\sim1$ regime, i.e. $\sin\theta_k\propto k_\perp^{-1/2}$ at $\chi_0\sim0.5$, and $\sin\theta_k\propto k_\perp^{-1}$ at $\chi_0\sim0.1$. Dynamic alignment in the weak regime also modifies the large-scale spectrum, scaling roughly as $k_\perp^{-3/2}$ for $\chi_0\sim0.5$ and as $k_\perp^{-1}$ for $\chi_0\sim0.1$. A phenomenological theory of dynamically aligned turbulence at weak nonlinearities that can explain these spectra and the transition to the tearing-mediated regime is provided; at small $\chi_0$, the strong scale dependence of the alignment angle combines with the increased lifetime of turbulent eddies to allow tearing to onset and mediate the cascade at scales that can be larger than those predicted for a critically balanced cascade by several orders of magnitude. Such a transition to tearing-mediated turbulence may even supplant the usual weak-to-strong transition

Generalized Fluid Models of the Braginskii Type

June 2022


164 Reads


17 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

Several generalizations of the well-known fluid model of Braginskii (1965) are considered. We use the Landau collisional operator and the moment method of Grad. We focus on the 21-moment model that is analogous to the Braginskii model, and we also consider a 22-moment model. Both models are formulated for general multispecies plasmas with arbitrary masses and temperatures, where all of the fluid moments are described by their evolution equations. The 21-moment model contains two "heat flux vectors" (third- and fifth-order moments) and two "viscosity tensors" (second- and fourth-order moments). The Braginskii model is then obtained as a particular case of a one ion–electron plasma with similar temperatures, with decoupled heat fluxes and viscosity tensors expressed in a quasistatic approximation. We provide all of the numerical values of the Braginskii model in a fully analytic form (together with the fourth- and fifth-order moments). For multispecies plasmas, the model makes the calculation of the transport coefficients straightforward. Formulation in fluid moments (instead of Hermite moments) is also suitable for implementation into existing numerical codes. It is emphasized that it is the quasistatic approximation that makes some Braginskii coefficients divergent in a weakly collisional regime. Importantly, we show that the heat fluxes and viscosity tensors are coupled even in the linear approximation, and that the fully contracted (scalar) perturbations of the fourth-order moment, which are accounted for in the 22-moment model, modify the energy exchange rates. We also provide several appendices, which can be useful as a guide for deriving the Braginskii model with the moment method of Grad.

FIGURE 2. Energy and GCH fluxes in the transverse direction for run R 1 averaged in the same time interval as in figure 1.
FIGURE 3. Parallel energy (a) and GCH (b) dissipations D z (E) and D z (C), respectively, for run R 1 . The run was started using equal perpendicular and parallel viscosity coefficients ν = 5 × 10 −8 using a resolution of 420 3 collocation points (red line); a first restart was then performed with ν = 5 × 10 −9 and 560 3 collocation points (green line), and another one with ν = 3 × 10 −10 and 784 3 collocation points (blue line). The insets show the corresponding perpendicular energy and GCH dissipations D ⊥ (E) and D ⊥ (C). Due to lack of space, the time labels are not specified for the insets that cover the same time interval as the main graphs.
Direct kinetic Alfvén wave energy cascade in the presence of imbalance

June 2022


33 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Plasma Physics

A two-field Hamiltonian gyrofluid model for kinetic Alfvén waves retaining ion finite Larmor radius corrections and parallel magnetic field fluctuations is used to study direct turbulent cascades from the magnetohydrodynamic to the sub-ion scales. For moderate energy imbalance and weak enough magnetic fluctuations, the spectrum of the transverse magnetic field and that of the most energetic wave display a steep transition zone near the ion scale, while the parallel transfer (and thus the parallel dissipation) remains weak. In this regime, the perpendicular flux of generalized cross-helicity displays a significant decay past the ion scale, while the perpendicular energy flux remains almost constant. A phenomenological model suggests that the interactions between co-propagative waves present at the sub-ion scales can play a central role in the development of a transition zone in the presence of a helicity barrier.

Direct kinetic Alfv\'en wave energy cascade in the presence of imbalance

May 2022


30 Reads

A two-field Hamiltonian gyrofluid model for kinetic Alfv\'en waves retaining ion finite Larmor radius corrections and parallel magnetic field fluctuations is used to study direct turbulent cascades from the MHD to the sub-ion scales. For moderate energy imbalance and weak enough magnetic fluctuations, the spectrum of the transverse magnetic field and that of the most energetic wave display a steep transition zone near the ion scale, while the parallel transfer (and thus the parallel dissipation) remains weak. In this regime, the perpendicular flux of generalized cross helicity displays a significant decay past the ion scale, while the perpendicular energy flux remains almost constant. A phenomenological model suggests that the interactions between co-propagative waves present at the sub-ion scales can play a central role in the development of a transition zone in the presence of a helicity barrier.

Generalized fluid models of the Braginskii-type

January 2022


160 Reads

Several generalizations of the well-known fluid model of Braginskii (Rev. of Plasma Phys., 1965) are considered. We use the Landau collisional operator and the moment method of Grad. We focus on the 21-moment model that is analogous to the Braginskii model, and we also consider a 22-moment model. Both models are formulated for general multi-species plasmas with arbitrary masses and temperatures, where all the fluid moments are described by their evolution equations. The 21-moment model contains two "heat flux vectors" (3rd and 5th-order moments) and two "viscosity-tensors" (2nd and 4th-order moments). The Braginskii model is then obtained as a particular case of a one ion-electron plasma with similar temperatures, with de-coupled heat fluxes and viscosity-tensors expressed in a quasi-static approximation. We provide all the numerical values of the Braginskii model in a fully analytic form (together with the 4th and 5th-order moments). For multi-species plasmas, the model makes calculation of transport coefficients straightforward. Formulation in fluid moments (instead of Hermite moments) is also suitable for implementation into existing numerical codes. It is emphasized that it is the quasi-static approximation which makes some Braginskii coefficients divergent in a weakly-collisional regime. Importantly, we show that the heat fluxes and viscosity-tensors are coupled even linearly and that the fully contracted (scalar) perturbations of the 4th-order moment, which are accounted for in the 22-moment model, modify the energy exchange rates. We also provide several Appendices, which can be useful as a guide for deriving the Braginskii model with the moment method of Grad.

Fluid Energy Cascade Rate and Kinetic Damping: New Insight from 3D Landau-fluid Simulations

December 2021


23 Reads


6 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

Using an exact law for incompressible Hall magnetohydrodynamics (HMHD) turbulence, the energy cascade rate is computed from three-dimensional HMHD-CGL (biadiabatic ions and isothermal electrons) and Landau-fluid numerical simulations that feature different intensities of Landau damping over a broad range of wavenumbers, typically 0.05 ≲ k ⊥ d i ≲ 100. Using three sets of cross-scale simulations where turbulence is initiated at large, medium, and small scales, the ability of the fluid energy cascade to “sense” the kinetic Landau damping at different scales is tested. The cascade rate estimated from the exact law and the dissipation calculated directly from the simulation are shown to reflect the role of Landau damping in dissipating energy at all scales, with an emphasis on the kinetic ones. This result provides new prospects on using exact laws for simplified fluid models to analyze dissipation in kinetic simulations and spacecraft observations, and new insights into theoretical description of collisionless magnetized plasmas.

Citations (59)

... Magnetic reconnection, on the other hand, is a micro-scale process that changes the magnetic-field connectivity of energetically unfavorable configurations by releasing excess magnetic energy (e.g., into bulk flows, waves, and non-thermal particles), and can affect a wide range of scales (e.g., Zweibel and Yamada 2009;Pucci et al. 2020). Reconnection is indeed an intrinsic element of plasma turbulence, as the latter naturally develops tearing-unstable current sheets on a wide range of scales along its cascade, and current-sheet reconnection can convert magnetic energy into fluctuations and structures that feed back into the turbulent cascade (e.g., Carbone et al. 1990;Huang and Bhattacharjee 2016;Cerri and Califano 2017;Franci et al. 2017;Loureiro and Boldyrev 2017;Mallet et al. 2017;Pucci et al. 2017;Comisso et al. 2018;Dong et al. 2018Dong et al. , 2022Papini et al. 2019;Borgogno et al. 2022;Cerri et al. 2022). ...


Electron-only reconnection and ion heating in 3D3V hybrid-Vlasov plasma turbulence
Turbulent Regimes in Collisions of 3D Alfvén-wave Packets

The Astrophysical Journal

... It is expected that the spatial energy budget will depend on the ratio of temporal timescales. In particular the nonlinearity parameter used for several physical systems, including stratified and rotating turbulence [20,58] and MHD [47,66] is ...

Turbulent regimes in collisions of 3D Alfv\'en-wave packets

... In our previous paper (Hunana et al. 2022) we have employed the Landau (Coulomb, Fokker-Planck) collisional operator together with the moment method of Grad and considered various generalizations of the Braginskii model, such as a multi-fluid formulation of the 21-and 22-moment models valid for general masses and temperatures, where all of the considered moments are described by their evolution equations (with fully non-linear left-hand-sides). Here we consider the same models, however, we employ the Boltzmann operator and calculate the collisional contributions via expressing them through the Chapman-Cowling collisional integrals. ...

Generalized Fluid Models of the Braginskii Type

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

... Shifting focus to the scaling exponents in R 1 (spanning 8 − 100d i ), recent theoretical work suggests that under conditions of strong imbalance, generalized helicity conservation may hinder turbulent energy transfer to kinetic scales (Passot et al. 2018;Passot & Sulem 2019;Meyrand et al. 2021;Passot et al. 2022). The "helicity barrier" effect could influence both spectral and potentially higher-order moment scalings at the smaller end of the inertial range. ...

Direct kinetic Alfvén wave energy cascade in the presence of imbalance

Journal of Plasma Physics

... the Ohm's law), one then must resort to numerical simulations to grasp the physics involved in each term, both for freely-decaying [8,9,18,[35][36][37][38] and driven turbulence [39,40]. ...

Fluid Energy Cascade Rate and Kinetic Damping: New Insight from 3D Landau-fluid Simulations
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

The Astrophysical Journal

... The current density J is derived from the magnetic field using Ampère's law in the non-relativstic limit ω/kc ≪ 1 (i.e., without displacement current), J = c 4π ∇ × B. Finally, for the purpose of this work, we adopt a simple isothermal closure for the electron pressure, namely P e = nT 0e . The effect of different electron closures (see, e.g., Finelli et al. 2021), will be investigated in the future. ...

Bridging hybrid- and full-kinetic models with Landau-fluid electrons. I. 2D magnetic reconnection
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021

Astronomy and Astrophysics

... Odd viscosity, which acts as a scaledependent Coriolis-like force, leads to a two-dimensionalization of the flow at small scales, in contrast with rotating fluids in which a two-dimensionalization occurs at large scales 4 . Apart from odd viscosity fluids, we discuss how cascade-induced patterns can arise in natural systems, including atmospheric flows [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] , stellar plasma such as the solar wind [20][21][22] , or the pulverization and coagulation of objects or droplets in which mass rather than energy cascades [23][24][25] . ...

Inverse cascade and magnetic vortices in kinetic Alfvén-wave turbulence

Journal of Plasma Physics

... However, for the sake of the subsequent analysis, it can be useful also to express their relation with particle variables. Such relation, in particular, is affected by the quasi-static assumption, used in the derivation of the model (Tassi, Passot & Sulem 2020) to obtain a closure on the infinite hierarchy of moment equations obtained from a parent gyrokinetic system. As a consequence of such quasi-static closure (which are briefly recalled in § 4) the normalised density fluctuations and parallel velocity fluctuations of the electrons, indicated with n e and u e , respectively, are related to those of the corresponding gyrocentres by ...

A Hamiltonian gyrofluid model based on a quasi-static closure
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020

Journal of Plasma Physics

... To reach a stationary state, ε is controlled via forcing terms (f ψ and f n ) with random phases, selectively applied at |k z | = 1 in the range 1.5 < k ⊥ < 2.5 (large-scale fluctuations with Gaussian distributions). These terms allow a precise control of energy and helicity (taken to be zerosee [40,41] for the case with helicity), promoting chaotic motions necessary for turbulent behavior. ...

Modeling Imbalanced Collisionless Alfvén Wave Turbulence with Nonlinear Diffusion Equations

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... Shifting focus to the scaling exponents in R 1 (spanning 8 − 100d i ), recent theoretical work suggests that under conditions of strong imbalance, generalized helicity conservation may hinder turbulent energy transfer to kinetic scales (Passot et al. 2018;Passot & Sulem 2019;Meyrand et al. 2021;Passot et al. 2022). The "helicity barrier" effect could influence both spectral and potentially higher-order moment scalings at the smaller end of the inertial range. ...

Imbalanced kinetic Alfvén wave turbulence: From weak turbulence theory to nonlinear diffusion models for the strong regime
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

Journal of Plasma Physics