T Müller's research while affiliated with University Hospital Regensburg and other places

Publications (73)

Conference Paper
Introduction and Objectives Hyperinflammatory and hypoinflammatory subphenotypes have been identified in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which consistently have different clinical characteristics, biomarker profiles and outcomes. These subphenotypes may not be specific to ARDS. Patients on veno-venous extracorporeal mem...
Zusammenfassung Eine seltene Form der Dermatomyositis ist die klinische amyopathische Dermatomyositis (CADM). Charakterisiert ist sie durch das Fehlen einer bzw. durch eine nur sehr gering ausgeprägte Muskelbeteiligung. Dementsprechend sind die Kreatinkinase-Werte meist im Normalbereich. Typische Hautmanifestationen sind Gottron-Papeln und Mechanik...
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Different winding of the gas capillary membranes within two oxygenator devices and different flow dynamics might be responsible for different cellular and humoral coverage. Further investigations are necessary to reveal the underlying mechanisms and possible side-effects and potential consequences for oxygenator design.
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Background: In recent years a rapid expansion of extracorporeal devices for support of severe lung failure has been witnessed. Systems for veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO) or for extracorporeal carbon dioxide elimination are distinguished depending on the indications. Objectives: The state of the art of extracorporeal lu...
Background: Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2-R) allows lung protective ventilation using lower tidal volumes (VT) in patients with acute respiratory failure. The dynamics of spontaneous ventilation under ECCO2-R has not been described previously. This retrospective multivariable analysis examines VT patterns and investigates the factor...
Introduction: The aim was to study the characteristics and case severity of patients hospitalized for influenza with a pandemic strain at a German tertiary care university hospital in 2009/10 and 2010/11 and to compare them to two previous influenza seasons. Methods: An observational study of all patients hospitalized for laboratory-confirmed in...
The stabilization of patients suffering from a therapy-refractory shock, or during the course of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, can optionally take place by employing venous-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [1]. Furthermore, the VA-ECMO enables consecutive therapeutic interventions. Nevertheless, due to the femorofemoral implantation...
Aims: Over the last decade, technical improvements in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) equipment have reduced procedure-related complications, and have made ECMO an effective option for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) if conventional therapy fails. Methods: In this report, we present our early experience with the...
Objectives: Long-term use of oxygenators (Bioline®-coated polymethylpentene, PMP) during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is hampered by fibrin and cellular deposits inside the membrane oxygenator (MO). Methods: Immunofluorescence techniques were used to analyze cellular deposits on the surface of PMP-MO after ECMO therapy (n=17). Anti-hu...
Objective: A comparison of the new single site vs. the standard two site access for vvECMO in adult respiratory failure. Methods: Prospectively collected data from the Regensburg ECMO Data Registry was utilized to examine n=200 patients requiring vvECMO support from April 2006 till May 2011. A standard two vessel approach cannulating the femoral v...
Extracorporeal assist systems for respiratory and circulatory failure are increasingly used in intensive care medicine. Important technical innovations over the past years have resulted in improved biocompatibility and, consequently, reduced complication rates. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) technology experienced a surge of use during...
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über einen 48-jährigen Patienten, der aufgrund eines tachykarden Vorhofflimmerns und hypertensiver Entgleisung bei kurz zuvor diagnostiziertem Phäochromozytom auf unsere internistische Intensivstation gebracht worden war. Schnell entwickelte sich ein kardiogener Schock mit zweimaligem Kreislaufstillstand. Der Patient w...
Extracorporeal life-support systems are valuable tools to treat patients with acute cardiopulmonary failure in intensive care facilities, and are highly suitable for the interhospital transfer of critically ill patients to specialized centers. This article reviews the cannulation strategies and associated vascular complications in our institution....
Extracorporeal­assist­systems­for­respiratory­and­circulatory­failure­are­increasingly­used­in­intensive­care­medicine.­ Important­ technical­ innovations­ over­ the­ past­ years­ have­ resulted­ in­ improved­ biocompatibility­ and,­ consequently,­ reduced­ complication­ rates.­ Extracorporeal­ membrane­ oxygenation­ (ECMO)­ technology­ experienced...
Despite the major progress in emergency medicine and intensive-care medicine, the prognosis of patients suffering from circulatory failure is grave. Extracorporeal systems for the heart and/or lung support with an integrated diffusion membrane oxygenator are used for bridging either to organ recovery, to transplantation, or as a last resort measure...
Lung-protective ventilation with a low tidal volume, plateau pressure < 30 cm H(2)O. oxygen saturation > 90% and permissive hypercapnia results in reduction of the mortality rate in patients with acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The level of the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) must be chosen in relatio...
In severe acute lung failure, which cannot be handled by conventional therapeutic options, pump-driven systems (veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ECMO) or pumpless systems (interventional lung assist, iLA) can be used for extracorporeal lung assist. A veno-venous ECMO is indicated in refractory hypoxaemia and/or in severe respiratory...
Conference Paper
Admissions with nH1N1 infection at the University Hospital Regensburg – high rate of complications in a collective of mostly younger patients. P111
Background: Worsening of lung failure in patients awaiting lung transplantation might lead to ventilation-refractory hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis. This report describes the successful use of extracorporeal circulatory systems (ECS) as a bridge to lung transplantation in a remote transplant center. Methods: Between January 2003 and August 2...
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Extracorporeal life support is becoming increasingly popular with the miniaturization of the devices necessary for cardiac and pulmonary support. In the present report, the current systems, indications for placement and limitations are reviewed.
The current minimally invasive endovascular therapy of the descending thoracic aorta makes treatment of the aortic arch appear attractive in order to minimize the trauma of the surgical approach using a heart-lung machine with all its problems of cardiac arrest and hypothermia. Through proximalization of landing zone, complications such as endoleak...
Cardiovascular monitoring alarms are frequent in intensive care units (ICUs) and lead to noise levels often exceeding 80 dB. The aim of this study was to evaluate if there are relevant differences between ICUs with different subspecialties in the frequency and distribution of alarm signals, their occurrence during the day, the types of alarms and t...
Introduction Cardiovascular monitoring alarms are frequent in intensive care units (ICUs) and lead to noise levels often exceeding 80 dB. The aim of this study was to evaluate if there are relevant differences between ICUs with different subspecialties in the frequency and distribution of alarm signals, their occurrence during the day, the types of...
Recent results in lung protective treatment with reference to the severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have focused on extracorporeal gas exchange methods. These exchange processes can be realised either through veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or with a pumpless interventional lung assist (iLA).Every extracorpore...
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Recent results in lung protective treatment with reference to the severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have focused on extracorporeal gas exchange methods. These exchange processes can be realised either through veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or with a pumpless interventional lung assist (iLA). Every extracorpor...
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Respiratory acidosis can become a serious problem during protective ventilation of severe lung failure. A pumpless arteriovenous interventional lung assist (iLA) for extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal has been used increasingly to control critical respiratory situations. The present study sought to evaluate the factors determining the efficacy o...
The management of acute lung injury in adults requires specific therapeutic measures including techniques of extracorporeal lung support. In patients suffering from severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with life-threatening hypoxaemia, a pump-driven, veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been established. Recently,...
Die Behandlung des akuten Lungenversagens des Erwachsenen erfordert ein spezifisches Therapiekonzept, welches auch Methoden der extrakorporalen Lungenunterstützung einschließt. Beim schweren akuten Lungenversagen (ARDS) mit lebensbedrohlicher Hypoxämie ist der Einsatz einer pumpengetriebenen veno-venösen extrakorporalen Membranoxygenierung (ECMO) e...
Patients with acute circulatory failure still have limited prognosis despite constantly expanding knowledge in the field of intensive care and rescue medicine. Extracorporeal heart and/or lung assist systems are used increasingly for bridging to organ recovery respectively transplantation or even as rescue technique in CPR. With our highly-develope...
Extracorporeal lung assist has been proposed as an invasive measure in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) when oxygenation is critically impaired. However, this technique generally requires high personnel and technical resources. We report on a new system, which is characterised by a short circuit arterio-venous shunt using ar...
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Background Extracorporeal lung assist has been proposed as an invasive measure in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) when oxygenation is critically impaired. However, this technique generally requires high personnel and technical ressources. We report on a new system, which is characterised by a short circuit arterio-venous sh...
High frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) is a ventilatory mode that is well established in the therapy of the infant respiratory distress syndrome. In the past several years, HFOV is increasingly being used in the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Recently, the MOAT study showed the safety and efficacy of HFOV in the therapy of the A...
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Extracorporeal lung assist strategies such as ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) or ECLA (Extracorporeal Lung Assist) are nowadays an established treatment option for acute severe respiratory failure. Traditionally, the veno-venous approach has been used, favouring the femoral and jugular veins and a roller or centrifugal pump provides bloo...
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a rare complication of anticoagulative heparin therapy. The more severe HIT type II is defined by peripheral thrombocytopenia combined with thrombotic and thromboembolic events. We report the case of a 24 year old male patient who was admitted to our ICU with thromboembolic obstruction of the right central...


... For each specimen, imaging was carried out with high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy. First, the membranes were searched for predilection sites with increased cell adherence that have been previously defined [8,12]. Nodal points of the warps, or stitches, connecting the hollow fibers and contact points of adjacent hollow fibers were identified. ...
... 38 All ECLS techniques leverage a gas exchange device, referred to as the oxygenator or artificial lung, to provide different degrees of oxygenation, carbon dioxide removal, and circulatory support. 39 While many forms of ECLS have been used as a BTLT in patients with ESLD, 19,40,41 ECMO is by far the most common 42,43 and is the focus of this article. ECMO uses vascular access cannulas, a mechanical pump, and an oxygenator to pump venous blood from the patient via negative pressure and return the blood to the patient via positive pressure after gas exchange has occurred. ...
... 1,2 A combination of factors determines that ECMO patient mortality rates are significant. [3][4][5] These include the fact that patients qualifying for ECMO cannulation are already in an unstable and critical condition, the invasive nature of the procedure involved (generally jugular or femoral venous and/or arterial cannulation), and the potential physiologic or mechanical complications associated with ECMO. An international study showed that hospitals with higher volumes of ECMO patients achieved lower mortality rates than facilities that were dealing with fewer ECMO cases. ...
... Furthermore, unspecific protein binding to the membrane gradually reduces the efficiency of gas exchange. Both aspects are ascribed to the low hemocompatibility of the gas permeable membranes that are in direct contact with the blood [3,4,[13][14][15][16]. ...
... There are diverse underlying diseases causing terminal situations of gas exchange such as including sepsis, trauma, asphyxia, drowning, fat embolisation, pneumonia and other reasons of pulmonary failure with and without cardiac weakness. The amelioration of the percutaneous technique by 'Seldinger' for application of appropriate cannulae has mainly contributed to simplification of the complete technique, such as vascular access allows the application of a pumpless lung assistance by arterio-venous shunt under all possible circumstances such as emergency transportation, intensive care in different medical and emergency units [6]. An arterio-venous shunt up to two liters/min demands for increase of cardiac output in another wise cardiac healthy individuums well tolerated for weeks [2]. ...
... ,26 Krivitski et al. describe dpMO monitoring alone as inaccurate, explaining that the increase in dpMO depends rather on thrombus location than size, 20 which is supported by Lehle et al. stating that increasing dpMO is a rare device related indicator of MOT.21 Consequently, we presume that the large difference in maximum dpMO of both Neo2 and Neo3 experiments could be a result of different thrombus locations and geometries. We ascribe the final ...
... Therefore, patients who are already physiologically compromised must be transported to a distant area for an extended period of time and isolated from their usual caregivers. (Stevenson 2002, Waydas 1999, PA-PSRS, 2005. Improvements in technology and the wide range of diagnostic capability available with a CT scan make it a frequent choice for imaging. ...
... Wilm et al. showed that cellular deposits on PMP membranes mainly consist of leukocyte cells and Von Willebrandpositive endothelial cells. 3 Due to clinical pressures, we were unable to carry out an autopsy of the oxygenator used in this patient, which would have yielded more information. ...
... Gemäß dem Hagen-Poiseuille-Gesetz (V = π×r4×Δp 8×η×l ) sollte die Kanüle so kurz, aber so großkalibrig wie möglich sein. Die klassische Variante der Anlage umfasst die Punktion der rechtsseitigen V. femoralis, um die abführende Kanüle (21)(22)(23)(24)(25) in der V. cava inferior zu platzieren, und die Punktion der rechtsseitigen V. jugularis interna (Kanüle 17-21 Fr), um das Blut in die V. cava superior zurückzuführen [5]. Die Spitzen der beiden Kanülen sollten etwa 20 cm auseinander liegen, um eine Rezirkulation des oxygenierten Blutes so gering wie möglich zu halten (s. ...
... 46 Bein t et al. performed a retrospective multivariate analysis on 40 patients with arDs who underwent aV-ecco2-r and moderate hypercapnia (PaCO2≤55 mmHg). 47 During spontaneous breathing, high sweep gas flows and high blood flows decreased spontaneous tidal volumes supporting lung protection. ...