Supana Supana's research while affiliated with Universitas Sebelas Maret and other places

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Publications (17)

The Study of Javanese Women in The Primbon Books
  • Chapter

May 2024

Supana Supana


Sumarlam Sumarlam


Wakit Wakit




Sutarjo Sutarjo

Politeness strategies and their speech act representations in various circumstances of power, distance, and range of imposition
Politeness Strategies of Javanese Woman Characters in Novel ‘Gadis Pantai’ Written by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

January 2021


59 Reads


Keselarasan Kearifan Lokal Dengan Nilai Keislaman Pada Tradisi Labuhan Gunung Kombang di Kabupaten Malang

June 2020


688 Reads


7 Citations

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat Religi dan Tradisi)

Local wisdom has values that often become the source of norms formation for people's life. Among them is the tradition of Labuhan Gunung Kombang in Malang. This study intended to reveal the Labuhan Gunung Kombang's local wisdom that grows and develops in harmony with Islamic values in Kedungsalam Village, Donomulyo, Malang. This is a descriptive qualitative research by employing ethnographic methods. Data were collected through observations, interviews and documentations to produce detailed and comprehensive accounts of different cultural and social phenomena. The result of study showed that local wisdom of Labuhan Gunung Kombang tradition has values of religion, togetherness, deliberation and mutual cooperation that are in line with Islamic teachings. Islam as a religion with a set of values and norms has influenced the patterns of culture and traditions for Kedungsalam people. However, the encounter of Islamic values and local wisdom in Labuhan Gunung Kombang ceremony is usually perceived as the process of cultural acculturation. It makes socio-cultural aspects of the local people not necessarily eroded by Islam.

Citations (6)

... It is generally called indirect translation and relay translation. Shuttleworth and Cowie in [9] proposed indirect translation as a text translation indirectly translated from the original text through a medium in another language. Besides, [10] mentioned that it is a translation from a translation. ...


Relay Translation On Dayak Ngaju, Indonesian, And English: Analysis On Cultural Terms In Dayak Mythology “Tatum”
Relay Translation of Traditional Javanese Advices From Butir-ButirBudaya Jawa’s Book

... Therefore, local wisdom will permanently be attached to the soul and self of the community. Local wisdom not only builds a harmonious relationship with humans but also builds a romantic nature with the creator (Fitria Shalza Rahmaniar, Suyitno, Supana, 2020). ...

Keselarasan Kearifan Lokal Dengan Nilai Keislaman Pada Tradisi Labuhan Gunung Kombang di Kabupaten Malang

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat Religi dan Tradisi)

... Ethnomathematics emerged as an approach that connects mathematics with culture, aiming to increase students' understanding of cultural values and the benefits of mathematics in cultural terms (Rosa & Orey, 2016;Johnson et al., 2022). Jambi batik, as a cultural heritage with values contained in each motif, is a relevant choice for integration in mathematics learning (Supana, 2019;Prastio et al., 2023;Raya et al., 2021). ...

Batik Jambi as a Reflection of Local Wisdom
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019

... Various potential local resources that stretch along the coastline attract the attention of many researchers. Research related to regional characteristics (Semedi et al., 2019), ecotourism development (Harahab & Setiawan, 2017;Riniwati et al., 2017), disaster mitigation (Nugroho & Sucipto, 2020), localwisdom (Rahmaniar et al., 2019), and biodiversity (Purnomo, 2020;Sari et al., 2015) has opened up the potential of coastal areas in South Malang. However, those research's development as a learning resource has not been optimally carried out into a paradox. ...

Religious Value in the Local Wisdom of Labuhan Kombang Mountain Ngliyep Beach Malang District
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019

... Kegiatan berdoa sebelum melaksanakan aktivitas adalah sebuah pembiasaan baik yang dapat ditanamkan kepada peserta didik. Azzahrah [3] mengemukakan bahwa berdoa sebelum belajar akan dapat melatih peserta didik untuk membiasakan dirinya berdoa untuk mengawali kegiatan lain. Artinya, peserta didik menyerahkan segalanya kepada Tuhan atas apa yang diharapkan termaksud ilmu baru yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pembelajaran. ...


EDUKASI Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan

... According to Suyitno in (Persulessy, Emzir, & Rahman, 2018) a novel is a product of literature which contains values because it talks about human values in the human daily life. This view is supported by Lanua, Saddhono, & Supana (2017) who argued that there are human problems in a novel , since by definition a novel is a story of human life. The story is played by characters where the characters' morality, attitude, and emotion can be learned by the readers. ...


IJOLTL (Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics)