Sugandha Nayyar's research while affiliated with Children's Hospital of Michigan and other places

Publication (1)

Rapidly changing dietary practices accompanied by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle predispose to nutrition-related non-communicable diseases, including childhood obesity. Over the last 5 y, reports from several developing countries indicate prevalence rates of obesity (inclusive of overweight) >15 % in children and adolescents aged 5-19 y; Mexic...


... [6] It also has psychosocial effects like social discrimination, lower selfesteem, [7] body image disturbance, and rejection by peers. Many studies have concluded that CO may also track into adulthood [8] exposing them to a broad spectrum of metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes, hypertension, polycystic ovarian syndrome, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, etc, [9] which prevents them from reaching their full potential in life. Also, obesity management in adulthood is complex and often unsuccessful due to already established lifestyle and eating behaviors, which are difficult to modify at this age. ...