Su Ying Quek's research while affiliated with National University of Singapore and other places

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Publications (132)

Exciton-Enhanced Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion in Two-Dimensional Crystals
  • Article

June 2024


10 Reads


1 Citation

Physical Review Letters


MingRui Lai


Yaze Wu


Su Ying Quek

We show that excitonic resonances and interexciton transitions can enhance the probability of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, a second-order optical response that generates entangled photon pairs. We benchmark our ab initio many-body calculations using experimental polar plots of second harmonic generation in NbOI2, clearly demonstrating the relevance of excitons in the nonlinear response. A strong double-exciton resonance in 2D NbOCl2 leads to giant enhancement in the second order susceptibility. Our work paves the way for the realization of efficient ultrathin quantum light sources.


The vdW heterostructure of G/α-RuCl3 for the STM study
a, Schematic of the G/α-RuCl3 device structure. The device consists of monolayer graphene covering a few-layer α-RuCl3 stacked on top of the graphite or hBN flake. Ru, Cl, and C atoms are represented by purple, grey, and black balls, respectively. b, Large-sized STM topographic image of the clean surface of G/α-RuCl3/graphite (Vs = 0.18 V, It = 0.5 nA). c, Atomic structure of a single-layer α-RuCl3 (top view). d, Optical image of the as-assembled G/α-RuCl3/graphite heterostructure. The top graphene layer is outlined by the white dashed line. The four- and five-layer α-RuCl3 are outlined by the red and green dashed lines, respectively.
Electronic structure and bias-dependent STM images of G/α-RuCl3
a, The dI/dV spectra of G/hBN (grey) and G/α-RuCl3/graphite (blue) taken in a large Vs range (–2.0 ≤ Vs ≤ 1.7 V). The black arrows indicate the onset of the rapid rise in the dI/dV spectrum of G/α-RuCl3/graphite. b, The dI/dV spectrum of G/α-RuCl3/graphite taken in a small-Vs range (–0.88 ≤ Vs ≤ 1.06 V). It reveals features assigned to LHB, UHB and gap of α-RuCl3. c, Calculated DOS, partial DOS (PDOS) and band structure of G/α-RuCl3 via DFT + SOC + U. The colour coding in the band structure indicates the expectation value of spin <Sy>. PBE, Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof; SOC, spin–orbit coupling. d–g, Representative bias-dependent STM images showing the atomic structure of G/α-RuCl3/graphite. The Ru sublattice is superimposed in g. Each hexagon is surrounded by six Ru atoms, where individual points correspond to Ru atoms and sides correspond to Ru–Ru bonds. The setpoint It for taking STM images ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 nA.
Two distinct charge orderings at LHB and UHB energies
a, STM image taken at Vs = –0.5 V, It = 0.1 nA showing the LHB charge ordering. b, Corresponding FT pattern showing the reciprocal lattice vector q1 for the LHB charge ordering. The reciprocal lattice of α-RuCl3 is indicated by the green circle. The first Brillouin zone (BZ) of α-RuCl3 is outlined by the green dashed line. c, STM image taken at Vs = –0.36 V, It = 0.5 nA showing the UHB charge ordering. d, Corresponding FT pattern showing the reciprocal lattice vector q2 for the UHB charge ordering. e, STM image taken at Vs = –0.28 V, It = 0.1 nA. A (23a0×23a0) R30°\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(2\sqrt{3}{a}_{0}\times 2\sqrt{3}{a}_{0}){R}30^\circ$$\end{document} triangular (honeycomb) lattice is represented by the orange dot (circle), which is superimposed on the LHB charge ordering. g, STM image taken at Vs = 0.35 V, It = 0.1 nA. A (7a0×7a0,θ=98°)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(\sqrt{7}{a}_{0}\times \sqrt{7}{a}_{0},\,\theta =98^\circ )$$\end{document} superlattice is represented by the blue dot or ellipse, which is superimposed on the UHB charge ordering. The Ru sublattice is superimposed in e and g, where vertices correspond to Ru atoms and sides correspond to Ru–Ru bonds. f, Spatially dependent (dI/dV)/(I/V) spectra. The tip position for taking the (dI/dV)/(I/V) spectra is along the black arrow in the STM images shown in e and g. h, Bias-dependent FT linecuts along the direction of q1 (for negative Vs) and q2 (for positive Vs). The number indicates the corresponding Vs (unit, V). The position and intensity of the local peak are measured by fitting a Gaussian with a background. i, Magnitudes and amplitudes of q1 (within –0.50 ≤ eVs ≤ –0.14 eV) and q2 (within –0.16 ≤ eVs ≤ –0.60 eV) as a function of energy. The magnitudes of q1 and q2 are represented by the orange and blue dots, respectively. The FT amplitudes of q1 and q2 are represented by grey dots. j, Illustration of gap opening due to the charge order formation. k, Schematic of the coexisting electron–hole crystals. A (23a0×23a0) R30°\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(2\sqrt{3}{a}_{0}\times 2\sqrt{3}{a}_{0}){R}30^\circ$$\end{document} honeycomb hole crystal is represented by the orange circles and a (7a0×7a0,θ=98°)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(\sqrt{7}{a}_{0}\times \sqrt{7}{a}_{0},\,\theta =98^\circ )$$\end{document} paired electron crystal is represented by the blue ellipse.
Carrier-density-dependent UHB charge ordering
a, FT pattern of the dI/dV map taken at Vs = –0.02 V, It = 0.1 nA in the N⁺-sputtered G/α-RuCl3/graphite. The FT pattern is tri-fold symmetrized to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. The reciprocal lattice of graphene is indicated by the yellow circle. The first Brillouin zone of graphene is outlined by the yellow dashed line. The inset shows a magnified view of the outlined areas. Scale bar (inset), 2 nm⁻¹. The distance from the centre of the triangular pattern to one of the sides corresponds to 2kΓK, where kΓK is the radius in the contour of constant energy along the Γ–K direction in graphene. b, Linear dispersion of kΓK. Each data point of kΓK is presented as the mean value ± standard deviation, derived from a statistical analysis of four measured values. The red line represents the linear fitting results. c, STM image taken at Vs = 0.5 V, It = 0.5 nA under Vg = –80 V. d, STM image taken at Vs = 0.5 V, It = 0.5 nA under Vg = 0 V. The primitive unit cell of the UHB charge ordering is indicated by the red rhombus. e, Gate-dependent angles between the primitive reciprocal lattice vectors for the UHB charge ordering. Data are presented as measured values ± uncertainties, where the uncertainties arise from the large size of diffraction points. The inset shows the FT patterns of the data in c and d. f, Illustration of gate-tunable UHB charge ordering. When electrons are injected into the G/α-RuCl3 interface, the UHB charge ordering is changed from a (7a0×7a0,θ=98°)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(\sqrt{7}{a}_{0}\times \sqrt{7}{a}_{0},\,\theta =98^\circ )$$\end{document} paired electron crystal to a (7a0×7a0,θ=120°)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$(\sqrt{7}{a}_{0}\times \sqrt{7}{a}_{0},\,\theta =120^\circ )$$\end{document} paired electron crystal. The primitive unit cell of the superlattice is indicated by the black rhombus.
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Evidence for electron–hole crystals in a Mott insulator
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

June 2024


96 Reads

Nature Materials


Yixuan Han


Keian Noori




Jiong Lu

The coexistence of correlated electron and hole crystals enables the realization of quantum excitonic states, capable of hosting counterflow superfluidity and topological orders with long-range quantum entanglement. Here we report evidence for imbalanced electron–hole crystals in a doped Mott insulator, namely, α-RuCl3, through gate-tunable non-invasive van der Waals doping from graphene. Real-space imaging via scanning tunnelling microscopy reveals two distinct charge orderings at the lower and upper Hubbard band energies, whose origin is attributed to the correlation-driven honeycomb hole crystal composed of hole-rich Ru sites and rotational-symmetry-breaking paired electron crystal composed of electron-rich Ru–Ru bonds, respectively. Moreover, a gate-induced transition of electron–hole crystals is directly visualized, further corroborating their nature as correlation-driven charge crystals. The realization and atom-resolved visualization of imbalanced electron–hole crystals in a doped Mott insulator opens new doors in the search for correlated bosonic states within strongly correlated materials.

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Evidence for Electron-hole Crystals in a Mott Insulator

March 2024


140 Reads

Strongly correlated electrons enable the realization of a plethora of quantum states of matter, such as Wigner crystallization, fractional quantum Hall effect, and high-temperature superconductivity. When correlated electrons and holes are allowed to coexist, they become intertwined and fuel the pursuit of quantum excitonic states harbouring counterflow superfluidity1,2 and topological orders with long-range quantum entanglement3,4. While such collective quantum states have been reported in sophisticated multi-layered heterostructures1,2,4–8, realizing and controlling such quantum states in a single natural strongly correlated material has remained challenging due to the fast particle recombination. Here, we report the creation of imbalanced electron-hole crystals in a doped multi-orbital honeycomb Mott insulator, α-RuCl3, through gate-tunable non-invasive van der Waals (vdW) doping from graphene. The absence of layer separation allows the immediate visualization of electron-hole crystals via scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Real-space imaging reveals two completely different charge orderings at the lower Hubbard band (LHB) and the upper Hubbard band (UHB) energies, whose origin can be attributed to the correlation-driven honeycomb hole crystal composed of hole-rich Ru sites and rotational symmetry breaking paired electron crystal composed of electron-rich Ru-Ru bonds, respectively. Moreover, a gate-induced transition of electron-hole crystals can be directly visualized, further corroborating their nature as correlation-driven charge crystals⁹. The realization and atom-resolved visualization of imbalanced electron-hole crystals in a doped multi-orbital honeycomb Mott insulator, combined with a gate-tunable electron reservoir, opens new doors in the search for exotic correlated bosonic states within strongly correlated materials5,8,10–12.

Exciton-enhanced Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion in 2D Crystals

May 2023


123 Reads

We show that excitonic effects in 2D crystals enhance the probability of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC), a second-order optical response that leads to the generation of entangled photon pairs. We formulate the second-order response within many-body theory and perform first principles calculations on NbOX$_2$ (X = I, Cl), 2D crystals of interest in non-linear optics. Excitonic resonances together with interexciton couplings lead to order-of-magnitude enhancements in the second-order response. Our work paves the way for the realization of efficient ultrathin quantum light sources.

Fig. 1. Blue emitters and quantum emitters in hBN powders. a, Microscope image of the hBN powders casted on a silicon substrate. b, The confocal PL mapping with 405nm laser with the same area in (a). c, A fine PL mapping in a darker area marked in (b). d, PL spectra of three SPE ensembles marked in (b). e, PL spectra of the three SPEs. f, í µí±” 2 (í µí¼) results of the three SPEs.
Fig. 4. Structural characterization of helium irradiated hBN multilayer. a, Large-area HAADF-STEM image of helium irradiated hBN multilayer with different defects. Inset denotes the FFT of the same area. b, Statistical distribution of various vacancy-type and adatom-(intercalant-)type defects in helium irradiated hBN multilayer deduced from multiple HAADF-STEM datasets. c, HAADF-STEM of the 6 most common defect structures found in helium irradiated hBN multilayer. Scale bar is 1 nm.
Blue Quantum Emitters in hexagonal Boron Nitride

February 2023


207 Reads


2 Citations

Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has been a centre of interest due to its ability to host several bright quantum emitters at room temperature. However, the identification of the observed emitters remains challenging due to spectral variability as well as the lack of atomic defect structure information. In this work, we report two new blue quantum emitters with zero phonon line (ZPL) centred around 460 nm and 490 nm in hBN powders. We further demonstrate that the blue emissions can be created by high temperature annealing or high energy ion irradiation in exfoliated hBN flakes. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) reveals that the dominant defect structures present in ion irradiated sample are vacancy-type (V­ x ­) and adatom(intercalant)-type (A ­x ­). Together with first principle GW-BSE (Bethe-Salpeter equation) calculation, the observed blue emissions at 490 nm may be due to boron intercalants (B int ). Our results not only discover a new group of blue quantum emissions in hBN, but also provide an insight on the physical origin of the emissions by correlating the emission wavelength with local atomic structures in hBN.

Figure 1. Dilution of Nb impurities in WS2 monolayers. (a) Schematic illustration of preparing high quality WS2 samples with controllable dopant concentration. Inset shows a magnified HAADF-STEM image of Nb dopant in WS2 lattice. Scale bar is 1 nm. (b) Relationship between nominal (C Nb prec ) versus actual (C Nb ) Nb doping concentrations in units of ppm and cm -2 . Filled scatter symbols represent data points where the actual concentration was verified by STEM whereas open symbols represent those where the actual concentration was estimated by extrapolation of the STEMverified points that show linear relationship with a power exponent m~1.06. (c) Low temperature PL spectra showing an increase in Nb-induced emission (NbX) with increasing Nb concentration. (d) NbX emission intensity as a function of nominal Nb concentration. The measurements were done at 10 K with the same excitation laser power of 20 μW.
Figure 2. Emission properties of 5 ppm Nb-doped WS2. (a) PL spectrum for different excitation laser power. (b) Time-resolved PL for X 0 and NbX emission peaks. The instrument response function (IRF) is also shown. (c) Differential reflectance (upper panel) and PL excitation spectrum of NbX emission (lower panel). The PL spectrum of the detection channel is also shown. (d) Polarizationresolved spectra obtained with σ + excitation nearly in resonance with X 0 peak. The lower panel shows the degree of circular polarization. All measurements were conducted at 10 K.
Figure 3. Distinct types of Nb-bound excitons. (a) Temperature dependent PL spectrum. (b) Typical PL spectrum from a region of the sample where both the Nb-bound exciton and delocalized exciton peaks are observed. (c) PL spectra of the two types of Nb-bound excitons (NbX and XL) taken at regions of the sample where they exhibit strong emission intensities. (d) PL intensity maps for free and bound exciton species: X0 (top), NbX (middle) and XL (bottom). Scale bar is 10 μm. Results in (b-d) were obtained at 1.6 K.
Figure 4. Zeeman effect of different exciton species in an out-of-plane magnetic field. (a) Colour plot of polarization-resolved magneto-PL spectra measured on a region of the sample which shows both NbX and XL emissions. The upper panel shows the spectrum at 0 T. (b) PL spectra of NbX and XL at selected fields (B⊥). (c) Polarization-resolved emission energies of NbX and XL as a function of B⊥. (d) Zeeman splitting of various main exciton species as a function of B⊥.
Dilute Acceptor-bound Excitons in a Monolayer Semiconductor

January 2023


290 Reads

Atomic defects in two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors are promising single exciton traps for achieving quantum emission. However, excessively high density of defects often makes it impractical to optically address the quantum nature of such quasi-particles, preventing strategic exciton engineering. Here, we report a versatile strategy for dilute acceptor impurity doping of monolayer WS 2 , which enables the study of isolated bound excitons. We observe two distinct types of acceptor-bound excitons: one of them is characterized by a large binding energy, allowing its observation at room temperature and the other by an extremely narrow linewidth (< 1 meV), showing strong resemblance to quantum emitters in WSe 2 . Polarization-resolved spectroscopy and magnetic field dependence reveal their strong contribution of free exciton character. In particular, the latter type exhibits characteristics of acceptor-bound dark excitons. Our work demonstrates dilute impurity doping as a promising strategy towards optically addressable quantum states in monolayer semiconductors.

Fig. 2 Schematic of the energy level alignment (ELA) for pristine TMDC/metal junctions. Schematics are shown for (a, b, c) MoS 2 /Au and (d, e, f) MoS 2 /Ag. a, d show the ELA obtained by the alignment of the isolated materials, taking into account the calculated dipole correction (Δ dipole ). b, e show the DFT ELA at the interfaces. c, f show the GW quasiparticle (QP) ELA at the interfaces. The valence band maximum and conduction band minimum levels are indicated by blue and yellow lines, respectively. Energies are given in eV, referenced to the Fermi level in each case (dashed grey lines). Atomic structures are shown as insets: Au (gold); Ag (silver); Mo (purple); S (yellow).
Fig. 3 DFT band structures of TMDC/metal junctions with common point defects. a MoS 2 -vac S /Au and (b) WSe 2 -O Se /Au. Projections onto Mo/S and W/Se orbitals are shown as red and blue circles, respectively. The size of the circles is proportional to the weight of the orbital projection. The band structure in (b) includes the effect of spin orbit coupling (SOC). The DFT valence band offsets (VBO) and conduction band offsets (CBO) are indicated. The quasiparticle (QP) VBO and CBO, obtained from separate GW calculations, are also indicated. Energies are referenced to the Fermi level, E F . Atomic structures are shown as insets: Au (gold); Mo (purple); S (yellow); W (grey); Se (green); O (red).
Fig. 4 Schematic illustrating the polarity of experimentallymeasured TMDC/metal junctions. Data are shown for (a, c) MoS 2 / Au and (b, d) WSe 2 /Au interfaces. Yellow-shaded bands (a, b) indicate the approximate n-type Schottky barrier heights (SBH) extracted from experiments, while blue-shaded bands (c, d) indicate the approximate extracted p-type SBH. Note that the entire box in (d) is shaded blue since explicit SBH values were not listed in the experiments. Experimental values have been extracted from refs. 10,12-15,25-28 . Calculated QP (DFT) SBH values from this work are shown as filled (shaded) red (MoS 2 ) and blue (WSe 2 ) hexagons. "prist." stands for "pristine".
Origin of contact polarity at metal-2D transition metal dichalcogenide interfaces

October 2022


80 Reads


4 Citations

npj 2D Materials and Applications

Using state-of-the-art ab initio GW many-body perturbation theory calculations, we show that monolayer MoS2 on Au is a p-type contact, in contrast to the vast majority of theoretical predictions using density functional theory. The predominantly n-type behaviour observed experimentally for MoS2/Au junctions can be attributed to the presence of sulfur vacancies, which pin the Fermi level. GW calculations on WSe2/Au junctions likewise predict p-type contacts for pristine WSe2 and n-type contacts for junctions with selenium vacancies. Experimentally, WSe2/metal junctions are predominantly p-type or ambipolar, with p-type junctions being observed for selenium-deficient WSe2, suggesting that selenium vacancies are not effective in pinning the Fermi level for WSe2/metal junctions. We rationalize these apparently contradictory results by noting that selenium vacancies in WSe2 are readily passivated by oxygen atoms. Taken together, our state-of-the-art calculations clearly elucidate the relation between contact polarity and atomic structure. We show that non-local exchange and correlation effects are critical for determining the energy level alignment and even the contact polarity (in the case of MoS2 on Au). We further reconcile a large body of experimental literature on TMDC/metal contact polarities by consideration of the defect chemistry.

Graphene and Beyond: Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Materials Synthesis, Properties, and Devices

September 2022


412 Reads


52 Citations

ACS Nanoscience Au

Since the isolation of graphene in 2004, two-dimensional (2D) materials research has rapidly evolved into an entire subdiscipline in the physical sciences with a wide range of emergent applications. The unique 2D structure offers an open canvas to tailor and functionalize 2D materials through layer number, defects, morphology, moiré pattern, strain, and other control knobs. Through this review, we aim to highlight the most recent discoveries in the following topics: theory-guided synthesis for enhanced control of 2D morphologies, quality, yield, as well as insights toward novel 2D materials; defect engineering to control and understand the role of various defects, including in situ and ex situ methods; and properties and applications that are related to moiré engineering, strain engineering, and artificial intelligence. Finally, we also provide our perspective on the challenges and opportunities in this fascinating field.

Optically Active Chalcogen Vacancies in Monolayer Semiconductors

September 2022


175 Reads


7 Citations

Advanced Optical Materials

Advanced Optical Materials

Defect engineering of atomically thin semiconducting crystals is an attractive route to developing single‐photon sources and valleytronic devices. For these applications, defects with well‐defined optical characteristics need to be generated in a precisely controlled manner. However, defect‐induced optical features are often complicated by the presence of multiple defect species, hindering the identification of their structural origin. Here, we report systematic generation of optically active atomic defects in monolayer MoS2, WS2, MoSe2, and WSe2 via proton‐beam irradiation. Defect‐induced emissions are found to occur ≈100 to 200 meV below the neutral exciton peak, showing typical characteristics of localized excitons such as saturation at high‐excitation rates and long lifetime. Using scanning transmission electron microscopy, it is shown that freshly created chalcogen vacancies are responsible for the localized exciton emission. Density functional theory and ab initio GW plus Bethe‐Salpeter‐equation calculations reveal that the observed emission can be attributed to transitions involving defect levels of chalcogen vacancy and the valence band edge state.

Citations (66)

... Due to the absence of van der Waals interactions, the PBE functional fails to accurately capture bonding in the adsorption of MoS 2 on Au(111). 42 Moreover, it has been confirmed that the vdW-DF2 functional could recover the experimental data well, within an error of less than 3kJ/mol. 43 The combined PBE-DFT-D2 method integrates both standard exchange-correlation effects and dispersion (van der Waals) forces, rendering it well-suited for accurately describing a broad spectrum of molecular systems, especially those in which van der Waals interactions play a significant role. ...


The impact of S vacancies on the modulation of the work function and Schottky barrier at the Au/MoS2 interface
Origin of contact polarity at metal-2D transition metal dichalcogenide interfaces

npj 2D Materials and Applications

... Further growth in the 2D materials family began to diversify in the mid-2010s. Boron nitride, phosphorene, and other elemental 2D materials became popular [13,14]. Each material exhibited unique properties, broadening possibilities for researchers investigating applications in electronics, optoelectronics, and beyond [15]. ...

Graphene and Beyond: Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Materials Synthesis, Properties, and Devices

ACS Nanoscience Au

... The origin of the QEs in MoS 2 , on the other hand, seems to be mainly connected to the presence of chalcogen-vacancy defects [80], as demonstrated by the deterministic, site-selective creation of emitters via a helium ion beam (a process shown in figure 1(g)) [48], even after encapsulation of the ML in hBN [81,82]. Vacancy-related defects in MoS 2 , MoSe 2 , WS 2 and WSe 2 can also be created via proton beam irradiation at an energy of 50 keV [83]. Noticeably, proton irradiation can lead to quite opposite effects depending on the beam energy. ...

Optically Active Chalcogen Vacancies in Monolayer Semiconductors
Advanced Optical Materials

Advanced Optical Materials

... In multiwalled nanotubes, the diverse chirality of coaxial tubes (in which the chirality determines crystal symmetry; Supplementary Fig. 1) impedes the scalability of the SHG response with respect to the number of walls 26,29 . Unlike their 2D counterparts, which can be arbitrarily stacked layer by layer to engineer and enhance their nonlinear optical properties [30][31][32][33][34][35] , multiwalled nanotubes entail intertube stacking that is much more Supplementary Fig. 2 for more details). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging revealed that the BNNTs were of high purity and almost free from impurities, and their chirality could be characterized by the selected area electron diffraction technique 47 ( Supplementary Fig. 3). ...

Giant second-harmonic generation in ferroelectric NbOI2

Nature Photonics

... In addition, we consider a donor n-dopant Benzyl Viologen (BV 0 ) [55] at the bottom and an acceptor CN6-CP at the top. To study the limits of our technique, we analyze the sample with CN6-CP in combination with one of the strongest organic electron donors (OED) reported -Me-OED, which has a high doping efficiency (number of electrons per molecule) and a small surface area [56,57]. ...

Compact Super Electron-Donor to Monolayer MoS2
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

Nano Letters

... Moreover, twodimensional piezoelectric materials (2DPMs) are of practical interest compared to their bulk counterparts due to their flexible crystal structures and the possibility of reducing device size [4][5][6]. Therefore, many efforts contributed in the last decade have led to the discovery of various types of monolayer or one-lIayer (1L) piezoelectric materials such as hexagonal (h-) group III-IV materials [7], h-group II oxides [8], H-phase transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) [9,10], In 2 Se 3 [11,12], CuInP 2 S 6 [13,14], NbOX 2 (X = Cl, Br, and I) [15,16], and group IV monochalcogenides (MXs, with M = Ge, Sn and X = S, Se) [17][18][19][20][21]. Among the various candidates, MXs, in particular, have received much attention due to their piezoelectric coefficients, which surpass those of other two-dimensional materials by orders of magnitude. ...

Data-driven discovery of high performance layered van der Waals piezoelectric NbOI2

Nature Communications

... Compared to the monolayer, the peak I intensity of the bilayer is significantly reduced. Besides, Zhao et al also obtained a similar phenomenon by PL characterization of t-MoS 2 synthesized by liquid phase exfoliation, as shown in figure 6(b) [83]. This phenomenon is not only observed in t-MoS 2 , but also in t-WSe 2 . ...

Strong Moiré Excitons in High-Angle Twisted Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Homobilayers with Robust Commensuration
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Nano Letters

... [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] Under out-of-plane magnetic fields, valley Zeeman effects and magnetic-field-induced valley polarization are observed and these effects depend on the presence of strain, doping and magnetic proximity effects. 25,[44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56] Figure 1 (a) shows an optical microscope image of our MoSe 2 /CrSBr heterostructure and the crystal orientations,â andb, of the CrSBr bulk crystal, while in Figure 1 (b) the MoSe 2 and CrSBr crystal structures are sketched. Figure 1 (c) presents the predicted type-III (broken-gap) band alignment of the heterostructure. ...

Valley-filling instability and critical magnetic field for interaction-enhanced Zeeman response in doped WSe2 monolayers

npj Computational Materials

... Since the introduction of 2D-PMets, their properties including superconductivity, 50 nonlinear optical phenomena, 312 potential epsilon-near-zero modes, 323 and tunable optical resonances and energy dissipation have been reported. 324 2D-PMets, such as Ga and In, exhibit extremely efficient nonlinear optical transduction, with χ (2) of 3 to 5 nm/ V. 312 2D-Ga and -In also outperform other metal SHG sources like gold nanorods and graphene-coated gold films (1000 and 100× higher χ (2) , respectively) and industry standards like LiNbO 3 (100× higher χ (2) ). 325 Nonlinear optical microscopy has revealed in-plane and out-of-plane symmetry breaking in 2D-PMets which allows the large second-order response and determines the polarization plane of the emission. ...

Atomic-Level Structure Determines Electron–Phonon Scattering Rates in 2-D Polar Metal Heterostructures
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

ACS Nano

... The main objective of transfer procedures is to obtain ultraclean samples to thoroughly investigate any property such as interlayer excitons, [14] the photovoltaic effect [17,18] or develop new nanodevices. [19,20] Nanomaterials mixed in liquid or solid state have the risk to produce random aggregated species, poisoning or directly killing their low dimensional properties; nevertheless, based in its simplicity and high-yield, this approach can easily reach real applications. [21] Essentially, combination of the best advantages of both methodologies is extremely demanded. ...

Organic-2D Material Heterostructures: A Promising Platform for Exciton Condensation and Multiplication
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

Nano Letters