Stephen Olbrys Gencarella's research while affiliated with University of Massachusetts Amherst and other places

Publications (10)

Drawing from the art of stage hypnotism, in this article, I contend that there are certain aesthetic practices in which the uncanniness of the content of performance can run counter to the humorous intent of the activity. Comic hypnotism is an artistic performance that flirts with the uncanny but runs the risk of being overwhelmed by it. I argue he...
In this article, I offer a critique of the five seasons of the television series The Walking Dead (TWD) broadcast to date (2010–2015). As the popularity of this show continues to rise, many viewers have demonstrated a willingness to praise TWD without carefully examining its narrative commitments to violence or to attack media critics who point out...
This article continues a call for the development of a critical folklore studies as a mode of activist research to redress human suffering and domination. It examines folk criticism as a vibrant, everyday practice and encourages folklorists to embrace critical perspectives as a continuation of this essential human activity. It draws upon Kenneth Bu...
This article addresses the scholarly lacunae surrounding Antonio Gramsci's contributions to folklore studies in the English-speaking world. It contends that Gramsci's critique of folklore has often been misunderstood because it has not been read in tandem with his comments on language, common sense, and religion, nor has it been contextualized by h...
The polymath Empedocles has not been considered a prominent figure in the history of rhetorical studies nor contemporary appropriations of antiquity, despite the reported attribution of his invention of rhetoric by Aristotle. This neglect is understandable, as the surviving fragments of Empedocles' work provide no significant reference to rhetoric...
This article argues for the development of a critical folklore studies through an interweaving of folklore and rhetorical theory. Following paths set by Roger Abrahams, Kenneth Burke, and Antonio Gramsci decades ago, and drawing upon more recent contributions by Ernesto Laclau and rhetorical critics, it considers folklore as a constitutive rhetoric...
This article argues for the development of a critical folklore studies through an interweaving of folklore and rhetorical theory. Following paths set by Roger Abrahams, Kenneth Burke, and Antonio Gramsci decades ago, and drawing upon more recent contributions by Ernesto Laclau and rhetorical critics, it considers folklore as a constitutive rhetoric...
This article reconsiders the debate over the origins of rhetoric by the historical reconstructionists and neosophists beginning in the 1990s. It contends that both are misled by relying only upon texts overtly identified as “rhetorical theory” and suggests that other ancient sources offer significant insights into the “origins” and contemporary the...


... In such circumstances, like memory scholars, folklorists can assume the responsibility of breaking away from these traditions to expose the community (and themselves) to other voices that have previously gone unheard due to being constrained by tradition (Kitta, 2019). Therefore, convergences between critical folklore studies, which seeks to redress some of the most pernicious expressions of tradition still thriving today, including racism, sexism, classism, ageism, homophobia, and xenophobia (Gencarella, 2013), and critical memory studies also have a great potential to develop more effective coping strategies for power dynamics, politics, hierarchies, oppressive ideologies, gender inequality, inclusivity, diversity, social justice, and sustainable development. ...
... Such lists generally only briefly describe why shows like TWD are classified as violent or gruesome. More detailed and targeted academic research has sought to explain the show's representation of violence (Linnemann et al. 2014;Garland et al. 2018;Gencarella 2016;Raymen 2018;O'Mahony et al. 2021). However, few studies have examined how the show's representation of violence may position viewers, especially relating to vulnerable characters such as children. ...
... As opposed to the public hearing format that involves taken-for-granted folk assumptions about communication (Carbaugh 1989; Craig 2005) which may seem naive or unrealistic in practice (Buttny 2010:636), the highly specialized guidelines that specify the GA procedures and rationale present us with the kind of self-reflexivity associated with " folk criticism, " that is, " the creation of certain ways of communicating to address fundamental concerns through local issues " as embedded in the realm of everyday life (Gencarella 2011:255; McLaughlin 1996). Indeed, one should keep in mind that the GA model, as well as many other characteristics of the Occupy movement, are not unique to the American groups. ...
... Bununla birlikte söylem türlerinin ve çözümleme yöntemlerinin büyük ölçüde ve büyük bir çeşitlilikte (Blommaert & Bulcaen, 2000;Wood & Kroger, 2000;Gee & Handford, 2012;Wodak, 1996;Wooffitt, 2005;Günay, 2018) türlü çalışmalar içinde tartışıldığı dikkati çekmektedir. Folklorun inceleme alanına giren söylem odaklı konuların ele alınması süreçlerinde de yararlanılabilecek folklor ve söylem odaklı çok sayıda çalışma (Newell, 1906;Abrahams, 1971;Bauman&Sherzer 1974;Butler, 1984;Bauman, 1986;Walls, 1988;Basso, 1990;Bauman ve Briggs, 1990;Briggs & Bauman, 1992;McDowell, 1992;Bauman, 1996;Shuldiner, 1998;Muthukumaraswamy, 2006;Gencarella, 2009;Kapaló, 2011;Radzi, 2016;Azatovna vd., 2020) mevcuttur. Bu bağlamda, folklorla ilgili derinlikli her konuya uygun, çok yaklaşımlı söylem ve çözümleme kuramlarının birlikte ve dikkatle değerlendirmeye alınmasının gerekliliğinin gözden kaçırılmaması gerekmektedir. ...
... Folklore hinges upon sharing knowledge collectively. 84 Earlier in my research, I met with a storyteller who helped me understand the role of community -and the emphasis on the collective -inherent to folkloric stories. He lives in a medium-sized town, where he runs a storytelling series. ...
... The Tisias treatise circulated under his name and nickname, see Velardi (2007, 280-281). For a different interpretation of the epithet corax concerning Greek culture and folklore, see Gencarella (2007). ...
... For cities and towns, ghost tours provide an opportunity to present the history and culture of a location through a spectral lens. Roswell, Transylvania, and Salem all provide examples of places transformed by the commodification of supernatural legends (Candrea et al., 2016;Gencarella, 2007;Light, 2007;Meehan, 2008). Hotels may brand themselves based on their haunted status, and the events industry has capitalized on the desire for immersive experiences that cater to a supernatural theme. ...