Stefan Seegerer's research while affiliated with IQM Quantum Computers and other places

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Publications (20)

Design of a 5-qubit superconducting quantum processing unit employed in this paper, showing 5 qubits (QB) connected by 4 tunable couplers (TC). Black, apart from explanatory text, indicates areas where superconducting film is etched exposing the substrate. Flux lines are in red while drive lines are in blue
Quasi lumped element circuit diagram of readout circuit, including readout- and Purcell resonators connected to probe line, which consists of a distributed Purcell filter. Qubits are depicted as circles with two horizontal lines
A quasi-lumped element circuit diagram of two transmon qubits (blue and orange) coupled by a tunable coupling structure consisting of waveguide extenders (turquoise) and a floating coupler qubit (red) [9]. Electrical nodes are marked with capital letters. Grey color elements represent the effective couplings implemented by the waveguide extenders
Energy level diagrams for (a) 4WM and (b) 3WM processes. ωp\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$\omega _{p}$\end{document}, ωs\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$\omega _{s}$\end{document} and ωi\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$\omega _{i}$\end{document} represent the angular frequencies of pump, signal and idler photons, respectively. Δω represents the frequency detuning from the degenerate mode of amplification
The software layers and modules of our quantum computer control software stack


On-premises superconducting quantum computer for education and research
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


50 Reads

EPJ Quantum Technology

Jami Rönkkö


Olli Ahonen





Mikio Nakahara

With a growing interest in quantum technology globally, there is an increasing need for accessing relevant physical systems for education and research. In this paper we introduce a commercially available on-site quantum computer utilizing superconducting technology, offering insights into its fundamental hardware and software components. We show how this system can be used in education to teach quantum concepts and deepen understanding of quantum theory and quantum computing. It offers learning opportunities for future talent and contributes to technological progress. Additionally, we demonstrate its use in research by replicating some notable recent achievements.


Fig. 1. self-assessment of students in pretest (n=424)
Foundations of Computer Science in General Teacher Education – Findings and Experiences from a Blended-Learning Course

September 2023


35 Reads

With regards to the digital transformation, the consensus that computer science education plays a central role in shaping “digital education” is now emerging: Beyond the efficient and reflective use of information systems, new topics and methods arise for all school subjects that require computer science competencies and must be anchored in general teacher education. However, in light of students’ heterogeneity, the question of how motivation, subject-specific demands, and applicability in subject teaching can be harmonized presents a particular challenge. This paper presents key findings and experiences from the research-led development and subsequent evaluation of a blended learning course offering. This course offering provides student teachers of all subjects and school types with basic computer science competencies for teaching in the digital world. On this foundation, success factors and good practices in the design of the course are identified. It is shown that the design of such courses can be successful if illustrative examples are used, communication and collaboration are promoted and, in particular, references and application perspectives for the respective subjects are taken into account.

Fig. 1. Learning objectives for AI in secondary computing education according to the three perspectives provided by the Dagstuhl triangle
What Students Can Learn About Artificial Intelligence – Recommendations for K-12 Computing Education

September 2023


70 Reads


14 Citations

Technological advances in the context of digital transformation are the basis for rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Although AI is not a new topic in computer science (CS), recent developments are having an immense impact on everyday life and society. In consequence, everyone needs competencies to be able to adequately and competently analyze, discuss and help shape the impact, opportunities, and limits of artificial intelligence on their personal lives and our society. As a result, an increasing number of CS curricula are being extended to include the topic of AI. However, in order to integrate AI into existing CS curricula, what students can and should learn in the context of AI needs to be clarified. This has proven to be particularly difficult, considering that so far CS education research on central concepts and principles of AI lacks sufficient elaboration. Therefore, in this paper, we present a curriculum of learning objectives that addresses digital literacy and the societal perspective in particular. The learning objectives can be used to comprehensively design curricula, but also allow for analyzing current curricula and teaching materials and provide insights into the central concepts and corresponding competencies of AI.

Fig. 1. Learning objectives for AI in secondary computing education according to the three perspectives provided by the Dagstuhl triangle
What Students Can Learn About Artificial Intelligence -- Recommendations for K-12 Computing Education

May 2023


237 Reads

Technological advances in the context of digital transformation are the basis for rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Although AI is not a new topic in computer science (CS), recent developments are having an immense impact on everyday life and society. In consequence, everyone needs competencies to be able to adequately and competently analyze, discuss and help shape the impact, opportunities, and limits of artificial intelligence on their personal lives and our society. As a result, an increasing number of CS curricula are being extended to include the topic of AI. However, in order to integrate AI into existing CS curricula, what students can and should learn in the context of AI needs to be clarified. This has proven to be particularly difficult, considering that so far CS education research on central concepts and principles of AI lacks sufficient elaboration. Therefore, in this paper, we present a curriculum of learning objectives that addresses digital literacy and the societal perspective in particular. The learning objectives can be used to comprehensively design curricula, but also allow for analyzing current curricula and teaching materials and provide insights into the central concepts and corresponding competencies of AI.

Figure 2. Supervised Learning
Figure 3. Decision Tree Learning in Orange
Outline of the teaching concept.
Data, Trees, and Forests -- Decision Tree Learning in K-12 Education

May 2023


54 Reads

As a consequence of the increasing influence of machine learning on our lives, everyone needs competencies to understand corresponding phenomena, but also to get involved in shaping our world and making informed decisions regarding the influences on our society. Therefore, in K-12 education, students need to learn about core ideas and principles of machine learning. However, for this target group, achieving all of the aforementioned goals presents an enormous challenge. To this end, we present a teaching concept that combines a playful and accessible unplugged approach focusing on conceptual understanding with empowering students to actively apply machine learning methods and reflect their influence on society, building upon decision tree learning.

Figure 1. A high-level overview of the proposed framework. It takes raw videos as input and outputs labeled trajectories as well as basic statistics of the observed animal behavior. There are 4 major stages: animal detection (1), classification of individuals (2), coordinate transformation (3) from the image plane to the enclosure map and finally a basic analysis (4) of the trajectories.
Figure 3. Accordance rate after first (top) and second (bottom) labeling round. The peak at R ≈ 0.33 in the first labeling round is due to instances where only two of three experts found an animal, resulting in R ≈ 0.33 when the pairwise agreement is computed. The same is true for the instances where all three experts found the same animal, but only two assigned the same identity. After the second collaborative round, this peak almost vanishes, implying a very high consistency in annotation for the dataset. Please note that instances without any animal (resulting in R = 1) were excluded from this graph for a clearer presentation.
Figure 6. Difficult and unusual instances of the dataset. The first image shows Nanuq in a sandbox far away from the camera. The second image shows Nanuq standing. The third image shows Nanuq partly occluded. The last image shows Vera swimming.
Day-wise splitting of data. All images in the dataset were acquired in the same week from 27 April to 1 May in 2020. The second row states how many instances with polar bears were used (excluding empty images).
Comparison of different state-of-the-art networks for image classification. The F1 score is given as a mean result of all runs of the day-wise five-fold cross-validation including the overall standard deviation. Inference time (IT) was evaluated on a single batch of size 8 on a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060.
Automated Video-Based Analysis Framework for Behavior Monitoring of Individual Animals in Zoos Using Deep Learning—A Study on Polar Bears

March 2022


396 Reads


21 Citations


The monitoring of animals under human care is a crucial tool for biologists and zookeepers to keep track of the animals’ physical and psychological health. Additionally, it enables the analysis of observed behavioral changes and helps to unravel underlying reasons. Enhancing our understanding of animals ensures and improves ex situ animal welfare as well as in situ conservation. However, traditional observation methods are time- and labor-intensive, as they require experts to observe the animals on-site during long and repeated sessions and manually score their behavior. Therefore, the development of automated observation systems would greatly benefit researchers and practitioners in this domain. We propose an automated framework for basic behavior monitoring of individual animals under human care. Raw video data are processed to continuously determine the position of the individuals within the enclosure. The trajectories describing their travel patterns are presented, along with fundamental analysis, through a graphical user interface (GUI). We evaluate the performance of the framework on captive polar bears (Ursus maritimus). We show that the framework can localize and identify individual polar bears with an F1 score of 86.4%. The localization accuracy of the framework is 19.9±7.6 cm, outperforming current manual observation methods. Furthermore, we provide a bounding-box-labeled dataset of the two polar bears housed in Nuremberg Zoo.

Informatik für alle?! - Informatische Bildung als Baustein in der Lehrkräftebildung

December 2020


680 Reads


8 Citations

Die Bedeutung und Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung erleben wir tagtäglich. Wir alle nutzen Informatiksysteme. Dies kann bewusst geschehen, wenn etwa Tablets, Smartphones oder Computern bedient werden. Informatiksysteme sind aber auch in medizinischen Geräten, Flugzeugen oder sogar in Glühbirnen zu finden. Hinter all diesen Innovationen verbirgt sich das Versprechen, das private, berufliche oder schulische Leben mit informatischen Mitteln zu erleichtern. Die Digitalisierung ist folglich nicht nur als ein technologischer Fortschritt zu begreifen, sondern bezeichnet einen Transformationsprozess, der weitreichende Auswirkungen auf heutige Gesellschaften, Individuen und schließlich auch auf die gegenwärtige Gestalt von Bildung hat (Baecker, 2018; Nassehi, 2019). Daher darf sich die Institution Schule dem Thema nicht verschließen: Aufgabe der Schule ist es, die Schüler*innen zu mündigen und verantwortungsvoll agierenden Persönlichkeiten heranzubilden. Dazu gehört auch die Vorbereitung auf ein Leben in der digitalisierten Welt. Eine Bildung, die sich auf die Nutzung digitaler Medien beschränkt, bleibt jedoch hinter diesem Anspruch zurück. Schüler*innen sollten vielmehr bestärkt werden, kritisch, kreativ, kollaborativ und kommunikativ mit den vielfältigen Phänomenen der Digitalisierung und deren informatischen Grundlagen umzugehen. Eine wichtige Komponente dieser Diskussion ist die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften. Es gilt, jene Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften zu schulen, die sie dazu befähigen, die Mehrwerte der Digitalisierung im Unterricht zu nutzen und gemeinsam mit den Schüler*innen kritisch zu erschließen. Zum Unterrichten mit und über digitale Medien gehören damit auch für Lehrpersonen informatische Grundkompetenzen. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Aspekte der Informatik unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der Allgemeinbildung in einer digitalen Welt sind und damit auch – unabhängig von der angestrebten Schulform und Fachkombination – Teil der Lehrkräftebildung sein sollten. Zu diesem Zweck wird in Abschnitt 2 zunächst dargestellt, welche Ziele und Strategien hinsichtlich digitaler Bildung in Deutschland verfolgt werden (sollten) und welche Rolle die Informatik darin einnimmt. Abschnitt 3 wirft einen genaueren Blick auf die informatische Grundbildung als Teil digitaler Bildung für alle Schüler*innen ab dem Grundschulalter. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, an welchen Stellen informatische Bildung über bisherige Anliegen der Medienbildung hinaus geht. Beide Abschnitte münden in die Frage nach dem Stellenwert informatischer Bildung in der Lehrkräftebildung. In Abschnitt 4 werden daher good-practice-Bei- spiele aus den Lehramtsstudiengängen einzelner Hochschulen vorgestellt und drei fachdidaktische Perspektiven auf informatische Bildung entfaltet. Abschnitt 5 be- nennt im Anschluss an diesen fächerübergreifenden Austausch einige Desiderate zur weiteren Diskussion und Erforschung informatischer Bildung im Kontext der Lehrkräftebildung.

Citations (11)

... However, AI represents a largely new subject area for the K-12 classroom, which is still being developed in computing education research [24,35]. Furthermore, teachers lack the necessary content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge [16]. ...


Artificial Intelligence in Compulsory K-12 Computer Science Classrooms: A Scalable Professional Development Offer for Computer Science Teachers
What Students Can Learn About Artificial Intelligence – Recommendations for K-12 Computing Education

... In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a useful tool for improving video and image analysis, through applying machine learning to automatically identify and dif ferentiate between species, individuals, and/or behaviors [9][10][11][12]. The relevant parts of ma chine learning for video and image analysis are image classification and object detection [9,13,14]. ...

Automated Video-Based Analysis Framework for Behavior Monitoring of Individual Animals in Zoos Using Deep Learning—A Study on Polar Bears


... Drawing parallels with the teaching of complex quantum concepts in physics, analogies are also employed as a valuable tool in quantum education [17]. For instance, the concept of superposition, is often taught using the coin toss analogy, where a coin in mid-air represents a superposition of heads and tails. ...

Quantum Computing As a Topic in Computer Science Education

... In Germany, the KMK strategy [1] and its additional recommendations [10] propose that imparting digital competencies should be incorporated into various subjects. This fact, together with the aim that school children should acquire basic informatics competencies, lead to extensive claims that teachers of all subjects should acquire some basic competencies in informatics [11][12][13][14] as well as first proposals of what courses for teacher education students should look like [15][16][17]. This call for the incorporation of informatics competencies has now also been taken up in recent official political recommendations, explicitly by the Scientific Commission of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs [18]. ...

Informatik für alle?! - Informatische Bildung als Baustein in der Lehrkräftebildung

... The MOOC was originally designed for three weeks, each containing four units. Each unit consists of a video (approximately 15 minutes), a subsequent self-test, and a more detailed hands-on task to review and deepen the content (such as implementing particular machine learning projects in Snap! [25]). The MOOC covers content such as attempts to define AI, an overview of knowledge-based approaches of AI, the different types of machine learning, insight into neural networks, and AI, ethics and our society. ...

Looking Beyond Supervised Classification and Image Recognition - Unsupervised Learning with Snap !

... Java and Python, popular general-purpose languages often used in teaching, are the most prevalent text-based languages in this study. Less expected might be the substantial number of papers dealing with programming in a block-based editor, such as Scratch [2,50] and Snap! [31]. These papers investigate code smells or present learning tools. ...

The Five Million Piece Puzzle: Finding Answers in 500,000 Snap!-Projects
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2019

... Furthermore, it is unclear which aspects of the broad spectrum of AI have particular relevance for learners and how long the term will continue to be used as such in society [6]. [14] also criticize that so far there are only few approaches on how to teach the field of AI in its breadth and with a comprehensive teaching concept close to the students. ...

AI Unplugged -Wir ziehen Künstlicher Intelligenz den Stecker

... Over the last decade, the number of people who need to learn to programme has been increasing again. This is partly because the increase in the use of technology demands more software engineers (Seegerer et al., 2019). In addition, in many jobs, there has been a shift from usage to creation, with a range of professions expected to programme their own content, including designing their own websites or developing data analysis programmes (Rushkoff, 2012). ...

Informatik für alle -Eine Analyse von Argumenten und Argumentationsschemata für das Schulfach Informatik

... First, AI education has been conducted through unplugged methods that do not use special teaching aids. AI principles, concepts, and algorithms are taught to students using puzzles, board games, and play without utilizing computers (Lindner et al., 2019). This type of education is mainly provided to students in lower grades and is useful in conveying basic concepts about AI. ...

Unplugged Activities in the Context of AI
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2019

... Olari et al., 2021). Although the block-based approach is child-friendly, it does not necessarily facilitate children's understanding of the underlying algorithms of machine learning (Jatzlau et al., 2019). ...

It's not Magic After All -Machine Learning in Snap! using Reinforcement Learning