Solal Bloch's research while affiliated with French Institute of Health and Medical Research and other places

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Publications (1)

Figure 1. Timeline of behavioral tests performed by mice from all groups. Stressed mice were conditioned to a specific context by receiving either two footshocks (PTSD2 group, n = 20) or four footshocks (PTSD4 group, n = 20), while mice from the control group (CTRL, n = 18) were only exposed to the context without receiving any electrical shock. Behaviors mimicking PTSD symptoms were evaluated before and after a three-day extinction learning protocol (Days 23-25, 20 min re-exposures to the context without footshocks). Extinction retrieval (Day 28) corresponded to a five-minute-long exposure to the context without footshocks, three days after the extinction learning. The object present in the conditioning context was used as a reminder of the fearful event during the avoidance test (Day 21 and Day 35) and compared to a familiar but neutral object. Objects used during the Novel Object Recognition test (NOR) were never presented to the animals before nor reused for other tests. LDB stands for light and dark box test. CFC stands for contextual fear conditioning.
Influence of Stress Severity on Contextual Fear Extinction and Avoidance in a Posttraumatic-like Mouse Model
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


47 Reads

Brain Sciences

Noémie Eyraud


Solal Bloch





Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a widespread fear-related psychiatric affection associated with fear extinction impairments and important avoidance behaviors. Trauma-related exposure therapy is the current first-hand treatment for PTSD, yet it needs to be improved to shorten the time necessary to reach remission and increase responsiveness. Additional studies to decipher the neurobiological bases of extinction and effects on PTSD-like symptoms could therefore be of use. However, a PTSD-like animal model exhibiting pronounced PTSD-related phenotypes even after an extinction training directly linked to the fearful event is necessary. Thus, using a contextual fear conditioning model of PTSD, we increased the severity of stress during conditioning to search for effects on extinction acquisition and on pre- and post-extinction behaviors. During conditioning, mice received either two or four electrical shocks while a control group was constituted of mice only exposed to the context. Stressed mice exhibited important fear generalization, high fear reaction to the context and selective avoidance of a contextual reminder even after the extinction protocol. Increasing the number of footshocks did not induce major changes on these behaviors.
