Sharon R. Guthrie's research while affiliated with California State University, Long Beach and other places

Publication (1)

This research examined the nutritional practices and body images of 13 competitive women bodybuilders living in southern California and in the Midwest. Data collection included both structured interviews and survey methods. Findings indicate nutritional health and positive body image among this sample of women. None of the bodybuilders had anorexia...


... Potential reasons for the lack of evidence in the prediction of protein intake by the TPB may be a least partially explained by minimal variation in protein intake and what Ajzen [12] calls a change of mind. Evidence from a study that used the eating restraint subscale score from the Multidimensional Body Self-Relations Questionnaire indicated that women bodybuilding competitors have superb control over their dietary intake [43]. The rigidity of dietary intake is increased during the in-season when competitors prepare for a competition. ...