Shakiba Tolou-Shikhzadeh-Yazdi's research while affiliated with Islamic Azad University and other places

Publications (6)

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Riboflavin (RF) is a vitamin that only exists in plants and microorganisms and must be procured externally by humans. On the other hand, there are two major allergic factors in cow’s milk, including β-lactoglobulin (βLG) and β-casein (βCN), while their allergic properties can be eliminated by binding to micronutrients. In this regard, we examined t...
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Even though Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a serious pathogen, its origin is unknown. Poultry (Chicken, Turkey, Quebec, Goose, and Ostrich) are consumed as a regular protein source by a large number of people across the world; therefore, sanitary ways of delivering poultry for food are important for global health. As a result, we looked at the...
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Objectives: In this work, we propose an efficient preparation process for the synthesis of natural carbon quantum dots (NCQDs) by the usage of orange pericarp as the carbon natural resource, which is performed through hydrothermal treatment and top-down approaches. Materials and methods: The structural, morphological, average size, and optical p...


... The Charmm36 force field and TIP3P water model were employed. 25 The MOL2 format file of the peptide was uploaded to the CGenFF server ( to generate the corresponding str file. Subsequently, the python2.7 executable script ...
... The peaks at 1185 cm − 1 and 1057 cm − 1 are related to V(C-O) SP 3 hybridized alcohols, and the peaks at 1000-650 cm − 1 are related to V(C-H) in the aromatic out of plane bending [28][29][30]. All the observed peaks confirm the presence of different functional groups, such as -OH, -NH2, and C --O, [31,32]. ...