Seto's research while affiliated with University of Washington Seattle and other places

Publication (1)

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Conventional regulatory air quality monitoring sites tend to be sparsely located. The availability of lower-cost air pollution sensors, however, allows for their use in spatially dense community monitoring networks, which can be operated by various stakeholders, including concerned residents, organizations, academics, or government agencies. Networ...


... It is also important to strike the right balance between network size and cost of calibration since if the network is too dense, the cost of calibration and maintenance can quickly become much larger than the initial cost of installation, thus defeating its original purpose. Therefore, the data have to be as accurate as they can, without the need for regular on-site calibration, because the necessary network scale may be very large, containing hundreds or more instruments [32,33]. Last, but not least important, the goal of such measurements is to engage communities in identifying concerns and solutions that can support adequate decision-making by institutions responsible for air quality control [34]. ...