Scott A. Showalter's research while affiliated with William Penn University and other places

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Publications (87)

Figure 1: SERF is a highly positively charged disordered protein that can bind RNA. (A) Sequence of S. cerevisiae SERF with domain annotations (NTR -N-terminal region; CTR -Cterminal region). Positive and negative amino acids are colored in blue and red, respectively. (B) Per-residue disorder scores from Metapredict(1) (top) and SERF net charge per residue (NCPR) calculated with CIDER using a window size of five(2). (C) Diagram of the fragment of the HIV-1 TAR RNA used in this study (nucleotides 17-45) (top). TAR features of interest are shown in gray. Helix I and Helix II are also referenced as 'upper' and 'lower' helices, respectively. The bottom panel shows the alignment of TAR conformers from the NMR solution structure (PDB ID: 1ANR)(3). One conformer is shown in green for clarity; the other 19 are shown as white outlines to illustrate TAR dynamics.
Figure 2: SERF is globally disordered amid regions of transient structure. (A) Secondary structure of SERF calculated from NMR chemical shifts (grey bars). Positive values indicate regions of alpha helix; negative values correspond to beta strand/extended regions. Average alpha helix character of SERF determined using back-calculated chemical shifts from all-atom simulations is shown as a dark pink trace. For comparison, back-calculated chemical shifts from simulations in which C-terminal region of SERF was fixed as a helix are shown in light pink. (B) Residue-specific 15 N transverse relaxation times (T2) of SERF. The C-terminal helix (shaded) corresponds to a track of residues with depressed T2 values. (C) Paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) NMR profiles for SERF containing PRE labels at residues 10 (top) or 63 (bottom). Grey bars reflect PRE measurements: missing/unassignable resonances are denoted with a black dot. The solid line is the PRE profile calculated from all-atom simulations and the dashed line is the theoretical profile for a Flory Random Coil (null model). The star indicates the site of MTSSL attachment in PRE NMR experiments.
Figure 5: Characterization of SERF-TAR coacervates. (A) Fluorescence images of ySERF-Cy5 (A63C) and/or TAR-Cy3 in droplets. Samples for imaging contained 50 μM SERF and 50 μM TAR and 10% (w/v) PEG8000 in a buffer of 20 mM HEPES, pH 7.5, 85 mM NaCl, 1 mM MgCl2. FITC-PEG is not incorporated to droplets containing SERF and TAR. (B) and (C) Turbidity titrations (B) with increasing [SERF] titrated into a fixed concentration (20 μM) of TAR (pink circles) or buffer control (grey squares). (C) with increasing [TAR] titrated into a fixed concentration (50 μM) of SERF (green circles) or buffer control (grey squares). (D) Turbidity as a function of NaCl concentration. In B, C, and D, the shading represents the standard deviation from the average of three technical replicates. Lines connecting the data points are shown to guide the eye. (E) Phase diagram of SERF-TAR phase separation generated by measuring turbidity at 340 nm.
Molecular insights into the interaction between a disordered protein and a folded RNA
  • Preprint
  • File available

June 2024


35 Reads


Emery T. Usher





Intrinsically disordered protein regions (IDRs) are well-established as contributors to intermolecular interactions and the formation of biomolecular condensates. In particular, RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) often harbor IDRs in addition to folded RNA-binding domains that contribute to RBP function. To understand the dynamic interactions of an IDR-RNA complex, we characterized the RNA-binding features of a small (68 residues), positively charged IDR- containing protein, SERF. At high concentrations, SERF and RNA undergo charge-driven associative phase separation to form a protein- and RNA-rich dense phase. A key advantage of this model system is that this threshold for demixing is sufficiently high that we could use solution-state biophysical methods to interrogate the stoichiometric complexes of SERF with RNA in the one-phase regime. Herein, we describe our comprehensive characterization of SERF alone and in complex with a small fragment of the HIV-1 TAR RNA (TAR) with complementary biophysical methods and molecular simulations. We find that this binding event is not accompanied by the acquisition of structure by either molecule; however, we see evidence for a modest global compaction of the SERF ensemble when bound to RNA. This behavior likely reflects attenuated charge repulsion within SERF via binding to the polyanionic RNA and provides a rationale for the higher-order assembly of SERF in the context of RNA. We envision that the SERF-RNA system will lower the barrier to accessing the details that support IDR-RNA interactions and likewise deepen our understanding of the role of IDR-RNA contacts in complex formation and liquid-liquid phase separation.


Phase separation promotes a highly active oligomeric scaffold of the MLL1 core complex for regulation of histone H3K4 methylation

September 2023


22 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Biological Chemistry

Enzymes that regulate the degree of histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation are crucial for proper cellular differentiation and are frequently mutated in cancer. The Mixed Lineage leukemia (MLL) family of enzymes deposit H3K4 mono- di- or trimethylation at distinct genomic locations, requiring precise spatial and temporal control. Despite evidence that the degree of H3K4 methylation is controlled in part by a hierarchical assembly pathway with key subcomplex components, we previously found that the assembled state of the MLL1 core complex is not favored at physiological temperature. To better understand this paradox, we tested the hypothesis that increasing the concentration of subunits in a biomolecular condensate overcomes this thermodynamic barrier via mass action. Here we demonstrate that MLL1 core complex phase separation stimulates enzymatic activity up to 60-fold, but not primarily by concentrating subunits into droplets. Instead, we found that stimulated activity is largely due to formation of an altered oligomeric scaffold that greatly reduces substrate Km. We posit that phase separation induced scaffolding of the MLL1 core complex is a potential "switch-like" mechanism for spatiotemporal control of H3K4 methylation through the rapid formation or dissolution of biomolecular condensates within RNA Pol II transcription factories.

Advances in direct detection of lysine methylation and acetylation by nuclear magnetic resonance using 13C-enriched cofactors

July 2023


7 Reads


Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are reversible chemical modifications that can modulate protein structure and function. Methylation and acetylation are two such PTMs with integral and well-characterized biological roles, including modulation of chromatin structure; and unknown or poorly understood roles, exemplified by the influence of these PTMs on transcription factor structure and function. The need for biological insights into the function of these PTMs motivates the development of a nondestructive and label-free method that enables pursuit of molecular mechanisms. Here, we present a protocol for implementing nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods that allow for unambiguous detection of methylation and acetylation events and demonstrate their utility by observing these marks on histone H3 tail as a model system. We leverage strategic isotopic enrichment of cofactor and peptide for visualization by [1H, 13C]-HSQC and 13C direct-detect NMR measurements. Finally, we present 13C-labeling schemes that facilitate one-dimensional NMR experiments, which combine reduced measurement time relative to two-dimensional spectroscopy with robust filtering of background signals that would otherwise create spectral crowding or limit detection of low-abundance analytes.

FIGURE 2 13 C direct-detect NMR spectra recorded on acetyllysine residues from H3 (1-44) following transfer of 13 C-acetyl by Ada2/Gcn5. (A) The [ 13 Cʹ, 13 C ali ] CaliCO-Kac contains a correlation between the carbonyl carbon and the methyl carbon of the acetyl group after enzymatic acetylation of H3 (orange spectrum). (B) The [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac contains a correlation between the carbonyl carbon and the N ε of the acetamide functional group after enzymatic acetylation of H3. Structural depictions of the acetyllsine side chain are provided for reference, where the atoms contributing to the recorded resonances are colored black.
FIGURE 3 Optimization of 1 H-start versions of the [ 13 Cʹ, 13 C ali ] CaliCO-Kac and [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac. (A) For the [ 13 Cʹ, 13 C ali ] CaliCO-Kac, 1 H-start spectroscopy provides signal enhancement. 13 C-start (black), 1 H N -start (blue), and 1 H methyl -start (pink) spectra are overlayed, displaying a clear benefit to initiating the magnetization transfer pathway from the 1 H methyl nuclei. (B) For the [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac, the 1 H-start magnetization transfer pathway (black) displays the best combination of signal-to-noise and linewidth, while the 1 H N -start (blue) approach provides no advantages, and the 1 H methyl -start (pink) signal-to-noise is reduced. For both sets of spectra, zoomed in presentations of the 2D correlations from 1 H N -start (blue), and 1 H methyl -start spectra are displayed to the right of the 1D projections. Structural depictions of the acetyllsine sidechain are color coded to indicate the origin of magnetization in each of the three experimental variants.
FIGURE 4 Spin-state selective [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac spectroscopy simplifies acetyllysine spectra in the background of uniform 13 C-and 15 N-labeling of the modified protein. (A) The backbone-optimized [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON displays excellent spectral dispersion and supports resonance assignment efforts. Overlay of the [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac indicates the position of the acetyllsine resonance, which is still present in the backbone-optimized experiment. (B) 13 C direct-detect amino acid selective spectroscopy has been used to generate an alanine-selective [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON. Similarity in the spin topology of the acetamide functional group within acetyllysine and the alanine backbone results in both contributing to the overall spectrum. Overlay of the [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac indicates the position of the acetyllsine resonance for clarity. (C) The methyl-selective [ 13 Cʹ, 15 N] CON-Kac, which employs the triple quantum filter from the alanine-selective CON, results from optimization to suppress the alanine resonances. The spectrum displayed was collected on 13 C-acetylated, uniformly 13 C, 15 N-labeled H3 (1-44) and demonstrates excellent spectral simplification to unambiguously display the acetyllysine signal.
FIGURE 5 1 H-start [ 13 Cʹ, 13 C ali ] CaliCO-Kac reveals chemical shift perturbations of the histone H3 acetyllsine resonance upon binding to the Gcn5 bromodomain. The spectrum of 1.0 mM 13 C-acetyl H3 (1-44W) displays one resonance for the K14Ac/K18Ac (black). Addition of .5 mM bromodomain (purple) or 1.0 mM bromodomain (orange) results in resolution of the acetyllysine peaks into two distinct resonances, both of which show chemical shift perturbation in the carbonyl dimension, relative to the unbound state.
A direct nuclear magnetic resonance method to investigate lysine acetylation of intrinsically disordered proteins

January 2023


42 Reads


1 Citation

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences

Intrinsically disordered proteins are frequent targets for functional regulation through post-translational modification due to their high accessibility to modifying enzymes and the strong influence of changes in primary structure on their chemical properties. While lysine Nε-acetylation was first observed as a common modification of histone tails, proteomic data suggest that lysine acetylation is ubiquitous among both nuclear and cytosolic proteins. However, compared with our biophysical understanding of the other common post-translational modifications, mechanistic studies to document how lysine Nε-acetyl marks are placed, utilized to transduce signals, and eliminated when signals need to be turned off, have not kept pace with proteomic discoveries. Herein we report a nuclear magnetic resonance method to monitor Nε-lysine acetylation through enzymatic installation of a13C-acetyl probe on a protein substrate, followed by detection through 13C direct-detect spectroscopy. We demonstrate the ease and utility of this method using histone H3 tail acetylation as a model. The clearest advantage to this method is that it requires no exogenous tags that would otherwise add steric bulk, change the chemical properties of the modified lysine, or generally interfere with downstream biochemical processes. The non-perturbing nature of this tagging method is beneficial for application in any system where changes to local structure and chemical properties beyond those imparted by lysine modification are unacceptable, including intrinsically disordered proteins, bromodomain containing protein complexes, and lysine deacetylase enzyme assays.

Biophysical insights into glucose-dependent transcriptional regulation by PDX1

October 2022


43 Reads


6 Citations

Journal of Biological Chemistry

The pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1) is a central regulator of glucose-dependent transcription of insulin in pancreatic β cells. PDX1 transcription factor activity is integral to the development and sustained health of the pancreas; accordingly, deciphering the complex network of cellular cues that lead to PDX1 activation or inactivation is an important step toward understanding the etiopathologies of pancreatic diseases and the development of novel therapeutics. Despite nearly three decades of research into PDX1 control of Insulin expression, the molecular mechanisms that dictate the function of PDX1 in response to glucose are still elusive. The transcriptional activation functions of PDX1 are regulated, in part, by its two intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) which pose a barrier to its structural and biophysical characterization. Indeed, many studies of PDX1 interactions, clinical mutations, and post-translational modifications lack molecular-level detail. Emerging methods for the quantitative study of IDRs and refined models for transactivation now enable us to validate and interrogate the biochemical and biophysical features of PDX1 that dictate its function. The goal of this review is to summarize existing PDX1 studies and, further, to generate a comprehensive resource for future studies of transcriptional control via PDX1.

Citations (58)

... The COMPASS protein complex consists of four core members: RBBP5, WDR5, ASH2L, and one of the six methyltransferases 36 . The methyltransferases have the enzymatic SET1 domain to methylate H3K4, while RBBP5 functions to modulate the activity of the complex and mediate the interaction between the nucleosome and the complex 4,37 . ...


Loss of function in RBBP5 results in a syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder associated with microcephaly
Phase separation promotes a highly active oligomeric scaffold of the MLL1 core complex for regulation of histone H3K4 methylation
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Journal of Biological Chemistry

... Elevated intracellular Ca 2+ promotes cAMP formation by activating adenylyl cyclase. Increased cAMP activates protein kinase A (PKA) and cAMPresponsive element-binding protein (CREB) [32], the activity of which culminates in insulin secretion [33,34]. Either directly or indirectly, PKA activates pancreas duodenum homeobox-1 (PDX-1), which is an slc2a2 (GLUT2) transcription factor [33][34][35]. ...

Biophysical insights into glucose-dependent transcriptional regulation by PDX1

Journal of Biological Chemistry

... Methods for the expression, purification, and assembly of MLL4 core complex (MLL1 SET domain, WDR5, RbBP5, Ash2L and DPY30) were adapted from published protocols [36]. The (Uniprot O14686; residues 5319-5538) and purchased from VectorBuilder [37]. ...

Probing multiple enzymatic methylation events in real time with NMR spectroscopy

Biophysical Journal

... [11][12][13] Possible explanations include direct interactions between flanking and binding regions or indirect interactions within an IDP that alter its conformational properties. 14,15 In addition, some studies have suggested metastable interactions between specific amino acids far away from each other along an IDP sequence, [16][17][18] which might significantly alter the conformational preference of an IDP from a random coil and regulate their biological function. 19,20 Even under strong denaturing conditions, specific amino acid interactions were known to exist in folded proteins. ...

Transient Electrostatic Interactions between Fcp1 and Rap74 Bias the Conformational Ensemble of the Complex with Minimal Impact on Binding Affinity
  • Citing Article
  • September 2021

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

... The SPOP MATH domain binds to an SPOP binding consensus site on its substrates, a canonical five amino acid motif of nonpolar-polar-S-S/T-S/T, though some motifs with mismatches (underlined) are known, such as with GL9 (Usher et al., 2021): PQPSS) but nonetheless use the same binding modality in the MATH domain. Therefore, we sought to determine the SPOP binding consensus sites on Nup153. ...

Intrinsically disordered substrates dictate SPOP subnuclear localization and ubiquitination activity

Journal of Biological Chemistry

... Structural and biophysical studies of allosteric molecular events that involve the formation of short-lived allosteric states and intermediates have benefited from advances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technologies that can be employed as powerful tools for probing of allosteric interactions and communications in proteins [15][16][17][18]. NMR studies highlighted progress in the determination of hidden allosteric states [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. AI and ML approaches can capitalize on the growing experimental and simulation data on protein dynamics to enable robust exploration of conformational landscapes for complex biomolecular systems [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. ...

Mapping invisible epitopes by NMR spectroscopy

Journal of Biological Chemistry

... This potential PK-DDI has been demonstrated through some in vivo experiments in mice and can be of moderate-minor significance and easily resolved by creating a 4-6-h gap between the two administrations. Moreover, it has been proposed that co-administration may be beneficial in some cases to avoid the emergence of resistant bacteria colonizing the GI tract, for example, during daptomycin therapy [59]. ...

An adjunctive therapy administered with an antibiotic prevents enrichment of antibiotic-resistant clones of a colonizing opportunistic pathogen


... To generate the nanoemulsion contrast agent, and facilitate macrophage uptake, we utilize an integrin-targeting peptide emulsifier that self-assembles at the surface of perfluorocarbon (PFC) nanodroplets: F F F F F F GGGCCGGKGRGD-NH 2 (hereafter referred to as F F -RGD, F F : pentafluorophenylalanine (F 5 -Phe), G: glycine, C: cysteine, K: lysine R: arginine, and D: aspartic acid) ( Figure S1, Supporting Information). [18,19] The fluorinated N-terminus promotes assembly of the peptide at PFCwater interfaces, while two cysteines within the central glycinerich spacer allow for intermolecular disulfide-crosslinking between adjacent peptides to stabilize the formed particle. Finally, a C-terminal RGD motif is displayed from the surface of the emulsion to enable binding with V 3 integrins highly expressed on the surfaces of macrophages to promote cellular internalization. ...

Ultrasound-Guided Cytosolic Protein Delivery via Transient Fluorous Masks
  • Citing Article
  • March 2020

ACS Nano

... Other metalloproteins that bind Ln 3+ have been identified; studies on Ln 3+ -dependent methanol dehydrogenase enzymes (Ln-MDHs) in methylotrophs led to the isolation of the small (12 kDa) protein, lanmodulin (LanM) [36][37][38] . The EF hands within intact LanM have picomolar K D that are selective for the middle to light Ln 3+ cations. ...

Structural Basis for Rare Earth Element Recognition by Methylobacterium extorquens Lanmodulin
  • Citing Article
  • October 2018
