Sara Boldrin's research while affiliated with University of Bologna and other places

Publications (2)

The present study examined the predictors of burnout and psychological well-being in Italian correctional officers. The subjects were 188 correctional officers (138 men and 33 women) employed in four penitentiaries located in Piemonte (region in northwestern Italy). Participants completed a variety of questionnaire measures of burnout, psychologica...
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Il Corpo di Polizia Penitenziaria opera quotidiana-mente all'interno degli istituti di pena italiani per garanti-re la sicurezza e favorire la rieducazione della popolazio-ne detenuta. La riforma del 1990 ha portato all'affida-mento alla Polizia Penitenziaria, oltre ai tradizionali com-piti di garantire la sicurezza all'interno degli istituti peni-...


... However, whether or not one possesses the intercultural skills and intercultural sensitivity suitable for being able to establish a positive relationship with the foreign national inmate (FNP) can affect the individual well-being of correctional officers (COs) who work closely with inmates on a daily basis. In fact, one of the major problems experienced by COs, as underlined by Prati and Boldrin (2011) and Viotti (2016), is related to the difficulty of managing the relationship with FNPs, mainly caused by cultural differences and the related communication difficulties. especially in the relationship between a CO and an inmate is referred to as a foreign national. ...
... Entretanto, apesar desse cenário, ainda é escassa a inclusão de profissionais, como fisioterapeutas e educadores físicos, nas equipes de saúde das corporações e de estudos voltados à saúde postural (LIMA, 2019). GUÉRIN et al., 2001;PRATI;BOLDRIN, 2013;SOUZA, 2017 ...