Samuel Thompson's research while affiliated with The University of Edinburgh and other places

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Publications (4)

Experimental P–T conditions on the melting of Fe3S of this study: red symbol, laser heating with in-situ XRD; blue symbol, internal resistive-heating run. The solid and open symbols denote stability of Fe3S solid and liquid respectively based on table 1. The red melting curve of Fe3S is calculated with the thermodynamic model established in this study. Existing experimental data on the eutectic temperature for the system Fe–Fe3S are also plotted [9, 26, 42, 43] with the black line from [9].
XRD patterns collected during in-situ laser-heating run at 36 GPa (1st run) with SiO2 glass pressure medium. Significant reduction of peak intensity from the sample Fe3S solid was observed at 1850 K, which was interpreted as the onset of melting.
BSE images of recovered samples: (a) 5th run, (b) 3rd run, and (c) 4th run. (a1) The boundary between the sample and pressure medium is clearly recognised and no melting was observed. (a2) Infiltration of the sample metal along the grain boundaries of the pressure medium (indicated by arrows) was observed, which serves as a piece of evidence of melting. (b) A dendritic texture was observed within the metal sample. Infiltration of the sample melt into the pressure medium is also recognised. (c) Migration of the sample at the heated spot was observed which indicates melting of the sample during laser heating. In this sample, a boundary between melted and unmelted portions of the sample is clearly recognised, which is compared with the temperature profile. The melting temperature is estimated to be 2680 K.
XRD patterns collected in the 2nd run. The intensity of peaks from solid Fe3S was significantly reduced upon heating to 2050 K. The baseline of the pattern at 2050 K is noticeably higher than those collected at lower temperatures, which likely indicates the presence of diffuse scatterings from a liquid phase.
Eutectic phase diagrams calculated in this study for the system Fe–Fe3S at selected pressures. At 21 GPa, experimental data are from [26] (cross) and [27] (half-filled circle, solid + liquid; solid circle, liquid). Our calculated black lines are compared with the red curve inferred by [26]. At 60 and 250 GPa, the experimental data showing the eutectic points [9]. At 123 GPa, the experimental data are the left-pointing triangle, Fe3S-liquidus [9]; right-pointing triangle, Fe-liquidus [9]; open circle and square, liquid and subsolidus assemblage [8]. Note that the eutectic point and Fe3S-liquidus at 330 GPa are hypothetical due to the breakdown reaction of Fe3S.


High-pressure melting experiments of Fe3S and a thermodynamic model of the Fe-S liquids for the Earth’s core
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2022


128 Reads


2 Citations

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

Samuel Thompson



Tetsuya Komabayashi




Melting experiments on Fe3S were conducted to 75 GPa and 2800 K in laser-heated and internally resistive-heated diamond anvil cells with in-situ X-ray diffraction and/or post-mortem textural observation. From the constrained melting curve, we assessed the thermal equation of state for Fe3S liquid. Then we constructed a thermodynamic model of melting of the system Fe-Fe3S including the eutectic relation under high pressures based on our new experimental data. The mixing properties of Fe and S liquids under high pressures were evaluated in order to account for existing experimental data on eutectic temperature. The results demonstrate that the mixing property of the Fe-S liquids are nonideal at any core pressure. The calculated sulphur content in eutectic point decreases with increasing pressure to 120 GPa and is fairly constant of 8.0-8.4 wt% at greater pressures. From the Gibbs free energy, we derived parameters to calculate the crystallising point of an Fe-S core and its isentrope, and then we calculated the density and the longitudinal seismic wave velocity (Vp) of these liquids along each isentrope. While Fe3S liquid can account for the seismologically constrained density and Vp profiles over the outer core, the density of the precipitating phase is too low than that of the inner core. On the other hand, a hypothetical Fe-S liquid core with the bulk composition on the Fe-rich side of the eutectic point cannot represent the density and Vp profiles of the Earth’s outer core. Therefore, Earth’s core cannot be approximated by the system Fe-S and it should include another light element.


P-V-T measurements of Fe3C to 117 GPa and 2100 K: Implications for stability of Fe3C phase at core conditions

August 2021


47 Reads


4 Citations

American Mineralogist

We report the thermal Equation of State (EoS) of the non-magnetic Fe3C phase based on in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments to 117 GPa and 2100 K. High-pressure and temperature unit-cell volume measurements of Fe3C were conducted in a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell. Our pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) data together with existing data were fit to the Vinet equation of state with the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye thermal pressure model, yielding V0 = 151.6(12) Å3, K0 = 232(24) GPa, K0′= 5.09(46), γ0 = 2.3(3), and q = 3.4 (9) with θ0 = 407 K (fixed). The high-T data were also fit to the thermal pressure model with a constant αKT term, PTh = αKT(ΔT), and there is no observable pressure or temperature dependence, which implies minor contributions from the anharmonic and electronic terms. Using the established EoS for Fe3C, we made thermodynamic calculations on the P-T locations of the breakdown reaction of Fe3C into Fe7C3 and Fe. The reaction is located at 87 GPa and 300 K and 251 GPa and 3000 K. An invariant point occurs where Fe, Fe3C, Fe7C3, and liquid are stable, which places constraints on the liquidus temperature of the outer core, namely inner core crystallization temperature, as the inner core would be comprised by the liquidus phase. Two possible P-T locations for the invariant point were predicted from existing experimental data and the reaction calculated in this study. The two models result in different liquidus “phases” at the outer core-inner core boundary pressure: Fe3C at 5300 K and Fe7C3 at 3700 K. The Fe7C3 inner core can account for the density, as observed by seismology, while the Fe3C inner core cannot. The relevance of the system Fe-C to Earth’s core can be resolved by constructing a thermodynamic model for melting relations under core conditions as the two models predict very different liquidus temperatures.

Compression experiments to 126 GPa and 2500 K and thermal equation of state of Fe3S: Implications for sulphur in the Earth's core

March 2020


59 Reads


14 Citations

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) experiments on tetragonal Fe3S were conducted to 126 GPa and 2500 K in laser-heated diamond anvil cells (DAC) with in-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD). Seventy nine high-T data as well as four 300-K data were collected, based on which new thermal equations of state (EoS) for Fe3S were established. The room-T data together with existing data were fitted to the third order Birch-Murnaghan EoS, which yielded, K0=126±2 GPa and K′=5.1±1 with V0 fixed at 377.0 ų. A constant αKT term in the thermal pressure equation, Pth = αKT(T-300), fitted the high-T data well to the highest temperature, which implies that the contributions from the anharmonic and electronic terms should be minor in the thermal pressure term. The high-T data were also fitted to the Mie-Grüneisen-Debye model; γ0=1.01±0.03 with θ0 and q fixed at 417 K and 1 respectively. Calculations from the EoS show that crystalline Fe3S at 4000-5500 K is denser than the Earth's outer core and less dense than the inner core. Assuming a density reduction due to melting, liquid Fe3S would meet the outer core density profile, which however suggests that no less than 16 wt%S is needed to reconcile the observed outer core density deficit. The S-rich B2 phase, which was suggested to be a potential liquidus phase of an Fe3S-outer core above 250 GPa, namely the main constituent of its solid inner core, would likely be less dense than the Earth's inner core. As such, while the outer core density requires as much sulphur as 16 wt%, the resulting liquidus phase cannot meet the density of the inner core. Any sulphur-rich composition should therefore be rejected for the Earth's core.

Static compression of Fe 4 N to 77 GPa and its implications for nitrogen storage in the deep Earth

December 2019


50 Reads


7 Citations

American Mineralogist

Compression and decompression experiments on face-centered cubic (fcc) γʹ-Fe 4 N to 77 GPa at room temperature were conducted in a diamond-anvil cell with in situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) to examine its stability under high pressure. In the investigated pressure range, γʹ-Fe 4 N did not show any structural transitions. However, a peak broadening was observed in the XRD patterns above 60 GPa. The obtained pressure-volume data to 60 GPa were fitted to the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state (EoS), which yielded the following elastic parameters: K 0 = 169 (6) GPa, K′ = 4.1 (4), with a fixed V 0 = 54.95 Å at 1 bar.

Citations (4)

... The Fe-FeH eutectic melting temperature has not been examined at higher pressures, while the melting curve of stoichiometric FeH was determined to 152 GPa (Tagawa, Helffrich et al., 2022). The eutectic melting curves, as well as eutectic liquid compositions, have been previously reported in other binary Fe alloy systems such as Fe-Fe3S to 254 GPa (Mori et al., 2017;Thompson et al., 2022), Fe-FeSi to 101 GPa (Fischer et al., 2013), Fe-FeO to 204 GPa (Oka et al., 2019;, and Fe-Fe3C to 255 GPa (Mashino et al., 2019). ...


Fe-FeH Eutectic Melting Curve and the Estimates of Earth's Core Temperature and Composition
High-pressure melting experiments of Fe3S and a thermodynamic model of the Fe-S liquids for the Earth’s core
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter

... The compression curves of solid Fe 3 C and Fe 7 C 3 have been studied at room temperature to 187 GPa (Li et al., 2002;Ono & Mibe, 2010;Prescher et al., 2012;Sata et al., 2010;Scott et al., 2001) and to 158 GPa (Chen et al., 2012;Li et al., 2016;Prescher et al., 2015), respectively. Thermal EoSs were also constructed by experiments to 102 GPa for Fe 3 C (Litasov et al., 2013;McGuire et al., 2021) and to 79 GPa for Fe 7 C 3 (Lai et al., 2018;Nakajima et al., 2011) and by first-principles calculations at the core pressure range (Li et al., 2016;Vočadlo et al., 2002). In contrast, studies for the EoS of Fe-C liquid are limited to ∼10 GPa (Sanloup et al., 2011;Shimoyama et al., 2013Shimoyama et al., , 2016Terasaki et al., 2010) except . ...

P-V-T measurements of Fe3C to 117 GPa and 2100 K: Implications for stability of Fe3C phase at core conditions
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

American Mineralogist

... The thermal conductivities of Fe 3 S and FeS both increase with temperature, similar, again, to the behaviors of Fe-Si alloys (2,36). Note that along the P-T path of our measurements (i.e., first compressing the sample to a fixed pressure and then raising the temperature), the Fe 3 S stayed in the tetragonal structure (37), while the FeS transitioned from FeS III to IV phase at ~730 K (38). Although our measurement temperature was only up to ~1023 K, we observed clear temperature dependences that change with the pressure and S content. ...

Compression experiments to 126 GPa and 2500 K and thermal equation of state of Fe3S: Implications for sulphur in the Earth's core
  • Citing Article
  • March 2020

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

... Superchondritic BSE has been directly linked to the highly volatile and/or siderophile character of N, i.e., large amounts of N have been either lost to the atmosphere through the degassing process [56][57][58] or sequestered into the planetary metallic core during the magma ocean crystallization [52,59]. Recent partitioning experiments [60][61][62][63][64] and stability studies of various Fe-N stoichiometries under conditions relevant to the planetary core [65][66][67][68][69][70][71] support the hypothesis that the planetary core is an appreciable reservoir for nitrogen. Additionally, the analysis of N-bearing components in meteorites suggests that N is moderately siderophilic [55]. ...

Static compression of Fe 4 N to 77 GPa and its implications for nitrogen storage in the deep Earth
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

American Mineralogist