S.M.J. Heijnen-Kohl's scientific contributions

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Publications (10)

The effectiveness of individual schema therapy in older adults with borderline personality disorder: A multiple-baseline case series design
  • Article

August 2023


95 Reads


3 Citations

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy

David A Khasho






Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of schema therapy (ST) in older adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Methods: Multiple baseline case series design with five BPD patients, with a mean age of 66. After a baseline phase with random length, patients received weekly ST sessions for a year, followed by follow-up sessions during 6 months. Participants rated the credibility of negative core beliefs weekly; various secondary outcome measures were assessed every 6 months (severity of BPD, early maladaptive schemas, schema modes, personality functioning, maladaptive personality traits, psychological distress and quality of life), and BPD diagnosis was assessed before baseline and after follow-up. Data were analysed with mixed regression analyses and paired t-tests. Results: Results revealed that ST led to a significant decrease in credibility of negative core beliefs, with high effect sizes. All participants remitted from their BPD diagnosis. Conclusion: This is the first study exploring the effectiveness of ST for BPD in older adults, and it suggests that ST can be a powerful intervention for this group of patients.


Features and Needs of Autistic Older Adults: A Delphi Study of Clinical Experiences

April 2022


55 Reads


3 Citations

Clinical Gerontologist

Objectives In geriatric psychiatry Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are increasingly recognized. This study explores what clinicians know about diagnostic and/or therapeutic aspects of autistic older adults and how aging plays a role in the course of ASD. Methods A Delphi study outlines the point of view of 11 clinical experts in the Netherlands and Belgium (Flanders). Results Regarding diagnostics, age-specific aspects need to be considered. Age-related characteristics (cognitive differences, life events, co-occurring conditions) influence detecting autistic features in older adults. Regarding treatment, counseling methods need to be adapted. Psychoeducation, family therapy, couples therapy, behavioral counseling and psychopharmaca can be helpful in meeting the needs of autistic older adults. There was no consensus on the effects of aging on autistic older adults. Conclusions Diagnosis and treatment of ASD need adaptation for autistic older adults. Further research is needed on the validation of measurement tools, recorded treatment, therapy, psychoeducation, and the effects of aging among people on the autism spectrum. Clinical Implications Available knowledge helps clinicians to detect ASD in older adults and adapt to the specific features and needs of autistic older adults. The effects of aging on the course of ASD are unclear yet.

Differential diagnosis personality disorder versus autism spectrum disorder in older adults

May 2020


83 Reads


2 Citations

Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie

Scientific knowledge of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in older adults is still scarce. Differential diagnosis of ASD and personality disorders is complicated, especially in later life. There is overlap between ASD and personality disorders, both conceptually and descriptively. The manifestation of both disorders is heterogeneous, influenced by age specific factors and characterised by similar behavioural symptoms and the lack of a sound developmental history. In both disorders, age specific changes can exceed adaptive abilities of patients, so ASD and personality disorders may become manifest for the first time in old age. More research is needed to fully understand the relationship between ASD and personality development across the life span. Also, there is a need for assessment instruments for both adults and older people with comorbid mental disorders and personality disorders in particular. As comorbidity of ASD and personality disorders appears to be common, more research should be done into treatment of comorbid personality disorders, also in later life.

The effectiveness of individual schema therapy in older adults with borderline personality disorder: A multiple-baseline study
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2019


731 Reads


22 Citations

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications

Background The treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD) has been examined extensively in adults up to the age of fifty in the past quarter of a century, but there is still a world to discover in treating BPD in older adults. The aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of schema therapy in older adults with BPD. Methods/design A multiple baseline design is used in which participants are randomly assigned to baseline length. The primary outcome measure is assessed weekly and consists of the credibility of negative core beliefs. Secondary outcome measures are quality of life, psychological distress, early maladaptive schemas, schema modes, severity of BPD symptoms and meeting the criteria for BPD. Ten older adults (age > 60 years) with BPD are treated with schema therapy, with weekly sessions during one year. This treatment phase is preceded by a baseline phase varying from 4 to 8 weeks. After treatment, there is a 6-month follow-up phase with monthly booster sessions. Discussion To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study of the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatment for BPD in older adults. Because of the different manifestation of BPD in later life, besides section II DSM-5 criteria, the alternative, dimensional model for personality disorders of DSM-5 is used to assess BPD in older adults. Trial registration The Netherlands National Trial Register NTR7107. Registered 11 March 2018.


Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Geriatric Psychiatry

September 2017


160 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are difficult to detect in old age. This study examined if ASD symptoms in older adults (age > 60) can be detected with the Dutch informant personality questionnaire, (Hetero-Anamnestische Persoonlijkheidsvragenlijst, HAP) in a mental health setting. Patients with ASD (N = 40) were compared to patients with a different psychiatric diagnosis (N = 43; personality disorders excluded). The ASD group had significant higher scores on the scales 'Socially avoidant behavior', 'Rigid behavior' and 'Unpredictable and impulsive behavior'. These scales were able to discriminate between individuals with or without ASD. The HAP can thus be used as a screening instrument for ASD symptoms in elderly patients. Further research is needed to clarify what items have the best predictive validity for ASD symptoms.

Table 1 . Scores on the YSQ, SCL-90 and WAI-O-S. 
Adapting Schema Therapy for Personality Disorders in Older Adults

March 2017


1,022 Reads


18 Citations

International Journal of Cognitive Therapy

Schema therapy (ST) is an evidence-based treatment for personality disorders (PDs). The first research into ST with older adults in a short group format demonstrated its applicability for this population, although with lower efficacy than in younger age groups. This raises the question whether ST can be optimized for older adults. Therefore we conducted a mixed quantitative/qualitative case study of individual ST of a 65-year old man with a cluster-C PD, to explore possible adaptations of ST for older adults. We assessed symptomatic distress, early maladaptive schemas, PD diagnosis and the quality of the working alliance. The patient improved on these parameters and no longer met PD-criteria. Five domains of adaptations emerged for possibly enhancing the outcome of ST for older adults: the ST language, the case conceptualization diagram, imagery rescripting, chairwork, and contextualizing to a life span perspective by incorporating wisdom enhancement and reinforcing positive schemas.

Psychiatrische multimorbiditeit bij ouderen: Gevalsbeschrijving

March 2014


20 Reads

GZ - Psychologie

ADHD bij ouderen is een vrijwel onontgonnen gebied en vermoedelijk onderhevig aan onderdiagnostiek. In de navolgende gevalsbeschrijving gaan we in op de complexiteit van de comorbide diagnostiek van ADHD, persoonlijkheidsproblematiek, chronische relatieproblemen en een suspecte neurodegeneratieve aandoening bij een 80-jarige man. Deze casus is illustratief voor de multimorbiditeit die kenmerkend is voor de ouderenpsychiatrie, waarbij in het bijzonder rekening gehouden moet worden met neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen. Andersom vragen we met onze gevalsbespreking bij cognitieve functiestoornissen of gedragsproblemen ook ontwikkelingsstoornissen zoals ADHD en/of persoonlijkheidsstoornissen te overwegen.

Interference of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in an older adult with a severe personality disorder and dermatillomania

October 2013


43 Reads


2 Citations

International Psychogeriatrics

ABSTRACT This case of a 65-year-old male with dermatillomania, diffuse anxiety symptoms, and avoidant personality disorder (PD) illustrates the interference of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the diagnostic process and during schema-focused therapy. In conclusion, ADHD in older adults and interference with PD is a subject of clinical importance and worth further investigation.

Gevalsbeschrijving over een 82-jarige man met een autismespectrumstoornis

December 2009


150 Reads


3 Citations

GZ - Psychologie

In een gevalsbeschrijving over een 82-jarige man wordt geïllustreerd dat ook ouderen met relatief milde vormen van autismespectrumstoornissen (ASS) kunnen vastlopen in het dagelijks functioneren. Luxerende factoren zijn bijvoorbeeld het verlies van maatschappelijke rollen, van lichamelijke gezondheid, van naasten of van autonomie. De diagnostiek van ASS bij ouderen wordt echter gecompliceerd doordat een aantal DSM-criteria lastig is toe te passen bij ouderen en er geen specifieke meetinstrumenten voor de genoemde doelgroep voorhanden zijn. Het beschrijven van de typerende actuele gedragingen bij ouderen is derhalve wenselijk. De behandelmogelijkheden bij ouderen met ASS is vooral gericht op mediatietherapie. Het verhelderen en kaderen van de problemen van de patiënt zelf en van zijn omgeving leidt tot meer begrip en verbetering van de situatie. Daarnaast kunnen ouderen met ASS, die normaal begaafd zijn, wellicht baat hebben bij cognitieve gedragstherapie.

Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in older adults

February 2009


44 Reads


13 Citations

Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie

Background: Older adults are hardly ever diagnosed as having autism spectrum disorders (asd). Only a few case-studies have been published and there has been no quantitative research into these developmental disorders in the 60-plus age group. Diagnosis is made more complicated because it is difficult to obtain a developmental history in older adults. It is possible that behavioural aspects are different in later life because of the biopsychosocial factors that are linked to ageing. Further scientific research is needed into differential diagnoses in older adults.

Citations (9)

... Participants determined three negative core beliefs in short statements together with the researcher during the inclusion interview. The three highest scoring EMS of the Young Schema Questionnaire 3 Short Form (YSQ-S3; Rijkeboer et al. 2020) were selected, and together with the participant, the most representative negative core belief regarding the EMS was selected using the downward arrow technique (Khasho et al. 2023;Videler et al. 2018). The credibility of these negative core beliefs was rated weekly on a 100-point visual analogue scale (VAS), ranging from 0 to 100. ...


Effectiveness of Day Treatment Group Schema Therapy for Personality Disorders: A Multiple Baseline Single-Case Study
The effectiveness of individual schema therapy in older adults with borderline personality disorder: A multiple-baseline case series design
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy

... The Delphi technique, which is a widely used systematic method, was used to close a scientific gap. A strength of this study is that several authors are experienced in conducting Delphi studies in scientifically unexplored areas of geriatric psychiatry (e.g., Heijnen-Kohl et al., 2022;Legra et al., 2017;Rosowsky et al., 2018;Van Alphen et al., 2012, 2003. Another strength is that the iterative character of the Delphi technique, as used in the current study, allowed for mutual discussion and the emergence of creative ideas. ...

Features and Needs of Autistic Older Adults: A Delphi Study of Clinical Experiences
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

Clinical Gerontologist

... Various intervention studies have shown the positive effect of social activities on cognitive variables (e.g., [6,18], for a meta-analysis). For example, a study of older adults with dementia revealed the positive influence of communication with family members and healthcare professionals on patients' behavior and symptoms [67]. ...

Differential diagnosis personality disorder versus autism spectrum disorder in older adults
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020

Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie

... The aim and design of the present study have already been published (Khasho et al., 2019). In this article, we discussed that it is possible to detect a large effect size (d > And finally, therapy sessions were randomly recorded on video and rated for adherence to ST. ...

The effectiveness of individual schema therapy in older adults with borderline personality disorder: A multiple-baseline study

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications

... These barriers include patient-provider communication, sensory sensitivity and executive functioning/planning issues (Mason et al., 2019). Knowledge gaps in the healthcare system may also deter patients who have had negative experiences; many healthcare professionals are unfamiliar with autism (Nicolaidis et al., 2013), particularly in adults (Corden et al., 2022;Lipinski et al., 2022;Zerbo et al., 2019) and older populations (Heijnen-Kohl et al., 2017), and have little training related to autistic patients (Unigwe et al., 2017). Barriers to healthcare, combined with social ignorance and taboos around menopause (Ussher et al., 2021), mean that autistic menopausal people are not likely to get the support they need. ...

Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Geriatric Psychiatry

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

... A common recommendation in studies in older adults seems to be that psychological treatments for older adults need adaptations (e.g., Knight, 2004;Lynch, 2000;Videler et al., 2017). In a Delphi study involving older adults with PD, consensus was reached among 35 experts about the importance of integrating gerontological aspects as themes in psychotherapy with older persons (Van Alphen et al., 2012). ...

Adapting Schema Therapy for Personality Disorders in Older Adults

International Journal of Cognitive Therapy

... Adequate screening of ASD in geriatric psychiatry is of great importance for specific treatment options and psycho-education. Research in this area is still scarce, consisting only of a handful of case-studies Naidu et al. 2006;van Alphen and Heijnen-Kohl 2009;van Niekerk et al. 2010;Wright 2016), one study on behavioral problems (Totsika et al. 2010) and a research program on cognition (Geurts and Vissers 2012;Lever 2016). The need to fill the void in ASD research in older adults is stressed by extensive research agendas in several reviews (Happé and Charlton 2012; Heijnen-Kohl 1 3 and van Alphen 2009; Mukaetova-Ladinska et al. 2012;Perkins and Berkman 2012;Piven and Rabins 2011;Spek and Geven 2013;Niekerk et al. 2010). ...

Gevalsbeschrijving over een 82-jarige man met een autismespectrumstoornis
  • Citing Article
  • December 2009

GZ - Psychologie

... On an individual level, Weusten et al. 25 have recently described an interesting case of schema therapy in an elderly patient with a severe personality disorder, dermatillomania and comorbid ADHD. With increasing age, the overall psychiatric burden of this patient had accumulated, especially after forced retirement, with the consequential loss of structure and social contacts. ...

Interference of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in an older adult with a severe personality disorder and dermatillomania
  • Citing Article
  • October 2013

International Psychogeriatrics

... Although individuals diagnosed earlier may have received a diagnosis of Childhood Schizophrenia, differences in diagnostic criteria over time and the increase in familiarity with ASD are likely to introduce bias and extraneous variability into cross-sectional investigations across the lifespan in ASD (King and Bearman 2009;Rutter 2005). In recent years receiving a first diagnosis of ASD in adulthood or even later life has become more common (Geurts and Jansen 2012;Heijnen-Kohl and van Alphen 2009;Jones et al. 2014). Individuals receiving a "late" diagnosis are unlikely to represent the whole spectrum of ASD, as they often have abilities in the normal range and have not previously come to the attention of clinical services. ...

Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in older adults
  • Citing Article
  • February 2009

Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie