S. N. Zharikov's research while affiliated with Mining Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (20)

Designing Blast Pattern for Pitwall Rock Mass
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2023


16 Reads

Journal of Mining Science

S. N. Zharikov



Figure 1. Layout of measurement sites and blasting site (Stope 1, Block 5, Level +220 m): (a) 3 Feb 2020; (b) 4 Feb 2020.
Initial and calculated data on seismic stability of rocks
Blasting impact on underground openings in Magnezitovaya Mine

February 2022


31 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The authors assess blasting-induced seismic impact on underground openings in Magnezitovaya Mine, determine seismic stability and adjacent rocks and calculate safe distance of blasting based on the criterion of allowable seismic loads. The blasting impact testing was carried out using seismic recorders Uran and Minimate Plus with three-component seismic receivers. It is recommended on setting limiting mass of explosive per delay interval in underground blasting.

Figure 1. Layout of underground excavations, pressure measurement stations and blasting sites (block 5, stope 1)
Blasting pattern design in Magnezitovaya Mine
Data of instrumental measurement of pressure at shock wave front
Excess pressures at shock wave fronts at distances from 10 to 150 m with regard to attenuation (amplification) factors for local pressure losses in stopes
Shock wave analysis: A case-study of Magnezitovaya Mine

February 2022


17 Reads

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The article presents the studies into the impact of shock waves induced by underground blasting. The instrumental measurement of actual pressures at the shock wave front in air in Magnezitovaya Mine during blasting is performed. Using the measurement data, the safe distances of shock wave impact out of possible personnel injury risk are determined. The excess pressure at the shock wave front in mine air is calculated with regard to local pressure losses. The calculated excess pressures are compared with the maximum allowable pressures for personnel, timber cofferdams, ventducts, appliances and power lines.

Figure 2. Layout of seismic acquisition systems MiniMatePlus and URAN at the bottom of test slope for recording seismic vibrations induced by trains at spacings of 140, 70, 45, 25 and 20 m from railway bed.
Figure 3. Orientation of main systems of joints relative to slope.
Physical and mechanical properties of limestone
Rock slope stability assessment toward elimination of accidents

May 2021


135 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The authors assess the effect of seismic vibrations induced by blasting in Biyanka gravel quarry and by movement of trains. The research was initiated in view of the accident in summer of 2017, which resulted in off-trip of two cars. The jointing structure of the rock slope is inspected, and the slope stability is assessed in some sites of the slope within the limits of the Asha railway haul. The recorded seismic vibrations in the rockfall-hazardous sites of the slope are less hazardous for the slope stability than the geological features of the slope, which are the cause of all rock falls. The recommendations on prevention of rock falls on the track are given.

Study of permissible dynamic load on high-pressure gas pipe laying site in connection with blasting operations during open-pit mining

May 2021


18 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The paper presents the results of a study of permissible dynamic load on high-pressure gas pipe laying site of the II category located within the mining lease boundaries, in connection with carrying out blasting operations at the open-pit mine of JSC Sukholozhsktsement. The procedure of IM UrB RAS for calculating the permissible distances from the technological explosion in the mine to the protected object (gas pipeline) depending on the explosive weight in the stage, coefficient of soil conditions and permissible velocity of seismic vibrations is presented. It is found that depending on the explosion depth in the mine and using corresponding geological data, by changing the weight in the delay stage, it is possible to completely eliminate the negative effect of explosion on pipe laying area. A calculation scheme is also proposed to determine the safe distances to high-pressure gas pipeline depending on the angle of open pit side and blasting depth.

Figure 1. P-wave velocities determined in rock mass from seismic measurements taken during 11 large-scale blasts (2 measurements per blast).
Figure 2. Calculated radii of impact zones of explosions from experimental data.
Impact of blasting on pit wall rock mass

May 2021


50 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The paper presents the research findings obtained by the Institute of Mining in drilling and blasting in Dzhetygara open pit mass. The research was aimed at enhanced stability of stationary benches and at cost minimization of drilling and blasting. The research met two objectives. First, in terms of Dzhetygara deposit, perimeter blasting designs were developed, which ensured reduced impact of blasting on adjacent rock mass. Second, the blast-induced PPV measurement procedure was refined and introduced, and the blasting technology was improved for blasting operations at ultimate pit limit. The special technology for ultimate pit perimeter blasting includes: analysis of blast effects on pit wall rock mass; finding of mechanisms of wave processes in rock mass; interaction of perimeter blasts depending on strength characteristics of rock mass; field trial of cutback methods; determination of sequence of blasts when approaching a guarded sites; determination of efficiency criteria of drilling and blasting.

Rock Properties and Permissible Seismic Velocity.
Building a Nomogram to Determine Drilling & Blasting Parameters in the Marginal Quarry Zone

March 2021


48 Reads

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

In the paper, blasting seismic survey results for some mine blocks are given. Issues of studying the wave propagation processes in the rock mass and solutions to them are described specifically for mining engineers with minor theoretical deviations and emphasizing maximum practical significance. The method developed by the Mining Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ural Branch to determine protective measures against the effects of blasting on protected objects depending on the explosive weight in delay, soil factors, and the permissible seismic velocity is described. Based on previously identified patterns for various soils, dependencies between the rock mass properties and charge parameters have been built and summarized in a nomogram to simplify the corresponding determination of the technical explosion parameters. The advantage of this approach, in contrast to others, is the possibility of a quick multivariate evaluation, which is of great importance for the prompt elaboration of technical solutions. In the paper, the specifics of determining the drilling & blasting parameters when approaching the marginal quarry zone are partially discovered and promising areas in studying seismic phenomena in rocks and the blast seismic for the nearest future outlined.

Citations (8)

... The occurrence of mining tremors in underground mines is due to mechanical stress in the rock mass caused by exploitation activities [30][31][32][33]. Pilecka et al. estimated the impact of high-energy mining-induced events in fault zones on building damage and concluded that seismic energy propagation from the hypocenter of mining-induced events causes an uneven distribution of damage to buildings located on the ground surface [34][35][36][37]. In mining areas where tremors induced by mining activities occur, monitoring stations are localized [38][39][40][41][42][43], enabling the development of local models for predicting peak horizontal vibration velocities (PGV Hmax ). ...


The Influence of Vibrations Induced by Blasting Works in an Open-Pit Mine and Seismic Events in an Underground Mine on Building Structures—A Case Study
Blasting impact on underground openings in Magnezitovaya Mine

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... For avoiding critical conditions of detonation (attenuation or nonoperation), the blasthole diameter should be more than 110 mm, the blasthole spacing should be more than 2.5 m, and the density of emulsion explosive charges should be less than 1270 kg/m 3 . The allowable density range is 1100-1250 kg/m 3 [31][32][33]. ...

Determination of chemical reaction zone width for emulsion explosive Poremit 1A based on uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021


... На полученных зависимостях (рис. 4) прочностные характеристики массива горных пород представлены в виде следующего соотношения [11]: прочностные характери- ...

Impact of blasting on pit wall rock mass

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... Следует отметить, что σ р , определѐнный в образце, существенно отличается от значения в массиве ввиду макронарушений. В массиве σ р определяется коэффициентом структурного ослабления λ [10]. ...

Study of permissible dynamic load on high-pressure gas pipe laying site in connection with blasting operations during open-pit mining

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... Предлагаемая классификация предоставляет дополнительный инструментарий для анализа сейсмической опасности взрывов, например, при отклонении интервалов времени короткозамедленного взрывания от номинальных значений, возникновении условий резонансного возбуждения в системе «массив -охраняемый объект» [41] и согласуется с результатами последних исследований сейсмики промышленных взрывов [42][43][44]. ...

Seismic effects in different rocks and soil


... могут спровоцировать крупные обвалы, оползни и обрушения. Наиболее опасными для любого сооружения являются колебания, превышающие допустимые по критерию устойчивости, поэтому важным вопросом промышленной безопасности является контроль таких колебаний при производстве взрывных работ, которые обеспечили бы сохранность или хотя бы минимальное негативное воздействие на объект при производстве взрывов [1][2][3][4][5]. Полностью исключить негативное влияние промышленных взрывов при добыче полезных ископаемых не представляется возможным [6][7][8]. ...

Influence of underground mass explosion on protected objects of the industrial site in case of collapse of the interstory whole
  • Citing Article
  • March 2020


... The main types of the priming patterns can be determined from the jointing zoning results (Fig. 2). The priming patterns may be diagonal, row-by-row, wedge-shaped, etc. (electronic blasting) [34]. The specific choice should be based on the structural information on rocks within an extraction block (coefficient of structural weakening, orientations of cracks). ...

Charge initiation schemes for ensuring high-performance operation of cyclic-flow technology cyclic link

News of the Ural State Mining University

... могут спровоцировать крупные обвалы, оползни и обрушения. Наиболее опасными для любого сооружения являются колебания, превышающие допустимые по критерию устойчивости, поэтому важным вопросом промышленной безопасности является контроль таких колебаний при производстве взрывных работ, которые обеспечили бы сохранность или хотя бы минимальное негативное воздействие на объект при производстве взрывов [1][2][3][4][5]. Полностью исключить негативное влияние промышленных взрывов при добыче полезных ископаемых не представляется возможным [6][7][8]. ...

Ways to clarify the properties of rocks during drilling and blasting operations