Rusadi Kantaprawira's research while affiliated with Universitas Padjadjaran and other places

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Publications (8)

Indonesia - Russia Bilateral Relations: Efforts To Enhance Digital Economy And Tourism Investment Cooperation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2022


338 Reads

Jurnal Mandala Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

Henky H P Manurung


Arry Bainus


Rusadi Kantaprawira




Indonesia and Russia's bilateral relations still need to be improved and strengthened in all sectors. Both countries agreed in Jakarta in 2021 to enhance and strengthen bilateral cooperation in politics, law, and security. The commitment to further cooperation made by the two major countries in the Asia Pacific aimed at creating peace and maintaining regional and global security stability. This study aims to elaborate how Indonesia's bilateral relations with Russia enhanced are related to the efforts of both generating digital economic cooperation and attracting foreign investment in Indonesia's leading tourist destinations. This study utilizes the concept of dynamic bilateral relations and the implementation of foreign economic policies. The researchers use qualitative research methods with explanatory writing techniques analyzing the data and information obtained. The liberal approach to mutually beneficial international cooperation is further elaborated and analyzed, particularly in understanding how each country's strategic decisions have an impact on sustaining regional economic growth. The digital economy cooperation built by the two countries still needs to be strengthened to attract more incoming Russian investors in the tourism industry. This research reveals that international cooperation has been carried out by the Indonesian government and stakeholders related to tourism management destinations is done through bilateral cooperation, regional cooperation, and multilateral cooperation. It still needs clear strategies that should be implemented tactically as a strategic effort by the Indonesian government and related stakeholders to sharpen the construction of the national digital economy in the sustainable, inclusive, and quality tourism sector in driving and supporting national economic growth.



November 2022


183 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results

This paper aims to describe analytically Indonesia and Russia's bilateral relations, particularly concerning the defense cooperation between the two countries in the Southeast Asian region. Historically, at the beginning of the Cold War, the government of the Soviet Union (currently the Russian Federation) recognized and fully supported the independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945. The Soviet Union has never abandoned Indonesia in obtaining international recognition of its independence. The establishment of informal relations between both countries since the first years of the existence of the UN. Postnational reform in 1998, Indonesia has always put forward the concept of a defense strategy without having enemies from any country. A qualitative method and primary data were gathered through interviews with informants from several government institutions. Literature, journals, and related documents are utilized in supporting data analysis. In fact, for more than seventy years' diplomatic relations between the two countries have been established, and importantly, bilateral defense cooperation still needs to be further strengthened, apart from the current sustainable economic cooperation.

The US president Joe Biden’s environment policy: impact on Indonesia sustainable development

July 2022


233 Reads

International Trade and Trade Policy

This study presents the implementation of the US environmental policy under US President Biden, which applies Washington's zero emissions policy to all countries. It analyzes the implementation of President Biden's environmental policy and how it affects relations between Indonesia and the United States. This study attempts to develop an approach to bilateral cooperation through descriptive analysis and qualitative research by conducting a study of scientific literature and subsequent analysis of the results obtained. This study shows that the environmental policy of the United States under the leadership of J. Biden will affect Indonesia's trade and economic strategies and the national environment after its implementation. Jakarta is seriously engaged in national sustainable development to address the global challenges of climate change.

Russia and China collaboration in the energy sector

March 2022


154 Reads

This article aims to discuss Russia and China collaboration in the energy sector, especially during the global pandemic outbreak and the increasingly uncertain global economy and efforts to achieve world peace. It is feared that the United Nations is currently incapable of solving problems and finding the best solution for a fair and impartial settlement of the Ukraine-Russia conflict (24 February 2022-present). Every leader of any country is certainly exchange ideas to get out of this situation. The current world leaders do not at all want the issue of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia to be protracted and further aggravate the situation of global economic growth. The UN General Assembly decided to call for a ceasefire between the warring parties and to mobilize international humanitarian assistance for the affected population amid the ongoing conflict. The Soviet Union or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is a former territory that combines Eastern Europe and North and Central Asia. There have been many revolutions in Russia. Historically, the revolution in Russia consisted of the events of 1905, the February Revolution of 1917, and culminated in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 which brought down the empire. Russia was then taken over by the Soviet Union Communist Party. It was during the Russian Revolution of 1917 that 4 (four) socialist republics were established in the former Russian Empire.

Strengthening Indonesia-Russia trade economy relations: Indonesia’s effort to access Eurasia market

January 2022


411 Reads


5 Citations

International Trade and Trade Policy

The article discusses economic cooperation between Indonesia and Russia, as well as the possibility of Indonesia entering the Eurasian market. Indonesia is recognized as the largest economy of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the leader of Southeast Asian countries with high rates of economic growth. The growth of the regional economy is expected to support global economic stability. Russia is an unconventional market for Indonesia's main goods in the Eurasian region, so Indonesian goods can be found quite rarely on Russian markets and in supermarkets. In this regard, it is important to understand which Indonesian export goods are of interest to Russians and how these goods can fall into Russia. To do this, it is necessary to study the business potential of partners with whom you can start working together. Since 2016, Indonesia has been emphasizing the importance of cooperation and trade and economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region, Eurasia and Southeast Asia. In the midst of a global pandemic, it is necessary to develop diplomacy and economic cooperation between Indonesia and Russia in order to prevent potential conflicts in the South China Sea involving the United States and China. At the same time, Indonesia should develop its economy and trade through bilateral and multilateral cooperation in international organizations. The study showed that economic cooperation between the two countries should contribute to strengthening trade relations, increasing investment and increasing the competitiveness of Indonesia's export products.

Indonesia-Malaysia Strengthening Relations: Managing Indonesia's Migrant Workers

December 2021


139 Reads

This research attempts to describe analytically current problematic issues Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia that are deportation, inhuman treatment, and labor exploitation. Indonesian workers abroad as an important market due to the foreign exchange benefits and need to be supported by the government institutions and law enforcement, cooperation agreements, including adequate support for policy implementation certainty and sustainability.

The Unbreakable Relations Between Indonesia-Vietnam Post “Sink the Vessels” Policy: A Complex Systems Approach

February 2019


90 Reads


3 Citations

JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies)

The vibrant bilateral relations between Indonesia-Vietnam has been tested by the Sink the Vessels policy, a robust measure executed by Indonesia to tackle rampant illegal fishing that encroach Indonesian waters. The policy has caused in the demolition of, among else, Vietnamese fishing vessels; and has also led to near-clash and incidents at sea. Despite these, both countries bilateral relations were far from hostile condition, and uphold their neighbourly relations to manage the illegal fishing problem. How Could Indonesia’s foreign policy action did not further exacerbate Indonesia-Vietnam relations post “Sink the Vessels” policy? To tackle our question, this article probes to describe the complex systems that interwoven Indonesia and Vietnam during the rising tension. We argue that the complex systems encapsulated Indonesia – Vietnam relations post “Sink the Vessels” policy consist of symbol system, interest system, and role system that maintain their friendly bilateral relations, even in the turbulence ocean. This article exposes that Indonesia-Vietnam responds to tackle the problem stems primarily from the linkage between the three systems to escape the security dilemma.

When FIFA Rules the World: Hegemoni FIFA Terhadap Indonesia Dalam Kasus Pembekuan PSSI 2015-2016

November 2018


84 Reads


1 Citation

Andalas Journal of International Studies (AJIS)

The bitter sanctions against the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) in 2015-2016 revealed an irritate reality regarding how weak the position of the state is; when dealing with organizations that are considered as representations of global institutions in the world of football. Therefore, Indonesia's powerlessness has made the question why the state is powerless before FIFA as an international organization finds its importance. Using the Coxian approach to understand the World Orders, this article argues that this condition due to the FIFA’s hegemony which supported by three main aspects, namely; first, the idea of football which is a populist sport, must be separated from the political intervention of state power. Second, FIFA's material capacity has made football as a sport with high economic value, even in Indonesia itself. Finally, supported by the previous two aspects, the governance of FIFA institutions has gripped various regions of the world, so that it has created sovereignty in the world of football. Using critical analysis, the intellectual work of this paper does not only intend to improvise in the selection of topics but also presents alternative narratives in the contemporary constellation of contemporary international relations studies.

Citations (1)

... A Vietnamese official, for instance, despite being from the country with the most vessels sunk under the policy, commented that IUU fishing should be addressed by the regional institutions' collective efforts. 10 The only official reaction from the Vietnamese government came in the form of a reminder that unilateral action, such as sinking vessels without prior notification, violates the 2003-04 Continental Bilateral Agreement between Indonesia and Vietnam (Kantaprawira et al., 2018). By the end of Widodo's first term, following increased acceptance of neighbouring countries for Indonesia's concern on the need to address IUU fishing, the 'sinking vessel' policy was quietly phased out. ...


Re-territorialization and the governance of ocean frontiers in Indonesia
The Unbreakable Relations Between Indonesia-Vietnam Post “Sink the Vessels” Policy: A Complex Systems Approach

JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies)