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Publications (2)

Figure 2: Levels of nitrite (mg/L) in growing media with different C/N ratios during 45 day trial period 
Table 2 : Abundance (CFU/ml) and types of bacteria in growing media of Gourami fish
Figure 3: Levels of nitrate (mg/L) in growing media with different C/N ratios during 45 day trial period 
Table 3 : Quality of water in all Gourami fish growing media during the trial period
Growth and Feed Efficiency of Gourami Fish Reared in Biofloc Media with Different C/N Ratios
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2017


1,002 Reads


8 Citations

International Journal of Sciences Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)



The study was conducted to determine C/N ratio which gave the best growth, feed conversion ratio, feed efficiency, survivability, mortality rate, bacteria abundance and reduced nitrogen content in the production media of gourami fish. Treatments consisted of different C/N ratios including control, CN ratio 12, CN ratio 16, and CN ratio 20 in the production media. The trial was conducted in 45 days. Daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed efficiency, survivability, mortality rate, abundance and types of bacteria, total ammonia-N (TAN), total nitrite, and total nitrate contents were evaluated. Results showed that different C/N ratios gave significant effects on feed conversion ratio, feed efficiency, survivability, and mortality rate, but not on daily weight gain. The best feed conversion ratio and feed efficiency was found in C/N ratio 12 while the best survivability and mortality rate were found in CN ratio 20. The bacteria spreading over the treatment groups were found to reduce from 11 types in the beginning of the trial period to only 8 types in the end of the trial period. In all treatment groups Micrococcus sp. was found in the beginning of the trial period while Bacillus sp. was found in the end of the trial period. Based on TAN, nitrate, and nitrite measurements, in production media with high C/N ratios, N content was found to be reduced and in the amount ranges that were good for fish growth even though no water changes were done.


Pengaruh penambahan Rosella dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan stress Ikan Gurame

January 2014


58 Reads

PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN ROSELLA DALAM PAKAN TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN STRESS IKAN GURAME Rosmawati, Muarif, Y Suherman, R Harja Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan rosella dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan stress ikan gurame yang dipelihara di kolam. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pakan yang ditambah rosella dan pakan tanpa rosella (kontrol). Ikan gurame berukuran 5-6 gram dipelihara selama 30 hari dalam hapa yang ditempatkan di dalam kolam dan diberi pakan sesuai perlakuan. Dievaluasi pertumbuhan, glukosa darah, sintasan, efisiensi pakan, mortalitas, dan kualitas air. Hasil percobaan memperlihatkan adanya perbedaan nyata antara ikan yang diberi pakan ditambah rosella dengan yang tidak terhadap pertumbuhan mutlak, laju pertumbuhan harian, glukosa darah, sintasan, efisiensi pakan, dan mortalitas. Pertumbuhan mutlak, pertumbuhan harian, sintasan, efisiensi pakan, dan mortalitas yang terbaik diperoleh pada ikan yang diberi pakan ditambah rosella, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 3,59 gr, 1,60 %, 51,60 % , 31,86 %, dan 48,40%. Glukosa darah ikan yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan rosella menurun setelah dua jam penebaran, sedangkan pada ikan yang tidak diberi rosella gula darahnya masih meningkat. Penambahan rosella pada pakan memberikan pertumbuhan, glukosa darah, sintasan, efisiensi pakan, dan mortalitas terbaik pada ikan gurame. Kata kunci:Rosella, pertumbuhan, glukosa darah, sintasan, gurame Rosmawati, Muarif, Suherman Y, Harja R. 2014. Pengaruh penambahan rosella dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan dan stress ikan gurame. Buku Panduan Seminar Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan “Inovasi Teknologi dalam Mendukung Industrialisasi Perikanan di Indonesia”. Serang. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.

Citations (1)

... Previous research of the biofloc system mainly focused on shrimp [10,11,12] and many species of fish, namely tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) [13,7], catfish (Clarias sp.) [14], and goldfish (Carassius auratus) [15]. However, there is only limited information about the biofloc system on Osphronemus gourami [16,17]. Research on C. vulgaris supplementation has been carried out on Gourami outside the biofloc system [18]. ...


Amylase activity in various digestive organs and blood urea levels of Osphronemus gouramy with Chlorella vulgaris feed supplementation and reared in different system: Amylase activities and blood urea levels of Osphronemus gouramy
Growth and Feed Efficiency of Gourami Fish Reared in Biofloc Media with Different C/N Ratios

International Journal of Sciences Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR)