Roshan Lal Keshtwal's scientific contributions

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Publications (2)

New sufficient conditions for the solvability of a new class of Sylvester-like absolute value matrix equation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2023


42 Reads

Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory



Roshan Lal Keshtwal

In this article, some new sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of a new class of Sylvester-like absolute value matrix equation \(AXB - \vert CXD \vert =F\) are given. This work is distinct from the published work by Li [Journal of Optimization Theory and Application, 195(2), 2022]. Some new conditions were also obtained, which were not covered by Li. We also provided an example in support of our result.



August 2023

South East Asian J of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Letp(z)beapolynomial of degreen,withp(z)= n ν=0 aνzν. Inthis paper,firstly,weprovearesultforboundsintwodifferentradii forthemaximum modulusof lacunarytypeofpolynomialshavingall zerosoutsideadiskofgiven radius. Next,we establisha result concerning themaximummodulus of polar derivativeof polynomial havingall zeros insideadiskout ofwhichsomefixed numberof zerosarecentredatorigin. Inparticularcasethis result reduces into ordinaryderivative.Ourresultsnotonlyproviderefinementsofearlierprovedresultsbutalsoopennewavenuesforotherresultsinthesamefieldofresearch.