Roberta C. Gaspar's research while affiliated with São Paulo State University and other places

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Publications (8)

Fig. 1. Synchronisation and overstimulation protocol of in vivo-matured oocyte donors. Cows were synchronised after dominant follicle aspiration by OPU and overstimulated by administration of decreasing doses of FSH and a dose of GnRH 24 h before OPU for collection.  
Table 1 ).
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of nuclear progression and cortical granule distribution in bovine oocytes. Regarding the evaluation of nuclear progression, (b) oocytes in MII and with the presence of the first polar body were considered mature, while (a) those in other stages were considered immature. Regarding cortical granule migration, oocytes with cortical granules at (e) the periphery forming a halo were considered mature and oocytes with the presence of (c) 'clusters' or (d ) in transition were considered immature. Images were captured on 40Â objective.  
Fig. 4. FBS gas chromatography. (a) Graphic illustration of chromatography results, where each peak refers to each fattyacid area and is used to determine the acid ratio in the sample. (b) Table with lipid quantity in each IVM medium. (c, d) Tables with each fatty-acid proportion in the sample.
Fig. 5. Lipid and mitochondrial behaviour during in vivo maturation in MII oocytes; examples of asynchronous and synchronous migration of structures in in vivo MII oocytes. Locations of (a, e) lipid droplets, (b, f ) mitochondria and (c, g) nucleus at MII. (d, h) Merged images. (a–d ) Oocyte showing synchronous migration of lipid droplets and mitochondria. (e–h) Oocyte representing asynchronous migration of these structures.  


Influence of bovine serum albumin and fetal bovine serum supplementation during in vitro maturation on lipid and mitochondrial behaviour in oocytes and lipid accumulation in bovine embryos
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2016


682 Reads


73 Citations

Reproduction Fertility and Development






Proper oocyte maturation is crucial for subsequent embryo development; however, oocyte mitochondrial and lipid-droplet behaviour are still poorly understood. Although excessive lipid accumulation during in vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos has been linked with impaired cryotolerance, lipid oxidation is essential for adequate energy supply. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) are supplements used during IVP, containing high and low lipid content, respectively. This study aimed to understand how these supplements influence oocyte mitochondrial and lipid behaviour during in vitro maturation (IVM) in comparison to in vivo maturation, as well as their influence on development rates and embryo lipid accumulation during IVP. We demonstrate that only in vivo-matured oocytes maintained correlation between lipid content and active mitochondria. IVM media containing FBS increased total lipid content 18-fold and resulted in higher lipid accumulation in oocytes when compared with media with BSA. IVM using a lower FBS concentration combined with BSA resulted in satisfactory maturation and embryo development and also reduced lipid accumulation in blastocysts. In conclusion, IVM causes changes in mitochondrial and lipid dynamics, which may have negative effects on oocyte development rates and embryo lipid accumulation. Moreover, decreasing FBS concentrations during IVM may reduce embryo lipid accumulation without affecting production rates.


Nuclear transfer alters placental gene expression and associated histone modifications of the placental-specific imprinted gene pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 2 (PHLDA2) in cattle

August 2015


73 Reads


7 Citations

Reproduction Fertility and Development

Abnormal placental development is frequent in nuclear transfer (NT) pregnancies and is likely to be associated with altered epigenetic reprogramming. In the present study, fetal and placental measurements were taken on Day 60 of gestation in cows with pregnancies produced by AI, IVF and NT. Placentas were collected and subjected to histological evaluation, the expression of genes important in trophoblast differentiation and expression of the placental imprinted gene pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 2 (PHLDA2), as well as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) for histone marks within the promoter of PHLDA2. Fewer binucleated cells were observed in NT cotyledons, followed by IVF and AI cotyledons (P < 0.05). Expression of heart and neural crest derivatives expressed 1 (HAND1), placental lactogen (PL), pregnancy-associated glycoprotein 9 (PAG-9) and PHLDA2 was elevated in NT cotyledons compared with AI cotyledons. Expression of PHLDA2 was higher in IVF than AI samples (P < 0.05). ChIP revealed an increase in the permissive mark dimethylation of lysine 4 on histone H3 (H3K4me2), surprisingly associated with the silent allele of PHLDA2, and a decrease in the inhibitory mark H3K9me2 in NT samples. Thus, genes critical for placental development were altered in NT placentas, including an imprinted gene. Allele-specific changes in the permissive histone mark in the PHLDA2 promoter indicate misregulation of imprinting in clones. Abnormal trophoblast differentiation could have resulted in lower numbers of binucleated cells following NT. These results suggest that the altered expression of imprinted genes associated with NT are also caused by changes in histone modifications.

Supplementation of fetal bovine serum alters histone modification H3R26me2 during preimplantation development of in vitro produced bovine embryos

July 2015


46 Reads


2 Citations

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira

In vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos is not only of great economic importance to the cattle industry, but is also an important model for studying embryo development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the histone modification, H3R26me2 during pre- -implantation development of IVP bovine embryos cultured with or without serum supplementation and how these in vitro treatments compared to in vivo embryos at the morula stage. After in vitro maturation and fertilization, bovine embryos were cultured with either 0 or 2.5% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Development was evaluated and embryos were collected and fixed at different stages during development (2-, 4-, 8-, 16-cell, morula and blastocyst). Fixed embryos were then used for immunofluorescence utilizing an antibody for H3R26me2. Images of stained embryos were analyzed as a percentage of total DNA. Embryos cultured with 2.5% FBS developed to blastocysts at a greater rate than 0%FBS groups (34.85+5.43% vs. 23.38+2.93%; P<0.05). Levels of H3R26me2 changed for both groups over development. In the 0%FBS group, the greatest amount of H3R26me2 staining was at the 4-cell (P<0.05), 16-cell (P<0.05) and morula (P<0.05) stages. In the 2.5%FBS group, only 4-cell stage embryos were significantly higher than all other stages (P<0.01). Morula stage in vivo embryos had similar levels as the 0%FBS group, and both were significantly higher than the 2.5%FBS group. These results suggest that the histone modification H3R26me2 is regulated during development of pre-implantation bovine embryos, and that culture conditions greatly alter this regulation.

Oxygen Tension Affects Histone Remodeling of In Vitro Produced Embryos in a Bovine Model

January 2015


41 Reads


38 Citations


In vitro production of bovine embryos is a biotechnology of great economic impact. Epigenetic processes, such as histone remodeling, control gene expression and are essential for proper embryo development. Given the importance of IVP as a reproductive biotechnology, the role of epigenetic processes during embryo development, and the important correlation between culture conditions and epigenetic patterns, the present study was designed as a 2 × 2 factorial to investigate the influence of varying oxygen tensions (O2; 5% and 20%) and concentrations of fetal bovine serum (0% and 2.5%), during IVC, in the epigenetic remodeling of H3K9me2 (repressive) and H3K4me2 (permissive) in bovine embryos. Bovine oocytes were used for IVP of embryos, cleavage and blastocyst rates were evaluated, and expanded blastocysts were used for evaluation of the histone marks H3K9me2 and H3K4me2. Morulae and expanded blastocysts were also used to evaluate the expression of remodeling enzymes, specific to the aforementioned marks, by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Embryos produced in the presence of fetal bovine serum (2.5%) had a 10% higher rate of blastocyst formation. Global staining for the residues H3K9me2 and H3K4me2 was not affected significantly by the presence of serum. Notwithstanding, the main effect of oxygen tension was significant for both histone marks, with both repressive and permissive marks being higher in embryos cultured at the higher oxygen tension; however, expression of the remodeling enzymes did not differ in morulae or blastocysts in response to the varying oxygen tension. These results suggest that the use of serum during IVC of embryos increases blastocyst rate without affecting the evaluated histone marks and that oxygen tension has an important effect on the histone marks H3K9me2 and H3K4me2 in bovine blastocysts. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

20 nuclear transfer alters expression and histone modifications of the imprinted gene phlda2 in the bovine placenta.

December 2014


22 Reads

Reproduction Fertility and Development

Proper implantation and placental formation are crucial for the continuity of mammalian species. Embryonic and placental developments are under intense genetic and epigenetic control, such as the regulation of differentiation of pluripotent cells into highly specialised fetal and placental cells. In the present study the objectives were to evaluate expression and epigenetic control of the imprinted gene PHLDA2, a maternally expressed gene that appears to be a regulator of placental growth, in cotyledonary and inter-cotyledonary tissues of bovine placentas on Day 60 of pregnancies produced by embryo transfer (ET; n = 3), in vitro fertilization (IVF; n = 5), and nuclear transfer (NT; n = 6), by real time PCR (qPCR). In vitro culture of IVF and NT embryos was performed in SOF medium supplemented with 2.5% fetal bovine serum, at 39°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 5% O2 for 7 days. For evaluation of gene expression, gene-specific standard curves were used, and results were analysed as a ratio to 2 separate housekeeping controls (GAPDH and β-actin). Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by qPCR (ChIP-qPCR; precipitated/total input DNA) was also performed on the proximal promoter region of PHLDA2, with antibodies against H3K4me2 (permissive histone modification) and H3K9me2 (inhibitory histone modification) in these samples. Products of the ChIP-qPCR for PHLDA2 were digested with a restriction enzyme (AciI) that recognises a specific sequence of the maternal allele (Bos indicus), separating it visually on a gel, from the paternal allele (Bos taurus). Digestion products were separated on a 3% agarose gel, and ethidium bromide was used for visualisation. ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA) was used to analyse band intensity. Gene expression, ChIP, and digestion data were analysed using the least-squares ANOVA and the general linear model procedures (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Further comparison of means was performed using Duncan's multiple range test (P < 0.05 was considered significant). Expression of the imprinted gene PHLDA2 was 11 times higher in samples produced by NT and, interestingly, also in samples produced by IVF (P < 0.05) compared with the samples produced by ET. ChIP-qPCR for the histone marks, followed by allelic analysis, showed a significant increase of the permissive mark H3K4me2, especially in the silenced paternal allele (P < 0.05), and a reduction of the inhibitory H3K9me2 mark, in the promoter region of the PHLDA2 gene, in clones. The differences observed for these 2 histone marks corroborated with the pattern of gene expression for these samples (elevated in TN placentas). In conclusion, the reproductive biotechnologies of nuclear transfer and in vitro fertilization induce changes in placental expression of the imprinted gene PHLDA2, and nuclear transfer also affects the pattern of histone marks on the proximal promoter region of the imprinted gene PHLDA2.

Efeitos da redução ou substituição do soro fetal bovino por outros compostos na maturação in vitro de oócitos bovinos

July 2014


101 Reads


8 Citations

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira

A utilização do soro fetal bovino (SFB), embora bastante disseminada na produção in vitro (PIV) de embriões bovinos, apresenta limitações por ser um meio indefinido e por causar efeitos que prejudicam a qualidade desses embriões. Por esse motivo, nos últimos anos, grande parte das pesquisas relacionadas à PIV está voltada para a substituição do SFB por outros compostos nos meios de cultura. No presente estudo, foram utilizados como compostos protéicos a albumina sérica bovina livre de ácidos graxos (BSA-FAF) e um produto comercial denominado fluido embriônico (FE) de maneira isolada ou em diferentes combinações e concentrações, com objetivo de substituir ou diminuir a concentração do SFB durante a maturação in vitro (MIV). Para isso, oócitos bovinos foram maturados in vitro nos seguintes grupos (G) que foram delineados de acordo com a suplementação protéica recebida: G1 (controle) = 10% de SFB, G2 = 8mg/mL de BSA-FAF, G3 = 10% de FE, G4 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 5% de SFB, G5 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 3,5% de SFB + 1,5% de FE, G6 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 1,5% de SFB + 3,5% de FE, G7 = 6mg/mL de BSA-FAF + 5% de FE e G8 = 5% de SFB + 5% de FE. Após 24 horas de MIV, os oócitos foram classificados de acordo com a progressão meiótica e migração dos grânulos corticais (GC). As taxas de maturação foram avaliadas pelo teste do Qui-Quadrado (χ²) ou, quando apropriado, pelo teste exato de Fisher, e para o estudo dos efeitos dos suplementos foram realizados contrastes ortogonais. O grupo suplementado com BSA-FAF (G2) mostrou diminuição na taxa de oócitos que atingiram MII (75%) em comparação aos grupos G1, G4, G5 e G8 (88,9%, 89,6%, 87% e 86,8%, respectivamente), sem diferir do do G3 (79,8%), G6 (82,9%) e G7 (82,9%). Ademais, o G3 também apresentou diminuição na taxa de maturação nuclear quando comparado ao G4. Quanto à maturação citoplasmática, nos grupos G2, G7, G6 e G3, houve redução (p

Effects of reduction or replacement of fetal calf serum by other compounds during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes

July 2014


31 Reads


3 Citations

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira

The use of fetal calf serum (FCS), although widely employed during in vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos, has limitations. FCS is an undefined media and may have harmful effects on the quality of embryos. For this reason, in recent years, research efforts aimed at improving IVP of bovine embryos, have focused at the replacement of FCS by alternative compounds in culture media. In this study, fatty acid free bovine serum albumin (BSA-FAF) and embryonic fluid (EF) were used separately or in combination, in different concentrations, to replace or reduce the concentration of FCS during in vitro maturation (IVM). For this purpose, bovine oocytes were in vitro matured under different treatments and were assigned to one of the following groups (G) according to the protein supplementation: G1 (control) = 10% FCS, G2 = 8mg/mL BSA-FAF, G3 = 10% EF, G4 = 6mg/mL BSA-FAF + 5% FCS, G5 = 6mg/mL BSA-FAF + 3.5% FCS + 1.5% EF, G6 = 6mg/mL BSA-FAF + 1.5% FCS + 3.5% EF, G7 = 6mg/mL BSA-FAF + 5% EF, and G8 = 5% FCS + 5% EF). After 24 hours of IVM, oocytes were classified according to the meiotic progression and migration of cortical granules (CG) to the periphery. Maturation rates were evaluated by chi-square test (chi 2) or, when appropriate, by Fisher's exact test, and orthogonal contrasts were performed to isolate effects of the compounds. The group supplemented with BSA-FAF (G2) had a lower number of oocytes that reached MII (75%) compared to the groups G1, G4, G5 and G8 (88.9%, 89.6%, 87% and 86.8%, respectively), with no difference in relation to G3 (79.8%), G6 (82.9%) and G7 (82.9%). Moreover, G3 also showed inferior nuclear maturation rate when compared to G4. Regarding cytoplasmic maturation, the rates were reduced to 43.9%, 43.2%, 43.1% and 36.5% in G2, G7, G6 and G3 groups, respectively, compared to the control group (G1; 62.4%). On the other hand, in the groups G8, G4 and G5, maturation rates were not affected by reduction of FCS, where 59.3%, 51.3% and 50.8% of the oocytes displayed CG arranged peripherally, respectively. The results obtained by the orthogonal contrast test are in accordance with the ones from the evaluation of the nuclear maturation and cortical granules migration. These data show the need of FCS on the MIV, even in low concentrations, and the possibility of decrease its concentration by associating it with BSA-FAF and/or EF. Therefore, we concluded that it is possible to reduce the concentration of FCS in IVM medium to a concentration of 3.5% without affecting nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation rates.

Citations (7)

... Not forgetting that some FCS are toxic and may be contaminated with fungi, viruses, and mycoplasma . Replacement of mammal's serum with other components such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or bovine serum albumin (BSA) in-vitro embryo culture media to treat the problems of serum was a challenge in IVF laps (Watson et al. 2000, Del Collado et al. 2014Quan et al. 2017. Growth factors promoted oocyte maturation in many species (Arat et al. 2016). ...


Effect of Culture Media, Gonadotropins, Proteins, Growth Factors and Hyaluronic Acid on In-Vitro Maturation of Buffalo Oocytes
Effects of reduction or replacement of fetal calf serum by other compounds during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes
  • Citing Article
  • July 2014

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira

... In fact, we observed significant differences between IVF-and AI-produced placentas in the present study. Furthermore, other investigations in our laboratory have shown that important histone changes occur in response simply to different supplements used in IVF systems (Correa et al. 2013;Gaspar et al. 2015). Pregnancy outcome for in vitro-produced embryos (non-NT) is lower than that following transfer of in vivoproduced blastocysts, and fetuses and placentas produced by IVF can have altered morphology and expression of important genes compared with those produced in vivo (Farin et al. 2006). ...

Characterization of the histone H3R29me2 modification during invitro development of bovine embryos
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2013

... Following the early report of Staigmiller and Moor (1984), in which the addition of granulosa cells, gonadotropins, and estradiol to the culture media was found to enable the sheep COCs to mature outside follicles, supplementation of the IVM media with gonadotropins and estradiol has been found to be essential for the acquisition of developmental Print ISSN : Online ISSN : 2230-732X capacity of oocytes in cattle (Brackett et al.1989). Supplementation of the IVM media with FCS (Totey et al. 1993;Daniel et al. 2015) or estrus cow serum (Madan et al. 1994) has also been found to be necessary for achieving high maturation rates for cattle and buffalo oocytes. Supplementing the culture media with various growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1), epidermal growth factor (EGF) and other growth factors also boost up the developmental competence of in vitro cultured bovine oocytes and embryo production (Neira et al. 2010, Thongkittidilok et al. 2015Prasad et al. 2018;Umdor et al. 2021). ...

Supplementation of fetal bovine serum alters histone modification H3R26me2 during preimplantation development of in vitro produced bovine embryos

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira

... It has been more than 20 years since the hypothesis that epigenetic factors play a role in AOS was first pointed out [5] and almost 30 years since the first indication of AOS being an epigenetic syndrome was shown [17]. In the past two decades, many researchers have demonstrated correlations between abnormal phenotypes and epigenetic aberration in AOS [32, [134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141]. The onset of these aberrations has been proposed to be the results of incorrect reprogramming of epigenome in early embryos during critical stages of the preimplantation period [3]. ...

Nuclear transfer alters placental gene expression and associated histone modifications of the placental-specific imprinted gene pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 2 (PHLDA2) in cattle
  • Citing Article
  • August 2015

Reproduction Fertility and Development

... One of the main components of oocyte maturation and embryo culture media is blood serum, with fetal bovine serum (FBS) being the most commonly used. FBS contains high concentrations of several important molecules necessary for proper metabolic functions during preimplantation embryonic development (Del Collado et al., 2015). However, the use of serum presents challenges that can directly impact pregnancy outcomes, including contamination and a lack of standardized results (Paradkar et al., 2019), in addition to the high concentration of lipids. ...

Influence of bovine serum albumin and fetal bovine serum supplementation during in vitro maturation on lipid and mitochondrial behaviour in oocytes and lipid accumulation in bovine embryos

Reproduction Fertility and Development

... Another study reported that both BSA-free medium and FBS supplemented with other compounds (growth factors, cytokines, albumin, and hyaluronan) increased the blastocyst rate and improved embryo development and survival. (44) Del Collado et al. (45) matured oocytes in different concentrations of fatty acid-free BSA and commercial embryonic fluid to compare them against FBS-supplemented media (10 %). The authors concluded that, even at low concentration, FBS is necessary during oocyte maturation. ...

Efeitos da redução ou substituição do soro fetal bovino por outros compostos na maturação in vitro de oócitos bovinos

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira

... Interestingly, by focusing on H3K4me3 and H3K27me3, we further identified atmosO 2 exposure impedes deposition of these two histone methylation marks, potentially contributing to disrupted lineage differentiation and trophoblast cells-specific iXCI in blastocysts. Although earlier studies have reported the effect of oxygen concentrations on embryonic epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, H3K4me2 and H3K9me2 [68,69], the underlying mechanism remains largely underdetermined. Our results, suggest that these atmosO 2 -induced epigenetic barriers may be caused by decreased expression of related histone methyltransferases (writers), and there is a certain correlation with HIF-1α. ...

Oxygen Tension Affects Histone Remodeling of In Vitro Produced Embryos in a Bovine Model
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015
