Rizka Khairia Roza's scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

The Pengembangan Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik untuk MTS/SMP Kelas VII Semester II
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2019


232 Reads


5 Citations



Rizka Khairia Roza

The main problem in the Junior High School of West Rengat is the absence of biology laboratory work guide for the practical activities. The presentation of the biology laboratory work guide in the student work sheets, and text books is still in a cookery model. It is not optimal to support student’s skill in science process. The aimed of this research to produce a valid, practical and efffective biology practical guide based on scientific approach for student at class VII of MTs/SMP in 2nd semester. The research used the Plomp model that has the preliminary research, the prototype phase and assessment phase. The data collect used validator sheet, practicalities by teacher and students questionnaires, observations of student activity sheets, student motivation questionnaire, and the paper-pencil test to cognitive student competence. The data were analyzed with the description of the percentage. The results showed that the biology laboratory work guide based on scientific approach for student at class VII of MTs/SMP in 2nd semester have validation score 83,05% (very valid category), the practicalities score 87,56% (very practice), and effectiveness score 84,36% (very effective). It can conclude that the biology laboratory work-guide based on scientific approach for student at class VII of MTs/SMP in 2nd semester has very valid, practical, and effective.


Citations (1)

... The content aspect of the plant morphology practicum instructions used previously received a percentage of 30%, this was because the practicum instructions were not equipped with rules, theoretical basis, objectives, benefits, scientific method steps, scoring method, and columns for assessing practicum results. This is in line with the research results of Sumarmin & Roza (2019) which stated that practicum objectives that have not been adjusted to the basic competency indicators for the material to be practiced, presenting incomplete information regarding the tools and materials used will result in students not preparing the tools and materials completely. for practical needs, so that the implementation of practical activities will be disrupted. ...


Preliminery Research Phase Analysis as a Basis for Developing a Plant Morphology Practical Guidebook Based on a Scientific Approach
The Pengembangan Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Berbasis Pendekatan Saintifik untuk MTS/SMP Kelas VII Semester II