Richard Pougnet's research while affiliated with Société Française de Cardiologie and other places

Publications (205)

Contexte et problématique : Les études d’odontologie sont décrites dans la littérature comme enthousiasmantes, très tôt professionnalisantes et comme stressantes avec des conséquences potentielles sur la santé mentale des étudiants. Objectif : Évaluer le vécu de l’étudiant-hospitalier à l’Unité de formation et de recherche (UFR) en odontologie de l...
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Long-term alterations of pulmonary function (mainly decreased airway conductance and capacity of the lungs to diffuse carbon monoxide (DLCO)) have been described after hyperbaric exposures. However, whether these alterations convey a higher risk for divers’ safety has never been investigated before. The purpose of the present pilot study was to ass...
Background: First, this analysis was conducted to study a coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cluster dynamic on a cruise ship in order to allow the ship physician to anticipate the duration and importance of the contaminations. Secondly, the author tries to find out if the closed environment on board allows specific conclusions about epidemic dyn...
Joy, fear, disgust, anger, sadness, surprise, emotions are fleeting and natural affects that catch us off guard. Care, as a face-to-face encounter with others, in a sometimes difficult context of serious or chronic pathologies, can become a place of affectivity, all the more so as care crosses the barriers of bodily intimacy. What to do with one's...
Unlabelled: Genome editing, for instance by CRISPR-Cas, is a major advancement of the last 10 years in medicine but questions ethically our practices. In particular, human embryo heritable genome editing is a source of great controversy. We explored how this ethical question was debated in the literature from PubMed database, in a period of 4 year...
Objectives The definition of work-related Asthma (WRA) has changed in recent years and new etiologies and agents have been identified. The aim of this study is to describe the main causal agents of WRA in France in the period 2001–2018 in the main work sectors. Methods Data were collected from the French national network of occupational health sur...
HIV is not exclusive to the young population. Emotional life continues with age, and 20% of new cases of infection in France are among people over 50. This is therefore a public health issue for "seniors".
As we have just commemorated the 40th anniversary of the discovery of AIDS, which was described in 1981 and declared a pandemic 20 years ago, in 2002, we are tracing the history of the disease in order to promote awareness of the imaginary nature of the disease. A useful approach to the care of the HIV-positive person.
Without claiming to circumscribe the human experience and the distress of patients and caregivers, health professionals who lived through the "dark years" before 1996 and the advent of triple therapy testify and share their memories.
As the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has become a chronic disease, the question of becoming a parent arises for HIV-positive people. There are several answers to this question, depending on the situation. Here is an overview of the risks and possibilities of procreation with HIV.
HIV infection has gone from being an AIDS disease, with a more or less short term vital prognosis, in the 1980s, to a chronic disease, and a life of HIV positive people. From a formal point of view, how has HIV infection been prevented? Where are we today, between triple therapy treatments and pre- and post-exposure treatments?
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Objectives: To assess trends in overall health (mental and physical) and psychosocial factors in a population of workers (both healthcare and non-healthcare) in a French teaching hospital during the first year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in France. Methods: A validated version of the SATIN questionnaire with adapted scoring was used to collect da...
Résumé Introduction Le tabagisme est considéré comme le première cause de mortalité évitable dans le monde en 2021, provoquant de nombreuses pathologies. Le taux de tabagisme dans le Finistère est important. Ainsi, l’ARS a financé une campagne de prévention "hôpital et campus sans tabac" à Brest. Les étudiants en santé fument pour 17,8 % et vapote...
The objective of this qualitative study was to highlight the facilitating measures and difficulties encountered in continuing breastfeeding when returning to work at the Brest Regional University Hospital. The eleven mothers interviewed were able to take advantage of the solidarity in the care services to carry out their project, but simple institu...
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We report a case of occupational allergy to salmon combining allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and allergic contact urticaria in a 59-year-old salmon-processing worker. Parvalbumin is the most common allergen, but indeed sensitisation to tropomyosin, preservatives and spices could occur.
Résumé Durant les premiers mois de la pandémie de Sars-Cov-2, les soignants français ont fait face à des situations difficiles, des remaniements d’organisation, et des recommandations évoluant rapidement. Les médecins du travail des personnels hospitaliers devaient quant à eux accompagner les soignants, à la fois pour répondre à leurs questions, à...
Résumé Pratiquer une activité professionnelle au sein d’un environnement hyperbare expose l’être humain à des contraintes liées non seulement à l’augmentation de la pression barométrique caractérisant, en atmosphère sèche, la phase de compression ou, en immersion, la descente mais aussi à la décompression lors de la phase de retour à un environneme...
Résumé Introduction Des niveaux d’exposition élevés au bruit ont été notifiés chez les marins pêcheurs. Peu d’études ont été menées sur la perte auditive dans la population de marins français. Méthodes Nous avons extrait les données démographiques et les déficits audiométriques réalisés chez des marins pêcheurs français, en 2018 et 2019, lors de...
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Background: A high level of occupational noise exposure has been noted in the fishing sector. Yet, less is known regarding other navigation groups, such as merchant seafarers, since a French study in the 1980s. This study assesses hearing impairment (HI) in a French merchant seafarers' population. Methods: We collected data of all audiograms per...
Résumé Le genome editing est une technique de modification génétique. Elle a été employée de manière illicite sur des embryons en phase préimplantatoire, créant l’affaire des CRISPR babies en 2018. Un moratoire a rapidement été émis. De nombreux articles ont été écrits pour développer la réflexion éthique. Toutefois, les débats se sont focalisé sur...
The pandemic has highlighted the self-sacrifice of caregivers, who are ready to give themselves for their patients. But what does it mean? The caregiver gives himself; but, by putting on a good face, he gives a distorted image of himself. This gift of a "non-self" is a gift of his "caregiver-self". Awareness of this aspect can help to better listen...
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Résumé Introduction: Nous avons mené, dans le cadre d’une campagne Hôpital et Campus Sans Tabac, une étude de prévalence du tabagisme et du vapotage auprès des personnels d’un CHRU. Matériel et méthodes: Etude transversale par questionnaire online, au sujet du tabagisme et du vapotage, se déroulant entre le 01/01/2020 et le 15/12/2020 Résultats: 78...
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Objective To compare global health, mental health impact of work stressors and psychosocial perception of healthcare workers (HCWs) and non-HCWs in a hospital after the first peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in France. Methods A validated version of the SATIN (Santé Au Travail Inrs université Nancy 2)questionnaire with adapted scoring was used to col...
Résumé La pandémie de covid-19 manque l’opinion publique par l’ampleur et la violence des débats scientifiques et médicaux. Les patients peuvent parfois dire qu’ils n’ont jamais vu autant de médecins dans les journaux. Chacun y va de son opinion et certains utilisent les réseaux sociaux. Pourtant, en dépit des publications massives sur la pandémie,...
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This study compared the impact on mental health and the psychosocial perceptions of medical residents and healthcare workers (HCWs) in a hospital after the first peak of the SARS-CoV2 outbreak in France. A validated version of the SATIN questionnaire with a modified scoring system was used to collect data on health and psychosocial factors. This qu...
Résumé Les marins sont exposés à de multiples risques physiques et psychiques. Au cours des dernières années, des études ont mis en exergue des pathologies spécifiques comme la fatigue, l’ennui mais aussi des syndromes anxiodépressifs. Les marins sont également à risque de développer des syndromes de stress post-traumatique (piraterie, accidents de...
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Seafarers are exposed to several physical and psychosocial stressors. Recent studies highlighted specific disorders as fatigue, boredom and diseases as depression. Seafarers are also commonly exposed to post-traumatic stress disorder (piracy, accidents, threats). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) impacts seafarers with an estimated 400,000 of who...
Chapter 6. Lie and discretion of patient in the age of digital medicine? New technologies have profoundly changed the socialization as well as the care pathway. Digital medicine is taking a new turn with the emergence of connected drugs, making it possible to monitor the taking of treatment. In the United States, a connected drug used for the treat...
Pneumocystis jirovecii DNA was detected using a-PCR assay in air samples collected using an air-liquid impaction device at one-meter distance from three out of fourteen infants who were developed Pneumocystis primary infection. P. jirovecii genotype identification was successful in one out of three pairs of air. Matching of P. jirovecii genotypes b...
Résumé Introduction Le tabagisme est l’une des principales causes évitables de mort dans le monde. Certaines études ont montré, chez les soignants et les étudiants en santé, des prévalences du tabagisme proches de celle de la population générale. L’objet de cet article était d’étudier la prévalence auprès des étudiants en santé (médecine, odontolo...
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Background The purposes of the study were first to determine the incidence rate of medical unfitness for work at sea among French seafarers, second to identify the conditions (diseases or accidents) causing such incapacity so as to set up prevention measures where possible and third to ascertain whether there were any overrepresentations of disease...
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This paper is focused on mental health among hospital doctors. This is a review of the literature dated January 1, 2005-December 31, 2019, from the MedLine and Scopus databases. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety disorders ranged 2.2-14.6% and 10.5-19.3%, respectively. Several risk factors were significant, such as having...
In France, several caregivers have died of COVID-19. Certain pathologies or treatments were correlated with more severe forms. What measures have been put in place to protect the health of hospital caregivers who are particularly exposed?
Introduction Le radon est un gaz naturel radioactif émanant des sous-sols et qui s’accumule dans les locaux mal ventilés. Reconnu comme cancérigène pulmonaire certain et seconde cause de mortalité par cancer du poumon après le tabagisme, il serait responsable de 3000 morts par an en France. L’effet submultiplicatif de la co-exposition radon-tabac e...
Introduction Les sages-femmes sont soumises à de nombreuses contraintes professionnelles. Ces contraintes peuvent varier selon le lieu de travail (hôpital, indépendant, etc.). Elles peuvent entraîner des problèmes de santé. L’Objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la prévalence du syndrome d’épuisement professionnel dans l’ouest de la France et se...
Introduction En France, le suivi des plongeurs professionnels est réglementé. La société française de médecine du travail et la société française de médecine hyperbare ont émis des recommandations de suivi pour les plongeurs professionnels. Les décisions médicales peuvent être l’absence de contre-indication ; mais il peut s’agit d’avis particuliers...
Introduction Au début des années 1970 dans la pointe du Finistère, la France installe sa base militaire de sous-marins stratégiques nucléaires. Dans la rade Brest et à l’Île Longue seront établis l’ensemble de structures nécessaires à l’organisation, l’entretien et le développement de la flottille des sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d’engins de la...
Background: Seafarers are a special population. The issue of sexually transmitted diseases among seafarers is as old as navigation itself, and is a public health issue and a matter of concern for seafarers themselves. The purpose of this article is to review the literature on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in professional seafarers in the...
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The midwifery profession varies greatly from one country to another. There are, however, a number of common features such as exposure to biological risks through contact with pregnant women and women in labor, exposure to postural stresses during examinations and medical acts, but also, increasingly, exposure to organizational constraints (work sch...
Midwives are subject to many constraints, which can vary depending on the mode of practice. A study was carried out among professionals practising in a French region, in order to assess the prevalence of the burnout syndrome and its risk factors. Midwives working in hospitals seem to be the most affected by burnout.
In the current context of the health crisis brought about by the Covid-19 epidemic, the implementation of good practices in terms of preventing contagion and the respect of good hygiene practices is vital. The hospital hygiene teams must be involved in raising awareness of these good practices. They rely notably on hygiene resource paramedical prac...
Résumé La première année commune aux études de santé (PACES) est sanctionnée par un concours qui permet aux élèves de s’orienter vers les différentes filières de santé (médecine, odontologie, maïeutique, etc.). Hélas, beaucoup d’étudiants, pourtant méritants, n’ont aucun accès à une formation de santé en fin de PACES. Le concours s’inscrit dans une...
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Background: In France, the monitoring of professional divers is regulated. Several learned societies (French Occupational Medicine Society, French Hyperbaric Medicine Society and French Maritime Medicine Society) have issued follow-up recommendations for professional divers, including medical follow-up. Medical decisions could be temporary unfitne...
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Background: The study was aimed at assessing changes in respiratory function after 15 years of profes- sional diving, among scientific divers. Materials and methods: A retrospective study was performed on divers who underwent an initial visit and a visit 15 years later at the same medical centre, among divers who had a scientific activity (monit...
Résumé Le dossier médical partagé (DMP) se met en place en France fin 2018. Il est issu d’un lent processus de réflexions politiques, éthiques, techniques. Il s’agit d’un dossier médical numérique destiné à favoriser la prévention, la qualité, la continuité et la prise en charge coordonnée des soins des patients. En tant que déploiement d’un nouvel...
Résumé Introduction les internes en médecine constituent une population à risque de troubles réactionnels au travail. L’objet de cette étude était de qualifier par la narration les facteurs perçus comme positifs et ceux perçus comme négatifs au travail pour les internes d’une université française. Matériel et méthode Il s’agissait d’une étude qua...
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Background: Occupational divers are prone to many health risks. For instance, they can get infections. We reviewed the infectious diseases in occupational divers. Materials and methods: This is a literature review which went on up to 31.12.2017. The research was carried out on Medline and Scopus databases, in French and English languages. Resul...
Introduction: Smoking cessation is a public health priority. Several prevention campaigns exist, including this one of the "month without tobacco", made in November in France. Healthcare workers have an important role to play in stopping smoking, while many of the healthcare workers are themselves smokers. The purpose of this article is to study t...
Introduction: The odd risk ratio for an asbestos-related disease is 6.9 for National Defense personnel and 94% of the victims who are compensated belong to the French Navy. While employment-exposure matrices exist for the civilian environment, none are available to the military. Our work consists of the creation of the first employment-exposure ma...
Introduction Les internes en médecine sont à la fois étudiants et salariés, le plus souvent en institutions. L’internat fait l’objet d’une réforme depuis la rentrée 2017 ; les internes progressent en paliers successifs : en première année, ils doivent apprendre les fondements de leur spécialité. Théoriquement, à partir de la deuxième année, ils dev...
Introduction Au cours de l’internat en médecin, les internes sont soumis à une forte charge de travail. Ceci peut avoir un impact sur leur santé. Dans une revue de la littérature, la prévalence du syndrome d’épuisement professionnel était de 33,2 %. Or la grossesse et la maternité impliquent des changements physiques et psychologiques, rendant peut...
Introduction L’addiction au travail ou ergomanie est une pathologie décrite depuis les années 1970. Le travail de médecin hospitalier comprend plusieurs facteurs de risque d’ergomanie. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la prévalence de cette pathologie sur un CHRU et d’analyser le lien avec une dimension de la souffrance au travail, le déséqu...


... The constant flow of new SARS-CoV-2 medical information (such as transmission modes, the R0 reproduction number, and evolving SARS-CoV-2 virulence) combined with Europe's PPE shortage [16,17] made risk assessment more difficult for biosafety experts [18]. As a result, inappropriate biosafety guidelines or outdated guidelines may exacerbate EMS staff fatigue and stress [19], induce over-protection or under-protection against the biological threat [20], and reduce trust in biosafety advisories [21]. Our findings also suggest that healthcare workers who have only received "basic life support" training may struggle with complex biosafety terminology. ...
... Evaluating the skin for the presence of any rashes should also be performed as contact urticaria can also be seen in association with occupational diseases. For example, Lucas and colleagues report the case of a worker assigned to the salmon-filleting line who would develop daily symptoms of rhinitis with dry cough within minutes to an hour after starting his workday [42]. This worker would also develop urticaria after 30 minutes of coming in touch with water from salmon preservative tanks [42]. ...
... A large retrospective research was recently carried out among French commercial seafarers to emphasize hearing impairment. The study results are consistent with our findings, which indicate that working in an engine room is a significant risk factor for hearing impairment (42). ...
... Though that was not his ultimate goal, he was convinced that by sailing west instead of going east as the Portuguese, by the Treaty of 1494, owned all lands to the east. Magellan, generations before his time, believed that he could map out a new route to Indonesia and India and, by finding the Spice Islands, claim certain fame and even fortune [8,9]. Magellan set sail from Spain in 1519 in five bedraggled ships that the Spanish Crown easily parted with having little faith that he would not double cross and return to Portugal. ...
... Mencapai tiga gol sekaligus bukanlah hal yang mudah. Terkait dengan ketenagakerjaan, bagaimana kita dapat mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi sekaligus memastikan kesejahteraan pekerja, termasuk upah yang adil (Pougnet, Pougnet, Dewitte, Lucas, & Loddé, 2021). ...
... Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions to healthcare delivery (1)(2)(3), with significant pressures on the healthcare workforce. Potential occupational infectious exposures (4)(5)(6), heavy patient burdens, mental health stresses, stigmatization, and concerns about family transmission (7)(8)(9)(10)(11) have all contributed to health care worker (HCW) stress. One factor that has become much more prominent is the problem of staff shortages (12,13). ...
... ETIQE-656; No. ofPages 8 Éthique et santé xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx ceux des autres services, permettait de se tenir à jour des principalement données, de les partager, de les critiquer, de se les approprier au mieux. Formuler le rapport à la connaissance de cette manière souligne le manque d'adhésion ou de conviction que les médecins pouvaient avoir en leurs données à un instant donné, au début de la pandémie, faisant revisiter une partie du pouvoir médical, celui du savoir[22].Humilité de reconnaître que l'on a eu tort a posterioriIl fallut en effet être humble en cette période de remise en question du savoir et de la capacité d'action de la médecine. Les conseils d'un jour pouvaient être invalidés par les publications d'un autre jour. ...
... Such data have also been reported in other parts of the world [6,14]. We also found that being a medical resident leads to a risk of stress, mental health impacts, and a negative perception of the organizational context and work demands [15]. ...
... Subsequently, increases in fatigue and limited opportunities to get restorative sleep on board can compromise the mental health of seafarers. Among the young crew members, work overload, stress, exhaustion, lack of social life, and lack of support are frequently reported (Lucas et al., 2021). ...
... Several seroepidemiologic surveys revealed that the majority (70-80%) of healthy children were seropositive for P. jirovecii [38][39][40]. P. jirovecii was detected in air samples within 1 to 8 m from patients with PCP or P. jirovecii colonization and intensive care unit (ICU) HCWs, suggesting airborne spread [32,34,36,[41][42][43]. Additionally, recent analyses with metagenomic data sets have focused on the frequent air shedding of P. jirovecii and their transmission from PCP-confirmed patients, supporting early epidemiologic data [44]. ...