Ricarda Schwab's research while affiliated with Universität Heidelberg and other places

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Publications (2)

P-076 The impact of heterogeneous disease distribution on MRD detection in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma
  • Article

September 2023


24 Reads



Christos Sachpekidis





Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Aberrant Plasma Cell Assessment by Next-Generation Flow Cytometry in MM Patients
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2022


35 Reads


1 Citation

Blood Advances


Citations (1)

... Flow cytometry-based MRD: analysis involves examining blood or bone marrow cells using a flow cytometer to identify any remaining myeloma cells. This technique is known for its efficiency and simplicity, allowing for convenient monitoring of disease progression and response to treatment [24][25][26]. ...


Next Generation Sequencing in Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma
Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Aberrant Plasma Cell Assessment by Next-Generation Flow Cytometry in MM Patients

Blood Advances