Ren-Ke Li's research while affiliated with First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University and other places

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Publications (389)

Conductive Hydrogel Restores Electrical Conduction to Promote Neurological Recovery in a Rat Model
  • Article

April 2024


9 Reads

Tissue Engineering Part A


Alina Yao





Ren-Ke Li

Spinal cord injury (SCI), caused by significant physical trauma, as well as other pathological conditions, results in electrical signaling disruption and loss of bodily functional control below the injury site. Conductive biomaterials have been considered a promising approach for treating SCI, owing to their ability to restore electrical connections between intact spinal cord portions across the injury site. In this study, we evaluated the ability of a conductive hydrogel, poly-3-amino-4-methoxybenzoic acid-gelatin (PAMB-G), to restore electrical signaling and improve neuronal regeneration in a rat SCI model generated using the compression clip method. Gelatin or PAMB-G was injected at the SCI site, yielding three groups: Control (saline), Gelatin, and PAMB-G. During the 8-week study, PAMB-G, compared to Control, had significantly lower proinflammatory factor expression, such as for tumor necrosis factor -α (0.388 ± 0.276 for PAMB-G vs. 1.027 ± 0.431 for Control) and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 (0.443 ± 0.201 for PAMB-G vs. 1.662 ± 0.912 for Control). In addition, PAMB-G had lower astrocyte and microglia numbers (35.75 ± 4.349 and 40.75 ± 7.890, respectively) compared to Control (50.75 ± 6.5 and 64.75 ± 10.72) and Gelatin (48.75 ± 4.787 and 71.75 ± 7.411). PAMB-G-treated rats also had significantly greater preservation and regeneration of remaining intact neuronal tissue (0.523 ± 0.059% mean white matter in PAMB-G vs 0.377 ± 0.044% in Control and 0.385 ± 0.051% in Gelatin) caused by reduced apoptosis and increased neuronal growth-associated gene expression. All these processes stemmed from PAMB-G facilitating increased electrical signaling conduction, leading to locomotive functional improvements, in the form of increased Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan scores and steeper angles in the slope test (76.667 ± 5.164 for PAMB-G, vs. 59.167 ± 4.916 for Control and 58.333 ± 4.082 for Gelatin), as well as reduced gastrocnemius muscle atrophy (0.345 ± 0.085 for PAMB-G, vs. 0.244 ± 0.021 for Control and 0.210 ± 0.058 for Gelatin). In conclusion, PAMB-G injection post-SCI resulted in improved electrical signaling conduction, which contributed to lowered inflammation and apoptosis, increased neuronal growth, and greater bodily functional control, suggesting its potential as a viable treatment for SCI.


A Novel Conductive Polypyrrole‐Chitosan Hydrogel Containing Human Endometrial Mesenchymal Stem Cell‐Derived Exosomes Facilitated Sustained Release for Cardiac Repair (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 10/2024)

April 2024


6 Reads

Advanced Healthcare Materials

Advanced Healthcare Materials

Diabetes increases the size and concentration of plasma sEVs. (a) Cryo-EM images of EVs isolated by SEC from the plasma of db/db and db/+ mice as well as diabetic and non-diabetic participants. A representative image is shown, with arrowheads indicating lipid-bilayer morphology consistent with sEV structure. Scale bar, 200 nm. (b) Canonical sEV markers CD63 and ALIX were assessed by immunoblot in SEC-enriched samples from non-diabetic and diabetic human plasma; n=3 biological replicates per group are shown. (c) Quantification of particles/µg of protein from murine (p=0.72, n=14 biological replicates) and human (p=0.0012, n=15 biological replicates) sEVs isolated from plasma using SEC. High particle concentrations compared with protein concentration are indicative of pure sEV samples. (d) Validation of NTA using SEC-eluted (mock-treated) filtered PBS−/−, 100 nm control polystyrene beads, and 200 nm polystyrene beads. Values are presented as the mean ± SD (n=3 technical replicates). (e) NTA traces of aggregated sEV-enriched fractions (n=3 biological replicates per group) from mice or humans. (f) Quantification of the concentration of sEVs from murine (p<0.001, n=14 biological replicates) and human (p<0.001, n=15 replicates) plasma. (g) Quantification of the mean particle size of sEVs from murine (p<0.001, n=14 biological replicates) and human (p<0.001, n=15 replicates) plasma. (c, f, g) Boxes depict the median with upper and lower quartiles and the whiskers depict the minimum and maximum. The data were analysed using the Mann–Whitney test; (**p<0.01, ***p<0.001)
sEVs isolated by ExoQuick from diabetic mouse plasma induce rapid and sustained increases in endothelial permeability, dependent on vesicle surface proteins. (a) Traces of normalised cell index using xCELLigence-based impedance measurements in confluent HUVEC monolayers treated with PBS−/− (set to 0) or sEVs isolated by ExoQuick from an equal volume of either db/+ (n=3) or db/db (n=3) mouse plasma; arrow indicates the time point when sEVs were added. (b) Schematic showing the proteinase K treatment protocol of total vesicular precipitates (created with (c) A transwell permeability assay was performed in b.End3 brain ECs exposed for 1 h (acute) to PBS or ExoQuick-isolated sEVs (db/+ or db/db) isolated from an equal volume of plasma; VEGF was added for 30 min as a positive control. (d) Permeability in b.End3 cells treated for 24 h (chronic) with ExoQuick-isolated sEVs (db/+ or db/db) from an equal volume of plasma with or without proteinase K pre-treatment. (e) Permeability in HUVECs following a 1 h treatment (acute) with ExoQuick-isolated sEVs (db/+ or db/db) from an equal volume of plasma with or without proteinase K pre-treatment. (f) Permeability in HUVECs following 24 h treatment (chronic) with ExoQuick-isolated sEVs (db/+ or db/db) from an equal volume of plasma with or without proteinase K pre-treatment. The number of biological replicates is indicated in the figure at the bottom of each bar in (c–f). For (c–f) data are relative to the PBS control and are displayed as fold of PBS. The data were analysed using ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test; **p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Values are presented as the mean ± SD. A.U., arbitrary units
sEVs isolated by SEC from diabetic mouse or human plasma induce rapid and sustained increases in endothelial permeability. (a) Schematic detailing the SEC protocol for the enrichment of sEVs from murine and human plasma (see ESM Figs 2, 3 for further details and quality control metrics) (created with (b) Kinetics of transwell permeability in HUVEC confluent monolayers treated with various amounts of SEC-isolated db/db plasma sEVs for the specified periods, demonstrating that leakage occurs rapidly following treatment in a concentration-dependent manner (n=3 biological replicates). FITC–dextran levels are indicated as relative fluorescence units. (c) Permeability in HUVECs following 1 h treatment (acute) with SEC-isolated sEVs (db/+ or db/db mice) from an equal volume of plasma. (d) Permeability in HUVECs following 24 h treatment (chronic) with SEC-isolated sEVs (db/+ or db/db mice) from an equal volume of plasma. (e) Permeability in HUVECs following 1 h treatment (acute) with SEC-isolated sEVs (diabetic or non-diabetic humans) from an equal volume of plasma. (f) Permeability in HUVECs following 24 h treatment (chronic) with SEC-isolated sEVs (diabetic or non-diabetic humans) from an equal volume of plasma. VEGF was used as a positive control in panels (c–e), and thrombin was used as a positive control in panel (f). In (c–f), the number of biological replicates is indicated at the bottom of each bar; data are relative to the PBS control and are displayed as fold of PBS. The data were analysed using ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test *p<0.05, **p<0.01. Values are presented as the mean ± SD. RT, room temperature
sEVs from diabetic mice induce cerebrovascular permeability in vivo. (a) Schematic detailing the two-photon intravital microscopy protocol utilised to examine cerebrovascular permeability (created with (b) Representative still images from in vivo multiphoton intravital microscopy videos following retro-orbital injection of 70 kDa Texas Red–dextran and 10 kDa FITC–dextran into 14-week-old db/+ or db/db mice (BKS background) 45 min after injection. Arrowheads indicate regions of leakage of the 10 kDa tracer. Scale bar, 25 μm. db/+, n=4 biological replicates; db/db, n=3 biological replicates. (c) Assessment of 10 kDa FITC–dextran and 70 kDa Texas Red–dextran leakage over a 45 min period in db/+ and db/db mice with the change in fluorescence quantified over the observed region of interest (ΔF/F). Time zero was set to 1 for each group. (d) Total normalised leakage intensity over a 45 min time period quantified over total threshold area in db/+ and db/db mice. Data are plotted as fold of db/+. **p<0.01 by unpaired t test. (e) Representative still images from in vivo multiphoton intravital microscopy videos following retro-orbital injection of 70 kDa Texas Red–dextran and 10 kDa FITC–dextran into wild-type C57Bl/6J mice that were injected retro-orbitally with db/+ or db/db sEVs isolated from an equal volume of plasma (after 45 min). Scale bar, 25 μm. db/+ sEVs, n=4 biological replicates; db/db sEVs, n=3 biological replicates. (f) Assessment of 10 kDa FITC–dextran and 70 kDa Texas Red–dextran leakage over a 45 min period immediately after sEV injection with the change in fluorescence quantified over the observed region of interest (ΔF/F). Time zero was set to 1 for each group. (g) Total normalised leakage intensity over a 45 min period quantified over the total threshold area in mice treated with db/+ and db/db EVs. Data are presented as fold of db/+ EVs. *p<0.05 by unpaired t test. (d, g) Boxes depict the median with upper and lower quartiles and the whiskers depict the minimum and maximum
In the diabetic state sEVs are enriched in proteins predicted to modulate pathways involved in cell–cell junctions and cytoskeletal dynamics and activate MAPK and RAS/Rho-GTPase pathways. (a, b) Volcano plot representations of sEV proteins regulated by diabetic phenotypes from either murine (a) or human (b) plasma. Blue squares represent proteins that are significantly downregulated and red squares represent proteins that are upregulated by the respective conditions (n=3 biological replicates, p<0.05). (c, d) Top 20 enriched Gene Ontology terms from proteins upregulated by diabetes in murine (c) and human (d) sEVs. The x-axis shows the ratio of genes in the category that are differentially expressed with a false-discovery rate <0.05 (enrichment of functions related to the actin cytoskeleton and junctions are highlighted in red). (e) Phospho-proteomics was performed on HUVECs treated with sEVs isolated from an equal volume of plasma from non-diabetic or diabetic participants for 1 h to assess the relevancy of identified sEV-enriched proteins. Gene Ontology analysis revealed an enrichment of functional changes related to the actin cytoskeleton and junctions (highlighted in red). (f) Signalling pathway analysis of phospho-proteomics data revealed enrichment of signalling pathways linked to RAS/MAPK and ROCK signalling through Rho GTPases. BRAF, B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase; RAF, rapidly accelerated fibrosarcoma; RAS, rat sarcoma virus


Circulating small extracellular vesicles mediate vascular hyperpermeability in diabetes
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


62 Reads


1 Citation


Aims/hypothesis A hallmark chronic complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus is vascular hyperpermeability, which encompasses dysfunction of the cerebrovascular endothelium and the subsequent development of associated cognitive impairment. The present study tested the hypothesis that during type 2 diabetes circulating small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) exhibit phenotypic changes that facilitate pathogenic disruption of the vascular barrier. Methods sEVs isolated from the plasma of a mouse model of type 2 diabetes and from diabetic human individuals were characterised for their ability to disrupt the endothelial cell (EC) barrier. The contents of sEVs and their effect on recipient ECs were assessed by proteomics and identified pathways were functionally interrogated with small molecule inhibitors. Results Using intravital imaging, we found that diabetic mice (Leprdb/db) displayed hyperpermeability of the cerebrovasculature. Enhanced vascular leakiness was recapitulated following i.v. injection of sEVs from diabetic mice into non-diabetic recipient mice. Characterisation of circulating sEV populations from the plasma of diabetic mice and humans demonstrated increased quantity and size of sEVs compared with those isolated from non-diabetic counterparts. Functional experiments revealed that sEVs from diabetic mice or humans induced the rapid and sustained disruption of the EC barrier through enhanced paracellular and transcellular leak but did not induce inflammation. Subsequent sEV proteome and recipient EC phospho-proteome analysis suggested that extracellular vesicles (sEVs) from diabetic mice and humans modulate the MAPK/MAPK kinase (MEK) and Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) pathways, cell–cell junctions and actin dynamics. This was confirmed experimentally. Treatment of sEVs with proteinase K or pre-treatment of recipient cells with MEK or ROCK inhibitors reduced the hyperpermeability-inducing effects of circulating sEVs in the diabetic state. Conclusions/interpretation Diabetes is associated with marked increases in the concentration and size of circulating sEVs. The modulation of sEV-associated proteins under diabetic conditions can induce vascular leak through activation of the MEK/ROCK pathway. These data identify a new paradigm by which diabetes can induce hyperpermeability and dysfunction of the cerebrovasculature and may implicate sEVs in the pathogenesis of cognitive decline during type 2 diabetes. Graphical Abstract


Role of TRAK1 variants in epilepsy: genotype-phenotype analysis in a pediatric case of epilepsy with developmental disorder

February 2024


1 Read

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience

Purpose The TRAK1 gene is mapped to chromosome 3p22.1 and encodes trafficking protein kinesin binding 1. The aim of this study was to investigate the genotype–phenotype of TRAK1 -associated epilepsy. Methods Trio-based whole-exome sequencing was performed on a cohort of 98 patients with epilepsy of unknown etiologies. Protein modeling and the VarCards database were used to predict the damaging effects of the variants. Detailed neurological phenotypes of all patients with epilepsy having TRAK1 variants were analyzed to assess the genotype–phenotype correlations. Results A novel TRAK1 compound heterozygous variant comprising variant c.835C > T, p.Arg279Cys and variant c.2560A > C, p.Lys854Gln was identified in one pediatric patient. Protein modeling and VarCards database analyses revealed that the variants were damaging. The patient received a diagnosis of early infantile epileptic spasms with a developmental disorder; he became seizure-free through valproate and adrenocorticotropic hormone treatment. Further results for six variants in 12 patients with epilepsy indicated that biallelic TRAK1 variants (including homozygous or compound heterozygous variants) were associated with epilepsy with developmental disorders. Among these patients, eight (67%) had epileptic spasms and seven (58%) were intractable to anti-seizure medicines. Moreover, eight patients experienced refractory status epilepticus, of which seven (88%) died in early life. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of epilepsy caused by TRAK1 compound heterozygous variants. Conclusion Biallelic TRAK1 variants can cause epilepsy and developmental disorders. In these patients, seizures progress to status epilepticus, suggesting a high risk for poor outcomes and the requirement of early treatment.

Uterine Immunoprivileged Cells Restore Cardiac Function of Male Recipients After Myocardial Infarction

January 2024


29 Reads

Stem Cells

It has been documented that the uterus plays a key cardio-protective role in pre-menopausal women, which is supported by uterine cell therapy, to preserve cardiac functioning post-myocardial infarction (MI), being effective among females. However, whether such therapies would also be beneficial among males is still largely unknown. In this study, we aimed to fill in this gap in knowledge by examining the effects of transplanted uterine cells on infarcted male hearts. We identified, based on major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) expression levels, 3 uterine reparative cell populations: MHC-I(neg), MHC-I(mix), and MHC-I(pos). In vitro, MHC-I(neg) cells showed higher levels of pro-angiogenic, pro-survival, and anti-inflammatory factors, compared to MHC-I(mix) and MHC-I(pos). Furthermore, when co-cultured with allogeneic mixed leukocytes, MHC-I(neg) had lower cytotoxicity and leukocyte proliferation. In particular, CD8+ cytotoxic T cells significantly decreased, while CD4+CD25+ Tregs and CD4-CD8- double negative T cells significantly increased when co-cultured with MHC-I(neg), compared to MHC-I(mix) and MHC-I(pos) co-cultures. In vivo, MHC-I(neg), as well as MHC-I(mix), were found, under both syngeneic and allogeneic transplantation in infarcted male hearts, to significantly improve cardiac function and reduce scar size, via promoting angiogenesis in the infarcted area. All of these findings thus support the view that males could also benefit from the cardio-protective effects observed among females, via cell therapy approaches involving the transplantation of immuno-privileged uterine reparative cells in infarcted hearts.

A Novel Conductive Polypyrrole‐Chitosan Hydrogel Containing Human Endometrial Mesenchymal Stem Cell‐Derived Exosomes Facilitated Sustained Release for Cardiac Repair

January 2024


17 Reads


3 Citations

Advanced Healthcare Materials

Advanced Healthcare Materials

Myocardial infarction (MI) results in cardiomyocyte necrosis and conductive system damage, leading to sudden cardiac death and heart failure. Studies have shown that conductive biomaterials can restore cardiac conduction, but cannot facilitate tissue regeneration. This study aims to add regenerative capabilities to the conductive biomaterial by incorporating human endometrial mesenchymal stem cell (hEMSC)‐derived exosomes (hEMSC‐Exo) into poly‐pyrrole‐chitosan (PPY‐CHI), to yield an injectable hydrogel that can effectively treat MI. In vitro, PPY‐CHI/hEMSC‐Exo, compared to untreated controls, PPY‐CHI, or hEMSC‐Exo alone, alleviates H2O2‐induced apoptosis and promotes tubule formation, while in vivo, PPY‐CHI/hEMSC‐Exo improves post‐MI cardiac functioning, along with counteracting against ventricular remodeling and fibrosis. All these activities are facilitated via increased epidermal growth factor (EGF)/phosphoinositide 3‐kinase (PI3K)/AKT signaling. Furthermore, the conductive properties of PPY‐CHI/hEMSC‐Exo are able to resynchronize cardiac electrical transmission to alleviate arrythmia. Overall, PPY‐CHI/hEMSC‐Exo synergistically combines the cardiac regenerative capabilities of hEMSC‐Exo with the conductive properties of PPY‐CHI to improve cardiac functioning, via promoting angiogenesis and inhibiting apoptosis, as well as resynchronizing electrical conduction, to ultimately enable more effective MI treatment. Therefore, incorporating exosomes into a conductive hydrogel provides dual benefits in terms of maintaining conductivity, along with facilitating long‐term exosome release and sustained application of their beneficial effects.

B Cells Promote T Cell Immunosenescence and Mammalian Aging Parameters

September 2023


48 Reads


1 Citation

A dysregulated adaptive immune system is a key feature of aging, and is associated with age-related chronic diseases and mortality. Most notably, aging is linked to a loss in the diversity of the T cell repertoire and expansion of activated inflammatory age-related T cell subsets, though the main drivers of these processes are largely unknown. Here, we find that T cell aging is directly influenced by B cells. Using multiple models of B cell manipulation and single-cell omics, we find B cells to be a major cell type that is largely responsible for the age-related reduction of naive T cells, their associated differentiation towards pathogenic immunosenescent T cell subsets, and for the clonal restriction of their T cell receptor (TCR). Accordingly, we find that these pathogenic shifts can be therapeutically targeted via CD20 monoclonal antibody treatment. Mechanistically, we uncover a new role for insulin receptor signaling in influencing age-related B cell pathogenicity that in turn induces T cell dysfunction and a decline in healthspan parameters. These results establish B cells as a pivotal force contributing to age-associated adaptive immune dysfunction and healthspan outcomes, and suggest new modalities to manage aging and related multi-morbidity. One Sentence Summary Insulin receptor signaling facilitates the induction of age associated B cell inflammatory changes, which drive phenotypic aging of the T cell compartment and adverse outcomes to mammalian healthspan parameters.

Combination human umbilical cord perivascular and endothelial colony forming cell therapy for ischemic cardiac injury

August 2023


69 Reads


1 Citation

npj Regenerative Medicine

Cell-based therapeutics are promising interventions to repair ischemic cardiac tissue. However, no single cell type has yet been found to be both specialized and versatile enough to heal the heart. The synergistic effects of two regenerative cell types including endothelial colony forming cells (ECFC) and first-trimester human umbilical cord perivascular cells (FTM HUCPVC) with endothelial cell and pericyte properties respectively, on angiogenic and regenerative properties were tested in a rat model of myocardial infarction (MI), in vitro tube formation and Matrigel plug assay. The combination of FTM HUCPVCs and ECFCs synergistically reduced fibrosis and cardiomyocyte apoptosis, while promoting favorable cardiac remodeling and contractility. These effects were in part mediated by ANGPT2, PDGF-β, and VEGF-C. PDGF-β signaling-dependent synergistic effects on angiogenesis were also observed in vitro and in vivo. FTM HUCPVCs and ECFCs represent a cell combination therapy for promoting and sustaining vascularization following ischemic cardiac injury.

Citations (58)

... It was observed that the PPY-CHI/hEMSC-Exos reduced apoptosis and promoted angiogenesis Gels 2024, 10, 196 8 of 17 in a rat MI model. Furthermore, the in vivo injection of PPY-CHI/hEMSC-Exos allowed for thickening of the ventricular wall, reduction in the fibrotic area, improvement in functional parameters, and reduction in post-MI arrhythmia [85]. ...


Hydrogels for Cardio and Vascular Tissue Repair and Regeneration
A Novel Conductive Polypyrrole‐Chitosan Hydrogel Containing Human Endometrial Mesenchymal Stem Cell‐Derived Exosomes Facilitated Sustained Release for Cardiac Repair
Advanced Healthcare Materials

Advanced Healthcare Materials

... 50,53,54 Moreover, aged μMT mice have increased glucose tolerance, reduced frailty, and reduced inflammation in their liver. 55 In contrast, young μMT mice have reduced survival during sepsis compared to wild-type (WT) mice, indicating a protective role for young B cells during sepsis. 56 To test for an effect of long-term depletion of B cells on lipolysis and immune activation during LPS endotoxemia, we utilized μMT mice. ...

B Cells Promote T Cell Immunosenescence and Mammalian Aging Parameters

... A similar pattern was found in recent studies and in our studies on genotypic-phenotypic relationships of NDDs, including the KCNQ2, SCN1A, KCNH1, and FRMPD4 genes. [17][18][19] However, Vitobello et al. 3 demonstrated that ADGRL1 haploinsufficiency, which consists of two variants (p.Glu689Argfs*113 and p.Ser1164Phe) manifesting epilepsy, leads to consistent developmental, neurological, and behavioural abnormalities in mice and humans. This evidence suggests that the variant in ADGRL1 may cause disease through a complex mechanism; further detailed studies are needed to confirm this. ...

Investigation of FRMPD4 variants associated with X-linked epilepsy
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023


... This loss of hematopoietic production is referred to as bone marrow failure. The impact of these outcomes on hematopoietic function has been investigated in various autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple-sclerosis, as well as with respect to chronic inflammation in cancer and aging [75,[78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85]. Therefore, any cell that can modulate the inflammatory environment and therefore impact inflammation induced bone marrow failure is a potential target in osteoimmunology. ...

Heart Failure Impairs Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function and Responses to Injury

Journal of the American Heart Association

... This conductive and elastic bio-membrane could successfully promote synchronous contraction of isolated cardiomyocytes in vitro and further alleviate cardiac arrhythmias with epicardial implantation in vivo. 109 In addition, Ji and coworkers reported the development of a glutathione (GSH)-responsive nanoparticle platform carried with a sphingosine kinase 1 inhibitor, PF543, for heart-targeted drug delivery to treat fibrosis after MI. A sharp increase in cardiac GSH levels after MI was reported; meanwhile, PF543 was identified to decrease fibrosis through high-throughput drug screening. ...

A Polypyrrole‐Polycarbonate Polyurethane Elastomer Alleviates Cardiac Arrhythmias via Improving Bio‐Conductivity
Advanced Healthcare Materials

Advanced Healthcare Materials

... A similar pattern was found in recent studies and in our studies on genotypic-phenotypic relationships of NDDs, including the KCNQ2, SCN1A, KCNH1, and FRMPD4 genes. [17][18][19] However, Vitobello et al. 3 demonstrated that ADGRL1 haploinsufficiency, which consists of two variants (p.Glu689Argfs*113 and p.Ser1164Phe) manifesting epilepsy, leads to consistent developmental, neurological, and behavioural abnormalities in mice and humans. This evidence suggests that the variant in ADGRL1 may cause disease through a complex mechanism; further detailed studies are needed to confirm this. ...

Phenotypic expansion of KCNH1‐associated disorders to include isolated epilepsy and its associations with genotypes and molecular sub‐regional locations

... The culture of iPSC-CMs and observation of maturation of these cells on nanofibrous mats has been reported in several works 14,[36][37][38][39][40] . The most commonly used nanofibers in research are those made from biodegradable polymers such as PCL, PLGA, and PU 14,25,[38][39][40] , therefore in our study, we have selected two types of polymers most commonly used in research. ...

Compatibility and function of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes on an electrospun nanofibrous scaffold, generated from an ionomeric polyurethane composite
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A

... Building off this work, we developed a novel polymer, poly (itaconate-co-citrate-co-octanediol) (PICO), which possesses several key properties and capabilities including mechanical tunability, ultraviolet (UV) crosslinkability, compatibility with microfabrication techniques, and biocompatibility [19]. Its use has been demonstrated for applications including 3D printed shape mimicry and vascularized tubule structures [20], aligned cardiac cell sheets for cardiac ventricle formation [21], and as a cardiac patch scaffold [19]. In terms of meeting cardiac patch design criteria, we have shown that PICO materials can be mechanically tuned to match the requirements of cardiac tissue [21], and that it can support the culture of cardiac tissue [19]. ...

Toward Hierarchical Assembly of Aligned Cell Sheets into a Conical Cardiac Ventricle Using Microfabricated Elastomers
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

... BM Sca-1 + stem cells from young donors have been noted to be able to aid in recovery and improve tissue functioning in aged recipients in multiple previous studies, such as one where old mice reconstituted with young Sca-1 + BM cells exhibited enhanced autophagy in aged hearts [29], as well as attenuated stroke-induced neurological dysfunction [30] and radiotherapy-induced cognitive impairments [31]. However, the usage of Sca-1 + stem cells is not without risk, particularly with respect to immune rejection and possible tumorigenesis stemming from radiation exposure prior to reconstitution [32]. ...

Stroke-Induced Neurological Dysfunction in Aged Mice Is Attenuated by Preconditioning with Young Sca-1+ Stem Cells
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Stem Cells

... structures, have garnered increasing attention as dynamic interorgan communicators of cellular homeostasis [19,20]. Vesicles secreted from various cell types have systemic capabilities in vivo, including the ability to alter whole-body insulin sensitivity, modulate glucose tolerance and induce inflammatory responses, which have collectively unveiled new avenues for understanding the pleiotropic effects of type 2 diabetes [21][22][23]. Here, we used both ex vivo and in vivo modelling to determine the mechanisms whereby circulating small EVs (sEVs) are modulated during type 2 diabetes and subsequently uncover how they disrupt the vascular barrier. ...

MiR-30 promotes fatty acid beta-oxidation and endothelial cell dysfunction and is a circulating biomarker of coronary microvascular dysfunction in pre-clinical models of diabetes

Cardiovascular Diabetology