Rainer Thomasius's research while affiliated with University Medical Center Hamburg - Eppendorf and other places

Publications (332)

Background: Even among minors, the use of psychotropic substances is widespread in Europe. Data on the use of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis are regularly reported in Germany, but data on problematic use are lacking. In the present study, established screening instruments were used to investigate the prevalence of problematic use of cigarettes, alco...
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Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is the most frequent reason for psychiatric inpatient substance use disorder (SUD) treatment among 15–19-year-olds in Germany. Despite effective treatment programs, relapse rates remain high. Thus, existing multi-component programs (TAU) need to be enhanced with SUD-specific elements. Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI...
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Background Mental health (MH) problems in youth are prevalent, burdening, and frequently persistent. Despite the existence of effective treatment, the uptake of professional help is low, particularly due to attitudinal barriers. Objective This study evaluated the effectiveness and acceptability of 2 video-based microinterventions aimed at reducing...
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Background: Mental health problems, such as depression, have a high prevalence in children and adolescents (C&A). However, the majority of C&A suffering from depression do not seek professional help. In addition to general barriers, the specific psychopathology related to depressive symptoms may decrease their intentions to seek professional help....
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Zusammenfassung Chancen und Gefahren digitaler Medien, vor allem im Hinblick auf Kinder und Jugendliche, sind gegenwärtig häufiger Gegenstand von familiären, schulischen und gesellschaftlichen Debatten. Digitale Plattformen können die Bewältigung adoleszenter Entwicklungsaufgaben durch Spiele, sozialen Austausch, Kommunikation, Kontaktförderung, Le...
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Background Digital media-use disorders (DMUD) in adolescents are a rising phenomenon associated with psychological distress, comorbid mental disorders, and high burden on affected families. Since the ICD-11 introduced criteria for gaming disorder, these can now be transferred to describe additional DMUD associated with social media platforms and st...
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Background Non-participation in mental health studies is an under-explored but very important topic. Investigating reasons for non-participation holds promise for the planning of future study designs and recruitment strategies. This study aimed at investigating reasons for children and adolescents (C&A) not participating in a school-based mental he...
Infolge der sinkenden Risikowahrnehmung für die Gesundheitsschäden des Cannabiskonsums und der Zunahme riskanter Konsummuster auch im Adoleszentenalter, werden mit der geplanten Cannabisabgabe an Erwachsene die Inanspruchnahmen von cannabisbezogenen Notfall- und Suchtbehandlungen künftig steigen. Die politischen Entscheidungsträger haben eine sehr...
Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene sind besonders häufig von Suchtstörungen und begleitenden Problemen betroffen. In der Psychotherapie und in der empirischen Therapieforschung werden entwicklungsorientierte Konzepte der Suchtbehandlung bisher zu wenig berücksichtigt. Dieser Beitrag informiert über Epidemiologie, Entstehungsbedingungen, Diagnostik un...
BACKGROUND Mental health (MH) problems in youth are prevalent, burdening, and frequently persistent. Despite the existence of effective treatment, uptake of professional help is low, particularly due to attitudinal barriers. OBJECTIVE The present study evaluated the effectiveness and acceptability of two video-based micro-interventions aimed at re...
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Background: Research indicates that among the risks associated with young people's alcohol and illicit drug use are sexual risks. However, insights into co-occurrence of substance use and sexual risks in adolescent samples and possible differences across countries are limited. Methods: A sample of 1449 adolescents from Belgium, Sweden, the Czech Re...
BACKGROUND During adolescence, substance use and digital media exposure usually peak and can become major health risks. Prevention activities are mainly implemented in the regular school setting and youth outside this system are not reached. A mobile app (“Meine Zeit ohne”-app) has been developed specifically for vocational students and encourages...
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Aims: Given rising prevalence of digital-media related disorders (DMRD, i. e. the problematic use of digital games, social media, and streaming platforms) in children and adolescents, the new therapy program Res@t (Resource strengthening program for adolescents with DMRD and their parents) aims to close a significant evidence-based treatment gap. I...
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Adolescents show a high vulnerability for addictive gaming patterns on the one hand and immature emotion regulation (ER) abilities as a risk factor for mental disorders on the other hand. We investigated the predictive value of ER difficulties on problematic gaming (PG) considering age groups (children vs. youths) and gender cross-sectionally and p...
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Adolescence is a critical phase for the development of substance use disorders (SUDs). For Europe and Germany, there are limited data on problematic substance use from representative youth samples. Trait mindfulness is relevant in buffering against substance use-related problems and associated deficits in self-regulatory control. The objective of t...
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In recent years, video streaming (VS) increased substantially. Adolescents are at significant risk of presenting problematic VS patterns associated with a spectrum of mental-health difficulties. Because VS platforms rely on similar mechanisms as digital games, the ICD-11 criteria for Gaming Disorder (GD) have been successfully implemented to measur...
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Vocational students are a risk group for problematic substance use and addictive behaviors. The study aim was to evaluate the effects of an app-based intervention on tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, and cannabis use as well as gambling and digital media-related behaviors in the vocational school setting. A total of 277 classes with 4591 students (me...
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Das Versorgungssystem für Menschen mit alkoholbezogenen Störungen in Deutschland umfasst eine Vielzahl von differenzierten Angeboten, ist jedoch aufgrund historisch gewachsener Strukturen und den spezifischen Zuständigkeiten der Leistungsträger stark fragmentiert. Zu unterscheiden sind die speziell für Menschen mit Störungen durch Alkoholkonsum (Sd...
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic was accompanied by multiple disruptions in the everyday lives of families. Previous research has underlined the negative impact of the pandemic on stress among parents and identified factors related to heightened levels of stress. Yet, several potential stressors have not been taken into account. Moreover, little...
Studien zu Kindern aus alkoholbelasteten Familien werden international deutlich häufiger publiziert als zu Kindern aus Familien, in denen Eltern illegale Substanzen oder Medikamente missbräuchlich konsumieren – dieser Umstand bezieht sich auf epidemiologische Fragestellungen ebenso wie auf die Lebenswelt und Gesundheitsrisiken der Kinder [408]. Prä...
Aim: Comparing measures of psychological wellbeing and help-seeking in youths before and within the first school closures due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic enables a better understanding of the effects the pandemic has for those seeking professional help for mental health problems. Methods: Data were obtained from the Germa...
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Background School-based mental health promotion aims to strengthen mental health and reduce stress. Results on the effectiveness of such programs are heterogeneous. This study realized a school-based mental health promotion program (StresSOS) for all students and aimed to identify moderators (mental health status, gender, grade level) of pre- to po...
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Background: Problematic gaming (PG) has become an increasing mental health issue among adolescents during the preceding years. The role of parents and the family environment in the development of PG has been repeatedly emphasized. However, the structured involvement of parents in the therapy is still largely insufficient. Resource-strengthening tra...
Social media use disorder (SMUD) is associated with substantial impairments in daily functioning, and adolescents are particularly at risk. The 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) criteria of gaming disorder (GD) could be shown to be suitable to describe SMUD in adolescents. Since adolescents' insight might be lim...
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Background and aims Internet video streaming (VS) has become a popular leisure activity among the majority of adolescents, especially under the COVID-19 pandemic. Research on binge watching patterns in adults suggests an addictive potential of VS. To date, no unified conceptualization on problematic VS and no standardized assessment tools for adole...
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Introduction: In addition to the prevention of tobacco consumption, the establishment and assurance of high-quality treatment for harmful use and dependence on tobacco products remains an important health-related task in Germany. Regular updating of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (AWMF) S3 guideline "Smoking and Tobacco Depend...
Background: The most common substance use disorders in childhood and adolescence have to do with alcohol and cannabis. These disorders begin as early as puberty, are often accompanied by other mental disorders, and, if untreated, very frequently persist into adulthood. Methods: This review is based on pertinent publications retrieved by a select...
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Introduction: Alcohol consumption in Germany is associated with considerable health and economic consequences. In addition to prevention, the early detection and differential treatment of those affected play an important role. The guideline "Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders" forms the basis of this care for people suffe...
Das vorliegende Kapitel bietet die Behandlungsempfehlungen der Tabakleitlinie mit ihren Hintergrundtexten. Es ist untergliedert in die Abschnitte Motivationsbehandlung und Kurzinterventionen, Harm Reduction, Psychotherapeutische Interventionen, Arzneimittel zur Entzugsbehandlung und Rückfallprophylaxe, Somatische Therapieverfahren, Gender- und Alte...
Das manualisierte Gruppenprogramm CAN Stop richtet sich an junge Menschen, die einen problematischen Cannabiskonsum aufweisen. Ziel ist es, Teilnehmende dabei zu motivieren, ihren Konsum zu überdenken und zu reduzieren oder dauerhaft zu beenden. Das Programm besteht aus acht 90-minütigen Sitzungen und basiert auf den Prinzipien der Verhaltenstherap...
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Background Substance-related and addictive disorders are among the most common mental disorders in adolescence and young adulthood. Vocational school students are a risk group for problematic substance use and addictive behavior. However, the availability of evidence-based prevention concepts and programs is underdeveloped in the vocational school...
Background: Addictive disorders are typically manifested during adolescence and have a high transmission rate into adulthood. When adulthood is reached the responsibility by the child and adolescent psychiatric care system ends and patients transition to adult psychiatry. A lack of supportive concepts and approaches to this transition can have det...
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Hintergrund: Das Jugendalter gilt als vulnerable Phase für die Entwicklung von Suchtstörungen und der Anteil von jungen Menschen, die davon betroffen sind, ist hoch. Für die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung abhängigen Verhaltens sind Probleme in der exekutiven Kontrolle und Regulation von Gefühlen, Gedanken und Verhalten zentral. Das Thema Achtsamk...
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Zusammenfassung: Zielsetzung: Das achtsamkeitsbasierte Gruppentherapieprogramm für Jugendliche mit Substanzgebrauchsstörung (SUD) Mind It! wurde in Anlehnung an ein amerikanisches Manual entwickelt und an das kinder- und jugendpsychiatrische Setting adaptiert. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die Durchführbarkeit der Intervention zu beschreiben...
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Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Infolge einschneidender Veränderungen des Familienalltags aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie äußert eine Mehrheit der Eltern in Deutschland Unterstützungsbedarf im Umgang mit ihren Kindern. Kinder und Jugendliche wiederum sind im Jahr 2020 unter den Maßnahmen zur Infektionseindämmung erhöhten psychischen Belastungen und Ri...
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Background: Substance-related and addictive disorders are among the most common mental disorders in adolescence and young adulthood. Vocational school students are a risk group for problematic substance use and addictive behavior. However, the availability of evidence-based prevention concepts and programs is underdeveloped in the vocational school...
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Zusammenfassung. Die besonderen Risiken des Konsums von elektronischen Zigaretten (E-Zigaretten) im Kindes- und Jugendalter werden im gesundheitspolitischen Diskurs zu wenig berücksichtigt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die aktuellen Verbreitungs- und Konsummuster von E-Zigaretten sowie das Gefährdungspotenzial einer Nutzung für Kinder und Jugendl...
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The addictive use of digital games (problematic gaming [PG]) is a phenomenon with rising prevalence, especially in adolescents. The period of adolescence is characterized by intense brain maturation processes and increased vulnerability for mental disorders. However, no recent systematic review on functional and structural neural correlates of PG i...
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Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Eine Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Kindesalter stellt einen Risikofaktor für Substanzmissbrauch und Störungen durch Substanzgebrauch (Substance Use Disorder, SUD) in der Pubertät und dem (frühen) Erwachsenenalter dar. ADHS und SUD treten auch häufig bei therapiesuchenden Jugendlichen auf, was...
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Zusammenfassung. Fragestellung: Es existiert eine Vielzahl von Begriffen für Verhaltenssüchte, die Mängel in Operationalisierung, Bezug zum Verhalten, Kompatibilität mit internationalen Klassifikationen sowie nicht stigmatisierender Nutzung aufweisen. Daher werden einheitliche Begriffe für Verhaltenssüchte benötigt. Methode: Im Rahmen einer Leitlin...
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Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has become an important health concern in a significant proportion of adolescents. Intervention studies in this age group are scarce, mostly follow quantitative designs, and rarely consider adolescents’ experiences. This study aimed to evaluate the requirements for a group therapy program for adolescents with IGD. A q...
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The impact of school-closings on adolescents’ mental health and well-being in the management of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is subject to ongoing public debate. Reliable data to inform a balanced discussion are limited. Drawing on a large ongoing multi-site project in Germany, we assessed differences in self-reported psychopathology in a matched...
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Background Early onset and excessive alcohol use in childhood and adolescence is associated with an elevated risk of experiencing short-, mid-, and long-term negative consequences caused by, e.g., accidents, violent acts, and conflicts. Face-to-face prevention approaches show significant effects on the reduction of alcohol use. However, service uti...
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Background COVID-19 lockdown measures imposed extensive restrictions to public life. Previous studies suggest significant negative psychological consequences, but lack longitudinal data on population-based samples. Aims We aimed to prospectively identify increased psychological stress and associated risk factors in parent–child dyads. Method We c...
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Background: A problematic social media use (PSMU) in adolescents is a rising phenomenon often associated with higher perception of psychological stress and comorbid psychiatric disorders like depression. Since the ICD-11 introduced the very first internet-use related disorders, criteria for gaming (and online gambling) disorder can now be transferr...
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Zusammenfassung. Einleitung: Neben der Prävention des Tabakkonsums bleibt die Herstellung und Sicherung eines hohen Niveaus der Behandlungsqualität bei schädlichem Gebrauch und Abhängigkeit von Tabakprodukten eine wichtige gesundheitsbezogene Aufgabe in Deutschland. Eine regelmäßige Aktualisierung der AWMF-S3-Leitlinie „Rauchen und Tabakabhängigkei...
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Zusammenfassung. Zielsetzung: Alkoholkonsum ist in Deutschland mit erheblichen gesundheitlichen und wirtschaftlichen Folgen assoziiert. Neben der Prävention spielen die Früherkennung und differentielle Behandlung von Betroffenen eine bedeutende Rolle. Die Leitlinie „Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen“ bildet die Grundlage...
Background Social media use is widespread among minors. Already children and adolescents can be affected by a problematic social media use (PSMU). Deficits in emotion regulation are becoming increasingly important as an explanation for psychological strain. In the present study, associations between different facets of emotion regulation and PSMU i...
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about a potential increase of addictive behaviors. Adolescents are considered particularly vulnerable to a problematic usage of digital applications. For the first systematic investigation of screen time and problematic usage patterns over the course of the pandemic, a pre-pandemic survey on ado...
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Background: The problematic use of social media (SM) is a rising phenomenon, especially in adolescents. It can be assessed by self-rating screeners such as the Social Media Disorder Scale (SMDS). However, young age or symptom denial might reduce adolescent assessment accuracy. Therefore, the development and validation of a parental scale (SMDS-P)...
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Background: Problematic gaming has become a major health issue in children and adolescents resulting in the need for targeted valid and reliable screening instruments. This study aimed to explore the psychometric properties and criterion validity of the widely used 9-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (IGDS) in young gamers. Methods: Three inde...
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Background and aims The addiction to digital games is associated with substantial impairments in daily functioning and adolescents are particularly at risk. Screening instruments for the new ICD-11 diagnosis Gaming Disorder (GD) are rare and only include self-ratings thus far. Since adolescents' insight might be limited due to young age or symptom...
Zusammenfassung Regelmäßiger, in der Adoleszenz beginnender Cannabiskonsum ist mit einem erhöhten Risiko für psychische Erkrankungen, kognitive Einbußen und Einschränkungen von Bildungserfolg verbunden. In der deutschen Suchthilfe stellen CannabiskonsumentInnen die zweitgrößte Gruppe nach Kontaktanlässen wegen Alkoholmissbrauchs. Die Behandlungserf...
Bei der Diagnostik substanzbezogener Störungen ist das Vertrauen des Jugendlichen in die Person des Untersuchers von großer Bedeutung. Selbstauskünfte über den Substanzkonsum sind in diesem Fall meistens zuverlässig zu erhalten. Sie werden durch Auskünfte der Eltern und weitere Bezugspersonen ergänzt. Eine toxikologische Urinuntersuchung gehört zur...
Der Konsum von Alkohol und illegalen Drogen ist im Kindes- und Jugendalter weit verbreitet, er stellt aber für die Mehrzahl der Jugendlichen ein vorübergehendes, auf die Adoleszenz begrenztes Entwicklungsphänomen dar. Nur ein Teil der mit Substanzkonsum erfahrenen Jugendlichen entwickelt relevante Missbrauchs- oder Abhängigkeitsformen (sog. substan...
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Background Alcohol contributes to numerous annual deaths and various societal problems not just in adult, but also in adolescent, populations. Therefore, it is vital to find methods for reliably detecting alcohol use for early preventative measures. Research has shown phosphatidylethanol (PEth) to be superior to self‐report instruments and indirect...
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Background: Habitually shortened nighttime sleep is a common phenomenon in childhood and adolescence, sometimes associated with chronic sleep reduction (CSR). CSR is associated with impairments of performance ability and emotional well-being. The extent to which children and adolescents in Germany suffer from CSR is unclear; it is also unclear wha...
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The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and the consequent global lockdown posed a particular challenge for youths with mental health problems. Crucial interference with their everyday lives likely increased psychological distress while accessibility of conventional mental health care was limited. Ongoing online trials offer a unique opportunity to a...
Zusammenfassung: Einführung und Zielsetzung: Die COVID-19 Pandemie und die entsprechenden Lockdown-Maßnahmen verdeutlichen, dass besondere Strategien der Verhaltens-und Verhältnisprävention für Online-Verhaltenssüchte notwendig sind. Begründung: Die Wahr-scheinlichkeit ist hoch, dass die COVID-19 Krise und die begleitenden Maßnahmen zu deren Eindäm...
Zusammenfassung. Der Beitrag informiert über die Eingliederung der Suchtstörungen in die 11. Auflage der International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO). Die Revision der ICD soll einem gewandelten Verständnis der Suchtstörungen und deren Diagnostik Rechnung tragen und die klinische Anwendbarkeit vereinfachen...
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Background: Childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for substance misuse and substance use disorder (SUD) in adolescence and (early) adulthood. ADHD and SUD also frequently co-occur in treatment-seeking adolescents, which complicates diagnosis and treatment and is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Research...
Mindfulness in Development-oriented Approaches to Substance Use Prevention and Therapy: Rationale, Design and Objectives of the Research Consortium IMAC-Mind Substance use disorders (SUD) are a major contributor to morbidity and mortality. They are typically initiated during adolescence and can have fatal implications for healthy development. Despi...
Zusammenfassung. Unter der Bezeichnung Medienbezogene Störungen (MBS) wird sowohl eine problematische Nutzung des Internets und bestimmter Endgeräte generell als auch ein problematischer Gebrauch bestimmter Anwendungen zusammengefasst. Im Kindes- und Jugendalter kommen hierbei den Anwendungen Computerspiele und Soziale Netzwerke die größte Bedeutun...
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Background: Adolescents affected by Gaming Disorder (GD) show substantial impairments in daily functioning. GD was included in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a new diagnosis coming into effect in January 2022. An instrument to screen for GD in adolescents has not yet been published and is urgently nee...
Substance-related disorders in adolescence and young adulthood Abstract. Adolescence is a critical period for the onset of addiction and comorbid psychological disorders. Although substance use disorders (SUD) are among the most prevalent psychiatric conditions and a leading cause for hospitalization in the young population, young people with SUD c...
Zusammenfassung Die Opioidsubstitution ist mittlerweile eine etablierte medizinische Maßnahme zur Behandlung opiatabhängiger Menschen. Fast 80 000 Menschen in Deutschland erhalten damit bessere medizinische und psychosoziale Lebensbedingungen. Ungeachtet dessen ist eine Opioidabstinenz das erklärte langfristige Ziel der Behandlung, was allerdings f...
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Background: Mindfulness training (MT) for parents of adolescents has been shown to improve mental health and stress-related outcomes in individuals and their families. Studies of MT among young people are mainly delivered in educational or clinical settings, and there is a need for controlled studies on both parent-directed and adolescent-directed...
Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund und Zielsetzung: Seit 2008 hat sich die Anzahl der in Europa erfassten Neuen Psychoaktiven Stoffe (NPS) um ca. 700 erhöht. Ziel ist ein komprimierter Überblick über die wichtigsten Substanz(grupp)en unter Einbeziehung der verfügbaren wissenschaftlichen Literatur, sowie Berichten von Behörden. Substanzcharakteristika: Di...
Seit der Verabschiedung des Gesetzes vom 06.03.2017 können alle deutschen Ärzte Cannabisblüten sowie cannabisbasierte Rezeptur- und Fertigarzneimittel verschreiben. Spezifische Indikationen für die Verschreibung werden im Gesetz nicht genannt. Die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen übernehmen die Kosten nach Prüfung des Antrags auf Kostenübernahme durch de...
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Background Problematic use of computer games was incorporated in the DSM-5 (so-called Internet Gaming Disorder, IGD) and the ICD-11. Knowledge on problematic social media use (PSMU) is scarcer. This is the first study that investigates both IGD and PSMU in a representative sample. Methods A sample of 1001 German 12- to 17-year olds (483 girls, 518...


... To descriptively analyze frequencies of each item, items were binary coded into 1 = "barrier applies" (including answer options "does rather apply" and "does apply") and 0 = "barrier does not apply" (including answer options "does rather not apply" and "does not apply"). In addition, following suggestions in previous studies in adolescents and young adults [32,33], the items were summarized with respect to their content to six different categories (stigma, lack of mental health literacy, perceived family consequences, self-reliance and autonomy, di culties in accessibility, fear of being admitted to a psychiatric ward). The free text eld answers served as a basis for a qualitative content analysis to identify potential barriers that may not have been covered in the other items. ...
... However, 17 studies had to be excluded as the samples' mean age did not be between 13 and 19 years (Han, Hwang, & Renshaw, 2011;Jäger et al., 2012;Beranuy, Carbonell, & Griffiths, 2013;Park, Kim, & Lee, 2014;Wölfling, Beutel, Dreier, & Müller, 2014;Santos, Nardi, & Spear King, 2015;O'Brien, Li, Snyder, & Howard, 2016;Deng et al., 2017;Khazaei, Khazaei, & Ghanbari, 2017;Li et al., 2017;Yang et al., 2017;Chun, 2018;Han, Yoo, Renshaw, & Petry, 2018a;Li et al., 2018;Zhang et al., 2018;Schimmenti, Starcevic, Gervasi, Deleuze, & Billieux, 2018), 4 studies were reviews (Király et al., 2017;Chen, Oliffe, & Kelly, 2018;Sampogna et al., 2018;Torres-Rodriguez, Griffiths, Carbonell, & Oberst, 2018a), and 20 papers had to be excluded as they did not provide an English full-text article (Bilke & von Brisinski, 2009;Petersen, Weymann, Schelb, Thiel, & Thomasius, 2009;Peukert, Sieslack, Barth, & Batra, 2010;Beutel, Hoch, Wölfling, & Müller, 2011;Tonioni & Corvino, 2011;Wölfling, Müller. Giralt, & Beutel, 2011;Zhu et al., 2011;Caillon, Grall-Bronnec, Bouju, Lagadec, & Vénisse, 2012;Marco & Chóliz, 2014;Wartberg, Thomsen, Moll, & Thomasius, 2014;Eidenbenz, 2015;Möller, 2015;Rehbein, Zenses, Moeller, & Mossle, 2015;Amada & de la Hoz, 2016;Economou, Theodorou, & Papadimitriou, 2016;Wartberg, Moll, Baldus, Thomsen, & Thomasius, 2017;Wölfling, Dreier, Müller, & Beutel, 2017;Fanni, Agnes, Zsolt, & Orsolya, 2018;te Wildt, 2018). Therefore, a total of 20 studies (Table 1) were included in this systematic review. ...
... Das neue Programm Res@t (Ressour-censtärkendesAdoleszenten-und Eltern-Training bei Medienbezogenen Störungen) versucht diese Lücke zu schließen [57]. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein manualisiertes KVT-Programm, das ursprünglich für 10-bis 19-Jährige mit problematischer Nutzung digitaler Spiele (Res@t-A) und deren Eltern (Res@t-P) in einem Gruppensetting entwickelt wurde. ...
... Im Zuge der Diskussion um die Legalisierung von Cannabis in Deutschland war und ist der Schutz von Kindern und Jugendlichen eines der zentralen Gegenargumente [27]. Tatsächlich zeigt sich, dass der Konsum von Cannabis oft in der Jugend beginnt [4]. ...
... Es bezieht Mechanismen des Lernens, der Stressbewältigung sowie der Informationsverarbeitung mit ein. In Bezug auf DMNS umfassen persönliche Faktoren Persönlichkeitsmerkmale wie Neurotizismus, Sensation Seeking und verminderte Gewissenhaftigkeit [42,43], Probleme mit der Emotionsregulation, einschließlich Prokrastination, Vermeidung und verminderter Wutkontrolle [44,45], sowie mangelhafte soziale Fähigkeiten [46]. ...
... Binge drinking in college has been identified as a serious public health hazard for college students [1] and is related to a greater risk of experiencing alcohol-related consequences [2] as well as later alcohol use disorder diagnosis [3]. Alcohol-related consequences for college students can range from to injuries, legal consequences, and even death [1], and one study found that half of age [19][20] yearold drinkers and 75% of age [19][20] year-old binge drinkers reported experiencing some type of negative alcoholrelated consequence [2]. ...
... B. in gängigen Praxisdatenbanken [30]. Dieser Punkt ist in der Debatte um geschlechtersensible Prävention recht neu und es ist zu hoffen, dass die Digitalisierung der Angebotslandschaft durch die COVID-19-Pandemie ("coronavirus disease 2019") Aufwind erfährt [18]. ...
... Recent meta-analyses estimated the worldwide prevalence of problematic gaming between 3.1 and 3.3% (9, 10) and problematic SM use at 5% (11) with a peak during adolescence. Much less research has been conducted on problematic VS, although similar addiction-promoting mechanisms are applied to increase user bonding (12). Most associated research has focused on binge-watching, i.e., the consumption of several (television) series episodes in a row (13,14). ...
... Numerous stand-alone mHealth interventions were identified in the literature. These include apps, brief screening interventions, automatic text message, and chatbot programs targeting physical activity, 104-106 diet, 107-109 alcohol, 110,111 and smoking [112][113][114] or combinations of health behaviors such as clusters of risk substances such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and excessive media use [115][116][117] or clusters of health-promoting behaviors including physical activity, sleep, and a healthy diet. [118][119][120][121] None of the identified stand-alone interventions that targeted ≥3 health behaviors combined health-promoting and health-risk behaviors. ...
... During the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during lockdown and homeschooling, parents and children were exposed to significant additional demands that led to deteriorating mental health and increased support needs [1][2][3][4]. In addition to coping with social isolation and disruptions in family and work routines [5], parents had to focus on their children's needs and demands, such as supporting and supervising them during homeschooling and managing behavioral problems [6,7]. These time-consuming tasks meant that parents had less free time and fewer hours of sleep [7,8]. ...