Radek Matlach's scientific contributions

Publications (15)

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Suicides are one of the topics discussed around the world. This problem receives large space in scientifi c and professional literature, in order to eliminate its occurrence. Mechanisms of suicides are determined by whole spectrum of reasons determined by/depending on physical and psychological health. The objective of this work is to document the...
Suicides are one of the topics discussed around the world. This problem receives large space in scientific and professional literature, in order to eliminate its occurrence. Mechanisms of suicides are determined by whole spectrum of reasons determined by/depending on physical and psychological health. The objective of this work is to document the d...
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Súhrn Makovický P, Matlach r, Makovický P. Letálne sa končiaci prípad zásahu proti osobe so schizofréniou Tu referujeme letálne sa končiaci bezpeč-nostný zásah proti 26-ročnému mužovi s paranoidnou schizofréniou, ktorý igno-roval ambulantným psychiatrom nariade-nú terapiu. V priebehu 14-dní dochádza k nápadnému stupňovaniu nepokoja, opakovaným verb...
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Etylalkohol je známou, spoločensky tolerovanou drogou. O jeho škodlivosti na ľudské zdravie, včítane jeho asociovaného negatívneho vplyvu na rodinné väzby príslušníkov alkoholikov, sa veľmi dobre vie. Ide o interdisciplinárny problém, kto-rého riešenie si vyžaduje finančné vklady, celospoločenskú podporu, angažovanie širšej skupiny odborníkov a nak...
Alcohol is a well-known, socially tolerated drug. Its harmfulness to human health, including its associated negative impact on the family of alcoholics, is well known. It is an interdisciplinary problem, whose solution requires financial contributions, society support, the involvement of a wider group of experts and finally also an active approach...
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Objective: A fatal case of a 37 year old women in the fifth month of pregnancy, who showed no signs of life and who could not be revived is reported. Design: Case report. Settings: Forensic expert in healthcare, Liberec; Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection, Faculty of Biomedical engineering, Czech Technical University in...
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The study is reporting about the range of changes in the brain and liver capillaries in lethal automobile collisions. We present five case studies, where there was no compression of the head and abdominal organs, but the cause of death was hypovolemic shock associated with excessive blood loss. During the autopsy we removed tissue samples which wer...
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We report three lethal cases of bleeding to the upper gastrointestinal tract as immediate cause of death. The first two cases are in connection with homelessness. First is a male who was found dead in a railway station, seated on a bench with dried blood beneath him. The second is a male who was found lifeless in a wooden shelter, where upon the go...
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This work will deal with the important topic of animals involved in car accidents. It is a worldwide problem resulting in both human and animal fatalities and life changing injuries as well as significant damage to the vehicles involved. Such accidents can only be eliminated with effective preventative measures and therefore car accidents involving...
This work will deal with the important topic of animals involved in car accidents. It is a worldwide problem resulting in both human and animal fatalities and life changing injuries as well as significant damage to the vehicles involved. Such accidents can only be eliminated with effective preventative measures and therefore car accidents involving...
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The bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) is useful in the forensic medicine. In Czechoslovakian criminology is this method not commonly used. The objective of this work is to calculate the impact length, height and distance splashing of blood drops. The results are compared with the real values for specific cases. It is also compared to calculate the...
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Article first published 30 April 2015 in: MAKOVICKÝ PETER, KOPECKÝ OLDŘICH, MAKOVICKÝ PAVOL, MATLACH RADEK. 2015. The Using of Skeletochronology as a Screening Method for Age Determination of Alpine Newts ( Mesotriton Alpestris ): A Technical Report. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis , 63(2): 439–446. http://dx....
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Skeletochronology is a widely used method for age determination in amphibians. This method is based mainly on the histological examination of the finger bones. However, the lengths of utilized severed fingers have not been specified in previous studies. The objective of this study was to analyse the structure of line arrested growth (LAGs) involvin...


... Skeletochronology is the practical method for the revealing the ages of individuals and the estimating of some growth parameters in most vertebrates (Castanet and Smirina, 1990;Guarino, 2010;Üzüm et al., 2014;Altunýþýk et al., 2014;Makovicky et al., 2015). It allows us to estimate the age structure of amphibians in nature (Cogàlniceanu and Miaud, 2003) and the age structure of a population completes the demographic parameters (Stearns and Koella, 1986). ...