Rachel S. Ghadiali's research while affiliated with University of Liverpool and other places

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Publications (4)

Document S2. Article plus Supplemental Information
  • Data
  • File available

February 2018


8 Reads

Valentina Flamini


Rachel S. Ghadiali





Addolorata Pisconti

Supplementary Material 1

February 2018


9 Reads

Document S1. Supplemental Experimental Procedures, Figures S1–S7, and Tables S1–S3

Figure 1. Cell-Cycle Exit and Terminal Differentiation Are Induced in Both Myofiber-Associated and Dispersed Myoblasts between 48 and 72 hr after Isolation (A and B) Dispersed myoblasts cultured on gelatin-coated plates show a rounded morphology (A) and proliferate extensively in the first 2-3 days as revealed by positive staining for the cell-cycle marker KI67+. No differentiating cells are detected at 48 hr after isolation (B). As early as 72 hr postisolation occasionally MYOG+ cells are detected in dispersed cultures (B), arrow. (C and D) For the first 2 days myofiberassociated myoblasts (C) proliferate as revealed by positive staining for KI67+ and absence of differentiating (MYOG+) cells (D). At 72 hr after isolation a few MYOG+ cells are occasionally detected (D), arrow. (E and F) Genes differentially expressed between 48 and 72 hr in dispersed (E) and myofiber-associated (F) myoblasts were mapped to canonical gene networks using IPA, revealing that the top most enriched gene network in dispersed myoblasts is centered around Erk1/2 downregulation (E), while the top most enriched network in myofiber-associated myoblasts is centered around Trp53 upregulation (F). Genes labeled in green are downregulated, genes labeled in red are upregulated at 72 hr compared to 48 hr. The color intensity is proportional to the extent of up-or downregulation. 
Figure 2. Canonical Signaling Pathways Are Differentially Activated in Dispersed and Myofiber-Associated Myoblasts (A) Genes differentially expressed between 48 and 72 hr post-isolation in dispersed (Dis) and myofiber-associated (Mf-A) myoblasts were functionally mapped to all canonical signaling pathways listed by IPA. For each signaling pathway, an enrichment p value and a Z score of activation were calculated and the pathways with enrichment p value < 0.01 (-log[p value] > 1.3) are plotted as heatmaps, were orange represents a positive Z score (= activation), blue is a negative Z score (deactivation), and white is Z = 0. Canonical signaling pathways that were not enriched enough to show a Z score were excluded. Canonical signaling pathways that change in opposite direction in dispersed and myofiber-associated myoblasts are highlighted by a green box. (B-D) Heatmaps obtained as in (A) for canonical signaling pathways mapping to the IPA categories: Cell Cycle (B), Cell Growth and Proliferation (C), and Growth Factor Signaling (D). (E) Heatmap distribution of the comparative ratio (CR) = ([72 hr/48 hr] dispersed /[72 hr/ 48 hr] myofiber-associated ) for gene families that are involved in myogenesis (manual annotation, see Experimental Procedures section). 
Figure 3. p53 Increases over Time in a Subset of Myofiber-Associated Myoblasts and Is Asymmetrically Distributed (A) Individual myofibers were isolated and cultured in suspension for 48 and 72 hr prior to fixation and immunostaining to detect p53 (green), the myoblast marker syndecan-3 (SDC3, red), and DNA (DAPI, blue). Arrows indicate SDC3+ SCs. (B) Quantification of (A) where at least 15 myofibers across 3 independent experiments had been scored, and the percentage of p53+ cells over the total number of SDC3+ cells plotted as average ±SEM. **p < 0.01. (C) Individual myofibers were isolated and cultured as in (A) then immunostained to detect p53 (green), SDC3 (white), and DNA (PI, red). Arrows indicate doublets of dividing cells where p53 is distributed either symmetrically (48 hr, left panels) or asymmetrically (72 hr, right panels). (D) Quantification of (C) where at least 15 fibers across 3 independent experiments had been scored. (E and F) p53+/MYOG-myoblasts are very abundant in myofiber cultures (E) but less in dispersed cultures (F). Individual myofibers or primary myoblasts were isolated and cultured for 96 hr, then fixed and immunostained to detect p53 (green), myogenin (MYOG, red), and DNA (DAPI, blue). Arrows in (E) indicate p53+/MYOG+ cells, while all the other cells are either p53+/MYOGor p53-/MYOG+. Arrowheads in (F) indicate p53+/MYOG-cells. All the other cells are p53+/MYOG+. 
Figure 4. p53 Knockdown Promotes Myoblast Differentiation in Myofiber Cultures (A) Individual myofibers were isolated and cultured in suspension for 48 hr prior to transfection with either a specific p53 siRNA or a scrambled (ctrl) siRNA and 4 hr later fixed and immunostained to detect myogenin (MYOG, green), syndecan-3 (SDC3, red), and DNA (DAPI, blue). (B) Differentiated myoblasts were scored as percentage of MyoG+/SDC3+ myoblasts over total nuclei per unit length across at least eight myofibers/experiment in three independent experiments (N > 24), and plotted as average ± SEM. (C) The number of myonuclei per unit length was measured as total number of DAPI+ nuclei minus the number of nuclei contained in SDC3+ cells (since SDC3 marks SCs and myoblasts at all stages in myogenesis) per unit length across at least eight myofibers/experiment in three independent experiments (N > 24), and plotted as average ± SEM. (D) The percentage of myoblasts was calculated as percentage of nuclei contained in SDC3+ cells over the total number of DAPI+ nuclei per unit length across at least eight myofibers/experiment in three independent experiments (N > 24), and plotted as average ± SEM. **p < 0.01 when comparing the indicated population scored in control siRNA-transfected cultures with the same population scored in p53 siRNA-transfected cultures. 
Figure 5. Nutlin-3 Promotes Reserve Cell Generation in Serum-Deprived Myoblasts (A) Schematic representation of the reserve cell assay experimental design. Primary and C2C12 myoblast cultures were switched to low serum medium to induce cell-cycle exit in the presence of either 20 mM Nutlin-3 (Nut3) or vehicle (DMSO). To distinguish between quiescence and senescence, myoblast cultures that had been maintained in low serum supplemented with either DMSO or Nutlin-3 for 3 days were re-exposed to high serum for 2 days. The experiment was repeated 3 times independently and each time 10-15 technical replicates were scored. (B-D) Primary myoblast cultures were treated as in (A) and, after 3 days in low serum, fixed, immunostained to detect PAX7 (green), KI67 (red), and DNA (DAPI, blue), and scored for the percentages of PAX7+/KI67-(C) and PAX7+/KI67+ (D) cells. In (B), one representative image for each treatment is shown. In (C) and (D) quantitative analyses of the indicated cell subpopulations across all three independent experiments were plotted as average ± SEM. The arrows in (B) indicate PAX7+/KI67+ cells. (E-G) C2C12 myoblasts cultures were treated as in (A) and, after 3 days in low serum, fixed, and immunostained as in (B). In (E) one representative image for each treatment is shown. In (F) and (G) quantitative analyses of the indicated cell subpopulations across all three independent experiments were plotted as average ± SEM. (H-M) Primary (H and J) and C2C12 (K-M) myoblasts that had been maintained in low serum supplemented with either DMSO or Nutlin-3 for 3 days were fixed and immunostained to detect PAX7 (green), KI67, and/or MYOD (red) and DNA (DAPI, blue). In (H) and (K) one representative image for each treatment is shown. Insets are enlarged on the side of the main image to show mutual exclusion or co-localization of PAX7 and MYOD (H) or PAX7 and MYOD+ KI67 (K). In (I), (J), (L), and (M) quantitative analyses of the indicated cell subpopulations across all three independent experiments were plotted as average ± SEM. (N-Q) In order to quantify true reserve cells, after 3 days in low serum, primary (N and O) and C2C12 (P and Q) myoblast cultures were re-exposed to high serum as depicted in (A) for 2 days, then fixed and immunostained to detect PAX7, KI67, and DNA. The percentages of PAX7+/KI67-(N and P) and PAX7+/KI67+ (O and Q) were calculated and plotted as fold change of the same population in cultures that had been maintained in low serum and then re-exposed to high serum (we will call it ''post-wash'' for simplicity) versus the same population in cultures maintained for only 3 days in low serum (indicated as ''pre-wash''). The average of the post-wash/pre-wash fold change for each 


The Satellite Cell Niche Regulates the Balance between Myoblast Differentiation and Self-Renewal via p53

February 2018


166 Reads


40 Citations

Stem Cell Reports

Satellite cells are adult muscle stem cells residing in a specialized niche that regulates their homeostasis. How niche-generated signals integrate to regulate gene expression in satellite cell-derived myoblasts is poorly understood. We undertook an unbiased approach to study the effect of the satellite cell niche on satellite cell-derived myoblast transcriptional regulation and identified the tumor suppressor p53 as a key player in the regulation of myoblast quiescence. After activation and proliferation, a subpopulation of myoblasts cultured in the presence of the niche upregulates p53 and fails to differentiate. When satellite cell self-renewal is modeled ex vivo in a reserve cell assay, myoblasts treated with Nutlin-3, which increases p53 levels in the cell, fail to differentiate and instead become quiescent. Since both these Nutlin-3 effects are rescued by small interfering RNA-mediated p53 knockdown, we conclude that a tight control of p53 levels in myoblasts regulates the balance between differentiation and return to quiescence.

Citations (1)

... Myogenesis involves muscle stem cells and progenitor cells to proliferate as myoblasts and differentiate into myotubes [29]. Activated satellite cells migrate from an undamaged muscle to a damaged muscle when cells are injured and then fuse to form new muscle fibers or repair damaged fibers together with existing fibers [30,31]. Prior to maturation into myofibrils, C2C12 myoblast cells express MyoD, an early marker for myogenic regulators, and further differentiate into myocytes [32]. ...


Effects of Protein Hydrolysate from Silkworm (Bombyx mori) pupae on the C2C12 Myogenic Differentiation
The Satellite Cell Niche Regulates the Balance between Myoblast Differentiation and Self-Renewal via p53

Stem Cell Reports