R K Chandra's research while affiliated with All India Institute of Medical Sciences and other places

Publications (38)

Summary Many immunosuppressive chemotherapeutic agents act largely through impairment of cell reproductive integrity. Using the Jerne's plaque assay, the inhibitory effect of nitrogen mustard, melphalan, 5-fluorouracil and 6-thioguanine on antibody formation was studied. It was observed that manipulation of the dose, frequency of administration and...
Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) estimated in 33 malnourished children, was found to be elevated in 11 of 17 fetally growth-retarded infants and in 5 to 16 with postnatal nutritional deficiency. The majority of those with increased serum AFP concentration had associated liver dysfunction. Nutritional deprivation of growing rats resulted in an increase...
Serum α-fetoprotein (AFP) estimated in 33 malnourished children, was found to be elevated in 11 of 17 fetally growth-retarded infants and in 5 of 16 with postnatal nutritional deficiency. The majority of those with increased serum AFP concentration had associated liver dysfunction. Nutritional deprivation of growing rats resulted in an increase in...
Neutrophil mobilization following administration of Pseudomonas polysaccharide was significantly reduced in malnutrition, especially during infection. The random mobility of polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNs) was slightly decreased in undernutrition. Chemotactic migration of PMNs was depressed and correlated more with the presence of infection tha...
A systematic survey of infants and children presenting with history of frequent or severe infections, recovery of unusual organisms or adverse vaccination reactions was conducted. Immunological laboratory tests confirmed the diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease in four children, transient hypoimmunoglobulinemia of infancy in 17, isolated seru...
125 Samples of Cerebrospinal fluid from cases suggestive of Listeria affection of the Central Nervous System were investigated for the presence of L. Monocytogenes. The organism was not isolated from any of the cases. Salient features of Listeria meningitis are reviewed.
One hundred cases with bad obstetric histories and 50 controls with good obstetric histories were investigated to determine the incidence of genital listeriosis. L. monocytogenes was isolated from the cervical swab of 3 cases. In addition the aborted fetus and blood of the mother yielded the organism in one case. No isolations were made from 50 con...
The distinction between tuberculous and malignant pleural effusions may present knotty problems. The authors describe 7 cases involving this diagnostic dilemma.
Renal histologic features from 100 children with nephrotic syndrome were correlated with their clinical features, proteinuria selectivity and acute response to corticosteroid therapy. The glomerular morphologic lesions were: minimal changes (69), focal glomerulosclerosis (7), membranous glomerulonephropathy (1), mesangial proliferative (7), mesangi...
Immunological investigations performed on 20 patients with hereditary ataxia telangiectasia revealed persistent lymphopenia in 4 cases and an absence of plasma cells in the bone marrow in 2 out of 6 cases. Low levels of serum IgG were seen in 6 patients and of IgA in 11. The half life of transfused IgG was prolonged in the cases with hypogammaglobu...
45 patients with biopsy proved Indian childhood cirrhosis with age and sex matched controls were studied by the case history method of analytical epidemiology and certain laboratory tests. The preferred affliction of children in the middle class Baniya and Brahmin communities was observed. The socioeconomic status and parental occupation were compa...
Acute total starvation in mice for 24 to 96 hr resulted in a significant involution of the thymus and the spleen. Antibody forming cell response estimated by Jone's technique and hemolysin titres were reduced. Chronic starvation induced by changing the litter size soon after birth resulted in similar effects in weanling animals. The analogy with th...
Zusammenfassung Es wird der Nachweis erbracht, dass die bakterizide Wirkung der polymorph-kernigen Leukozyten bei Patienten mit nephrotischem Syndrom vermindert ist und dass Prednisolon einen günstigen Einfluss auf die Bakterizidie polymorph-kerniger Leukozyten beim nephrotischen Syndrom hat.
Fifteen undernourished infants and children were studied for opsonic activity of plasma, and for phagocytosis and intracellular bactericidal capacity of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. The opsonic activity was slightly increased and there was a significant decrease in bacterial killing by polymorphs of malnourished individuals compared with healthy c...
Of forty-two children with Indian childhood cirrhosis nineteen (45%) α-fetoprotein (A.F.P.) in the serum by the gel-diffusion technique, even when they were older than 1 year. This seems to be the first record of a disease other than hepatoma or teratocarcinoma showing persistence or reappearance of A.F.P. in such a high proportion of individuals....
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A sporadic example of an uncommon congenital nephropathy, previously described as medullary cystic disease or familial juvenile nephronophthisis, is reported. The patient, a 41/2-year-old boy, had developed polyuria and polydipsia in early infancy followed by manifestations of azotaemic osteodystrophy. He also had a congenital nystagmus. His blood...
One hundred pregnant women were studied during the antenatal and the immediate postpartum periods for the presence of fetal cells in the maternal circulation. As compared to multigravida, a higher proportion of primigravida showed fetal cells in their circulation immediately after delivery, an expression perhaps of a relatively more difficult labo...
Forty-eight children with typhoid fever were managed with supportive measuresand either hetacillin or chloramphenicol. Defervescence commenced earlier in chloramphenicol-treated patients, but the onset of improvement in general condition and the mean pyrexial period after starting the specific therapy were comparable in the two groups. Three patien...
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Differential clearances of five plasma proteins were studied in 37 north Indian children with the nephrotic syndrome, and these, and the serum β1c levels were related to steroid response and, in some, renal biopsy histology. 16 children (43%) did not respond completely to steroids and a majority of them had a poorly selective proteinuria. The diffe...
Summary The concentration of albumin and serum immunoglobulins in the first 24 hours of birth in healthy infants are reported. The IgG values were relatively high. There was a positive correlation between albumin and IgG, albumin and birth weight and IgG albumin and birth weight and IgG and birth weight. IgM levels did not change significantly over...
Summary A child with transient hypogammglobulinemia is described. The possible etiological factors are discussed in the light of known causes.
Of 130 infants and children with pyrexia, 50 were diagnosed to be suffering from typhoid fever on the basis of isolation of Salmonella from the blood in 32 and a diagnostic rising titre of specific agglutinins in 18. Of the 50 children with microbiological confirmation of the diagnosis, 13 showed complications directly attributable to typhoid feve...
Significant abnormality of nitroblue tetrazolium (N.B.T.) oxidation, and of bacterial killing, in the fathers of patients with chronic granulomatous disease suggests a pattern of sex-modified autosomal recessive inheritance. The data suggest that the defect may be much commoner than is at present recognised.
Significant abnormality of nitroblue tetrazolium (N.B.T.) oxidation, and of bacterial killing, in the fathers of patients with chronic granulomatous disease suggests a pattern of sex-modified autosomal recessive inheritance. The data suggest that the defect may be much commoner than is at present recognised.
7 infants developed generalised non-progressive vaccinia after smallpox vaccination; they recovered completely on symptomatic therapy. Their serum IgM and IgA levels were significantly lower than those of a control population, and there was a proportionate diminution in isohæmagglutinin titre. Lymphocyte-counts were normal. 1 had normal lymphocyte...
Abnormal leucocyte bactericidal activity, and nitroblue tetrazolium (N.B.T.) reduction in the father of two brothers with chronic granulomatous disease, and abnormal bactericidal activity with normal N.B.T. test, in the mother, are reported.
Of 100 malnourished Indian infants and children 50 showed a stool pH below 6. Carbohydrate-loading tests demonstrated intolerance to lactose in 39, to sucrose in 25, and to maltose in 15. D-Xylose absorption was reduced in 16. Steatorrhoea was detected in 7 of 18 children tested. Nutritional recovery reversed the abnormalities in all except four, i...


... 3 The absence of both NBT dye reduction decrease and bactericidal anomaly in samples of blood from our patient's parents is in agreement with all the previously described cases of chronic granulomatous disease in females, with the exception of the results recorded by Chandra and associates. 11 Nevertheless, this mode of transmission cannot explain the decrease of leukocytic G6PD we discovered in the mother's blood. ...
... AAT is a protease inhibitor that is supposed to finely regulate the balance of protease activities and is a biomarker of primordial follicle health [29]. AFP is essential for immune response in ovaries [30]. GRP78 is a molecular chaperone that facilitates protein assembly, folding and regulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling [31][32][33], and GEN is known to be a cell motility factor [34]. ...
... Serum factors which inhibit lymphocyte transformation in vitro in response to nonspecific mitogens and/or specific antigens have been described in a number of pathological conditions (45) which include ataxia telangiectasis (46), hepatitis (47)(48)(49), alcoholic and primary biliary cirrhosis (50,51), and gastrointestinal cancer (52) . This group of pathological conditions is of particular interest here since abnormally high AFP levels have been reported in most of these diseases (7)(8)(9)(10)(11) . Based on our demonstration of the immunosuppressive activity of AFP, we postulate that AFP may be one, and possibly an important factor causing the nonspecific immune suppression reported in many of the diseases mentioned above. ...
... Infants who suffered from intra-uterine growth retardation and those with post-natal nutritional depletion have been observed to have elevated serum alpha-feto-protein (Chandra & Bhujwala, 1977). This protein has been shown to suppress immune responses both in vitro (Figueredo, Palomino & Ortiz, 1979), and in vivo (Chandra & Bhujwala 1977). ...
... Undernutrition in the first 1000 days post-conception has both short-and long-term detrimental consequences for the health and nutrition status of children, and adversely affects the economic productivity of nations [1]. It is associated with cognitive deficits that lead to lower educational performance [1][2][3][4][5], physical growth deficits that can limit economic productivity in adulthood [1,6,7], immune system dysfunction and reduced efficacy of vaccines-hence increased susceptibility to and severity of infections [1,8,9]. Among women, the consequences of undernutrition during childhood can persist until reproductive age and cause intrauterine growth restriction [1,10]. ...
... The International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) Expert Committee categorized PIDs into 9 groups based on the genetic and molecular diagnosis of patients [1]. The initial cases of PIDs reported from India almost 50 y ago were based on clinical manifestations [2,3]. In the last two decades, a transition in the diagnoses of PIDs has been based on flow cytometric analysis, in selective cases by mutational analysis and is evolving towards deep sequencing approaches [4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. ...
... The growing number of individuals with nutritional deficiency is an emerging global problem that poses significant economic and public health consequences (1) . Epidemiological findings show that maternal undernutrition affects fetal development and predisposes the offspring to an increased incidence of diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes and CHD (2 -4) as well as leucocyte reduction at the inflammatory site (5) . Concerning the inflammatory response, experimental findings indicate that malnutrition impairs the acute (6) and systemic inflammatory responses (7 -9) . ...
... Good response to steroids is rarer in Indian population than in Europe, but more common than those children with nephrotic syndrome in Nigeria. 13 Other pediatric studies have shown predominant FSGS(focal segmental glomerulosclerosis), IgA nephropathy, MCD (minimal change disease),lupus nephritis, and HSP (henoch schonlein purpura) nephritis as being major causes of pediatric renal diseases. 14,15 Since we could not find much studies in Indian population, we selected this study to see, if there is a correlation between the selectivity of proteinuria and the outcome of relapses and thus to prognosticate the course of the disease. ...
... The transplacental transfer of IgG is a fascinating process dependent upon the Fc portion of the immunoglobulin molecule [45] [49], IgGj is transferred in proportionately larger amounts than other subclasses of IgG [9]. In the cord blood, IgG concentration exceeds that in the maternal circulation [17]. However, the functional significance of this maternofet l transmission of IgG has been questioned in light of the apparent normal appearance and development of infants of agammaglobulinemic mothers [20]. ...
... Our findings showing that deficient HIFM/HRV pigs have decreased levels of total and HRV IgA antibody in the intestinal contents are in agreement with the previous findings that protein malnutrition impairs secretory IgA production in humans (48,49) and mice (50,51). It has been shown previously that total serum IgM, IgG, and IgA are elevated in humans with the protein malnutrition disorders kwashiorkor and marasmus (52)(53)(54)(55)(56). Our findings of increased total serum IgM and IgG concentrations in the deficient-diet pigs at PFMTD9 or PFMTD10/PID0 are consistent with these findings; however, it is unclear why we did not find elevated serum IgA at this time point, in contrast to the findings of others. ...