Pharmayeni Pharmayeni's research while affiliated with Politeknik Negeri Padang and other places

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Publications (4)

Evaluasi Implementasi Modul SAP Material Management (MM) Untuk Pengadaan Material Menggunakan Process Mining
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2022


220 Reads

Jurnal Nasional Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi


Demi Ramadian


Pharmayeni Pharmayeni


Rizaldi Sardani

Pengadaan material memegang peran penting dalam terselenggaranya proses bisnis di perusahaan. Proses pengadaan material yang perusahaan lakukan biasanya ditunjang dengan fasilitas sistem informasi terintegrasi ERP seperti SAP. Khusus untuk proses procurement perusahaan menggunakan e-procurement dan SAP Material Management modul. Adanya durasi lead time yang cukup lama mengenai sampainya dari beberapa material tertentu yang dibutuhkan pabrik pada proses pengadaannya. Karena itu perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap proses pengadaan material pada implementasi SAP ERP yang sudah ada. Evaluasi akan dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Gambaran tentang bagaimana proses pengadaan material dilakukan setelah penerapan SAP diukur performance-nya dari frekuensi case dan durasi lead time. Selanjutnya ditentukan atribut data pada event log apa saja yang dibutuhkan pada penelitian dan dilanjutkan dengan ekstraksi event log. Event log kemudian akan diolah dengan tools process mining tertentu. Keluaran dari proses ini adalah model proses bisnis pengadaan yang sesungguhnya dijalankan dan terekam pada modul SAP MM. Dari hasil process mining, tidak ditemukan ketidaksesuain dan kesenjangan mayor pada proses berdasarkan prosedural pengadaan yang ditetapkan. Namun, dapat ditemukan waktu tunggu yang lama setelah create PR Doc menuju RFQ Date, rata-rata waktu mencapai 173 hari hingga PO delivery. Selain itu, ditemukan terdapat sedikit bottleneck pada waktu tertentu dimana adanya aktifitas dan case sangat banyak yang perlu ditangani oleh para user. Penelitian ini memberikan analisa sebab akibat penyebab permasalahan tersebut baik dari hasil process mining dan kuesioner yang didapat. Perusahaan sebaiknya membuat kebijakan target waktu pengadaan dan menetapkan prosedur RFQ, pemilihan vendor yang lebih efektif sehingga dapat mempersingkat waktu proses pengadaan ini.


Instalasi Digester dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Biogas dari Kotoran Sapi Untuk Bahan Bakar Industri dan Rumah Tangga

October 2022


15 Reads

Journal of Industrial Community Empowerment

Rudianto Rudianto


Zulhamidi Zulhamidi


Pharmayeni Pharmayeni




Gustiarini Rika Putri

The issue of renewable energy sources has become a concern, especially after energy sources using fossil fuels are running low. One form of renewable energy that has not been managed optimally is a source of energy that comes from livestock waste from livestock. This livestock waste contains potential that is beneficial to the community. LIvestock waste in the form of cow dung is processed into biogas and can be used as a source of fuel for the community. Dairy farming in Nagari Lasi, Canduang District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province, has had a very positive influence on the community, including in the economic aspect. Since then, individuals or communities have started to open businesses, both similar businesses and businesses related to livestock activities. Currently the number of cattle in Nagari Lasi has reached around 1000 heads, plus other livestock such as buffalo and goats. The number of livestock so that the source of cow dung waste is also widely available to be processed as a renewable energy source. One of the tri dharma of higher education for lecturers is to carry out community service. For this reason, the lecturer of the Department of Agro-Industrial Engineering at the ATI Polytechnic Padang carries out service in a dairy farm in Nagari Lasi, Canduang District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province. For the initial stage, a digester is built which is a device that becomes a place where organic matter (cow dung) is broken down by bacteria anaerobically (without air) into CH4 and CO2 gases. This CH4 gas is called biogas which can be used as fuel. In addition to producing biogas, the leftover sludge from the dried process will become compost. This compost can also be used by the community for agriculture. The fermentation process that occurs in the digester has produced biogas and can be used as fuel. For 50 liters of cow dung, after being fermented it produces biogas which can fully fill a 500 liter capacity package in three hours. And that amount of gas can be used for burning in the stove for two hours continuously. Combustion using the biogas produced is able to boil water with a capacity of three liters in about ten minutes.

Perancangan Sensor Gerak Benda pada Benturan Berlebihan untuk Pengujian Pre-Straining Spring Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper (PSMEID) Dengan Metoda Prediksi Waktu Benturan (Preview)

November 2020


85 Reads

Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro

Vibration that occurs due to excessive impact can damage the construction of an object. Excessive Impact which usually occurs at certain times such as aircraft landing gear collisions with runways that can be fatal if the vibrations produced cannot be controlled properly. One method to reduce vibration caused by excessive impact is called PSMEID (Pre-Straining Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper), which in this case utilizes momentum from a period placed in the main period in which the direction of the style is opposite to the force produced by the collision. In previous studies the PSMEID system was activated shortly after the collision, due to the absence of a sensor mechanism to detect the vibrations and movements of objects that occur. In this case, this research tries to design a sensor system that can detect the movement of objects before an Excessive impact occurs. By knowing the position and condition of the object just before the collision, it can be predicted the time of the collision so that the time of mass release with a spring push that has been stretched (pre-straining) in the opposite direction from the direction of collision gives more optimal results to reduce vibrations from the collision. This study designed various of sensors system consisting of vibration sensors, acceleration sensors and proximity sensors that work in such a way that the PSMEID activation time is close to / equal to the time of the initial collision so that momentum and acceleration can be reduced. In the initial testing this sensor system only involves vibration sensor, where PSMEID can be activated 32 millisecond. Keywords : Excessive Impact, PSMEID Abstrak Getaran yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh benturan yang berlebihan (Excessive Impact) dapat merusak kontruksi sebuah benda. Excessive Impact yang biasanya terjadi pada waktu tertentu saja seperti benturan roda pendaratan pesawat dengan landasan pacu yang dapat berakibat fatal jika getaran yang dihasilkan tidak dapat dikontrol dengan baik. Salah satu metoda untuk mereduksi getaran yang diakibatkan dari (Excessive Impact) disebut sebagai PSMEID (Pre-Straining Momentum Exchange Impact Dumper), dimana dalam hal ini memanfaat momentum dari sebuah masa yang ditempatkan pada masa utama yang arah gayanya berlawanan dengan gaya yang dihasilkan oleh benturan. Pada penelitian sebelumnya system PSMEID diaktifkan sesaat setelah terjadinya benturan, karena tidak adanya mekanisme sensor untuk mendeteksi vibbrasi dan pergerakan benda yang terjadi. Maka dalam hal ini, penelitian ini mencoba merancang sistem sensor yang dapat mendeteksi pergerakan benda sebelum terjadinyanya Excessive impact. Dengan mengetahui posisi dan kondisi benda sesaat sebelum terjadi benturan maka dapat diprediksi waktu benturan sehingga waktu pelepasan massa dengan dorongan pegas yang sudah diregangkan (pre-straining) dengan arah yang berlawanan dari arah benturan memberikan hasil yang lebih optimal untuk mereduksi getaran dari benturan yang terjadi. Penelitian ini merancang system multinsensor yang terdiri dari sensor vibrasi, sensor percepatan dan sensor jarak yang bekerja sedekian rupa sehingga waktu aktifasi PSMEID mendekati/sama dengan waktu terjadinya benturan awal sehingga momentum dan percepatan dapat direduksi. Pada pengujian awal system sensor ini hanya melibatkan sensor vibrasi saja, dimana PSMEID mampu diaktifkan 32 ms. Kata Kunci : Excessive Impact, PSMEID

Development of Client-Server Application by Using UDP Socket Programming for Remotely Monitoring CNC Machine Environment in Fixture Process

August 2016


3 Citations

Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika

The use of computer technology in manufacturing industries can improve manufacturing flexibility significantly, especially in manufacturing processes; many software applications have been utilized to improve machining performance. However, none of them has discussed the abilities to perform direct machining. In this paper, an integrated system for remote operation and monitoring of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines is put into consideration. The integrated system includes computerization, network technology, and improved holding mechanism. The work proposed by this research is mainly on the software development for such integrated system. It uses Java three-dimensional (3D) programming and Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) at the client side for visualization of machining environment. This research is aimed at developing a control system to remotely operate and monitor a self-reconfiguration fixture mechanism of a CNC milling machine through internet connection and integration of Personal Computer (PC)-based CNC controller, a server side, a client side and CNC milling. The performance of the developed system was evaluated by testing with one type of common protocols particularly User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Using UDP, the developed system requires 3.9 seconds to complete the close clamping, less than 1 second to release the clamping and it can deliver 463 KiloByte.

Citations (1)

... The TCP/UDP layer in the operating system allows application developers to develop socket programming based applications. Socket programming is one type of programming on a computer network that utilizes the presence and role of the socket and TCP/UDP protocols for the communication paths of at least two different applications or computers that are connected [3] . With TCP and UDP protocols, two types of sockets can be selected for use in Socket Programming, namely: 1.) Connection-oriented and reliable TCP Socket where data is sent in data packets with sequential numbers, 2.) UDP Socket is connectionless and unreliable, where data is sent in datagrams. ...


Development of Client-Server Application by Using UDP Socket Programming for Remotely Monitoring CNC Machine Environment in Fixture Process
  • Citing Article
  • August 2016

Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika