Peter Spichtinger's research while affiliated with Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz and other places

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Publications (162)

Scalable GPU-Enabled Creation of Three Dimensional Weather Fronts
  • Conference Paper

June 2024


6 Reads

Stefan Niebler



Peter Spichtinger



Workflow of the numerical compass (NC) method presented in this study. The method relies on exchange between laboratory experiments (left) and model calculations (right) to eliminate variance in model output. Data from laboratory experiments are used for the acquisition of a fit ensemble, which are kinetic parameter sets that lead to model outputs in agreement with the experimental measurements. Evaluating the model for the entire fit ensemble and over a defined range of experimental parameters yields sets of ensemble solutions that serve as the basis for all calculations with the NC. The NC offers two metrics for constraint potential evaluation: ensemble spread, and parameter (boundary) constraint potential (section Parameter boundary constraint potential). The metrics are used to build constraint potential maps, which highlight areas with large model output variance in the experimental parameter range. These experimental parameters are suggested as next experiment as they are likely to lead to rejection of a large number of fits during fit ensemble filtering. The NC can be used iteratively (dotted arrow), using the ensemble solutions of the constrained fit ensembles
Constraint potential map obtained with the numerical compass (NC) method. The contour map in A shows an exemplary constraint potential map using the ensemble spread metric. Model calculations are obtained with KM-SUB on a 100×\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\times$$\end{document}100 grid of two experimental parameters, ozone concentration and particle radius, and for a fit ensemble of 500 fits. The teal box frames the area of experimentally accessible conditions with regards to particle radius, ozone concentration and predicted experiment duration (Additional file 1: Note S4). Black crosses in A mark the experimental conditions of available experimental data that were used to obtain the fit ensemble (cf. Fig. 3) and B shows the ensemble solution (gray lines) in comparison to one of these experimental data sets (blue markers). The purple cross in A represents the ensemble spread maximum within experimental accessibility and thus the recommended experiment. C Illustrates the ensemble solution at this ensemble spread maximum. New experimental data from the recommended experiment (purple markers) are used to obtain the constrained fit ensemble (green lines) through rejection of fits. D, E Showcase ensemble solutions with a high ensemble spread of 1.446 and a low ensemble spread of 0.234, respectively. Here, colored lines visualize the mean of the ensemble solution (blue line) and the mean ± 1 standard deviation (red lines)
Ensembles of kinetic multi-layer model of aerosol surface and bulk chemistry (KM-SUB) outputs (nFE = 500, gray lines) with a mean square logarithmic error (MSLE) < 0.0105 in comparison with seven literature data sets (markers) of oleic acid aerosol ozonolysis displayed as normalized oleic acid concentrations (NOL,t/NOL,0\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$N_{\text {OL},t}/N_{\text {OL},0}$$\end{document})
Constraint potential maps for the ensemble spread, evaluated by A KM-SUB (KM-only approach) and B SM, based on the KM-SUB fit ensemble (KM/SM-hybrid approach). The teal box outlines conditions for feasible experiments. Black crosses represent the experimental parameters of the seven real experiments that are used for the initial acquisition of the fit ensemble. Purple crosses represent the ensemble spread maximum in each grid with satisfied experimental constraint conditions
Constraint potential maps for the kinetic parameters AkSLR\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$k_{\text {SLR}}$$\end{document} and CDb,OL\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$D_{\text {b,OL}}$$\end{document} obtained with KM-SUB. The gray box outlines conditions for feasible experiments. Black crosses represent the experimental parameter sets of the seven real experiments that are used for the initial acquisition of the fit ensemble. The purple crosses represent the parameter constraint potential maxima with satisfied experimental constraint conditions. The suggested experimental conditions are used to obtain synthetic experimental data by evaluating KM-SUB for the best fit in the KM-SUB fit ensemble. Frequency distributions of five kinetic parameters are shown and highlighted for BkSLR\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$k_{\text {SLR}}$$\end{document} and DDb,OL\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$D_{\text {b,OL}}$$\end{document} in the KM-SUB fit ensemble before (blue) and after (red) fit filtering with acceptance threshold θ=\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\theta =$$\end{document} 0.0105. Blue and red dotted lines and arrows visualize the 5-95 percentile range of each distribution


A numerical compass for experiment design in chemical kinetics and molecular property estimation
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


53 Reads

Journal of Cheminformatics

Matteo Krüger



Peter Spichtinger




Kinetic process models are widely applied in science and engineering, including atmospheric, physiological and technical chemistry, reactor design, or process optimization. These models rely on numerous kinetic parameters such as reaction rate, diffusion or partitioning coefficients. Determining these properties by experiments can be challenging, especially for multiphase systems, and researchers often face the task of intuitively selecting experimental conditions to obtain insightful results. We developed a numerical compass (NC) method that integrates computational models, global optimization, ensemble methods, and machine learning to identify experimental conditions with the greatest potential to constrain model parameters. The approach is based on the quantification of model output variance in an ensemble of solutions that agree with experimental data. The utility of the NC method is demonstrated for the parameters of a multi-layer model describing the heterogeneous ozonolysis of oleic acid aerosols. We show how neural network surrogate models of the multiphase chemical reaction system can be used to accelerate the application of the NC for a comprehensive mapping and analysis of experimental conditions. The NC can also be applied for uncertainty quantification of quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) models. We show that the uncertainty calculated for molecules that are used to extend training data correlates with the reduction of QSAR model error. The code is openly available as the Julia package KineticCompass. Graphical Abstract


The extratropical tropopause inversion layer and its correlation with relative humidity

November 2023


32 Reads

This study investigates the influence of relative humidity with respect to ice on the extratropical tropopause inversion layer (TIL). Initially, measurements from radiosondes at a location in Germany were compared with the ERA5 reanalysis data from the ECMWF at the same geographic location. A high level of agreement was observed, with the expected limitation that ERA5 cannot resolve sharp changes in variables like humidity and stability at the tropopause as finely. When examining the TIL with respect to mean relative humidity over ice in the upper troposphere, a clear relationship with stability becomes evident. Moister profiles, on average, exhibit significantly higher maximum values of the Brunt-Väisälä frequency N 2, indicating a more stable stratification of the tropopause in these cases. This result holds true in both radiosonde measurements and ERA5 data. Considering the thickness of the TIL layer, an inverse pattern emerges. In this case, moister and more stable TILs exhibit a lower thickness. The strong agreement between radiosondes and ERA5 allows for geographical and seasonal analyses using ERA5 data alone. These analyses reveal consistent relationships in various extratropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere under different meteorological conditions. Differences in the strength of the dependence of TIL properties on relative humidity over ice are evident.

Interactions between Gravity Waves and Cirrus Clouds: Asymptotic Modeling of Wave-Induced Ice Nucleation

October 2023


54 Reads

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences

We present an asymptotic approach for the systematic investigation of the effect of gravity waves (GW) on ice clouds formed through homogeneous nucleation. In particular, we consider high- and mid-frequency GW in the tropopause region driving the formation of ice clouds, modeled with a double-moment bulk ice microphysics scheme. The asymptotic approach allows for identifying reduced equations for self-consistent description of the ice dynamics forced by GW including the effects of diffusional growth and nucleation of ice crystals. Further, corresponding analytical solutions for a monochromatic GW are derived under a single-parcel approximation. The results provide a simple expression for the nucleated number of ice crystals in a nucleation event. It is demonstrated that the asymptotic solutions capture the dynamics of the full ice model and accurately predict the nucleated ice crystal number. The present approach is extended to allow for superposition of GW, as well as, for variable ice crystal mean mass in the deposition. Implications of the results for an improved representation of GW variability in cirrus parameterizations are discussed.

Fig. 2 Constraint potential map obtained with the kinetic compass (KC) method. The contour map in (A) shows an exemplary constraint potential map using the ensemble spread metric. Model calculations are obtained with KM-SUB on a 100×100 grid of two experimental parameters, ozone concentration and particle radius, and for a fit ensemble of 500 fits. The teal box frames the area of experimentally accessible conditions with regards to particle radius, ozone concentration and predicted experiment duration (Suppl. Note 5). Black crosses in (A) mark the experimental conditions of available experimental data that were used to obtain the fit ensemble (cf. Fig. 3) and (B) shows the ensemble solution (gray lines) in comparison to one of these experimental data sets (blue markers). The purple cross in (A) represents the ensemble spread maximum within experimental accessibility and thus the recommended experiment. (C) illustrates the ensemble solution at this ensemble spread maximum. New experimental data from the recommended experiment (purple markers) are used to obtain the constrained fit ensemble (green lines) through rejection of fits. (D) and (E) showcase ensemble solutions with a high ensemble spread of 1.446 and a low ensemble spread of 0.234, respectively. Here, colored lines visualize the mean of the ensemble solution (blue line) and the mean ± 1 standard deviation (red lines).
Fig. 4 Constraint potential maps for the ensemble spread, evaluated by (A) KM-SUB (KM-only approach) and (B) SM, based on the KM-SUB fit ensemble (KM/SM-hybrid approach). The teal box outlines conditions for feasible experiments. Black crosses represent the experimental parameters of the seven real experiments that are used for the initial acquisition of the fit ensemble. Purple crosses represent the ensemble spread maximum in each grid with satisfied experimental constraint conditions.
Fig. 5 Constraint potential maps for the kinetic parameters (A) k SLR and (C) D b,OL obtained with KM-SUB. The gray box outlines conditions for feasible experiments. Black crosses represent the experimental parameter sets of the seven real experiments that are used for the initial acquisition of the fit ensemble. The purple cross represents the parameter constraint potential maximum with satisfied experimental constraint conditions. The suggested experimental conditions are used to obtain synthetic experimental data by evaluating KM-SUB for the best fit in the KM-SUB fit ensemble. Frequency distributions of five kinetic parameters are shown and highlighted for (B) k SLR and (D) D b,OL in the KM-SUB fit ensemble before (blue) and after (red) fit filtering with error threshold θ = 0.0105. Blue and red arrows visualize the outer boundaries of each distribution.
Fig. 6 Number of fits that are (A) accepted, (B) rejected and (C) revived based on synthetic experimental data in five iterations of the kinetic compass (KC). Numbers are based on statistics for n = 500 simulations, where each fit in the KM-SUB fit ensemble is once selected as simulated truth. Medians are shown as white markers, interquantile ranges as vertical wide black lines and 1.5 × interquantile ranges as narrow black lines. While experiment simulation (via KM-SUB) and fit filtering (of the KM-SUB fit ensemble, absolute MSLE threshold, θ = 0.0105) are identical for all approaches, we compare different numerical selection methods of experiments: KM-only KC (blue), KM/SM-hybrid KC (orange), and random selection of experiments (green). Fit ensemble constraint is significantly larger when experiments are selected using the KC. While the two models utilized for its evaluation lead to very similar fit ensemble constraints, the random selection of experiments performs significantly worse.
A kinetic compass for the design of experiments to determine kinetic parameters

September 2023


132 Reads

Kinetic process models are widely applied in science and engineering, including atmospheric, physiological and technical chemistry, reactor design, or process optimization. These models rely on numerous kinetic parameters such as reaction rate, diffusion or partitioning coefficients. Determining these parameters by experiments can be challenging, especially for multiphase systems, and researchers often face the task of intuitively selecting experimental conditions to obtain insightful results. We developed a kinetic compass (KC) method that integrates kinetic models, global optimization, ensemble methods, and machine learning to identify experimental conditions with the greatest potential to constrain kinetic parameters. The approach is based on the quantification of model output variance in an ensemble of solutions that agree with experimental data. The utility of the KC method is demonstrated for the kinetic parameters in a multi-layer model describing the heterogeneous ozonolysis of oleic acid aerosols. We show how neural network surrogate models of the multiphase chemical reaction system can be used to accelerate the application of the kinetic compass for a comprehensive mapping and analysis of experimental conditions. The code is openly available and can be adapted to various types of process models.

Automated Identification and Location of Three Dimensional Atmospheric Frontal Systems

June 2023


15 Reads


1 Citation

We present a novel method to identify and locate weather fronts at various pressure levels to create a three dimensional structure using weather data located at the North Atlantic. It provides statistical evaluations regarding the slope and weather phenomena correlated to the identified three dimensional structure. Our approach is based on a deep neural network to locate 2D surface fronts first, which are then used as an initialization to extend them to various height levels. We show that our method is able to detect frontal locations between 500 hPa and 1000 hPa.KeywordsWeather PredictionAtmospheric PhysicsDeep LearningClimate Change

Interactions between gravity waves and cirrus clouds: asymptotic modeling of wave induced ice nucleation

April 2023


19 Reads

We present an asymptotic approach for the systematic investigation of the effect of gravity waves (GW) on ice clouds formed through homogeneous nucleation. In particular, we consider high- and mid-frequency GW in the tropopause region driving the formation of ice clouds, modeled with a double-moment bulk ice microphysics scheme. The asymptotic approach allows for identifying reduced equations for self-consistent description of the ice dynamics forced by GW including the effects of diffusional growth and nucleation of ice crystals. Further, corresponding analytical solutions for a monochromatic GW are derived under a single-parcel approximation. It is demonstrated that the asymptotic solutions capture to a high accuracy the dynamics of the reduced ice model during multiple nucleation events and provide a parameterization for the nucleated number of ice crystals. Extension of the present approach to allow for variable mean mass of the ice crystal distribution, as well as, implications for representation of GW variability in cirrus parameterizations are discussed.

Impact of formulations of the homogeneous nucleation rate on ice nucleation events in cirrus

February 2023


109 Reads


2 Citations

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Homogeneous freezing of solution droplets is an important pathway of ice formation in the tropopause region. The nucleation rate can be parameterized as a function of water activity, based on empirical fits and some assumptions on the underlying properties of super-cooled water, although a general theory is missing. It is not clear how nucleation events are influenced by the exact formulation of the nucleation rate or even their inherent uncertainty. In this study we investigate the formulation of the nucleation rate of homogeneous freezing of solution droplets (1) to link the formulation to the nucleation rate of pure water droplets, (2) to derive a robust and simple formulation of the nucleation rate, and (3) to determine the impact of variations in the formulation on nucleation events. The nucleation rate can be adjusted, and the formulation can be simplified to a threshold description. We use a state-of-the-art bulk ice microphysics model to investigate nucleation events as driven by constant cooling rates; the key variables are the final ice crystal number concentration and the maximum supersaturation during the event. The nucleation events are sensitive to the slope of the nucleation rate but only weakly affected by changes in its absolute value. This leads to the conclusion that details of the nucleation rate are less important for simulating ice nucleation in bulk models as long as the main feature of the nucleation rate (i.e. its slope) is represented sufficiently well. The weak sensitivity of the absolute values to the nucleation rate suggests that the amount of available solution droplets also does not crucially affect nucleation events. The use of only one distinct nucleation threshold function for analysis and model parameterization should be reinvestigated, since it corresponds to a very high nucleation rate value, which is not reached in many nucleation events with low vertical updrafts. In contrast, the maximum supersaturation and thus the nucleation thresholds reached during an ice nucleation event depend on the vertical updraft velocity or cooling rate. This feature might explain some high supersaturation values during nucleation events in cloud chambers and suggests a reformulation of ice nucleation schemes used in coarse models based on a purely temperature-dependent nucleation threshold.

Figure 4. Improvement factor (right y-axis) and CSI (left y-axis) over lead time: Performance measures using CSI for a search radius of 30.61 km of our method for various data sets. All lines showing the improvement factor start at the bottom-left, and all lines showing the CSI start at the top-left.
Figure A1. Example of the applied domain decomposition scheme into six slightly overlapping subdomains, shown for VIS006 (grayscale), 20160604 12:00 UTC. The non-overlapping regions are shown in orange, and their boundary (overlapping) regions are shown in blue.
Figure A2. Detailed learning rate schedule throughout the training process.
Detailed number of channels in the network, depending on the lead time.
Detailed training settings, depending on lead time and network size.
End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from Geostationary Satellite Images

August 2022


59 Reads


9 Citations

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

While thunderstorms can pose severe risks to property and life, forecasting remains challenging, even at short lead times, as these often arise in meta-stable atmospheric conditions. In this paper, we examine the question of how well we could perform short-term (up to 180 min) forecasts using exclusively multi-spectral satellite images and past lighting events as data. We employ representation learning based on deep convolutional neural networks in an “end-to-end” fashion. Here, a crucial problem is handling the imbalance of the positive and negative classes appropriately in order to be able to obtain predictive results (which is not addressed by many previous machine-learning-based approaches). The resulting network outperforms previous methods based on physically based features and optical flow methods (similar to operational prediction models) and generalizes across different years. A closer examination of the classifier performance over time and under masking of input data indicates that the learned model actually draws most information from structures in the visible spectrum, with infrared imaging sustaining some classification performance during the night.

Citations (62)

... Another process that has been simplified is nucleation. On the one hand, recent studies have found that, especially in slow updraughts, the nucleation threshold from Kärcher and Lohmann (2002) is often not reached, as homogeneous nucleation already takes place at low rates when the supersaturation is still below the threshold (Baumgartner and Spichtinger, 2019;Spichtinger et al., 2023). If these low nucleation rates are active for longer times (as in a slow updraught), the amount of generated ice crystals becomes large enough to reduce the supersaturation without the actual nucleation threshold ever being reached. ...


Towards a more reliable forecast of ice supersaturation: concept of a one-moment ice-cloud scheme that avoids saturation adjustment
Impact of formulations of the homogeneous nucleation rate on ice nucleation events in cirrus

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

... In this section, we briefly introduce two uncertainty quantification approaches that we will be using in our study, the MC (ensemble) approach and the SG method. For a more detailed description of the SG method applied to model (M2), we refer the reader to (Chertock et al., 2019;Wiebe, 2021;Chertock et al., 2023). ...

Stochastic Galerkin method for cloud simulation. Part II: A fully random Navier-Stokes-cloud model
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

Journal of Computational Physics

... This new instrument is likely to be of interest to environmental scientists: the Lightning Imager (LI) on the MTG satellites. The lightning imagers (Geostationary Lightning Mission, GLM) on the two GOES satellites were the first with this technology (Table 16), starting in 2016 [290][291][292]. The Lightning Imager (LI) on the MTG-I will, along with the GOES GLM, monitor lightning intensity above a background radiance per cell (8km x 8km) over a specified time interval (e.g., 5 min). ...

End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from Geostationary Satellite Images
Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing

... The critical value of around 0.5 is usually reached for CSI after 90 minutes of prediction time and then drops off rapidly, regardless on the chosen optical flow method, see e.g. [8,33]. This limitation is an inherit feature and applies to all atmospheric motion vector methods as illustrated in Figure 1 and motivated further developments to improve the accuracy and extend the forecast length. ...

End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from Geostationary Satellite Images
  • Citing Preprint
  • June 2022

... This would be valuable for cases where CNN training is expensive (e.g., Niebler et al., 2022, reported high computational demand for training their front detection CNN), as a CNN trained globally could be applied to different regional models. ...

Automated detection and classification of synoptic-scale fronts from atmospheric data grids

Weather and Climate Dynamics

... CLaMS-Ice takes into account all relevant microphysical processes important for hydration and dehydration of air, such as nucleation of ice, diffusional growth, sublimation, and sedimentation processes that change the amount of water vapor and ice in the air parcel moving along the trajectory. The model, based on the two-moment scheme published by Spichtinger and Gierens (2009), has been extensively validated against measurements in cloud chamber experiments (Baumgartner et al., 2022). Although the ERA5 temperature interpolated along the trajectory is the main driver of all these processes, it can also be overlaid with temperature fluctuations induced by unresolved GW in the coarser meteorological fields, following the method described in Podglajen et al. (2016). ...

New investigations on homogeneous ice nucleation: the effects of water activity and water saturation formulations

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

... Information on these parameters is critically needed for improving model representation. The StratoClim campaign obtained the first significant set of airborne in situ and remote-sensing aerosol data in the ATAL (Höpfner et al., 2019;Mahnke et al., 2021;Weigel, Mahnke, Baumgartner, Dragoneas, et al., 2021;Weigel, Mahnke, Baumgartner, Krämer, et al., 2021) from Kathmandu-based research flights. These measurements sampled the South Asian region including Nepal, Pakistan, northern India, and the Bay of Bengal. ...

In situ observation of new particle formation (NPF) in the tropical tropopause layer of the 2017 Asian monsoon anticyclone – Part 2: NPF inside ice clouds

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

... They achieved a reliable performance with an accuracy of 96%. Other CNN-based classification methods have also been developed to classify particle images captured by the CPI probe (Liao et al., 2021;Przybylo et al., 2022), the cloud imaging probe (Wu et al., 2020;Grulich et al., 2021), and the holographic imagers (Touloupas et al., 2020), all with encouraging results. ...

Automatic shape detection of ice crystals
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

Journal of Computational Science

... An entirely different approach using artificial neural networks to detect 2-D fronts was recently proposed by Niebler et al. (2021). However, their approach has requirements that may be disadvantageous. ...

Automated detection and classification of synoptic scale fronts from atmospheric data grids

... It is noteworthy that, during StratoClim 2017, NPF was frequently observed in the presence of ice cloud particles at the bottom TTL of the AMA. The conditions under which in-cloud NPF occurred during StratoClim are discussed in Weigel et al. (2021). Since the NPF turned out to be almost undisturbed by the presence of cloud elements (until a certain number density and size of the ice particles are reached), for the present study the NPF encounters remain undifferentiated concerning clear-air or in-cloud conditions. ...

New particle formation inside ice clouds: In-situ observations in the tropical tropopause layer of the 2017 Asian Monsoon Anticyclone