Peter M. Czepiel's research while affiliated with University of New Hampshire and other places

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Publications (7)

The influence of atmospheric pressure on landfill methane emissions
  • Article

February 2003


248 Reads


164 Citations

Waste Management

P M Czepiel



B Mosher




Landfills are the largest source of anthropogenic methane (CH4) emissions to the atmosphere in the United States. However, few measurements of whole landfill CH4 emissions have been reported. Here, we present the results of a multi-season study of whole landfill CH4 emissions using atmospheric tracer methods at the Nashua, New Hampshire Municipal landfill in the northeastern United States. The measurement data include 12 individual emission tests, each test consisting of 5-8 plume measurements. Measured emissions were negatively correlated with surface atmospheric pressure and ranged from 7.3 to 26.5 m3 CH4 min(-1). A simple regression model of our results was used to calculate an annual emission rate of 8.4 x 10(6) m3 CH4 year(-1). These data, along with CH4 oxidation estimates based on emitted landfill gas isotopic characteristics and gas collection data, were used to estimate annual CH4 generation at this landfill. A reported gas collection rate of 7.1 x 10(6) m3 CH4 year(-1) and an estimated annual rate of CH4 oxidation by cover soils of 1.2 x 10(6) m3 CH4 year(-1) resulted in a calculated annual CH4 generation rate of 16.7 x 10(6) m3 CH4 year(-1). These results underscore the necessity of understanding a landfill's dynamic environment before assessing long-term emissions potential.


Methane Emissions at Nine Landfill Sites in the Northeastern United States

June 1999


164 Reads


136 Citations

Environmental Science and Technology

Methane emissions were measured at nine U.S. landfill sites using chamber and/or tracer flux techniques. These flux measurement methodologies were compared at two sites, and excellent agreement (<10% difference) was observed. Total methane emissions ranged from 540 to 30 100 L min-1. Expressed on an area basis, methane fluxes ranged from a low of 9.1 g of CH4 m-2 d-1 at a closed 20-ha site with active gas recovery to 130 g of CH4 m-2 d-1 at a 23-ha active site with no gas recovery. Methane emission factors [in units of m3 of CH4 min-1 (106 m3 waste-in-place)-1] were calculated for seven of the nine sites. The two sites with no active gas recovery exhibited the highest emission factors of 4.8 and 5.1. Values were significantly lower at three sites with partial gas recovery, ranging from 1.6 to 3.7. At the two closed sites with active gas recovery, emission factors were much lower still (0.4 and 1.1). It is evident that even partial gas recovery at active landfill sites can significantly reduce methane emissions, and gas recovery at closed, covered sites reduces methane emissions to the atmosphere by as much as a factor of 10.

Table 1 . Heading, Distance, and Populations of Selected Cities in the Region
Table 2 . Heading and Distance to Regional Landfills
Table 3 . Primary Sources and Estimated Lifetimes for Selected Nonmethane Hydrocarbons
Table 4 . Mean and Standard Deviation for Selected Wind Quandrants
Methane measurements in central New England: An assessment of regional transport from surrounding sources
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 1998


43 Reads


17 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

The Harvard Forest research site located in central New England is influenced by numerous anthropogenic methane sources on a year-round basis. Methane is strongly correlated to other chemical species that have an anthropogenic component, including acetylene, propane, ethane, hexane, and additional short-lived nonmethane hydrocarbons. The correlation between methane and acetylene is due to the colocation of landfills and cities. The correlation between methane and other short-lived species implies that emissions from local and regional rather than distant sources are the primary cause of elevated events. Wind roses of chemical species are examined for annual and seasonal time periods with enhancements in anthropogenic species corresponding to the location of large cities and landfills. The southwest quadrant is subjected to the most severe pollution events and is impacted by outflow from nearby cities in that sector, including Northampton and Springfield, Massachusetts. Emissions from cities in other quadrants, including Boston and Worcester, Massachusetts, Providence, Rhode Island, and the close-by town of Petersham, Massachusetts, also affect the site, but to a lesser degree. Case studies are used to identify atmospheric conditions that lead to high concentrations of methane and other species. The co-occurrence of a persistent wind direction, light wind speed, and stable atmospheric conditions is the ideal scenario in which emissions from nearby cities and landfills are advected to the site. Emissions from local and regional, rather than distant sources, are the primary cause of elevated events.


Quantifying the effect of oxidation on landfill methane emisions

July 1996


84 Reads


281 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

Field, laboratory, and computer modeling methods were utilized to quantitatively assess the capability of aerobic microorganisms to oxidize landfill-derived methane (CH4) in cover soils. The investigated municipal landfill, located in Nashua, New Hampshire, was operating without gas controls of any type at the time of sample collection. Soil samples from locations of CH 4 flux to the atmosphere were returned to the laboratory and subjected to incubation experiments to quantify the response of oxidation in these soils to temperature, soil moisture, in situ CH 4 mixing ratio, soil depth, and oxygen. The mathematical representations of the observed oxidation reponses were combined with measured and predicted soil characteristics in a computer model to predict the rate of CH 4 oxidation in the soils at the locations of the measured fluxes described by Czepiel et al. (this issue). The estimated whole landfill oxidation rate at the time of the flux measurements in October 1994 was 20%. Local air temperature and precipitation data were then used in conjunction with an existing soil climate model to estimate an annual whole landfill oxidation rate in 1994 of 10%.

Landfill methane emissions measured by enclosure and atmospheric tracer methods

July 1996


119 Reads


159 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

Methane (CH4) emissions were measured from the Nashua, New Hampshire municipal landfill using static enclosure and atmospheric tracer methods. The spatial variability of emissions was also examined using geostatistical methods. One hundred and thirty nine enclosure measurements were performed on a regular grid pattern over the emitting surface of the landfill resulting in an estimate of whole landfill emissions of 15,800 L CH4 min-1. Omnidirectional variograms displayed spatial correlation among CH4 fluxes below a separation distance of 7 m. Eleven tracer tests, using sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) as a tracer gas, resulted in a mean emissions estimate of 17,750 L CH4 min-1. The favorable agreement between the emission estimates was further refined using the observed relationship between atmospheric pressure and CH4 flux. This resulted in a pressure-corrected tracer flux estimate of whole landfill emissions of 16,740 L CH4 min-1.

Environmental factors influencing the variability of CH4 oxidation in temperate zone soils

January 1995


96 Reads


132 Citations

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

The influence of organic matter and soil moisture on the spatial distribution of methane (CH4) oxidation was examined in temperate zone soils by laboratory incubations. CH4 oxidation in soil cores exhibited distinct vertical zonation with maxima at 3 to 6 cm. The kinetic parameters of CH4 oxidation were measured in soil composites. The maximum rate of CH4 uptake, Vmax, ranged from 6.8 to 7.4 nmol hr-1 g dry soil-1 and the apparent half saturation constant, Km, ranged from 17.4 to 19.9 (parts per million by volume) ppmv. Oxidation in random samples was observed to be influenced by both soil moisture and organic matter contents. The rate of oxidation in each sample increased to a maximum with increasing water content and decreased with additional water. Maximum oxidation rates ranged from 2.2 to 9.0 nmol hr-1 g dry soil-1 at sample moisture contents of 18 to 51%. Organic matter content appears to explain the spatial variability of methane oxidation at optimal soil moisture contents. The oxidation maximum at this site was coincident with an organic matter content of 14% by weight and a gravimetric moisture content of 33%.

Methane emissions from municipal wastewater treatment processes

November 1993


561 Reads


133 Citations

Environmental Science and Technology

Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from primary and secondary wastewater treatment processes were measured from mid-winter to summer conditions in Durham, NH. A statistically significant positive relationship between gas flux and wastewater temperature was determined for methane and carbon dioxide in both the aerated and nonaerated areas of the grit tanks. Statistical correlations to temperature measured in a secondary aeration tank were marginal for methane and insignificant for carbon dioxide. Emission factors derived from our measurements were 39 g of CH[sub 4] person[sup [minus]1] year[sup [minus]1] and 35 698 g of CO[sub 2] person[sup [minus]1] year[sup [minus]1] for primary and secondary activated sludge treatment processes. 14 refs., 4 figs., 2 tabs.

Citations (7)

... using enclosure methods over different uncontrolled landfills in the surrounding area of Moscow found the highest CH 4 emission rate of 292,000 g CO 2 eq. m − 2 y − 1 [62]. comparing ATM with enclosure techniques in two landfills in the USA, found CH 4 emissions ranging from 83,037 to 1,186,250 g CO 2 eq. ...


Long-term investigation of methane and carbon dioxide emissions in two Italian landfills
Methane Emissions at Nine Landfill Sites in the Northeastern United States
  • Citing Article
  • June 1999

Environmental Science and Technology

... We speculate that the coarse soil texture at the L4 site created conditions below optimum for methanotrophs reducing the CH 4 oxidation in this location. Due to the low water retention and low specific surface area of the coarse soil, CH 4 uptake was possibly hampered due to microbial desiccation (Castro et al., 1995;Czepiel et al., 1995;Steudler et al., 1989). ...

Environmental factors influencing the variability of CH4 oxidation in temperate zone soils
  • Citing Article
  • January 1995

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

... A few other studies have investigated a diurnal variation of pCH 4a from forest sites, with similar results as presented here: increasing values overnight and decreasing during day Shipham et al., 1998;Worthy et al., 1998]. However, this variation has not been observed at a lake site. ...

Methane measurements in central New England: An assessment of regional transport from surrounding sources

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

... However, the first−order rate constant, k, was only 7%-20% higher in bottom waters suggesting that MOx approaches (pseudo) zero order kinetics. We argue that this is caused by the very high access of methane in bottom waters which is not matched by a proportional increase in the standing stock of MOB in this water layer (Czepiel et al., 1996). In this situation, MOx is limited by the lack of available reaction sites (enzymes/MOB cells), so an increase in methane concentration does not result in a proportional increase in MOx. ...

Quantifying the effect of oxidation on landfill methane emisions
  • Citing Article
  • July 1996

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

... However, MGL operation can be labor intensive, and sampling can be limited to road infrastructure and favorable winds for adequate downwind positioning. In addition to MGL sampling of downwind landfill methane plumes, a tracer gas may be released at a known rate near to a targeted source to estimate methane fluxes by exploiting mole fraction ratios between methane and the tracer gas (Czepiel et al., 1996;Scheutz et al., 2011;Yver Kwok et al., 2015). In this study, we conducted MGL measurements to analyze methane emissions from an active landfill. ...

Landfill methane emissions measured by enclosure and atmospheric tracer methods
  • Citing Article
  • July 1996

Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres

... The recirculation can increase the C rate in the anoxic stage so less N 2 O emissions are expected. The N 2 O, biogenic CO 2 and CH 4 total fluxes are predominant in the WWTPs biological basin, particularly in anoxic/aerobic tank as a result of organic matter degradation process [64,77]. ...

Methane emissions from municipal wastewater treatment processes
  • Citing Article
  • November 1993

Environmental Science and Technology

... (3) Oxidation rate. The default oxidation rate of unorganized methane is 10% (Solomon et al. 2007), but actual oxidation rate is affected by season, coating material, methane emission rate, soil moisture and temperature, and other factors Czepiel et al. 2003;Scheutz et al. 2011;Stern et al. 2007). Chanton et al. (2009) summarized the oxidation rate of the overburden layers of different materials and found that the average oxidation rates of organic mulch, cohesive soil, sandy soil and other materials are 40 ± 9%, 22 ± 5%, 55 ± 9%, and 30 ± 5%, respectively. ...

The influence of atmospheric pressure on landfill methane emissions
  • Citing Article
  • February 2003

Waste Management