Peninah K Daniel Mwenda's scientific contributions

Publications (2)

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Vulnerability of Communities to Climate Change Induced Disaster Risks and Potential Mental Health Outcomes in Isiolo County, Kenya Dr. Peninah K. Mwenda, Prof. Daniel Olago, Prof
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Purpose: The study was conducted to identify and evaluate disaster risks and mental health outcomes caused by extreme climate events. Methodology: Quantitative data was obtained from existing climate and mental health (1984-2019) records, while qualitative data was obtained from literature review of case studies and content analysis, Focus Group Di...


... For many years, Kenya has experienced climateinduced disasters that intensified the vulnerabilities of households to climate-related risks and shocks. Commonly experienced climate-induced disasters in Kenya include recurrent droughts, floods, mudslides, heatwaves, unpredictable weather patterns, and reduced biodiversity, Mwenda et al. (2021). These climate-induced stresses are highly pronounced in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya where a majority of the population is predominantly pastoralists with few pockets practicing mixed farming, Mwenda et al. (2021). ...