Paul S. Adler's research while affiliated with University of Southern California and other places

Publications (9)

The climate crisis calls for a massive and rapid retooling of our economy and society. I argue that we have reasons to doubt that capitalism, even reformed, could meet that challenge. As an alternative solution, authoritarian socialism such as existed in the former Soviet Union or China would be neither attractive nor effective; by contrast, a demo...
This is an edited version of my remarks at the 2020 Academy of Management on receiving the Organization and Management Theory Division's Distinguished Scholar award. I review the main steps of my intellectual trajectory, aiming to show how it has been enriched both by my engagement with “classic” scholars in our field–most notably Marx, Gouldner, W...
Tom Cummings is best known for his text Organization Development and Change, widely referred to as “the bible of OD.” This chapter traces the development of his thought leading up to that text and beyond. I discuss his long-standing engagement with socio-technical systems and organization design, his synthesis of those with traditional organization...
Recent conceptualizations of trends in the structure of U.S. industry have focused on the relative importance of markets, hierarchies, and hybrid intermediate forms. This paper seeks to advance the discussion by distinguishing three ideal-typical forms of organization and their corresponding key coordination mechanism: market/price, hierarchy/autho...


... Geared at unlimited capital accumulation, it is propelled by requirements of '(material) growth, (technological) augmentation and high rates of (cultural) innovation in order to reproduce its structure and to preserve the socioeconomic and political status quo' (Rosa et al. 2017: 54). Due to this combined logic of growth and acceleration, the capitalist system is often regarded as the root cause of the grand ecological, social and economic challenges currently facing the world (Adler 2022;Ferreras et al. 2022;Fraser 2022). ...
... We therefore argue at this stage of our research that the common good approach can be more sustainably effective in preventing free riding by-paradoxically-not focusing on free riding, that is, by paying attention to the community project that transcends individual interests and to the trust that results from participation in this project (Adler, 2022). By uncovering and adopting the common good perspective as a theory-in-use, members of organizations can become more aware of the importance of unconditional trust and better align their actions with their virtues. ...
... The existence of serendipity has been discussed in several fields of social science, but there has been relatively little analysis of serendipity within the organizational setting (Olshannikova et al., 2020). Many scholars argue that ignoring the importance of serendipity indicates a lack of attention in organizational research to factors that cannot be predicted and controlled (Adler et al., 2007;Cunha et al., 2010). Prior organizational theories have typically focused on exploring the regularity and predictability in organizations to the point of ignoring the luck and serendipity of not being able to predict and find patterns (Cunha, 2005). ...
... However, several studies observe that the diagnostic use of eco-controls plays a more limited role in contributing to performance outcomes, relative to the other levers (Albertini, 2019;Bastini et al., 2022;Journeault et al., 2016;Wijethilake et al., 2018). In overcoming this constraint, several studies (Heggen & Sridharan, 2021;Heggen, Sridharan, & Subramaniam, 2018;Johnstone, 2019) follow Adler & Chen (2011) and argue that the performance outcomes associated with the interactive and diagnostic use of eco-controls are highly sensitive to the underlying design characteristics associated with an enabling versus coercive approach to control (Adler & Borys, 1996;Ahrens & Chapman, 2004). ...
... Estes paradigmas estão distribuídos em dois eixos: subjetivo/objetivo e regulação/mudança radical. Em ambas as dimensões, as linhas divisórias são um pouco turvas e dinâmicas (ADLER; FORBES; WILLMOTT, 2007). ...
... Because jobs (as designed) and personal circumstances interact in relation to the presence or absence of extrinsic and intrinsic reasons to hold a job, emergent in the extrinsic/intrinsic literature is an interactive perspective (e.g., Adler and Chen 2009;Amabile, 1997;Eccles and Wigfield 2002;Gagné and Deci 2005). Within this perspective, whether and how extrinsic and intrinsic reasons are interrelated is dependent on what extrinsic or intrinsic opportunities are Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal present in the work environment. ...
... The emergent global competitive landscape demands a high degree of flexibility, agility, and continuous change which large companies are finding difficult to deliver (Josefy et al., 2015;Miller, 1994;Williamson, 1985). Due to their tall hierarchy and structural complexity limiting agility and changeability, organizations with large assets carry high bureaucratic costs and high investment risk (Adler, 2001;Canbäck, 2004;Chandler, 1977;Williamson, 2002). The troubles at large firms General Electric, General Motors, Ford, and Xerox have been quite well-documented uncovering the adverse impact of VUCA disruptions on the firm governance and performance (The Economist, 2016, 2017, 2022. ...