Patrick Dupuy's scientific contributions

Publications (3)

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A total of 334 end-stage renal disease patients with moderate-to-severe uraemic xerosis were surveyed for quality of life assessment, using the generic Short-Form (SF-12) scale and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). In parallel, the intensity of xerosis at four sites (the two lower legs, chest, forearm without arterio-venous shunt) was asse...
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To study the efficacy and safety of a new sclerosing gel of absolute ethanol in the percutaneous treatment of venous malformations (VM). In this prospective, non-randomized multicenter study patients with clinically and by magnetic resonance imaging diagnosed VM were treated. Efficacy and safety of the gel was evaluated. Therapeutic outcome was jud...
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Uremic xerosis is a bothersome condition that is poorly responsive to moisturizing and emollient therapy. A randomized, double-blind, intraindividual (left versus right comparison), multicentric clinical study was performed on 100 patients with moderate to severe uremic xerosis for 7 days, during which the patients applied twice daily an emulsion c...


... Gelified ethanol, a composition of ethanol, is supplemented with water-insoluble cellulose derivative and embedded by a cotton wool-like network. Local adverse events, such as necrosis, temporary nerve palsy, and ethylcellulose fistulas, are reported in 12-48% of patients (25,26), therefore, this is generally similar to our findings (24%). The hospitalization period of a median of 3 days may be considered long in some countries where sclerotherapies may even be carried out as day-care procedures, which however may also reflect differences in reimbursement systems across countries. ...
... It is widely known that patients with CKD have a poorer quality of life than healthy patients in the general population [11,42,43]. Similarly, as we have seen in the case report of our patient, having CKD-aP affects the patient's quality of life greatly, and treating the condition is, therefore, essential [22,[44][45][46]. ...
... Skin hydration is a cornerstone of CKD-associated pruritus management along with other non-pharmacological strategies and should be considered for all patients with CKDassociated pruritus regardless of severity. 40,48,49 Xerosis (dry Non-pharmacological treatment strategies. Adapted from Weisshaar and colleagues 48 • Wear soft, permeable clothing; dress in layers to avoid sweating • Keep room temperature low at night • Use mild, non-alkaline, perfume-free soaps, moisturizing syndets and shower/bath oils • Apply emollients to skin twice a day, especially after bathing, and before bed • Apply cooling wet or fat-moist wraps • Limit baths to 20 minutes. ...