Nurkhasanah Nurkhasanah's research while affiliated with Ahmad Dahlan University and other places

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Publications (19)

The dominant active compounds of O. stamineus leaf extract
Phytochemical analysis, antioxidants, α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, and Toxicity Evaluation of Orthosiphon stamineus leaf extract
  • Preprint
  • File available

March 2023


161 Reads


Irwandi Jaswir





The potency of O. stamineus as a herbal candidate has been evaluated by previous studies. The goal of this study is to compare water and a 100% ethanolic extract of O. stamineus to see which one is more effective as an α-glucosidase inhibitor and antioxidant. However, these parameters are critical in the development of herbal medicines. Furthermore, the toxicity of this herb is assessed. According to this study, water extract of O. stamineus leaves has a better inhibition activity of α-glucosidase, ABTS, and DPPH, with IC 50 values of approximately 43.623±0.039 µg/mL, 27.556±0.125 µg/mL, and 95.047±1.587 µg/mL, respectively. The major active compounds are fatty acid groups such as Ethyl myristate (Tr: 20.8 min); 6-(Stearoyloxy)octadecanoic acid (Tr: 20.75 min); Linoleic acid (Tr: 23.09 min); Oleic acid (Tr: 23.22 min); and phenolic groups including D-(-)-Quinic acid (Tr:1.3 min) and Caffeic acid (Tr: 5.2 min); and carboxylic acid groups and its derivate including 2-(Benzoyloxy)-3-hydroxysuccinic acid (Tr: 7.85 min) and Tuberonic acid (Tr: 9.67 min). Therefore, this study also found that the water extract of this herb is non-toxic to zebrafish embryos and has no effect on zebrafish larvae development at concentrations less than 500 g/mL.


Total phenolic content of extract and fractions from Parsea americana Mill.
Inhibition zone diameter of the extract and fractions against Staphylococcus aureus
Inhibitory Activity of Parsea americana Mill. Peels Extract and Fraction Containing Phenolic Compound Against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923

May 2022


11 Reads

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Community

Parsea americana Mill. is a natural resource that has been studied for its antibacterial properties. The pulp, peel, and seed of Parsea americana Mill. have potential as an antibacterial agent. This study aimed to determine the inhibitory activity and phenolic content of Parsea americana Mill. peels extract and fraction against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Parsea americana Mill. was macerated with 96% ethanol and then fractionated with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol solvent. Determination of the fraction that has the greatest antibacterial activity against S. aureus was carried out using the Kirby Bauer method. The total phenolic content in the extract and fraction was calculated as gallic acid equivalent (GAE) using the Folin-Ciocalteu method spectrometrically. Antibacterial activity test of the 96% ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fractions, and methanol fractions at a concentration of 10% w/v showed activity with a measurable inhibition zone. On the other hand, the n-hexane fraction showed no inhibition zone. The highest inhibition zone was the ethyl acetate fraction with approximately 8.33 ± 0.58 mm. The ethyl acetate fraction of Parsea americana Mill. resulted in 536.26 ± 14.29 mg GAE/g fraction. The conclusion was that the ethyl acetate fraction had the highest total phenolic content and was the most active fraction in inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus.


March 2021


16 Reads

Jurnal Ilmiah Ibnu Sina (JIIS) Ilmu Farmasi dan Kesehatan

Breast cancer is the most dominant type of cancer in Indonesia. Traditional medicine using tapak liman (Elephantopus scaber L.) as an anticancer becomes an option because it contains compounds such as sesquiterpenes. The purpose of this study was to know the cytotoxic activity of ethanolic extract of tapak liman on T47D cells through induction of apoptosis. The extraction method uses maceration with 96%. Total flavonoids were tested using quercetin as a spectrophotometric standard. ethanol solvent, cytotoxic test using microtetrazoliom (MTT assay), and apoptosis test using double staining test (ethidium bromide-acrydine orange) under a fluorescence microscope. The results showed the linear regression equation y = 0.0934x-0.0292 with the resulting flavonoid levels of 0.979% w / w calculated against quercetin (QE) The concentration of the compound used was 1000 µg/ml; 500 µg/ml; 250µg/ml; 125 ?g/ml, 62.5 ?g/ml; 31.25 µg/ml. The MTT assay results are the values of IC50 which are analyzed using probit analysis and apoptosis tests which are analyzed descriptively. The results of the research show that the ethanol extract of tapak liman using MTT method has IC50 value of 59 µg/ml, while the testing of double staining method shows the color of bright green which indicates early apoptosis and the color orange in the cells which undergoing final apoptosis. DNA fragmentation results shows that Tapak Liman extract induces DNA fragments. The conclusion of this study is that tapak liman textract has the potential for cytotoxic activity against T47D breast cancer cells through the induction of apoptosis

Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Kandungan Alkohol Pada Kosmetik

January 2021


259 Reads

JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice)

Perception is an individual response about something that can be influenced by knowledge. Good individual knowledge of alcohol will affect their perception of alcohol-containing product. The MUI fatwa permits the use of alcohol in cosmetics. The purpose of this study was to observe the perception of alcohol content in cosmetics. The observation was carried out using a questionnaire technique with a nonprobability sampling technique with accidental sampling. The questionnaire was conducted by Pearson correlation test, validity test, reliability test, normality test, chi-square test, and description. In this study, using 98 respondents and get an average value of knowledge about cosmetics 6,73 with SD value of 0,49; knowledge of alcohol 4,54 with SD 1,17 and behavior with SD 1,46. There is a relationship between age with the level of cosmetic knowledge with p-value <0.05. As many as 46.94% stated, the halal label's urgency on cosmetics is very important and 39.80% is important, where the religion of the individual influences the urgency level of cosmetics halal. The urgency of halal labels on cosmetics is high in line with the behavior when buying cosmetics. The 81.63% of respondents stated that halal labels on cosmetic products affect the interest in buying cosmetics. As many as 61.24% of respondents have the perception that halal cosmetics do not contain alcohol. The Pearson halal label correlation test confirms this obtained a p-value value of 0.024 that the halal label influences respondents' perceptions. Individuals were having a perception that cosmetics with halal labels do not contain alcohol, which is influenced by halal labels' knowledge.

The formula of yogurt fortified with rosella calyx extract
Stability of anthocyanin levels of rosella calyx flower extract and fortified yogurt rosella calyx extract
The antioxidant activity and stability of yogurt fortified with rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) calyx extract

October 2020


109 Reads


Roselle calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) contains many anthocyanins. The purpose of this study was to determine the anthocyanin stability and antioxidant activity of rosella calyx extract and rosella calyx fortified in yogurt. Roselle calyx extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) was obtained by the infundation method using water at 90 ° C for 15 minutes. Rosella calyx extract was made into yogurt with a concentration of 0%, 2%, 4% and 8%, full cream liquid milk 13% (100 ml), and a 5% bacterial starter combination concentration (1: 1 b/v). The yogurt evaluation included a stability test with storage at 4°C and antioxidant activity using the DPPH method on 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The data was statistically analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA). The anthocyanin stability of the three samples, namely roselle extracts of 2%, 4%, and 8%, significantly different (p

Active antimicrobial substances of strawberry tree leaf extracts (Muntingia calabura L.) against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) based on GC-MS analysis

March 2020


84 Reads


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the bacteria that triggers nosocomial diseases. Bacterial resistance requires continuous exploration of active antimicrobial substances from various sources, including medicinal plants. Leaves of cherry (Muntingia calabura L.) reportedly contain three classes of compounds, namely, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins. This research was designed to identify active antimicrobial substances in cherry leaves that could inhibit the growth of MRSA. It employed the Kirby-Bauer test to examine the antimicrobial activities of the leaf extracts of Muntingia calabura L. (EMC) against MRSA. Through GC-MS, active substances were detected from the presence of active spots on TLC plates, as determined by direct-contact bioautography. The TLC used silica gel F254 as the stationary phase and chloroform:ethyl acetate (9:1) as the mobile phase. The antimicrobial activity test results showed that the zone of inhibition of 10% w/v EMC was 10.91±0.75 mm in diameter. At 5% w/v and 2.5% w/v, EMC created zones of inhibition with diameters of 8.5±0.25 mm and 7.25±0.25 mm, respectively. Meanwhile, at 1.25% w/v, it showed no inhibitory activities. Based on the TLC-Bioautography profile, the active spot that produced zones of inhibition was located at Rf 0.04 mm. The GC-MS analysis of this spot detected the presence of two compounds: the first compound had a similarity index of 35% with 3,11,13-triacetycynaratriol, and the second one had a similarity index of 80% with hexaborane-12. Cynaratriol is known to posses antimicrobial activity, whereas hexaborane is the opposite. In conclusion, the minimum inhibitory concentration of EMC for MRSA is 2.5% w/v. Also, the active compounds of EMC bear 35% similarities to 3,11,13-triacetycynaratriol.

Figure 1. The phagocytic activity of mouse's macrophages in (a) normal control and treatment groups receiving (b) 25 ppm, (c) 50 ppm, and (d) 100 ppm of Bengle rhizoma extract
In vitro immunomodulatory activity test of Bengle rhizoma extract (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.): phagocytic activity of macrophages and lymphocyte proliferation in mice

November 2019


35 Reads


4 Citations


Immunomodulators are pharmacological agents that affect the immune system at different levels. Aside from modulating, some immunomodulators stimulate, while some others inhibit immune responses. Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. or Bengle rhizoma has been reported to exhibit immunomodulatory activities. This research was intended to determine the pharmacological effects of its extract on the phagocytic activity of macrophages and lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. It used the macrophages and lymphocytes of male BALB/c mice, which were divided into normal control and treatment group (receiving 25, 50, and 100 ppm of extract). The immunomodulatory activity test results showed that 100 ppm of Bengle rhizoma extract reduced phagocytosis in macrophages much significantly than the control group and that the treatment groups suppressed the proliferation of lymphocytes more substantially than the control group. The extract decreased the phagocytic activity of macrophages and the proliferation capacity of lymphocytes when administered at a concentration of 100 ppm.


May 2019


51 Reads


2 Citations

Radikal bebas bersifat reaktif yang menyebabkan penyakit degeneratif sehingga tubuh memerlukan antioksidan eksogen. Salah satu contohnya adalah buah Jamblang (Syzygium cumini (L)) yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tinggi karena antosianin alaminya.. Antosianin bersifat lebih stabil dalam suasana asam sehingga cocok jika ekstrak buah jamblang difortifikasi dalam sediaan yoghurt. Yoghurt merupakan produk fermentasi susu yang menggunakan bakteri asam laktat yaitu: Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kadar antosianin ekstrak buah jamblang pada formulasi yoghurt dengan konsentrasi 0%, 5%, 7,5% dan 10% serta syarat mutu SNI. Pengujian meliputi uji sifat fisika, kimia dan mikrobiologi yaitu sensoris, viskositas, kadar asam, kadar lemak, dan jumlah starter bakteri, serta uji stabilitas yoghurt dengan penyimpanan pada suhu 4°C dan uji total antosianin pada hari ke-1, ke-7, ke-14, 21 dan hari ke-28. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar antosianin total pada formula yoghurt terfortifikasi ekstrak buah jamblang pada konsentrasi 10% (60.87±2.24 mg/L) menghasilkan stabilitas antosianin lebih baik, sesuai dengan persyaratan SNI.

Citations (11)

... Warna yoghurt susu kambing yang paling disukai panelis yaitu pada perlakuan P3 (1,5%) dengan nilai 4,00 (suka), sedangkan warna yoghurt susu kambing yang kurang disukai oleh panelis tedapat pada perlakuan P1 (0,5%) sebesar 3,60 (agak suka). Hasil penelitian ini berbeda dengan penelitian Yanuarto et al. (2019) yang melaporkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak buah jamblang 5% dengan susu bubuk menghasilkan warna yang disukai panelis 6,05 (suka). Hasil yang sama pada penelitian Savitry dkk. ...


Sifat Organoleptik Yoghurt Susu Kambing dengan Suplementasi Ekstrak Buah Lakum (Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin)
  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

... After a stopper reagent (10% SDS in 50 μl HCl 0.01 N) was added to each well, the microplate was stored at room temperature for 12 hours in a dark condition. Then, the absorbance values were assessed using an ELISA reader at a wavelength of 595 nm (Adhila et al., 2019). ...

In vitro immunomodulatory activity test of Bengle rhizoma extract (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.): phagocytic activity of macrophages and lymphocyte proliferation in mice


... The effects of this substance encompass analgesic, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, anticancer, and free radical scavenging properties (Verma, 2018). The study conducted by Nurkhasanah et al. (2019) demonstrated an augmentation in the levels of IL-10 and IL-14 after the administration of the ethyl acetate fraction derived from the ZC extract. In the context of experimental rats, it has been seen that the administration of ZC rhizome had significant impact on the enhancement of SOD activity. ...

The Effect of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Bangle (Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb.) Rhizome Extracts on Interleukin-10 and Interleukin-14 Expression in Vitro

... Following treatment, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was found to increase (Sari et al., 2020). Z. cassumunar rhizome extract also exhibits immunomodulatory activity by increasing the secretion of reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) (Nurkhasanah et al., 2019). G. ulmifolia leaf extract also showed strong antioxidant activity in vitro, using various methods and showed the high content of flavonoids, phenolics, and tannins which contribute to the antioxidant activity (Rafi et al., 2020;Silva et al., 2010). ...

The Effect of Bengle (Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb.) Rhizome Chloroform Extract on Nitric Oxide and Reactive Oxygen Intermediate Secretions in Vitro

... Imunomodulator adalah senyawa yang mempengaruhi imunitas manusia,sistem imun dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu imun spesifik dan non spesifik. Sistem imun nonspesifik adalah imunitas bawaan dalam artian, tubuh manusia yang belum pernah terpapar zat ini akan bereaksi terhadap benda asing sebagai respon awal terhadap patogen (Puspitaningrum et al., 2018). Perlindungan respon imun bawaan Menolak berbagai jenis mikroorganisme, termasuk pertahanan terhadap bakteri intraseluler dan ekstraseluler, jamur dan virus (Martinus et al., 2019). ...

Yoghurt Fortified Formulation of Lakum Fruit (Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin) Extract as an Antioxidant

Majalah Obat Tradisional

... Appying done once a day (Muharty, 2019) and twice a day, and wound development was observed for 16 days (Rahmi, 2020 , 2014). Observation of the wound diameter started on the first day the rats were excised, measured using a calliper on four sides of the wound diameter and averaged; thus, the percentage of wound closure was obtained (Elfasyari et al., 2018). ...

Gambaran Penyembuhan Luka Tikus Diabetes Dengan Fraksi Etil Asetat Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Tenore) Steenis)
  • Citing Article
  • December 2018

Talenta Conference Series Tropical Medicine (TM)

... However, the extract form still has shortcomings, such as the particle size being too large and the crude extract having low-fat solubility, permeability, and bioavailability [22]. It is expected that processing into nanoparticles could increase the potential of pegagan as a medicinal plant because the size of nanoparticles could make it easier to penetrate the intercellular spaces, and increase the affinity of the compounds due to the increased contact surface size [31][32][33]. Nanotechnology is also widely applied in the process of drug encapsulation which aims to protect the active compounds of the drug and improve the mucoadhesive properties of the drug so that its bioavailability can be increased [34,35]. ...


Kartika Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi

... Nanoparticle size can deliver drugs to target cells, increase surface area so that the solubility becomes high, and increase absorption in the small intestine to improve bioavailability, which is not good. Nanoparticles can increase mass transfer, increasing drug absorption and effectiveness [11,12]. ...


Kartika Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi

... The excision wound was made using ketamine anesthesia (50 mg/kg, i.m.), and the hair of the back area was shaved. An excision wound with an area of 36 mm 2 was created using punch biopsy (Kintoko et al., 2017;Nagar et al., 2016). ...

Effect of Diabetes Condition on Topical Treatment of Binahong Leaf Fraction in Wound Healing Process

Majalah Obat Tradisional

... Kanker serviks merupakan suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh keganasan yang terjadi pada serviks atau mulut rahim. 1 Prevalensi kanker serviks di Indonesia berada pada urutan kedua setelah kanker payudara. 2 Hasil rekapan jumlah pasien dari seluruh rumah sakit di Sumatera Barat pada tahun 2019, terdapat 223 kasus kanker serviks yang terdiagnosis. ...

