Nora C. Liu's scientific contributions

Publications (2)

It has been shown that asymmetric syntheses of the tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) ion, the tris(o-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II) ion, and tris(bipyridine)osmium(II) ion can be carried out simply. The ruthenium compounds can be obtained to contain as high as 63% of the levo isomer while the osmium compound can be prepared to contain 70% of the levo iso...


... A modification of the procedure of Liu et al. [44] for [Os(bpy),](C104), was used. A solution of Kz-0sC16 (0.48 g, 1 mmol) and excess sodium (+)tartrate (1.48) in 30 ml of water was refluxed until the colour changed to yellowish-green. ...