Nicole Engelke Infante's research while affiliated with University of Nebraska at Omaha and other places

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Publications (3)

Generic examples in undergraduate topology: a case study
  • Article

October 2023


14 Reads

International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology

International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology

Keith Gallagher


Nicole Engelke Infante

The role of authorial context in mathematicians’ evaluations of proof
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2021


36 Reads


3 Citations

International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology

International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology

We report on a series of task-based interviews in which nine mathematicians were asked to evaluate a series of six mathematical arguments, purportedly produced either by fellow mathematicians or undergraduate students. In this paper, we attend to the role of context in mathematicians’ responses, leading to four themes in expectations when evaluating the proofs that they read. First, mathematicians’ evaluations of identical arguments were sensitive to researchers’ manipulation of authorship, with most accepting arguments purportedly produced by a colleague while taking a more critical view of that same argument if produced by an undergraduate student. Our thematic analysis of interview responses led to three context-based factors influencing mathematicians’ responses when evaluating student-produced texts: course goals, instructors’ expectations, and assessment type. In the final section, we consider implications for researchers focused on understanding common practice amongst mathematicians as well as the pedagogic consequences of our findings for practice in the classroom.


A typical function diagram like those commonly used in Mendelson’s (2012) “Introduction to Topology” textbook
The evolution of Stacey’s diagram in Session 9
Theorem, expert proof, and experts’ diagrams from Session 5
Theorem, expert proof, and experts’ diagrams from Session 7
Theorem, expert proof, and experts’ diagrams from Session 9


A Case Study of Undergraduates’ Proving Behaviors and Uses of Visual Representations in Identification of Key Ideas in Topology

September 2021


122 Reads


6 Citations

International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education

Visual representations, such as diagrams, are known to be valuable tools in problem solving and proof construction. However, previous studies have shown that simply having access to a diagram is not sufficient to improve students’ performance on mathematical tasks. Rather, students must actively extract information about the problem scenario from their diagrams for them to be useful. Furthermore, several studies have described the behaviors of mathematicians and students when solving problems and writing proofs, but few have discussed students’ behaviors in the context of proof writing in introductory point-set topology. We present a case study of an undergraduate, Stacey, enrolled in a general topology course. Throughout a semester, we presented Stacey with several proof-related tasks and examined how and why Stacey used diagrams when working on these tasks. Based on our analysis, we concluded that Stacey’s diagram creation and subsequent use during the construction of a given proof was an effort to identify the key idea of the proof. We describe Stacey’s overall proving behaviors through the lens of a problem-solving framework and present Stacey’s use of diagrams as an aid to discovering the key ideas of proofs in topology.

Citations (2)

... This topic was highlighted in Lew and Mejía-Ramos (2019) with respect to the relative degrees of 'formality' expected by mathematicians' in different settings. This is also a focal point of Davies et al. (2021), who demonstrated that context-dependence is a systematic feature of mathematicians' grading of student-produced proofs. ...


Assessing Proof Reading Comprehension Using Summaries
The role of authorial context in mathematicians’ evaluations of proof
International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology

International Journal of Mathematical Education In Science & Technology

... As stated above, the coordination between different representations is a central cognitive mechanism in mathematics education (Arcavi, 2003) taking place in different areas of school and university learning-for example, fractions (Rau et al., 2009), trigonometry (Cooper et al., 2018), probabilities (Zahner & Corter, 2010), proof construction (Gallagher & Infante, 2022), and, particularly, (multivariable) functions (e.g., De Bock et al., 2015;Kabael, 2011;Makonye, 2014;Martínez-Planell & Gaisman, 2012;Yerushalmy, 1997). Based on the central functions of multiple representations to foster learning (Ainsworth, 1999), numerous researchers report a strong connection to and a positive effect of multiple representations on knowledge acquisition and problem-solving skills (e.g., Even, 1998;Gagatsis & Shiakalli, 2004;Rau et al., 2009;Rosengrant et al., 2007;Souto Rubio & Gómez-Chacón, 2011;Trigueros & Martínez-Planell, 2010;Villegas et al., 2009). ...

A Case Study of Undergraduates’ Proving Behaviors and Uses of Visual Representations in Identification of Key Ideas in Topology

International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education