Ndeye Bigué Mar's research while affiliated with Université de Thiès and other places

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Publications (18)

Study of Anatomical Variants of the Temporal Bone Pen Process during Eagle's Syndrome
  • Article
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January 2023


71 Reads

Ndeye Bigué Mar


Birame LOUM





Anatomical variations of the pen process (PS) and ossification of the pen-hyoid ligament constitute Eagle syndrome. This is a rare syndrome, often bilateral, that summarizes the clinical manifestations due to an excessive length of the pen process that is greater than 25mm. Other important morphometric and topographical variations are associated with this anomaly. Taking these anatomical data into account is essential for the etiopathogenic analysis and surgical treatment of Eagle syndrome. The purpose of this work was to investigate anatomical variations of the pen process during Eagle syndrome. Materiel and method: This was a retrospectivei study over a period of 07 months from December 2020 to June 2021 inclusive. It concerned 32 patients, received in the radiology and medical imaging department of the National Pikine Hospital for suspicion of Eagle syndrome confirmed by scanner without and with injection. Patients who had a normal scanner were not included in the study. We used SPSS 24.0 and Excel 2016 to analyze the data. Resultats: 24 women (75%) and 8 men (25%), a sex ratio of 0.33. The average age of patients was 39 years, a standard deviation of 12 years and extremes of 21 to 71 years. The age range of 30-40 was 34% and 41-50 was 33%. Examination found pharyngeal foreign body sensation in 65% of cases, dysphagia in 67% of cases, headache in 71% of cases and cervical neuralgia. Brachial in 95% of cases. At CT, the average length of all pen processes was 39.2 mm (extremes; 21-76 mm). The elongation of the pen process was bilateral in 68%, unilateral right in 7% of cases, unilateral left in 25% of cases. Morphologically, the PS consisted of a single long fragment


Figure 1. Multifidus muscle segmentation by slice method.
Muscle fat degeneration according to the type of disc abnormality L4/L5 after physiotherapy.
Muscle fat degeneration by type of L5/S1 disc abnormality after physiotherapy.
Volumes of multifidus before and after physiotherapy sessions.
Impact of Multifidus Muscle Morphometry on the Clinical Evolution of Chronic Low Back Pain

January 2023


50 Reads

Forensic Medicine and Anatomy Research

Study of variations in the broncho-arterial pedicles of the upper right lung lobe

December 2022


25 Reads

Anatomy Journal of Africa

Bronchial distribution and functional arterial vascularization of the upper lobe of the right lung are subject to many anatomical variations. The control of these variations is essential for endoscopic and agiographic examinations. It also offers a better guarantee for safe and controlled surgery. In this preliminary work, the exploitation of 15 heart-lung blocks treated by the injection corrosion method allowed us to study the general arrangement of the broncho-arteries of the right upper lung lobe and their anatomical variations in the Senegalese population. Our results were as follows: the right upper lobar bronchus was born on average at 1.25 cm from the tracheal bifurcation, with an average length of 1.13 cm. It ended with trifurcation into apical (B1), dorsal (B2) and ventral (B3) segmental bronchi in 10 cases (66.66%); in 3 cases (20%), it ended with bifurcation into the dorsal segmental bronchus and the apico-ventral trunk (B1+B3) (1 case), the apico-dorsal trunk (B1+B2) and the ventral segmental bronchus (B3), finally, in ventral and dorsal segmentary bronchi giving each one an apical branch (1 case); in a last case, it ended by quadrifurcation, giving an external parabronche. The right upper lobe was vascularized by 1 to 4 arteries, with eight modes of vascularization. It received more frequently two arteries. The anterior mediastinal artery was the most common (100%). These results allowed us to discuss anatomical variations in the bronchial tree of the right upper lung lobe and the pulmonary arterial distribution in that lobe. These variations must be taken into account during endoscopic examinations of imaging and surgery of pulmonary excision, under penalty of accidents.

Morphométrie de la plaque aréolo-mamelonnaire sur un échantillon de 200 hommes de type sahélien

September 2022


12 Reads


Introduction Le sein est rudimentaire chez l’homme ; sur une vue externe, seule la plaque aréolo-mamelonnaire (PAM) est en relief. Si de nombreuses études ont porté sur les proportions esthétiques des mamelons et des aréoles chez les femmes, la littérature relative aux caractéristiques anatomiques de la PAM chez l’homme est limitée bien qu’il existe un besoin pour les chirurgiens plasticiens de considérer la position du mamelon chez les hommes dans certaines interventions. Objectif Notre but était de réaliser une base anatomique et morphométrique pour la reconstruction de la PAM chez le sujet sahélien. Matériel et méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude de corrélation morphométrique portant sur un échantillon de 200 hommes mélanodermes. Ont été exclus de l’étude, tous les hommes présentant une pathologie mammaire ou ayant eu d’une chirurgie du sein. Résultats La PAM avait une forme ovalaire dans 82 % des cas et circulaire dans 18 % des cas. Le diamètre transversal moyen de la PAM était de 25,2 mm ± 3 et la hauteur moyenne de 18,7 mm ± 5,3. Le rapport distance incisure sternale – ligne inter-mamelonnaire sur distance incisure sternale – ombilic, était égal à 0,41. Le rapport distance inter-mamelonnaire sur tour de poitrine à hauteur des mamelons, était égal à 0,24. Conclusion La variabilité interraciale de la morphométrie de la plaque aréolo-mamelonnaire implique une bonne connaissance anatomique en vue d’un repositionnement et/ou une reconstruction réussis au cours de sa chirurgie.

Mental foramen of Human Mandible: Morphometric Study

December 2021


25 Reads

International Journal of Anatomy and Research

Aim: The aim of our study was to perform a morphometric analysis of the mental foramen in senegalese context. Material and method: The study was performed on thirty-nine dry mandibles of adult humans. On these mandibles, the number of mental foramen present and their shape were noted on inspection. The situation of the foramen in relation to the lower teeth was studied according to a methodology already described. The following measurements were made: the distance between the foramen and the other landmarks of the mandible (symphysis, basilar border, posterior border), vertical and horizontal diameters. Results: The number of mental foramina were 39 on the right and 40 on the left: one mandible presented a double foramen on the left. The oval shape was predominant. The most frequent situation was below the second premolar on both sides. The mean distance between the foramen and the mandibular symphysis was 25mm on both sides. The distance between the foramen and the basilar border of the mandible was on average 13mm on the right and 14mm on the left. The distance between the foramen and the posterior border of the mandible was on average 72mm on the right and 73mm on the left. The average vertical diameter was 33mm on the right and 32mm on the left, and the average horizontal diameter was 4mm on both sides. Conclusion: Mental foramen is a constant anatomical structure, found on all the mandibles studied. The results can be superimposed on those described in the majority of studies carried out on the mental foramen. Key words: Mental Foramen, Mandible Anatomy, Morphometry.

An Isolated Dextrogastria Simulating Diaphragmatic Rupture in a Post-Traumatic Context

December 2021


13 Reads

International Journal of Anatomy and Research

We report a case of isolated dextrogastria discovered in imaging a 34-years-old woman who was in the emergency department for vomiting and fluctuating right chest pain following a road accident. It was a collusion between 2 motorcycles, the patient being a rear passenger, performing a whiplash mechanism with a brief initial loss of consciousness. The day after the accident, she complained of left cervical swelling, painful with dysphagia to solids. Physical examination revealed bilateral palpebral oedema. There was a decrease in right vesicular murmurs with symmetrical tympanism towards the base of the lung. The rest of the examination was normal. The chest x-ray showed digestive loops above the liver that appeared to be located in the right intra-thoracic, suggesting in this context a diaphragmatic rupture. The OGDT and the thoraco-abdominal CT made possible to correct the diagnosis of type II dextrogastria by showing the stomach and part of the colon located on the right, above the liver, under the diaphragmatic dome which is disembowelled, pushing back the lung homolateral up. There was also a deviation of the ipsilateral thoracic esophagus in continuity with the stomach. The liver, in the right quasi-lateral position, is forced downward, extending to the lower edge of the ipsilateral flank. The other viscera kept their usual topographies. KEY WORDS: Dextrogastria, Isolated dextrogastria, Chest pain, Dysphagia.

3D Digital Imagery a Solution for the Teaching of Osteology: Example of the Thoracic cage

December 2021


164 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Anatomy and Research

Osteology is a fundamental discipline, its classical teaching becomes difficult because of plethora of students and shortage of bony parts. It’s in this context that we have made, from 3D volume imaging, a modeling of the rib cage as a test using a software for post-treatment of CT images in order to propose a pedagogical tool for studying thorax’s skeletal and adding descriptions with the help of classical works. This was a prospective study involving 27 patients aged between 35 and 45 years. The scanners used were HITACHI ECLOS 16 cuts. Once the CT scan was selected, the DICOM data was transmitted to the post-processing console. The images were processed on the console "Aquarius Intuition Edition Version 4. 4. 7. 855113", for one patient we used Veiwer Osirix 10.6.8 Mac. All bones have been dynamically described thanks to the volume rendering. We thus obtained volumetric reconstructions of three-dimensional CT images of the different bone structures superimposed on those taught in classical anatomy practical work. We obtained a scenario of practical work in the form of a slide show that the teacher can use for works with or without model and even remotely. The virtual reality obtained with the 3D reconstructions of CT scans of the rib cage is a tool for self-learning of osteology for students but also a way for teachers to do practical work without having to use models, and even at a distance. KEY WORDS: 3D imaging, Teaching, Tomodensitometry, Osteology.

Citations (1)

... In a radiographic study on adult healthy volunteers at College of Medical Sciences University of Maiduguri, Bomo, Ahidjo et al. [15] measured the mean ± standard deviation for the RT as 88.7 ± 12.6 mm (range 62-110 mm) in males and 83.6 ± 10.4 mm (range 62-108 mm) in females. Chavan and Wabale [16] studied 50 embalmed livers at RMC, Loni, and measured the average RT as 84 mm (range 67-105 mm). In another study on embalmed livers at Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly, Arora et al. [10] measured the average RT as 77.9 mm (range 52.9-99.3 ...


Harbin's index: Morphological evaluation of caudate-to-right lobe ratio in human cadaveric liver
Morphological Study of the Quadrate Lobe of the Liver
  • Citing Article
  • February 2022

Acta Scientific Medical Sciences