Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer's research while affiliated with French National Centre for Scientific Research and other places

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Publications (189)

Half of the streamlines built in a whole human brain tractogram is anatomically uninterpretable.
  • Poster
  • File available

March 2021


208 Reads


9 Citations




Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer

Figure 2. The average map of the newly proposed cortical maturation index (MATUR), expressed in mm, projected on the reconstructed white surfaces of both hemispheres of the surface-based reference space averaged across 40 participants.
Figure 4. Age-related intracortical myelin (MYEL) changes. A) Linear fit of the mean MYEL increasing with age. B) Vertexwise spatial distribution of MYEL linearly increasing with age (defined per year). C) Vertexwise spatial distribution of the MYEL negative quadratic age effect (defined per year 2 ). Only the age effects meeting the FDR threshold of q = 0.05 are presented and projected on the reconstructed white surfaces of both hemispheres of the surface-based reference space averaged across 40 participants.
Characterization of late structural maturation with a neuroanatomical marker that considers both cortical thickness and intracortical myelination

February 2021


169 Reads






Fabrice Crivello

The cortical ribbon changes throughout a person's lifespan, with the most significant changes occurring during crucial development and aging periods. Changes during adulthood are rarely investigated due to the scarcity of neuroimaging data during this period. After one factor of this thinning process is intense ongoing intracortical myelination (MYEL). Here, we report age-related changes in CT, MYEL, and their ratio in 447 participants aged 18 to 57 years (BIL&GIN cohort). We propose the CT/MYEL ratio to be a multimodal cortical maturation index (MATUR) capable of reflecting 1) stages during which CT and MYEL patterns diverge and 2) the regional differences in cortical maturation that occur in adulthood. Age mainly decreased CT in all cortical regions, with larger reductions occurring in the bilateral insular lobes, temporal and frontal poles, and cingulate cortices. Age led to a linear increase in MYEL in the entire cortex and larger increases in the primary motor, auditory, and visual cortices. The effects of age on the MATUR index were characterized by both linear and quadratic components. The linear component mimicked the pattern found in CT, with 1) a robust amplification of the global and regional effects of age on CT and 2) evidence of new bilateral linear decreases in the frontal and cortical cortices. Most importantly, age exhibited additional large quadratic effects on the MATUR index in the bilateral frontal (more prominent in the right hemisphere), parietal, temporal, and cingulate regions that were not highlighted by the CT metric. Thus, the MATUR index was more sensitive to age-related cortical structural changes during adulthood than was either CT or MYEL alone. As evidenced by the large quadratic component of the effect of age, the newly proposed maturation index dramatically improved the characterization of the regional cortical territories, uncovering the latest brain maturation steps that occur before stabilization and deterioration occur in mid- and late adulthood.

Neural support of manual preference revealed by BOLD variations during right and left finger-tapping in a sample of 287 healthy adults balanced for handedness

January 2021


186 Reads


14 Citations


We have identified the brain areas involved in Manual Preference (MP) in 143 left-handers (LH) and 144 right-handers (RH). First, we selected the pairs of homotopic regions of interest (hROIs) of the AICHA atlas with significant contralateral activation and asymmetry during the right hand and the left hand Finger-Tapping (FT) both in RH and LH. Thirteen hROIs were selected, including the primary and secondary sensorimotor and premotor cortices, thalamus, dorsal putamen, and cerebellar lobule IV. In both groups, contralateral activations and ipsilateral deactivations were seen, with stronger asymmetries when the preferred hand was used. Comparing with different models for the prediction of MP, we found that the differences in activity during preferred hand minus non-preferred hand movement in 11 contralateral and/or ipsilateral hROIS were best at explaining handedness distribution. Two different mechanisms were identified: 1. Stronger contralateral activity of cortical and cerebellar motor areas during right hand movement, seen in both groups but modulated by handedness; 2. Stronger deactivation in ipsilateral areas during dominant hand movement in both groups, LH here mirroring RH. The present study thus demonstrates that handedness neural support is complex and not simply based on a mirrored organization of hand motor areas.

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

October 2020


62 Reads


3 Citations

Based on the joint investigation in 287 healthy volunteers (150 left-Handers (LH)) of language task-induced asymmetries and intrinsic connectivity strength of the sentence-processing supramodal network, we show that individuals with atypical rightward language lateralization (N = 30, 25 LH) do not rely on an organization that simply mirrors that of typical leftward lateralized individuals. Actually, the resting-state organization in the atypicals showed that their sentence processing was underpinned by left and right networks both wired for language processing and highly interacting by strong interhemispheric intrinsic connectivity and larger corpus callosum volume. Such a loose hemispheric specialization for language permits the hosting of language in either the left and/or right hemisphere as assessed by a very high incidence of dissociations across various language task-induced asymmetries in this group.

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

October 2020


59 Reads


1 Citation

Based on the joint investigation in 287 healthy volunteers (150 left-Handers (LH)) of language task-induced asymmetries and intrinsic connectivity strength of the sentence-processing supramodal network, we show that individuals with atypical rightward language lateralization (N = 30, 25 LH) do not rely on an organization that simply mirrors that of typical leftward lateralized individuals. Actually, the resting-state organization in the atypicals showed that their sentence processing was underpinned by left and right networks both wired for language processing and highly interacting by strong interhemispheric intrinsic connectivity and larger corpus callosum volume. Such a loose hemispheric specialization for language permits the hosting of language in either the left and/or right hemisphere as assessed by a very high incidence of dissociations across various language task-induced asymmetries in this group.

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

October 2020


138 Reads


30 Citations


Based on the joint investigation in 287 healthy volunteers (150 Left-Handers (LH)) of language task-induced asymmetries and intrinsic connectivity strength of the sentence-processing supramodal network, we show that individuals with atypical rightward language lateralization (N = 30, 25 LH) do not rely on an organization that simply mirrors that of typical leftward lateralized individuals. Actually, the resting-state organization in the atypicals showed that their sentence processing was underpinned by left and right networks both wired for language processing and highly interacting by strong interhemispheric intrinsic connectivity and larger corpus callosum volume. Such a loose hemispheric specialization for language permits the hosting of language in either the left and/or right hemisphere as assessed by a very high incidence of dissociations across various language task-induced asymmetries in this group.

Figure 1. Display of the 12 supratentorial hROIs contralaterally activated and having significantly larger contralateral minus ipsilateral asymmetry in both right and left finger tapping tasks. (Abbreviations: Rolandic sulcus: rol, cingulate sulcus: cing, precentral sulcus: prec, paracentral gyrus: pCENT1, Rolandic operculum: ROLop, supramarginal gyrus: SMG, posterior insula: INSp1).
Figure 2. Regional BOLD signal variations and asymmetries during movements of the right (preferred) and left (non-preferred) hands in RH. Left panel: contralateral (RFT: red, LFT: blue) and ipsilateral BOLD signal variations (dashed line) in the 13h ROIs. Right panel: regional asymmetry (contralateral minus ipsilateral) of BOLD signal variations in the same hROIs (RFT: red, LFT: blue). Values are group means with error bars showing 95% confidence intervals. FT: finger tapping.
Neural support of manual preference revealed by BOLD variations during right and left finger-tapping in a sample of 287 healthy adults balanced for handedness

September 2020


111 Reads

A bstract We have identified the brain areas involved in Manual Preference (MP) in 143 left-handers (LH) and 144 right-handers (RH)). First, we selected the pairs of homotopic regions of interest (hROIs) of the AICHA atlas with significant contralateral activation and asymmetry during the right-hand and the left-hand Finger-Tapping (FT) both in RH and LH. Thirteen hROIs were selected, including the primary and secondary sensorimotor, and premotor cortices, thalamus, dorsal putamen and cerebellar lobule IV. Both contralateral activations and ipsilateral deactivations (reversed for the cerebellum) were seen in primary motor and somatosensory areas, with stronger asymmetries when the preferred hand was used. Comparing the prediction of MP with different combinations of BOLD variations in these 13 hROIs, the differences between movement of the preferred hand versus that of the non-preferred hand within the contralateral and/or ipsilateral cortices of 11 hROIS performed best at explaining handedness distribution, Handedness is thus supported by: 1-between-hand variations of ipsilateral deactivations of hand primary sensorimotor and secondary somatosensory cortices and 2-variations in regions showing the same profile in left and right-handers during the right or left FT. The present study demonstrates that right and left-handedness are not based on mirrored organization of hand control areas.

The MRi-Share database: brain imaging in a cross-sectional cohort of 1,870 university students

June 2020


197 Reads


10 Citations

We report on MRi-Share, a multi-modal brain MRI database acquired in a unique sample of 1,870 young healthy adults, aged 18 to 35 years, while undergoing university-level education. MRi-Share contains structural (T1 and FLAIR), diffusion (multispectral), susceptibility weighted (SWI), and resting-state functional imaging modalities. Here, we described the contents of these different neuroimaging datasets and the processing pipelines used to derive brain phenotypes, as well as how quality control was assessed. In addition, we present preliminary results on associations of some of these brain image-derived phenotypes at the whole brain level with both age and sex, in the subsample of 1,722 individuals aged less than 26 years. We demonstrate that the post-adolescence period is characterized by changes in both structural and microstructural brain phenotypes. Grey matter cortical thickness, surface area and volume were found to decrease with age, while white matter volume shows increase. Diffusivity, either radial or axial, was found to robustly decrease with age whereas fractional anisotropy only slightly increased. As for the neurite orientation dispersion and densities, both were found to increase with age. The isotropic volume fraction also showed a slight increase with age. These preliminary findings emphasize the complexity of changes in brain structure and function occurring in this critical period at the interface of late maturation and early aging.

Figure 6. Alluvial plots comparing the present multimodal multitask hierarchical classification (MMHC) with previous classifications based on the production of sentences minus word-list in the same sample of participants: Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) classification on hemispheric functional lateralization index (HFLI, Mazoyer et al., 2014) and support vector machine (SVM, Zago et al., 2017) classification in the right (SVM-R) and left hemisphere (SVM-L). Each line corresponds to a participant, with atypical (ATYP) in the present classification colored red, TYP_MILD colored blue and TYP_STRONG colored green. The GMM method identified strong_atypicals (SA), ambilaterals (AMB) and typicals (TYP). SVM identified the voxel-based patterns of dominant (DOM) or nondominant (NON DOM).
Figure 7. Summary figure illustrating the different SENT_CORE intra- and inter-hemispheric organizations observed in the 3 groups identified by hierarchical clustering. The left column shows the group mean activation maps during PROD (BOLD activation amplitude is given by color scale) of the left hemisphere and the right column the mean activation map of the right hemisphere superimposed on the white matter surface rendering of the BIL&GIN template obtained with the Surf Ice software ( The second, third and fourth columns show the left lateral, superior and right lateral views of the SENT_CORE intrinsic connectivity network, each region of the network being represented by a sphere located at the mass center of its MNI coordinates. For each SENT_CORE region, a colored sphere indicate the group average region degree centrality of intrinsic connectivity (the Rs_DC value is given by color scale, and sphere size is proportional to value), whereas a colored line indicates the strength of the Pearson intrinsic correlation coefficient between two SENT_CORE regions (the Rs_r value is given by color scale, and line thickness is proportional to value).
Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

May 2020


213 Reads


2 Citations

We applied a multitask multimodal hierarchical classification (MMHC) to 287 volunteers (150 left-handers) to establish different brain language hemispheric dominance patterns (LangDom). MMHC was based on inter- and intrahemispheric measures of the sentence core network (SENT_CORE): 1) task-induced asymmetries (ACTIV) while listening to, reading, and producing sentences compared to word lists; 2) resting-state degree connectivity (Rs_DC) and asymmetry; and 3) interhemispheric connectivity (Rs_mIHHC). Three LangDom were found, including two typical groups, one with higher (N=125) leftward ACTIV and Rs_DC asymmetries and lower Rs_mIHHC than the other (N=132). The third was an atypical group (ATYP, N=30, 25 left-handers), having rightward ACTIV during the 3 language tasks but high Rs_DC in both hemispheres and high Rs_mIHHC. ATYP LangDom relies on a left SENT_CORE wired for language by default with strong interhemispheric connections with their right SENT_CORE. This loose specialization was associated with 40% of dissociations, decreased anatomical asymmetries, and lower verbal memory.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the pipeline for computing the correlation between resting-state functional connectivity and transcriptomic similarity, within a network of regions first defined according to task fMRI data. Regional time series from rs-fMRI were used to estimate functional connectivity between each pair of regions (in the upper matrix, red indicates stronger functional connectivity; blue indicates weaker functional connectivity). Regional gene expression profiles were applied to estimate inter-regional transcriptional similarity (in the lower matrix, red indicates higher similarity; yellow indicates lower similarity; lower panel). Restingstate functional connectivity patterns (orange axis in the right-hand panel) are correlated with patterns of transcriptional similarity (blue axis in the right-hand panel). Each gene's contribution to this correlation is estimated by removing that gene at the step of gene expression network construction (red cross) and repeating the subsequent analysis.
Fig. 2. Functional and transcriptomic networks of the present study. First (left-side) column: the sets of
Fig. 3. Contributions of individual genes to overall gene-brain network correlations. (A) Correlations between GCI scores derived for each functional network, based on the two independent datasets BIL&GIN (left) and GEB (right). The three definitions of the sentence processing network showed relatively high correlations of their GCI scores, while different functional networks showed low correlations of their GCI scores. (B) The consensus set of genes (N = 41) for the six analyses of the sentence processing network (i.e., three functional definition strategies by two rs-fMRI datasets). Red color indicates genes that have been linked to languagerelated phenotypes in previous studies (e.g., reading deficits, intellectual disability, and autism), and genes in bold indicate significant differential expression within the sentence processing network regions compared to other cortical regions (FDR corrected p < 0.05). SmSA, Multimodal Sentence Areas; SSA, Synthesized Sentence Areas; OcSA, One-contrast Sentence Areas; SNN, Spatial Navigation Network; MDN, Multiple Demand Network; DMN, Default Mode network.
Gene Expression Correlates of the Cortical Network Underlying Sentence Processing

January 2020


141 Reads


13 Citations

Neurobiology of Language

A pivotal question in modern neuroscience is which genes regulate brain circuits that underlie cognitive functions. However, the field is still in its infancy. Here we report an integrated investigation of the high-level language network (i.e., sentence processing network) in the human cerebral cortex, combining regional gene expression profiles, task fMRI, large-scale neuroimaging meta-analysis, and resting-state functional network approaches. We revealed reliable gene expression-functional network correlations using three different network definition strategies, and identified a consensus set of genes related to connectivity within the sentence-processing network. The genes involved showed enrichment for neural development and actin-related functions, as well as association signals with autism, which can involve disrupted language functioning. Our findings help elucidate the molecular basis of the brain’s infrastructure for language. The integrative approach described here will be useful to study other complex cognitive traits.

Citations (69)

... Despite a long history of contributions to this field, current state-of-the-art tractography pipelines face a number of challenges (Maier-Hein et al., 2017;Schilling et al., 2019;Rheault et al., 2020b). These can result in a large number of anatomically implausible streamlines that do not reflect the underlying anatomy (Maier-Hein et al., 2017) or are difficult to interpret in terms of known anatomy (Petit et al., 2019). Thus, careful consideration of which streamlines to select for subsequent analysis steps is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions. ...


Merging multiple input descriptors and supervisors in a deep neural network for tractogram filtering
Half of the streamlines built in a whole human brain tractogram is anatomically uninterpretable.

... The lateralization criterion assesses this dominance and enhances the specificity of identifying visuospatial attention areas unique to each hemisphere ( Schuster et al., 2017). Adding a lateralization criterion to the detection of activated areas-defined as the differences between the left and right hemisphereshas previously been used to identify language-specific Labache et al., 2019) and motor areas ( Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2021). It represents an additional method to increase the specificity in identifying visuospatial attention areas lateralized to the right or left hemisphere. ...

Neural support of manual preference revealed by BOLD variations during right and left finger-tapping in a sample of 287 healthy adults balanced for handedness


... One possible hypothesis is that specific cognitive architecture, as unveiled by the network perspective, is likely interdependent with brain architecture and organization, supporting the concept of a cognitome 22,24 . Indeed, in left-handed individuals, cerebral organization has been characterized by reduced asymmetry at anatomical and functional levels 38,39 . Intra-and inter-hemispheric connectivity is increased in left-handers, and morphological distinctions have been highlighted, all indicative of a particular cerebral organization [60][61][62] . ...

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

... Although some anatomical and functional hemispheric asymmetries appear early in human development 23 , language is distributed symmetrically in children, with lesions to either hemisphere resulting in an equal likelihood of associated deficits 24 . From early to late adolescence, there is a gradual transition to left-hemisphere dominance in the majority of the population 14 , with atypical language organization evident in~10 percent of individuals 25,26 . This flipped profile of a right hemisphere language system is more likely to be observed in left-handed individuals 27 , although not specific to this group. ...

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

... The structural integrity of the CST was quantified using a z-axis corrected probabilistic mapping procedure 33,34 , accounting for individual variations in brain anatomy and lesion location. Therefore, the calculation of the probabilistic CST lesion overlap 36 ...

A population-based atlas of the human pyramidal tract in 410 healthy participants
  • Citing Preprint
  • October 2018

... The participants were thus categorized as left-lateralized if their LI was > 40, right-lateralized if their LI was < − 40, and ambilateral if their LI was in between − 40 and 40. We used ± 40 as a cut-off point based on previous findings that emphasized the importance of lateralization strength when grouping individuals (Mazoyer et al. 2014;Labache et al. 2020). Considering that one of our objectives was to disentangle the differences between strongly lateralized and weakly lateralized, we opted for a cut-off that maximized that contrast by ensuring the strong lateralization of both the left-lateralized and right-lateralized groups. ...

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries


... A significant contributor to this development and maintenance of hemispheric asymmetry is probably the corpus callosum, as suggested by Gazzaniga (2000). However, the origin of the complementary patterns in hemispheric specialization is still a matter of debate ( Francks, 2019;Gerrits, 2022;Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2019;Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2020;Vingerhoets, 2019). Indeed, these complementary patterns remain misunderstood since they appear variable across the population, with a dependent relationship between language and spatial hemispheric lateralization only present in strongly lefthanded individuals , while independence seems to be the rule for right-handed and mixed-handed individuals ( Jia et al., 2021;Zago et al., 2016). ...

Development of handedness, anatomical and functional brain lateralization
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Handbook of Clinical Neurology

... Mazoyer et al. 22 Tsushida et al. 23 DeLuca et al. 25 Poldrack et al. 27 Tamm et al. 28 22 , acquired on a 3 T Philips Achieva, with the following dMRI protocol: TR = 8500 ms, TE = 81 ms, angle = 90°, SENSE reduction factor = 2.5, FOV 224 mm, acquisition matrix 112 × 112, 2 mm 3 isotropic voxel. ...

The MRi-Share database: brain imaging in a cross-sectional cohort of 1,870 university students
  • Citing Preprint
  • June 2020

... At the level of the individual, both human and infra-human, many studies have attempted to relate aspects of asymmetry (including handedness) to levels of cognitive ability (Ntolka & Papadatou-Pastou, 2018) or to performance on specific tasks (Hirnstein et al., 2010). However, the possible implications of variation in direction and degree of multiple asymmetries for individual differences in cognition have barely been considered (but see Labache et al., 2020). ...

Typical and atypical language brain organization based on intrinsic connectivity and multitask functional asymmetries

... A major challenge for biological studies of language is to understand how this regional specialization is supported by distinct molecular and cytoarchitectonic profiles. For example, it is likely that molecules such as transcription factors, neurotransmitter receptors, ion channels, and synaptic adhesion proteins affect neural signaling and inter-areal connectivity, to influence regional functional specialization (5)(6)(7). ...

Gene Expression Correlates of the Cortical Network Underlying Sentence Processing

Neurobiology of Language